Not only have German new infections officially peaked, deaths are also only going up slightly, now at 93... way below comparable countries.
The death rate is still only at 0.36%. The number of recovered patients has also started to go up a lot.
Not only have German new infections officially peaked, deaths are also only going up slightly, now at 93... way below comparable countries.
The death rate is still only at 0.36%. The number of recovered patients has also started to go up a lot.
sauerkraut is based
>93 deaths, 266 recovered
Eeh, good enough... Not bad for a country made up of 40% fresh migrant blood.
Eating sauerkraut and playing workplace simulators all day makes you resistant to Covid19 apparently
It's almost like we have a competent leadership and functioning institutions unlike some joke like the US löl
Let's not cheer too early. The death count is only low because the critical limit that would overstress hospitals isn't reached. If we can't reduce the number of new infections further, we might still reach that point and end up with many deaths. We can celebrate when all is over
no we dont lmao. Its only there to cuck us and to get our taxes. gov dont give a shit. just wanna keep the shit running
Same thing with South Korea. KimChi is Asian Sauerkraut
typical kraut
see the trend, it is looking good so far
We aren’t even close to our hospital capacity, corona patients don’t even make up 2% of hospital beds right now.
>talking about 'we' in germoney
Get yourself fucked by some somali-turk gang
Is this the power of eugenics?
Its reporting differences.
If you are implying that Germany is 15x better at treating this virus than the U.S. or Italy but has a near identical mortality rate for influenza, noro virus and all other viruses and diseases then you are actually retarded.
Give it some time, but Odin protects, anyway.
(spoiler, Odin is yourself)
They don't count anyone with pre-existing conditions among the deaths
>Oh, that guy coughing furiously and suffocating in his own lung fluid? Must have forgotten his insulin. Fuckin diabetics, am I right?
I told you it was a nothingburger from the beginning but you wouldnt listen
what do you have to say for you're pathetic selves now?
different testing methods. we aren't testing people that aren't sick the way you are. what you should be looking at are death rate per capita, not the ratio between tested cases when testing differs so much from country to country.
germans are supposed to be intelligent, stop being silly.
Sweden and UK are sooooo fucked.
You really think Merkel is releasing true stats? Fuck off.
Where do you get the info that "new infections peaked" ? That's BS. Despite that, unlike other countries, our country is not testing dead people whether they had coronavirus. Big difference. The person would have to be diagnosed with coronavirus while being alive.
People here dont even get tested, only if they are close to death lol. The real, dark number of Infected is way higher, also I dont believe my government even for 1 cents.
The problem is that there's a difference between available hospital beds and available hospital beds that are equipped with an incubator (which are needed to keep severe cases alive)
The difference is most German doctors are still high IQ Germans, the rest of us have 90 IQ "diversity doctors".
that's up to how are the deaths classified, over here we put death by coronavirus to everyone that dies having it even if it was a terminal cancer patient
>The death rate is still only at 0.36%.
93/(93+266) = 25.9% death rate
and how is it classified here?
Spoiler: Odin challenges those he favors the most.
or a car accident lol
So we report more cases? Honestly, that’s even better, because it would mean the virus hasn’t spread as much as in Italy or the US.
idk ask merkel
unironically yes
This data is 11 years ikd
The correct way to look at it is “number of infected” divided by deaths.
Think about it this way: you have a ship in distress with 24,000 passengers. 266 have been rescued by helicopter and 93 drowned. What’s the survival rate at that point?
Do you feel it folks? The ghost of Goebbels is being channeled through this one.
Yes, yessssssss, let the lie flow through you. Let him completely take over.
user Germany has like 25% population of the USA and got the Virus before you guys did.
Fuck. The UK is so fucked. Looks like I'll be dying at home then.
Hitler was right germans are the master race,when all this is over I hope the germans come out on top
its almost like the virus affects ace2 receptors and Europeans don't have as many.
germans are the master race at faking numbers and cremating millions of people secretly.
Watch out for white smoke in your area
Arabs are immune to coronavirus.
The diamond cruise line death rate was only shown to be 1% and that was full of old boomers with health problems
This entire thing is an excuse to propose draconian measures onto the population
Because most of the infected Germans are young healthy people who went skiing and partying in the Alps.
Same with Norway. Germanics seem to resist the virus better.
2251 infected, only 7 deaths.
Get a load of this nigger everyone is lying except inept spanish and italians who are inflating their numbers with 95 year olds with heart issues
Dude 90/266 = 33% that's not fucking low.
Let's say you have a plague that's going on for a long time and so far 30% of people seem to be dying, so you project that number to the rest of the population that is yet to be infected.
no ivan german has the lowest death rate in europe for its size
factor in the fact their are 23000 cases where the majority are not in any serious condition
The 23000 haven't died or recovered yet so factoring them In is incorrect.
But I assume recovery takes longer than dying so the accurate statistics will come later.
Another dieselgate...
They're pulling a Wuhan and labeling deaths as everything BUT coronavirus when possible. Someone should take a look at the cases of death by heart disease, diabetes, organ failure/"natural causes" and pneumonia. If all those sharply and inexplicably rose between January and March then you know where your missing coronavirus deaths went.
It's Sunday.
German bureaucrats don't report new cases on a Sunday.
This is literally the official explanation.
Welcome to Germany.
can confirm. a relative had contact to an official corona victim for a long time. he and his wife are showing symptoms themselves now. called health service. they said they are not a case for hospital treatment and only hospital (aka severe) cases are tested anymore
theyre not, they wouldnt get away with it and theres no upside to doing it. a few dozen deaths more or less would have no effect on public opinion, just like in western nations where deaths are higher. it makes no political difference if 50 die or 100 to a worldwide pandemic with high deathcounts in other countries. it wont cause riots or anything. on the contrary, more deaths would make it easier for the government to impose more draconian measures.
the explanation is that the first clusters were in areas with young people (cause of carnival), which is why barely anyone has died yet. but its gonna increase as the virus reaches older people.
>testing everyone
Fewer Chinks
Yea can't wait for the boomers that are mostly conservative to die so your BBC craving whore women can elect an even more liberal government so they have more mudslides to import.
>absolute state of krauts
it's called a bellcurve and happens to anything in nature. It's physically impossible for something in nature to keep expanding forever and ever.
Very impressive ngl
Hurt to say but Germany will save the day once again