Why did Trump choose to do literally NOTHING for 8 weeks at the start of the crisis?
That is suspicious and unprofessional. Blood and suffering is on Trump's hands.
Why did Trump choose to do literally NOTHING for 8 weeks at the start of the crisis?
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck off china everyone knows you did this
Because this is a global conditioning operation.
Admittedly the US response was slow, and too bureaucratic. But the fault of this spreading out of control is completely on the Chinese, who covered it up, fudged statistics and refused international help.
capitalism is about increasing profits, how can we use more than we spend on capital. The compilation of companies wants to delight their investors with an increase in rate, an increase in production increase and a reduction in production costs. increasing production means adding goods to the market. Cutting production costs one of them by cutting labor rights. the compilation of workers doesn't have enough money, he can't buy anything from the market. While the market is already full of goods that are purchased. so the economic crisis, a lot of goods but not bought. This compilation is already happening, it's all complicated. crisis. we do between resolving the current crisis and waiting for the next crisis, or moving the crisis to another place.
Capitalists constantly tend to expand the mass and total value of commodities on the market at the same time as they try to maximize their profits by keeping wages down which restricts the purchasing power of the masses (Marx 1969b: 492; 1967, vol. 3: 484)
Nigger, go back to calling Trump a racist.
He was dealing with impeachment.
As soon as you have corporations you don't have real capitalism.
>spreading out of control is completely on the Chinese
Nope. The "president" was told in January that this was likely to become a pandemic.
If nothing else, don't you think he should have had contingency plans drawn up? Shouldn't we have a plan ready to go, and by this time already implemented?
He dropped the ball, and now he and his toadies are trying to deflect the blame. It's not going to work.
You're right but Yas Forums will vehemently deny it like the dumb cunts that they are.
>He was dealing with impeachment.
Nope. That was already over, and he was found to be every bit as innocent as OJ Simpson.
Nice try, though.
So, what did you do when you heard about this? What did your local hospital do? What did your senator do?
Define real capitalism
Just a reminder, no one cares about Trumps response to the Chinese Kung Flu
He closed the borders to the Chinese on the 31st of jan; well before any other nation. He was called a xenophobic racist for it. The mental gymnastics of you people is astounding
Occupy Democrats is CCP propaganda and should be banned.
China’s fault. They hid it. Studies show this could have been reduced 95% and kept completely in wuhan if they hadn’t tried to hide it and throw doctors in jail for warning about it.
Private property ownership and the Common Law tradition that you are liable for the damage that property might cause.
InCORPorating explicitly removes this liability and thereby ends what would be called "capitalism" by most but is more specifically free market capitalism.
If you want to get down to it, capitalism is something that is practiced WITHIN every system.
Robinson Crusoe engaged in capitalism on an island by himself.
Capitalism happens any time private property of any kind exists.
The guy who was diagnosed on January 20 was the main person the CDC knew about. They traced 60 of his contacts and no one became symptomatic. Somehow the virus got to that nursing home in WA and ran loose for a few weeks until the locals realized something unusual was happening and reported it to the Feds.
The shutdown of that nursing home didn't happen until they found out about all this right at the very end of February. It was too late at that point. Meanwhile the travel ban from China kept the virus from quickly spreading like wildfire here.
The Europeans didn't want to be racist, so they refused to ban travel from China. The U.S. was then seeded from Europe. China knew for several weeks about the virus and had evidence destroyed, not restricting travel to and from the country until it was far too late.
On top of all that, China hoarded all of the medical equipment manufactured in their factories for their own use and then "donated" it to others to seem like the good guy. Meanwhile people were screaming that racist, xenophobic Trump banned travel from China to distract from the impeachment trial.
This. It's people being either misinformed or recreationally angry because orange man bad.
Just blame China.
China hate is literally the only way they have to keep public order. They'll try in Britain too, because if the blame explodes on the Government, it's not just Trump that is done. The nation as a whole is done.
Because he's a mentally challenged narcissist and sociopath only concerned about his next fix of sycophants cheers, gee. It's not hard.
The absolute state of commie changs
Could have something to do with people like you wasting everyone's time and energy with impeachment.
He closed travel with China.
That wasn't "enough" but it was more than anyone else would have done.
Oh goody, the “sooner” meme. Last resort of the retard.
'I take no responsibility at all'
t. Drumpf
Haha you pathetic murican
Chink people are disease spreading insects.
In fact, capitalism even functions in a commie society with the state acting as the "owner" of the goods.
It then takes those "owned" goods and attempts to create more from those goods than it had to start. Thereby "profiting."
Fuck off leaf
It doesn’t remove the liability retard, it transfers it to the corporation. So instead of suing 2000 different people who own and work for, say GM, I sue one entity.
Have you retarded shills gotten tired of being perpetually wrong?
You have shoved your own dicks in your mouths so many times now over 4 years...
wrong on EVERY fucking "gotcha" moment you attempt to play on Trump
Wrong on every accusation
Wrong on every policy you claim to support
You fucking suck at shilling
You do nothing here
You will never move the needle on Yas Forums
Keep venting like a wet cunt you losers...
Fuck off with your faggotry and weak attempt to rewrite history. You worthless nigger jump on the opportunity to be fucking useless when Trump announce his travel ban from and to China. All you're doing is simping for PRC and Xi to shirk off responsibility. AND DON'T DENIED, NOW THOSE SLANTED EYE BUGS ARE TRYING TO BLAME ITALY FOR THE MESS THEY MADE.
Aren’t You busy destroying Europe for the 3rd consecutive time germany?
Whites are under siege but the future is bright. True white nationalists are immune to demoralization attempts.
The same reason he did nothing about illegal immigration for 3 and a half years.
2 Months.
No test kits.
No mass manufacturing masks, gloves, ventilators, TP, supplies and/or etc. in bulk.
Lots of politicians doing insider trading though.
thinks he should fire jared an make it public.
You can fuck right off with that shit leaf. Germany tried to save and unite the west but the kike derailed it all. I can't wait until we Anschluss you and mexico. We will be one big happy family whether you like it or not! :)
why did he shut borders but didn't do shit in preparation, was this supposed to be controlled?
the GOP grifters protect themselves and get rich
their obedient chumps get screwed, lol
Because the CIA doesn't exist, right?
We just have to accept what the Chinese say at face value.
Trump had no choice but to say, "it's just the flu, bro"
The insider trading thing is kind of retarded in my opinion. The virus has been common knowledge since early Jan. I sold my stocks end of Jan because I read and watch the news and it’s pretty obvious what happens to the market in global emergencies.
I’d hope politicians have at least a smidgen of an idea of what’s fucking going on in the world lol
Eh? If you are taking Mexico then please leave us out
Eat a big white cock, chink. You faggots eat everything else.
Because the US didn't make Corona-chan in a laboratory with funding from Bill Gates, right...
>hysterical partisan psychos using this horrific situation that is killing thousands of people for their petty political agenda and to sabotage a president who is trying to deal with it
You will always be regarded with absolute contempt by everyone who doesn't see something like a mass pandemic and try to make it about party politics.
You're worse than the cunts who buy up all the hand sanitiser and sell it at a profit.
>Why did Trump choose to do literally NOTHING for 8 weeks at the start of the crisis?
Because the Trumpnigger is fat, mongoloid, absolutely subhuman retarded cunt.
>Because the Trumpnigger is fat, mongoloid, absolutely subhuman retarded cunt.
And so are his nigger supporters:
Truly subhuman niggers.
But nothing to do with your open borders though right OP? g0 back t0 r-e-d-d-I-t fagg
>trump is inept as a president in a time of crisis
If you can't stop yelling "Orange Man Bad!" while pointing at whatever happens to be in the news, even when that news is literally a deadly global pandemic, then you might actually be completely soulless, or insane.
Try to put basic fucking humanity before your political party for once.
OP not replying
Starving in inhabitable conditions like the chinks do breed diseases such as these. It's easy to understand when you realize how filthy the Han Chinese "race" really is.
>deadly global pandemic
But orange man said it was a "hoax", you dumb fucking toothless cunt.
please tell me how Trump is a great leader and politic, a position he never held in any capacity before being elected president of the usa, and how he should be able to solve this situation when he fired pretty much all the people that weren't licking his ass
it's pretty fucking easy being the president when your worst crisis are the one you are doing (china, nord korea, mexico) a bit more complicated when it actually require some fucking skill
I would gladly take Nixon or even fucking George W bush over Trump. at least they had people in their staff that knew what the fuck they where doing
So Trump was supposed to invoke Executive powers to enforce production of something we were being told wasn't serious enough to justify a travel ban? Right after the Dems/MSM tried to get Trump removed from office for "Abuse of Power?" A case where multiple infected in this country weren't even discovered until the very end of February? When there were defective CDC test kits (from the established bureaucracy, by the way), which wasn't discovered until late in that game?
i sympathize with drumpf about the russia hoax and the fake impeachment
fucking up during a global pandemic is different
seems like this post needs some sacred moon runes
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He said the narrative that his administration wasn't taking Corona seriously was a hoax. Even MSM fact-checkers at the time admitted that distinction.
>He said the narrative that his administration wasn't taking Corona seriously was a hoax.
This is a lie. Stop licking his boots, that fat cunt won't sleep with you, you fat cunt.
I'm confused how people are still lamenting Trump when some far-left politicians, like Ilhan Omar of all people, agree with what Trump has thus done.
He's responded to the situation as needed. Would it better had he continued to do nothing? Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and we're all Nostradamus.
WHO said it was a nothing burger.
Also europeans were scoffing at the USA how they were racist and biggoted before they got hit a week later.
Italy specifically had a governor promote the idea of physically embracing chinese visitors.
>production of something
Should be "production for something"
All you chinks will go down in a flame of glory. America has been and always will be your bitch. Learn your place in the world you sub-human rats.
>America has been and always will be your bitch
You may want to rephrase that, trumpcuck. Holy shit, trumpcucks are retarded.
once the scale of this sinks it, everyone will be signing a different tune
What about the travel ban to risk areas China he wanted to implement 31 st of Janaury with an executive order but he was called a racist xenophobe by news and democrats?
Now same parties say he didn't do anything, kek.
Shampeachment. The Rats have fucked us all with their silly distraction of Shampeachment.
Still going to vote for Trump.
Cause u fags impeached him.
>responds early
>responds late
I don't like the man, I think he is another Israeli puppet, but the left's obsession with him is almost at the level of high school girls who want to hide sexual attraction for someone.
neo-liberals stonewalled any attempt by Trump to quarantine away from China, deeming it "racist". They stonewalled his travel restrictions specifically -- this was weeks ago.
All neo-liberals should be skinned
>fired CDC in 2018
>did not prepare test kits
>not not amp up manufacturing for medical supplies
>did not inform the public the dangers of this virus through the media early on
>literally said it was a nothingburger that would "just disappear," while plenty of corrupt senators in the office knew the opposite and used their knowledge for insider trading, rather than forewarning the masses
>wasted 2 months. TWO. MONTHS. OF PREP TIME.
Why can't you stubborn cunts just admit that he fucked up?
You should have to live with these retarded bastards. There is one comfort in this: Urban Retards hardest hit.
Private property is only a single component of capitalism. What makes capitalism a system, is the form of private ownership of the means of production being concentrated into industries owned by the bourgeoisie, which generated profits through the appropriation of surplus value.
Private properties in the days of the Romans and the Middle Ages are respectively called slave society and feudal society, due to the absence of the bourgeoisie as the ruling class of both epoch.
>show trump as al Bundy
That's not going to go over how you think.
>orange man said it was a "hoax"
Did he say the virus was a hoax? Or the Democrat response to it?
>“The Democrats are politicising the coronavirus,” Trump said. “They’re politicising it. One of my people came up to me and said: ‘Mr President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.’ That did not work out too well. They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax.
>“This is their new hoax.”
That's the quote.
So get your facts right before you call people dumb. And get your priorities straight before you get in everyone's way crying about the orange man while people are dealing with a fucking catastrophic pandemic you absolute mental case.