Gun Purchases

If you don't own a gun or are looking to get another, you better move now. Background checks are backlogged and states are beginning to shut down businesses - your window is closing.

Anyone currently buying? What's it like in your state?

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Would love to get one... but I'm broke and my job ended last week.... My state has great gun laws too.
>t. Florida fag

I already have two hand guns. Thinking about buying an AR or shot gun, any suggestions?

You can always hit up pawn shops. Trade some shit you don't need for credit towards one?


Budget AR: Palmetto Arms
Mid range: Rock River Arms
High end: Knights Armament

Rifles: anything in .308 will get you by long range and incredible power.

Don’t listen to this fucking moron. Get a smith and Wesson basic bitch AR. And a Mossberg 930

how much does a12 gauge shotgun go for?

I fucked up and waited to long. I’m in NYC. I was told it takes about 6 months here. Anybody know how the black market works and best way to get guns and ammo quick?

You can get a shothun for cheap, some Walmarts might still carry them and ammo is cheap (less than 300 for lower spec with a box of shells) but a shotgun is incredibly limited. Go with a long rifle chambered in a decent caliber and it can be a defensive weapon and tanged hunting weapon. My opinion.

4+ hour wait yesterday just to get into gun shops, Michigan. Ammo nearly gone at all stores

That sucks. Contrary to media reports, black market weapons aren't easy to obtain.

Armslost is a good resource if you want to skip the lines and search for individuals selling weapons you just need to find FFL to cover transaction



Bought a 9mm Kel-Tec Sub 2000 for $600 and 400 rds. Typically can walk out with it on the same day after 30 mins. Had to come back two days later. Dealer had a 5 inch stack of 4473 forms. No big deal desu, but it could get worse. A gun store might not be considered an "essential business" so they might close, not sure.

Good luck finding one.

Don't listen to this fucking moron, get what you want.

Fuck you glow nigger.

Buy an AK before you buy an AR

Michigan fag here have warrants for owed money to a court house. I don't own a gun. I'm fucked buy do own a fishing pole.

Could you imagine not already being based and red pilled.

I was already kitted out senpai

Oh yes, buy the ak, its ammo is import banned and only one company makes 7.62x39 in america now. You will live swinging the ak like a club. Super reliable.

Unless you're planning on front line infantry in rugged conditions, I disagree. .223 ammunition is much easier to come by and at more reasonable prices - also AR-15's are generally lighter and that matters. Availability of parts is another thing to consider.

Did u buy that at heritage guild?

Went to pick up a transfer in Michigan on Friday. I knew the gun shipped and was delivered so I went to go get it from my FFL, they were PACKED and told me they hadn't processed my gun and to wait for them to call. Pre-filled out a background check and they called back a few hours later. They shut down the store early to get through the mountain of transfers they had.

Also, no 9mm left, no 5.56 left, no .223. Everyone and their mother is getting strapped.

Buy a slingshot. Otherwise, avoid Detroit lol

you live in nyc just go ask your local nigger. could take up to 48 hours for them to actually set you up and rob you though

>A gun store might not be considered an "essential business" so they might close, not sure.
nj already did this as of 9pm last night. you got lucky

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>essential business
I'm assuming that it will be a state by state basis right now. Cali and NY fags are fucked. Could blow over, could last months.

I am really surprised by how quickly ammo dried up. Apparently sourcing raw materials for making ammunition is becoming more expensive and difficult so expect a long term shortage in ammo and significant price increase. The days of 25 cent brass .223 are over. Hoped you stocked up.

Nah, I got it at a north NJ store. Clerks were chill, but they were also making fun of people right to their faces - saying shit like "Stock up before the Coronavirus zombies get ya" and other cringe shit. Just give me my ammo and keep your retard comments to yourself

Gun stores or all firearm transactions? Pawn shops and person to person transactions via FFL could still work or no?


Ausfag, I'm fucked if shit hits the fan. We all are. Considered getting a gun license but shit takes months to get approved.

Online ammo suppliers still have some stock if you're legal to order in your state, but it won't last. By April, decent ammunition will be worth its weight in gold

no they shut the NICS down
not sure exactly how bad nj gun laws are though

any suggestions for online supplier?


I bought 40k rounds of misc ammo years ago after prices settled down.

That is fucked up - fuck Jersey holy shit, there's going to be hell to pay in the courts when all is said and done. He just helped 2A rights movement. The Supreme Court will definitely visit this one day. Are Jersey fags just letting this happen? Are they protesting?

I'm selling a few guns right now. Buy low sell high. Getting rid of 2 cz 75b and a Remington 870 for more than I bought brand new.

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Cheaper than Dirt are good, I like them. They're still in supply currently.

went with a friend who actually knows shit about guns to a pawn shop to get a pistol and shotgun yesterday and the faggot behind the counter thought it was a straw purchase and said no

Don’t listen to this motherfucker, get what I want

Go back alone you fucking idiot

>you just need to find FFL to cover transaction
No you don't, bootlicker.

Fuck off, boomer glownigger. Go jerk it to tranny posts on redddit like your faggot father.

Holy fuck, I'm lucky as fuck. I feel bad for my fellow NJ fags :(

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user, I

Don't do this to the newfag. Cheaper than dirt is garbage. They fucking price gouge at any sign of a shortage. Sandy Hook they tried to fuck everybody

Use gunbot doot net to find the cheapest ammo. Will need to go through a few not available but you can still find good prices. FUCK CHEAPER THAN DIRT.

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I can't imagine this ending well. That system also clears LE

>someone has a different opinion than me
You vote for Sanders?

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Portland, Oregon here. 9% gun ownership in the city. All stores are wiped clean of .22,9mm,5.56x45,7.62x39 and 12 Gauge. Purchasing lines are long. I talked with a vendor and he was telling me that the background check queue is at about a 4 hour wait.

>Being this retarded
You are thinking of the Russian ak ban and the ban on surplus ak74(5.45x39) ammo.
Ak47(7.62x39) ammo hasn't been banned. Plus plinking 7.62x39 is cheaper than plinking 5.56x45.

under 200, buy a used pump, not much can go wrong with them.

>long range
horrible advice, a no gunz with no practice would be useless with a large caliber rifle.

>4 hours
That's actually not bad, we're at 4 days in CO

bought a shot gun yesterday at walmart, walked in and walked out. academy had people waiting hours just to be look at a gun
ammo on the other hand is extremely limited and being rationed

False. Someone comes into your home and you point a .308 or 6.5 Creed rifle at them, you're ending them. You want to irritate them? Spray them with buckshot.

I personally recommend ending them AND being able to use the same weapon to hunt if needed.

how much you selling that remington for?

Suggestions? Just get one, if I could get one I'd get two, get yours yesterday, it's almost certainly gonna be needed.
You asked for advice.

This. And checked.

I wanna COOL looking gun that makes me look COOL when shooting filthy loot box gangs. What is the right gun(s) for me?

Stick with the black dildo currently stashed in your butthole.

i have two spare lower receivers that i havent built into anything. would now be a good time to sell?

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>Background checks are backlogged and states are beginning to shut down businesses - your window is closing.
Stop spreading panic.

I got a 9mm keltec sub 2k for $400. You got ripped off paying $600.

It's not spreading panic. I'm not CNN. If you panic reading that absolute fact, you need to ask yourself what's wrong with you. It's a fact. It is happening.

Got like 10 guns, I think I'm good. Will be inheriting more when grandpa passes. Not going to ask for them now.

If you can afford it, it's not a ripoff imo

Laughs in .308

Hate to tell you fags this but just buying a gun and a few boxes of ammo isn't gonna turn you into Rambo. I wonder how many new owners panic buying even got a cleaning kit or solvent or lube or a fucking holster or a sling or spare mags/speedloaders. Without some serious practice you're gonna be a liability especially with a handgun which is much harder to shoot well than a rifle or shotgun.

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the dude asked for suggestions on what he should get. So he wants to get what informed owners tell him to get. That doesn't include you, faggot libshit

Depends, is it a gen 1 or 2? Glock mag or multi mag variant. Regardless I grabbed a multimag gen 2 6 months ago for $400 brand new... In MA, which is nearly as cucked as NJ.

lmao get a load of this faggot that cant even lift glorious zastava, ngmi bro

Buy a crossbow.

It's silent, doesn't need any license, can buy with cash, no backlog. Low maitenance, high penetration.

You were smart. I think those that weren't but are trying are lucky if they're only problem is looking at a markup...

That's a good idea.

Shut up and let them have guns, faggot.