Followers in Christ get in here, atheists not welcome

Read this.
I've come to notice everybody is looking out for the mark of the beast in a chip or bar code.
That's the great deception, don't trust Q or the new economic system that will come
from the destruction of the FED and the cabal. Don't take money from the new system or
sign or make ANY OATHS!

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He didnt disguise him self at all. His fucking name is what? Fucking light bringer? Your heathen "god" made him that way. Dumb christ niggers looking like confused spongebob here.

Boomer-tier post. Please spend as much time outside as possible and don't wash your hands.

judges 9: 22 - 25
judges 19: 22 - 29
1 samuel 16: 14 - 15
2 samuel 8: 2
2 samuel 17: 14 - 23

If lucifer was indeed an angel, he fell for the reason of being prideful of his splendor, without honoring Him that gave it to him. Sounds fair enough to me.

What christboomers don't realize is that lucifer is (You). And they have this us vs them mentality which is annoying at least, damnable at most.

Lord have mercy

Fucker will present himself as a savior from this current system (the first beast)

OP cries when he faps.

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Show us your flag shlomo.

Can't, for some reason it simply show's up like this. I'm a huehue if you want to know so badly.

And yet I give zero shits. I trust my judgement because I've asked for a discerning heart and it's served me well. Could be better with time, especially if I start writing down what I pick up.

People have been crying about mark of the beast bullshit since censuses were taken in the middle ages. Fuck off retard

Your god is Satan, OP. You're worshipping the god of the Jews.

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It's no use arguing religion here, it's all bots and shills.

Can we /theosophy/?

In the book of job Satan is an angel in good standing, a lapdog who will not and cannot bite without permission. It is Christ himself who says "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." The pre-eden fall of Satan doesn't work with the timeline. Please share thoughts on the matter

Fucking jahwe is the most stupid god i've ever Heard of
why would he punish Lucifer for "not honoring jahwe"?
Honoring someone is a mortal system where person with higher status gives some power or splendor to someone of lower status. The person that was given status is on return expected to honor it's master and not steal its position.
jahwe however wouldnt be stolen from because he was almighty. No other beeing would be ale to defeat him. He doesnt need nobodys sacrifices and respect because he doesnt lose anything!
Or does he?
Is it all a gość? Some fucking demon tricked semitic peoples who then tricked poor peoples of rome?

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In your storybook, the Jesus character welcomed atheists.

In the book of Job, it is clear Yahweh has control over everything. The Bible never mentions free will. In fact, Yahweh knew what you were going to do before you were born.

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Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef was going around forgiving whores, embracing cuckoldry, and giving value to weakness.

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Agreed! But this calls into question the nature of evil. Set aside the autistic "if god exist why bad happen" argument, why do you think evil exists? Where does it come from?

Brothers, Lucifer and Satan are not the same entity. Anytime in faggoty Protestant Bibles Christ is called "the bright and morning star," the Latin Vulgate from which it was translated quite literally says Lucifer, which of course means Lightbringer, which is of course Christ Jesus.

The Hebrew was Helel been Shahar, (bright shining one) translated to Latin as Lucifer. It wasn't until those arrogant retards the Protestant Reformers that Lucifer and Satan began to be conflated.

Christ is in our midst.
I hope you all are streaming Liturgy and Mass.

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"The meek shall inherit the earth" doesn't mean the feeble. The actual word which is usually translated to meek means "keep to oneself", much more like self-sufficient. The wages of the warmonger is death, so the self-sufficient shall inherit the earth.
>Encouraged cuckoldry
No shekelmongery here please. It took Christ hours to braid his whip out of leather, to drive the merchants out from the temple. And at no point did he reconsider, or merely ask them to go. The wages of pilpul is extreme violence, meted out by saints.

Does evil even exist? Well, Jews exist. So there must be evil. There must be harm done. Unless you're telling me there is no evil because it's all good as long as it's pleasureable. That is the point of heaven isn't it? Just pleasure.

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The term Lucifer became associated with an entity in the first place due to poor translation. See that verse in Isaiah when God is bullying Nebuchadnezzar, calling him "son of the dawn" in mocking

"Who forgiveth all thine iniquities." Here David begins his list of blessings received, which he rehearses as themes and arguments for praise. He selects a few of the choicest pearls from the casket of divine love, threads them on the string of memory, and hangs them about the neck of gratitude. Pardoned sin is, in our experience, one of the choicest boons of grace, one of the earliest gifts of mercy, -- in fact, the needful preparation for enjoying all that follows it. Till iniquity is forgiven, healing, redemption, and satisfaction are unknown blessings. Forgiveness is first in the order of our spiritual experience, and in some respects first in value. The pardon granted is a present one -- forgiveth; it is continual, for he still forgiveth; it is divine, for God gives it; it is far reaching, for it removes all our sins; it takes in omissions as well as commissions, for both these are in-equities; and it is most effectual, for it is as real as the healing, and the rest of the mercies with which it is placed.

"Who healeth all thy diseases." When the cause is gone, namely, iniquity, the effect ceases. Sicknesses of body and soul came into the world by sin, and as sin is eradicated, diseases bodily, mental, and spiritual will vanish, till "the inhabitant shall no more say, I am sick." Many-sided is the character of our heavenly Father, for, having forgiven as a judge, he then cures as a physician.

God gives efficacy to medicine for the body, and his grace sanctifies the soul. Spiritually we are daily under his care, and he visits us, as the surgeon does his patient; healing still each malady as it arises. No disease of our soul baffles his skill, he goes on healing all, and he will do so till the last trace of taint has gone from our nature. The two alls of this verse are further reasons for all that is within us praising the Lord.

The two blessings of this verse the Psalmist was personally enjoying... of his Lord, who was daily forgiving and healing him.

Death, death, death. Who cares? Everyone dies. But your kind is actively making life worse.

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My autisms have come troublingly close to Buddhism in perspective. The foresight of god, in the context of Eden, shows that god knew the snake in the garden would trick humanity into eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The might of god, in the same context, shows that god didn't just let the serpent do his work, but mandated it.
But the original ancient Hebrew language doesn't quite say "knowledge of good and evil", actually. A more literal translation of these words would be "splendor and calamity", see isaiah 45:7. But the meaning of this, the way I see it, is the knowledge of opulence and poverty. In other words, the knowledge of an unbalanced existence.
If we consider this the beginning of our struggle, and I can't really think of a better one, then evil comes about due to this. The knowledge of an unbalanced life gave us the capacity to do evil, to *indulge* in excess and *suffer* from poverty.
The piece I haven't addressed is the actual evil shit, such as the Jews get up to. In large part, I derive my understanding of this aspect of evil from the line "what is good to the wolf is evil to the deer." Which is to say, the dualistic notion of good and evil has no relationship or meaningful resemblance to the Divine concept of good. See Divine simplicity to justify the rejection of duality in non-buddhist thinking.

>I've come to notice everybody is looking out for the mark of the beast in a chip or bar code.
Have you ever attended church? What the fuck are you talking about.

I see through you Moshe. No comment at all about the Jews in the pic, shitting on the nature of the life of Christ, misrepresenting his teachings. Your subversive conduct is coming to light, even so much as to uncloud the eyes of the luddites

Rabbi Yeshua didn't sacrifice shit. Homura did a real sacrifice.

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What if it's all just metaphor

The knowledge of good and evil(and conscious awareness) bringing suffering because of the loss of blissful ignorance. what logical reason or histrorical fact is there for an actual snake or eden

The science of morality shows good and evil exists relative and ties into consequence.

The only way you can deny that evil exists is to deny consequence. So denying the existence of evil allows evil to do what ever it wants.
So it's neccesary to seek the good, even if we can never know the "Best good" or if we make a mistake due to good intentions.

Christians, Jews, and Muslims like to ignore the consequences of this world. Christians and Muslims because they expect a paradise after dying. Jews because they believe only their tribe's prosperity matters like a Kyubey.

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Did the biblical writer himself consider the story of Adam and Eve to be "factual"? He certainly considered it to be “true,” insofar as it speaks eloquently about God’s creative activity in bringing humankind into existence, man’s rebellion against God’s will, and the suffering of human persons in their estrangement from God, their life “outside of Paradise.” Militating against a purely literal reading of the passage, however, are elements of the story such as Adam molded by God’s hands “of dust from the ground,” the image of God as a gardener who “plants a garden in Eden,” the formation of woman from man’s rib, the “sound of the Lord God walking in the garden,” the clothing of Adam and Eve with “garments of skin,” and the simultaneous existence of other people “in the land of Nod, east of Eden.” This anthropomorphic image of God, together with logical inconsistencies in the narrative, require interpretation, as the Fathers of the Church well knew. As the Fathers also made clear, the entire narrative is to be understood in the technical sense as historical mythology: not a fable, a made-up folk-tale, but a narrative element of Israel’s sacred history that speaks of the ineffable interaction between God and His human creatures, a relationship that can best be described by symbolic language. Consider, for example, the Hebrew terms adam, adama which signify man/earth, and eden which means bliss, delight, a virtual synonym of Paradise, where the underlying mythological element is quite evident.

It seems likely that he developed the story of Adam and Eve as a kind of “etiological parable”, a story that explains, via mythological imagery... His aim was to answer questions such as these: How did man and woman come to be? Why is there human sin and why is there death? Why do women suffer pain in childbirth, and why do men have to labor by the sweat of their brow in order to provide life’s essentials?

True belief in God is an amazing thing to feel. It's the ultimate cope. As someone who struggles with my faith from time to time when I come back to God the wave of stress relief hits like a ton of bricks.

It doesn't for me, because God never promised that we wouldn't in this life. In fact, Jesus warned of the opposite, i.e. that his followers will suffer.

that we wouldn't suffer*

You use it as a cope, but a lot of people take it seriously and don't do what they desire because of it.

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That's exactly why it gets so Buddhist, actually. In order to assert evil doesn't exist, on the grounds of dualism, one must assert a great many other dualistic concepts are also fictitious, ultimately leading to the idea that there is no duality, not between any pair of things. Not good and evil, not hot and cold, not life and death, and not even self and god. The end result of this autism is the intellectual awareness that any separation from the place, mind, or nature of god is Illusionary. I call it "intellectual awareness" because reaching this conclusion does not make you the buddha, any more than reading it from some latant schizo online. The visceral realization of this is what brings about any transcendental understanding.
All that said, it isn't a very useful idea while still "stuck" in the mode of thinking where duality is useful. Sorry, but I'm an /x/phile at heart.

>don't have a job

All life is a cope with the fact that you will die

Everything's made up of atoms and space, the rest is up to interpretation.

>As someone who struggles with my faith from time
This world is a test of faith. Attend church, pray two times a day and maybe socialize with your fellow men - this is all you can do. If your soul lacks the qualities needed for salvation, I'm sorry, no God can help you.

Regarding your image: the same sentiment SEEMS to be present in thelema's core philosophy, "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law", but if we lived our lives chasing whim and fancy, then each of us would find only ruin. Read up on uncle Al and what this line actually means.

But if you TRULY believe that you are saved by Jesus you're don't have to worry about the future. It gives you real strength to deal with the suffering that is life.

Death is a part of life. Your life shouldn't revolve around it.

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>Rabbi Yeshua
Chinese nationalist shills are harder to spot than you

Something else to discuss: genesis talks about the nephilim saying that they existed at the pre-flood age, and after the age. Does this mean that they survived the flood? They are identified with the Giants of Canaan, and the amelekites, too

I'm reading your link, but I have a question.
If God already know as everything that will happen, what is the point of it all here on Earth? Why would Satan even try if they already know the outcome? It doesn't make sense to me.

I've been saying that Jesus was the devil all along, but nobody wants to even think about it. It's only logical.

>Why clean a toilet if it's just gonna get poo on it again
Satan has a duty and is fulfilling it

What is a nephilim?

Then what's the logic? Are you a satanist due to this interpretation?

God here, there is a very big joke and even the most faithful won't ever give a shit about what is to come or who God truly is.

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Why would I believe in kike hippie Satan? I believe in YVWH. I would kill my sister if she menstruates on my chair.

The children of unions between human women and "sons of god"/angels/otherwise nonhuman higher beings. The idea is a clear reference to the book of enoch, which attributes roughly human form to angels, in contrast to the "wheels spinning inside wheels with eyes all over" description of an angel. As mythical figures they are associated with the mythical heroes of other cultires, such as Heracles.

Heracles is pretty cool. He got turned into a god

God has existed from eternity past as the Father, Son and Spirit, together in a relationship of perfect love. So love is the highest value in the universe. And when God decided to create human beings, he wanted us to experience love. But to give us the ability to love, God had to give us free will to decide whether to love or not to love. Why? Because love always involves a choice.

When my daughter was little, she had a doll with a string in the back, and when you pulled it the doll said, "I love you." Did that doll love my daughter? Of course not. It was programmed to say those words. Real love always involves a choice.

So in order for us to experience love, God bestowed on us free will. But unfortunately, we humans have abused our free will by rejecting God and walking away from him. And that has resulted in the introduction of evil into the world.

Some people ask, "Couldn't God have foreseen all of this?" and no doubt he did. But look at it this way. Many of you are parents. Even before you had children, couldn't you foresee that there was the very real possibility they may suffer disappointment or pain or heartache in life, or that they might even hurt you and walk away from you? Of course—but you still had kids. Why? Because you knew there was also the potential for tremendous joy and deep love and great meaning.

God knew we'd rebel against him, but he also knew many people would choose to follow him and have a relationship with him and spend eternity in heaven with him. And it was all worth it for that, even though it would cost his son great pain and suffering to achieve our redemption.

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Strange that you refer to god by the tetragrammaton but spell it wrong. My main question was about what logic justifies calling Christ satan

>Lord have mercy on me, ive fallen back into sinful passions
Brothers pray for my soul

The thing is, Jesus is an objectively good person. The old testament god is seemingly cruel

On those lines, I've had the weird thought that old testament god was the devil or a false god and Jesus the savior from the actual god

But what makes a lot more sense is that Jesus is a good person and the actual god is way beyond most people's understanding and all the old testament shit is just made up anthromorphizing of divine providence, just a subjective experience of god. Jesus is just a little more comprehensible and down to earth

a lot of lost sheep in this thread.

I think God is outside of time. To Him the story of the universe is like a book, and he can look at every page at the same time. He can look at what you're doing on a random day 10 years from our 'now'. So from our perspective he 'knows the future' but from His perspective, he's just watching us do it.

You get a gold medal for mental gymnastics.

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God is just. Justice can seem cruel. At the same time, he is merciful. We deserve a lot more bad than we have endured.

If you deny adam and eve, you are calling Jesus a lier.

Jesus spoke about Adam, and Jesus didnt lie.

Protestants who deny it might as well deny everything else.

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Why do you deserve more bad?

Because we keep choosing to rebel against our Father.


What do you deserve?

The first thing one must do before reading a book is to recognize from which library shelf it came—that is, its genre. The Book of Genesis was not written as a scientific textbook or even as an historical chronicle. In the words of one person, it was not written to tell us how the heavens go, but how to go to heaven.

>watch a video from over a year ago
>talks about the mark, trump, and the cabal even back then
I'm freaking out desu, is this how it ends?

I'm an agnostic scientific scholar

I wouldn't mistake making sense of what is right in front of you for personal belief mental gymnastics.

>Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the earth.
White horse
>Probably affiliated with pestilence but might be a translation error
>Corona chan
Red horse
>Affiliated with war
>Talk of WW3 but nothing happened yet so ???
Black horse
>Affiliated with famine, bread will cost a days labour
>Economy taking hit after hit
Pale horse
>Probably affiliated with wild animals 'beasts of the earth' by process of elimination
>Locust plague from africa moving through most of the middle east to south east asia

Are we fucked?