You're not gonna self-quarantine, are you, Yas Forums? You don't want to become a white nationalist!

You're not gonna self-quarantine, are you, Yas Forums? You don't want to become a white nationalist!

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The only thing causing a spike in white nationalism is anti-white publications like (((Rolling Stone))).

Oh shit, too late! One day at home on the internet and now I'm a white nationalist!

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>Taking common sense precautions during a time of a severe public health crisis leads to racist views.

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>breaking news: SPLC and ADL say the SPCL and ADL are needed now more than ever

>rolling stone, the 2020 enquirer
>splc who is paid to find hate everywhere

oh fug I clicked on the 4 chun and now I'm white supremist

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It's almost as if the elites in the media and academia spent the past 50 years encouraging every other type of identity aside from straight white and this has resulted in straight whites defining their own identity.

This but unironically.

>every recent hate crime has been faked
>but trust us we know these tweets are legit

i'm sorry, is this the NIGGER HATE THREAD?

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Is that picture a joke?
The lips corners, tooth cylinder , much thicker lower lip and 'sneery' upper lip, as mildly pronounced as it is in this case, are still clear signs of jewry.
Not to mention the septum being this low along with the nostril shape.
I wouldn't be surprised if it had mousey ears too.

That said, some ashkenazi jews, especially mischlinge can be hard to detect.
Gwyneth paltrow, for example, is also a genetic jew.

Not many people would believe it.

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The only actual footage of East Asians being attacked has been done by Wakanda nationalists.

is she really?

>leads to more common sense view


Who? Gwyneth Paltrow? yes, absolutely, it's even on her wikipedia page.
Girl in the picture, way more yes than no.
I'd say 80% chance of being at least partly jewish.

I really hate the fucking (((media)))

Eradicating all Jews is the solution

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Picture girl is a less severe Sarah Michelle Gellar

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This, I'm racist just to go against the mainstream. Hating niggers is the new punk rock.

"""genetic""" Jew is a fucking meme. There were lots of European converts to Judaism. Furthermore, Jewishness is not based on genetics, but on the culture of the mother (including non-practicing people who are still Jewish). Jewish women could mix with whites for 10 generations and still all of their children would be """jewish.""" The conclusion is that Jewishness has both a genetic and mental/cultural component.

Oh no, people are going to realize how nice it is not to deal with hostile minorities that hate their guts every day!

This. I legitimately thought all races were equal until it became mainstream and acceptable to hate white people.

Same. I grew up in California, in San Francisco, with tons of friends of different races and nobody really paid attention to it. Until, of course, the media kept shitting on white people.

>. Furthermore, Jewishness is not based on genetics
>people were converts

Saying shabat shalom does not give you the most genetic diseases of all the hominids.

jewry is still matrilinear, though.
But genetic jews are definetely a thing, and the thing that must be wiped out.

I almost feel like they are trying to trigger the collapse of Babylon again. Fracture the US, people go back to their ancestral countries, then come and take the land/resources/whatever wealth is left.

These SPLC (((experts))) amuse me, how is it hate to not wish to become a minority in your own country, or wish that maybe just maybe you could close the border when there is a pandemic around that has already killed thousands?

As I said, there is both a genetic and cultural component. In some people, I contend, the genetic component is so minimal as to be insignificant. What I want was that in some cases, calling someone a genetic Jew seems nonsensical.

This lol.

That’s kikes for you. It ultimately has to come from a deep jealousy.

Gee you really dont like Jews do you?

This whole corona thing has accomplished so much for the far right. Closed the borders, brought American manufacturing home, people dont give a shit about lefty identity politics as much anymore, ending immigration and globalisation. Based Corona chan

Wtf I love white people now?

The (((Rolling Stone))) cries out in pain as it strikes you.

It's the jews that never liked anyone, other than themselves. There is a reason why they split the world between 'the jews' and goyim.
Not a rocket science, but then again I am talking to a leaf.

>how morally good thing leads to spike in white nationalism
Really makes the neurons fire

She's a jew.

Never let a good crisis go to wasted SPLC.
Would be a shame if the blacks started looking at whom owed every single slave ship wouldn't it?
Imagine if the blacks started waking up to the Jew?

You need to be either a ultimate retard or a absolute kike to think you must not socially distance yourself.

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>These SPLC (((experts))) amuse me,

>Paper Mapping Out White Population Decline Found in SPLC Mark Potok's Office

They cry out in pain as they strike you.

Because you are white and you are the target.
See what they say about Israel's borders.

Oh no. People might remember how nice it is to not have to deal with niggers.

prove you are not a Nazi and go join a crowd

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yeah. Never would have even thought of any of this stuff if they didnt constantly shit on white people

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Jeez these people are stupid.

based leaf

>we are seeing a huge uptick in people upset at China for literally destroying the global economy and killing tens of thousands of innocent people

Just like after 9/11 they were concerned about an uptick in anti Islamic rhetoric.

>Rolling Stone
Remember when this shitrag covered music? Me neither.

>Jeez these people are stupid.

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This. My kids(teens) actually understand some of the ideas that I hold and agree with them now.

>stay inside
>go outside

based and checked. White guys have been putting up with shit for generations. We're too altruistic, but the worm turns.

Thats fucking punk rock, bud.
Fuck the media.

>clear signs of jewry
maybe i had no idea jews were so hot, maybe they're not so bad after all

further evidence that leftism/liberalism is a mental disorder

Somehow that shit rag kept showing up at my house. It was so bad I would just throw it away when it landed. I almost called to tell them to end the subscription someone had bought me.

FUCK nigger, Fuck kikes, FUCK jannies and FUCK the man!

You're welcome, Little One.

Here we go with the AntiWhite kikery. Oh you survived Coronachan, that’s because of your white privilege. Gtfo with this nonsense Shlomo.


What's wrong with nationalism?

Supremacists are what they need to worry about

Literally any defense of paleskin=white nationalism to these fucking kikes.

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Tfw outbreak is out but media focuses on Le evil whitey

>Jewishness is not based on genetics, but on the culture of the mother
>The conclusion is that Jewishness has both a genetic and mental/cultural component.
Nigger, you're talking circles around your own argument. GTFOH

Well that's a pretty bold admission on their part. I mean, they're basically saying if you shut off the tv for a while and start doing some independent research you start to see that things aren't quite what you've been told.

>Quarantine from the Jewish Media Onslaught Surrounding the Average White Person in their Daily Lives Leads to Racial Awareness
News at 11

Fucks sake.

Based and jewpilled

To top it off, they have hit the runaway effect point where their Asian slaves will overthrow them in 20 years at most and if they don't submit to the Asians, they are likely to get some form of white identity back. Imagine seeing coal burners hanging their nigger children in public as an act of repentance. Now imagine Asian firing squads killing off the Jewish and white Good Goy elite for the crime of racism. One or the other is going to happen in the next 20 years.