@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Con 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 3/20/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on WTNHNews8 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: Social Distancing 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: How does Corona-chan spread? 3/20/20
>USDAVideo: To the heroes in the US food supply chain, we salute you 3/20/20
>USSSVideo: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other 3/20/20
>StateDeptVideo: SoS Pompeo on Disinfo&Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania on Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: AgSec Perdue "Plenty of food, assholes!" 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

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>not allowed to go outside
>week 1 without a shower

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reminds me of
it's not a plague unless it involves puss-filled sores

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Corona-chan is a good girl who didn't do nothin'

Attached: 03-20 12_23_36.png (606x571, 489.67K)

An inflated death toll just flew over my house

Attached: ETrHLTNWkAct85y.jpg (1125x759, 109K)

user pls god that's gross and unAmerican go take a shower

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>just walk up to the manager and give him a firm handshake edition

Attached: giphy (9).gif (500x340, 475.18K)

We get plague victims all the time is south west USA but because we arent filthy with ticks and shit it doesn’t spread


Attached: SHUTITDOWN.jpg (1410x793, 156.33K)

>puss-filled sores
You lack vision, lich. Throw some rotting maggot infested flesh.

Attached: The Maggot Crown.webm (236x420, 846.06K)

why is there so much hate against landlords?

they said they were gonna do it and they did. we fell for the democrats plan to fuck over drumo.

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You really do need a firm handshake.

I’m going to be very annoyed if all the EU fags play games with their stats to save face, and their media plays along, but we dont because our media would go crazy against drumpf

Communist faggots

Attached: covfefetalk.png (800x1028, 243.92K)

danke and MAGA
also lrn2cde

>trying to curb the spread of disease
we're taking this party to 50% contraction

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tom hanks for the advice.

Attached: Old_Economy_Steve.png (579x593, 417.85K)

I'm sorry, but did the economy already collapse? Oh, that's right. The decision hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it's only midweek. Does not 20% unemployment count as a collapse? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the market is still open? The traders are in NYC right now and they have been the best stock market people for how long now? They're fighting one of the worst virii of all time and they're feeding off the lack of support from the Mainstream media. But you know what? They're still fucking trading. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we dropped 2 more and would have dropped 2 more if Japan hadn't surrendered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Dow hits 30k and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fed just pumped 2 trillion dollars into the economy and cut us all a check. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dow topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like America because its free. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to trun the Fed, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing

cant get a job right now, they closed everything. why did this have to happen just as Im done with uni

Probably chapo retards. Complaining about landlords is the bread and butter of commie twitter, no idea why the come on Yas Forums

But now nobody can shake hands, hence no jobs available, the boomers were right

Based leddit impact font maymays my dood

ATTENTION PLS everyone should shower every day no exceptions THANKS

You can't stop Pirbright institute's (that's the UK) Coronavirus and claiming it's rightwing is only going to get you into a fist fight that you deserve.

Attached: Chanute-AFB-07.jpg (450x674, 203.41K)

>We get plague victims all the time is south west
You really do, all those third world shitskins bring all sorts of once thought erased diseases.

Same here.

go ask if they need help at Aldi or Lidl

>cant get a job right now, they closed everything. why did this have to happen just as Im done with uni
it will recover much faster then after the 2008 crash

how many businesses do you own and how many people have you hired?

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There are tons of things not only open but mass hiring right now because of the virus, you should bee seeking those things to help yourself and your country

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Also correct, they took away the firm handshakes which made it impossible to get a job.

JEJ, I’m stealing this

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If millions of spics don't start dying from the beer virus I am going to shove my dick so far up Corona-Chan she'll be coughing up semen.

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I know where I'm at they gave al the grocery store employees raises

Dear God No!

you know that thing you call a floor?
it's covered in unwashed grime and also it doesn't exist

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When is today’s press conference? None today?

4:30 PM

I know you memeflag users lack manners of any sort, but please do not namefag.

gun laws only exist because republicans imported violent wops for cheap labor and later republicans got mad niggers in california were buying guns

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Germany is at 30 deaths and Spain is at a thousand. And if there's one thing Germany is good at, it's getting death totals correct

É todo teu.

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Unfortunately the US and Canada outsourced everything to China, including making protective gear. Hope those who survive see it as a lesson not to outsource every fucking thing.

Trump is absolutely done because of shit like this.

Like, all these politicians dont understand what a great depression will do to us.

Parties are mobs of violent retards doing stupid garbage, subvert them for your purposes and promote constitutional freedom. This he said she said shit does nothing.

I bet the first gun laws came about after the slaves were freed

Quomo is about to in a few minutes I think

It's actually endemic in the SW and Rockies areas. Also very easily treatable.

>If millions of spics don't start dying from the beer virus I
Doesn't look good for that outcome, they being disease riddle shitskins might boost their immune systems, just like what's happening on Africa.

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No they do. They just don't care.

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Hell no, fuck that guy. Especially because he plans to pick Hillary as his running mate.

I shouldve phrased it differently. I dont need a job desperately right now, I just want one, but not a minwage one

good luck to us user

I hope for that too

if we reach italy tier, I was thinking of volunteering in a hospital nearby. but as long as theyre not overrun with patients, they probably wont really take anyone without medical expertise and especially without the correct certificates.

I'm not having any of this.

Young people are at practically no risk from the numbers I'm seeing. This isn't some mass culling event from the looks of it.

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Hopefully they also recognize certain computer components as essential also. If china got hit harder we’d all be fucked if our pc’s broke

You should ideally be working for money if you need it, unless you mean some paid volunteership. Whatever way earns you the money you need and contributes to the economy, user.

Trump is cooked. Nothing can stop what is coming now. So many people will die from suicides and homelessness.

How does it even get that bad?

Welp. I am going to violently impregnate a virus girl now.

>Hope those who survive see it as a lesson not to outsource every fucking thing
Based leaf. We can only hope there's major changes and we leave China entirely manufacturing-wise.

>This isn't some mass culling event from the looks of it.

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See you in '22

I assume that’s treatment for burns. Interestingly enough maggots eat dead flesh but spare living tissue making it an excellent an natural cleaner

Breaking: De blasio slams drumpf

Looks like cuomo and de blasio are trying a good cop bad cop routine

Contraception is treason!

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Kek didn't the same fuckers ask him to give a sound bite of hope just the other day. Holy shit when are we gonna rope these media scum?

>There will never be a decimating event ever again to wipe out the trash
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

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Myiasis doesn't play around.

>charge 3x the actual value for their property
>will spread asshole for chink buyers
>unreasonably jewish business practices

The man died from that.

There is always a solution to the landlord problem as long as you know where your landlord lives

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I really don't give a fuck what happens so long as coronachan kills fedora

I dont really need money right now. I didnt go to uni to work minwage, and the areas where I want to work are currently closed, so either I wait until this is over (or until I need cash) or I volunteer somewhere.

>collects insurance money

you're not very smart are ya?

>Kek didn't the same fuckers ask him to give a sound bite of hope just the other
Not that kinda of hope buut the hope that Democrats are solving this not drumpf.

>Young people are at practically no risk

He didn't die because of the maggots. They only eat dead flesh and bacteria keeping the wound clean, though disgusting. He could very well have died of some other complication to whatever his underlying issue was.
t. doctorfag

This. I can only imagine how much money truckers are making right now

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this is where you got things wrong, you dont email your landlord asking what they're going to do for you, you email your landlord saying some compromises are going to have to be made

He probably thinks that working at Amazon is beneath him.

Doesn't have to be entirely but at least get some back home. Even if it mean heavy subsidizing or import tariffs.

>He could very well have died of some other complication to whatever his underlying issue was.
>t. doctorfag
maybe the giant hole in his scalp?

pretty hard to collect insurance money when youre on fire

> you email your landlord saying some compromises are going to have to be made
Yep, usually involving you defaulting and getting evicted the second it is allowed by local law enforcement

yee yah

I fully expect entry-level jobs to require at least 3 years of experience after this

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>GE: Resurrection is nearly done downloading
It's about time. Took less time than all the gorillion of deaths the inferior Yas Forums /cvg/ promised me.
I assumed he caught an extremely awful case of parasites.

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This whole thing might be a couple of months, if you have practically no expenses or family etc then maybe that's fine but I would encourage you to keep emailing and calling around for the job you want and try to find some job in the mean time to earn if you're going to need money within 3 months.

There's no shame in working hard in whatever you can do best or what is best that is available for anyone, I wish this real mentality could be gotten rid of, of course you are jesting.

It's putting a strain on the already limited supply of truckers, automated driving scared lots of potential drivers away. I hope people are applying or working more who don't.

You have poor reading comprehension skills. You implied the maggots killed him, and that is not the case. I said anything else related to why he originally got a hole in his scalp prolly killed him. Or he just had a fucking heart attack totally unrelated.

it really is that easy to cause a panic around the world.
I knew they had power but I didnt know the control they had on normies.
should be humbling to a lot of people here because even though we saw through the panic, you cant do much when it's being blasted by media all around the world and you will just get run over by normies while you scream based & redpilled.

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>Being this goddamn stupid
Of course you are a goddamn memeflag. Yet another reason all Jews should be eradicated

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notice how he avoided answering or replying to my question.

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Kill yourself, commie retard

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No, really. I was promised millions of dead Americans, maybe even 0.4 holocausts and what people got? Under a thousand?

I’ll just take a sip from Balalaika’s vodka cooler

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Maggots eat plants, animals or blood, depending upon the species. Of the maggots that eat flesh, some like it decomposed, others eat live tissue and some consume a mix of both.
You're at bad doctor don't ever give advice again.

Consider fucking yourself

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Yea, I'm guessing that when you can see somebody's entire skull, they might not be long for this world

>being this retard
>*checks flag*

carry on retard

And actually getting evicted (in most localities) is a lengthy process that will result in months of lost rent if the landlord doesn't play call.

yes, I do.
I didnt go to uni to work at amazon. If it was necessary, I would do minwage jobs. but even among those amazon would be far down the list. Id rather be a secretary or something

Hur dur. You're part of the patient cohort that never sees a doctor and says they're healthy as a horse because of that, then dies from hypertension a day later. Hopefully before you reproduce.

Is this cunt your landlord?

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People who die with coronavirus shouldn't be reported as a coronavirus death? Why? Everyone knows that it is way more lethal on people with existing complications.

Not a argument, you were just plain wrong.
That's called malpractice.

Dont you idiots fucking understand?

The economy is going to shrink by 30%, mass riots and deaths will happen in the coming months. Trump is done, but also the American experiment.

>the number of non-rent paying subhumans begging for gibs
you could literally not exist and the country would probably be better off

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I didn't see our Autistic Kike Treasury Secretary's piece w/ John Roberts earlier, but I noticed there was no mention where Chris Wallace was

He's probably quarantined somewhere as well


China brought it here, but filthy people it here.

>The economy is going to shrink by 30%, mass riots and deaths will happen in the coming months.
no it's happening now, remember?
2 weeks ago you said it'd happen in 2 weeks

or did you think we wouldn't remember?

>I didnt go to uni to work at amazon.
Sounds like you feel for le uni meme. You realize that most college grads work menial jobs these days, right? College isn't some special place anymore. Everybody goes to college. It's the equivalent of a hs diploma at this point.

I'll skip on that. I got deities to eat soon.
>despite being called "God Eater" in every game they censor the word "god" in the chat
Even "back" is censored.

Attached: You didn't see me.jpg (1269x1366, 612.37K)

>2 weeks ago you said it'd happen in 2 weeks
No. I was just fine two weeks ago. I didnt think the entire country will shut down.

The virus is a nothingburger. The deaths will come from the economy.

Amazon pays 2-3x minimum wage.

>Dont you idiots fucking understand?
>The economy is going to shrink by 30%, mass riots and deaths will happen in the coming months. Trump is done, but also the American experiment.
if it gets that bad trump will declare martian law

Corona virus was released, intentionally by the chinese communist party.
A right wing uprising in china will destroy the communist party soon.

Attached: pope visits Russia, gets arrested and executed.jpg (676x451, 210.38K)

>dailyshill is back with more panic-inducing propaganda

>martian law

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get a job like trump being a golem debt slave and whore out your daughter *mic drops*

Why are you people so nonchalant about this shit? I want Trump to win. But it's fucking over if the economy doesnt open up soon!

Are you a femanon, and do you always shower outdoors?
Video or it didn't happen!

Chapo/reddit types all believe they're entitled to live in upscale parts of major cities, they refuse to live somewhere cheaper even though they're all working menial jobs that could be done anywhere. For a lot of them the landlord is also the first figure in their life they've ever encountered with power over them who will not be swayed by bitching, crying, or bullying.

Attached: san fran tech dorms.jpg (720x812, 79.44K)

Plus benefits, plus opportunities for advancement, plus they are constantly expanding. It's literally one of the best companies to start an entry-level career at right now.

trump can be kind of a fuck face sometimes. and he pisses a lot of people off. but he really hasn't done that shitty of a job. he will win easily. his support knows how much the media shits on him, his detractors lap up that same media shit like its fucking foie gras

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Yeah because we had mass riots in 2008, 2001 right retard?

Because the average age in Italy is 80 and they also have heart disease.