WTH Bros

WTH Bros

Powdered baby flesh stopped at Korean boarder!

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I wonder what the baby:pill ratio is on average.


Most likely from the bug motherland

Chinks gonna chink.

Nig + jew - soul =chink

South Koreans are known to be wacky, but I don't trust British tabloids.

How do you powder baby flesh?

kill yourself

Fucking cowards, hiding it.

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Simple. You flay a baby, dry the skin and dehydrate it, like making beef jerky. Then you grind the baby jerky up, stick it in pills and sell them to jews, politicians and actors. Chinks love it as well.

Nigger, this was 7 years ago...

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Dehydrate it and grind it.

so, is this the equivalent of black tar heroin for the adrenochrome clique?

The final solution is simple:
Mass-poison the Chinese and the jews.

chink spotted. do you feel anything, chink?

Nuke China

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Canadian, so definitely not white, 100% - spotted. Not sure what but some kind of fucking mutt.

Lol I have a dirty mind

look at the chink pretending to get angry. too bad chink, i know you cant even feel pain.

Ok you snowshovel deepthroating using maples syrup as lube fag

have sex

look he changed his IP, stupid fucking VPN chink. cant even think properly, needs to rely on youtube tutorials on what it takes to be human. too bad you cant feel you mightve enjoyed being human for a split second.

>he doesn't take the babypill

oh look at that, it's that thing i posted in the thread about adrenochrome, where if you add child blood and adrenochrome you're like a fucking vampire.

Final solution is let NO ONE ESCAPE.
= death.

Slide thread, this article is almost 7 years old. Fuck OP, stay on target.

I'm actually another person, you can tell by my writing style.

I just hate all Canadians and came to my fellow American's defense. Go fuck yourself, Pajeet.

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underrated post

8 fucking years ago

>this is a moral and spiritual outrage
>and such small portions

never change jews


trying to derail the thread by saying its old news. look at these subhuman shitters ignoring the actual fact at hand. 100% chinks confirmed. "oh its old" as if it makes it any better. stupid ass chinks.

Whatever, cretin.

I didn't say it wasn't relevant because it was old...I was implying everyone here saw it years ago because we didn't just immigrate fresh off the boat from Mumbai like you did.

Kill yourself.

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pure satanism

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heres the chink test.

tell me what you feel.

BZZZ WRONG you cant feel you dumb chink.

Damn that’s hardcore

The world actually ended in 2012. Think about it

I don't know, dude.

You're the one who can barely type coherently and whose arguments are based on no evidence. It's obvious English is my first language and not your's.

And as to how I feel...it's sorry for you. Canada was once a decent country, but those days are long gone. Regardless, since you probably immigrated recently, you wouldn't know.

I was born in America, thanks very much.

Ever wonder why the elite lives so long?

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Korea is also disgusting.

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these gooks are barely better than chinks, barely,

I did think about that all the time. Not that that world had ended, but that since 2012 shit has been going much worse than before. (I mean, it was already shitty during 2007/2008, but after 2012... things really got shitty)

you literally cant feel empathy chink

What the actual...

Old news. This was ground up foreskin and was sent to America for beauty products for America's satanic elite.

They have aggresive feminism in that country and they also eat babies.

the curtains began to lift in 2012
now u begin to see the true horror
and hope, with trump

>>this is a moral and spiritual outrage
>>and such small portions
>never change jews

look at the chink try to prove really hard hes not a chink.

dont you have some baby pills to make, bat breath?

How is it in your country?

ok chinkfag

Top kek

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i've been tricked by your image, good sir.

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another chinkerooni

Circumcise them and turn the foreskin into a powder.

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So you're saying niggers and/or kikes have souls?
Get gas Shlomesy.

>inb4 its forskins and thats a good thing

i feel like we should just rangeban the entire western hemisphere at this point

Wow, what a bunch of savages. A truly civilized society sells their ground up baby flesh legally in makeup products!

>hotdog in a hallway

East Asia needs to be wiped off the face of the earth

They take forskin in pills or is it just to export it?

Yeah I've always wanted to kill them for this.
Inb4 some faggot that doesn't like dogs because one gave him a tiny bite for being an autist goes
>Not my heckin poocherinos!
Fuck you. Dogs love and trust humans, and so do cats, and whatever you feel about animal sentience, you can't deny that pet animals feel pain, fear, and sadness. Imagine being just sentient enough to know you are loved by a family of humans, and then other humans steal you and you have no idea why, and the utter confusion, terror, and pain as the new humans torture you to death and you wonder where your other family humans are. Fucking unforgivable. If I ever meet someone who eats pets or kills cats for fun or does dog-fighting shit I'll unironically beat them to death. If you don't do these things, but think it's funny I'll put you in the hospital. And definitely nuke dog-eating chinks.

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