Do your friends, family, and co-workers honestly believe this stupid fucking hoax is real?

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CCP shill detected.


Take your meds, schizo.

wut dat?

It would take a bigger schizo too believe the virus wasn't REAL at all. Then it would for you too not be a fucking CCP SHILL.

Take your meds retard, boot licking schizo faggot.

I think it would have just stayed in the news, and not done any damage, like SARZ, Zika, Norovirus, Mad Cow, Ebola, N1H1, those were all heavily pushed "scares" by the media and killed similiar amounts of people however the Goberment didn't order restaurants to shut down. When this blows over, everyone will look like fools for beleiving the HYPE and blame will go around and the meanwhile, the Press, and the Goberment, those behind the scare will tell us how "if it wasn't for them, and their quick action and hype" it would have been much worse. The Derps will eat it up. Throw em a fish, and watch them clap.

>the guy claiming all of this is fake is calling other shitzos

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I tell them it's fake but they keep saying Yas Forums is real


Food for a Chinese insect

What kind of animal is that? It looks like a armidilo snake hybrid.

>Zika, Norovirus, Mad Cow, Ebola, N1H1,

>Avian 2008
>Swine 2010
>MERS 2012
>Ebola 2014
>Zika 2016
>Ebola 2018
>Corona 2020

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>the guy claiming all of this is real is implying other schizos

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Chinese Viagra, aka pangolin.

thanks for the laughs

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Which hoax? It's tough to keep track t b h.

No, it's all in your head, schizo.

I worked in a Zika hot zone. That shit was a false flag, nobody I know ever got sick.

god your dumb.

proxy shill


Nothing is real its all a simulation reality isnt REAL.

meme virus

A Pangolin.
Animals on the brink of extinction because Chinks call them golden dragons and think eating them gives them magic powers...

Guess the dragon got the last laugh.

>look at this bizarre, scale-covered creature covered in dust and peeling plaster off the wall
>welp, better eat it

Yes and I'm making sure they believe it
Either it's real and they're safer inside their homes
Or the global cabal is being arrested and they're safer inside their homes

cant tell if strong animal or just generic Chinese construction

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All believe it, but at least a few are starting to notice the outright lies told by the media. I have to pretend to be surprised when they want to tell me that the msm tells lies

Well considering that's mud and fucking thatch...I'd say you need glasses.

China, why you eating bush meat? Why you eat dog? Come back when you can act like a first worlder.

imagine believing they did this just for it to blow over. they didn't hit Pause. they hit STOP. when they hit the Play button again in a year or two from now, the tape will have been switched. this is the most brazen power play the Jew World Order has ever pulled

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Take your meds.

Meme flag shill.
You're making the psyop obvious. Nobody believes this. It's just shills shilling to each other.

Who looks at a pangolin and thinks that it would make a perfectly tasty ingredient for chop suey?

Fucking chinks again. Hell, I thought Germany is a worse shithole country already. But the filthy chinks are really reaching a new low of shithole here.

Who looks at a pangolin and thinks that it would make a perfectly tasty ingredient for chop suey?

you are a fucking retard

This really does confirm my assumption why there are so many deaths in Italy lately in just one day. Is there a different strain of the virus going around in Italy?

>Take your meds.

Take your meds, proxy 3

>This really does confirm my assumption

Does it really?

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My mother is very worried, but not full-on panic mode.
My friends tell me to shut the fuck up when I tell them that the mass hysteria is way overblown, without even calling it a nothingburger, which it is.
I guess they think I'm an idiot without realizing that they're the real idiots for falling for the panic meme.

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>Do your friends, family, and co-workers honestly believe this stupid fucking hoax is real?
No. Beyond my immediate friends and family, I was on a road trip across the country this week and I spoke to a few dozen people I ran into on the trek about their thoughts on CV19. Everyone, without exception, thought it was bullshit.

Yep, it does. Possibly different strain of coronavirus going around in Italy. If shit gets worse, next step will be that people will invade the Vatican and chase away the pope. Screen this.

>CV19. Everyone, without exception, thought it was bullshit.

Aside from people not being able to work, nobody I've seen has any fear of catching this harmless virus.

>Aside from people not being able to work, nobody I've seen has any fear of catching this harmless virus.
Yeah, I should be clear that people did express concern over the response to the virus. One guy I talked to said hoarding is "inhumane" and I tend to agree with that position.

>Yep, it does.

I believe you.

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Go back to shilling for buying the dip Bill.

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A few people I know genuinely believe this a Chinese bioweapon that got released.

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>Go back to shilling for buying the dip Bill.
Back to /cvg/ doomshill

How can I go back if I was never there? I just saw an opportunity to shit on Shill Mitchell, and I took it, faggot.

Sandshrew used Poison Spray.
... It's super effective.

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Of course they do. Everything but the essential was shut down here and people here do give a shit about living. Social distancing is already a big thing here except for families.

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boomer parents are currently camping in front of their TV like good goyim, they are scared

Yes, pangolins are real.

I'd be freaking out if I was on that worksite.

The (((Deep State))) wants you to believe their hoax is real so they can declare martial law.

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It's definitely real. But it hasn't even reached the mortality rate of the plain old influenza yet.

It's just an excuse to suspend the Bill of Rights and seize property and firearms.

>I have to pretend to be surprised
how you do this?

A pangolin. The babies are sweet because for a long time they spend their time clinging on to the top of their mom's tail.

>It's definitely real.

Source. Trust me, bro.
Remember when HIV was a killer disease too? Only the treatment killed people.

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hahahahaha wow. The only thing that disappoints me about your stupidity is when the virus runs its course through the US, killing thousands, you won't be around to stick your head in and apologize for being schizo.

>How can I go back if I was never there? I just saw an opportunity to shit on Shill Mitchell, and I took it, faggot.
seething doomshill

YO WHAT THE FUCK. That's cardboard and mud, how the hell is that supposed to support the weight of a building!? Holy. Shit.

Lmao the building's are just made of cardboard and mud.
Top kek.
China real is the land of knockoffs

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my sister has engineer degree but zero occult knowledge and believe it's real

my mom has a spiritual background and is more intrigued

but I have no one is close proximity that sees what happens, only internet user friends

One of us is seething, but it's not me.

For cute

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