He has no idea what to do

He's literally banking on the malaria drug being the short term cure. If that fails he's so fucked. there won't be a real vaccine or cure for at least 12-18 months. And Joe Biden has even less of a clue on what to do. the US could very likely be heading for worse times than the great depression.

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Other urls found in this thread:


at least biden will be a puppet to the rest of the administration.

it'll be a brand new administration that has to start from scratch on a pandemic that will have already killed 100s of thousands of people.

Trump vs Biden UFC 251. The egg should make it happen.

It isn't the president's job to personally develop cures for deadly diseases. You're expecting too much.

at least it will be an administration that listens to experts

Can't wait for Biden to sniff my grand daughter when I meet him at the white house.

it'll be too late is what i'm saying.

He's blaming China to save face. The whole month he spent saying it's just a flu? Please forget about that.

Wait, you think that’s a GOOD thing? If anything trump should have listened LESS to The Who

He should just resort to the Obama textbook and bomb some kids in the Middle East

Yes but idiots will claim that he defunded things and that left them without the money needed like cash is the cure.

That Malaria drug killed my friend who was a veteran at the panama canal. He was immune to malaria, but it destroyed his liver and he lived with pancreatitis for the rest of his life. The government only gave him a prescription for pain meds until he died at 40.

This is what happens when you elect an idiot.

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Yeah it was pretty cringe when he was telling people not buy masks but to (((buy the dip)))

I love how you all are acting like it's not going to kill 20-30% of the politicians
No guarantee that any of these old fucks will still be alive in a month, especially Biden.. dementia patients got it bad right now

That’s what smart successful people do. They take smart risks. Everyone understands it’s a gamble, but the potential payoff is huge.

why? the who urged to take action sooner.


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Yes goy. Listen to WHO goy. They are here to help.

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>it'll be a brand new administration that has to start from scratch on a pandemic that will have already killed 100s of thousands of people.
Why is Yas Forums so gullible these days?

>He's blaming China
It’s literally their fault.

Haha money printer go BRRRRRR

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The problem was that the medical experts knew that CoVid was not that deadly to the general pop. It had death rates like a regular flu. Bad for the elderly and medically compromised though. The medical system got flooded. But not that lethal.

The doctors rolled their eyes at the panic; Trump learnt that from them. The media WANTS a “Hurricane Katrina” style disaster to take down Trump....

The treatment success rate for CHLOROQUINE WAS 100%. Is that too much of a gamble?

>manufactured crisis \ propaganda war
>President that's brought about worldwide Populace movement
>Globalist automatons shilling everywhere
>eat a dick

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Last time I checked, it wasn't required for the president to also be an expert on vaccines and to have a doctorate in human medicine.

You're one of those idiots who thinks a president is a God Emperor or something, and has way more control than he actually does.

Your 'president' is a retard, we know. Glad you realized it later than never löl

you have activated the trump curse on yourself. he will be alright, as always. but you won't. rip

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It is China’s fault HueChang

Apparently the requirements for becoming the US president are non-existant, see Drumpf löl

Big words coming from the country that has had the same fat fucking womanz dictator playing "Chancellor" or whatever you fags call it for like 15 years...

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Says the country with a childless cat lady as their fuhrer.

How’s all those roaches she let in treating you kraut?

Should have used hidroxycholoroquine instead, kek.

then better eat a LOT of it right now

What makes you think anyone else would have known what to do in this situation? This is something that's completely unexpected and extremely difficult decisions had to be made on the spot. That man is carrying the biggest responsibility on the planet.

They may both croak off by then. I for one am excited who many politicians will be removed from office nation wide.
Every cloud has a silver lining

They are testing other treatments too. You'd know that if you watched direct source news, rather than have some propagandist tell you what to think.

You have to admit, Trump using military classification on Virus briefings is totally bullshit and a move to hide their incompetence.

How much do you get paid for each of these posts? Is it worth it?

Source incase you think this is bullshit:

oh stfu already. People are just sick of Trumps shit.


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funny story, the new narrative is that it's dangerous for Americans to watch Trump's daily press briefing and networks should stop carrying it.
imagine being scared of people cooped up at home suddenly having the time and motivation to listen to Trump for 45 minutes. they continue to rely on ignorance in a society with freedom of communication and more spare time than ever.

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That's why we have Anthony Fauci.

this... OP confirmed for massive faggot

Kill yourself, shill. He's the only one who can save us.

You shouldn't listen to Trump because all he does is lie and put peoples lives at risk for his own gain.

Best overview of the dumpster fire that is Trumps response:

SARS doesn’t have a cure, this shit is SARS spliced with HIV. People don’t realize how fucked we actually are.

Neither Trump nor Biden need to have the slightest idea of what's going on.

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>don't listen to trump because you'll see that he's an incompetent liar
>trust me I have a youtube link
how's it feel to know millions of people are watching his daily pressers, faggot?
people I wrote of years ago are realizing that there's no Walter Cronkites left and they've been preyed on by secondary sources for years. it would give me hope if I didn't know it was temporary.

frau merkel is an actual scientist

so stfu, just compare the death rates

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>I'm rageposting

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>I Trust Trump
There are people who lived through Stalin and Mao who think they were great too. That is what I think of the Trump Cult.

It was a small sample, but promising results. It’s a reasonably good bet, but it is still a bet.

This is all starting to look like a hoax pushed by the media.

His Twitter feed is full of hundreds of things being done every day. They aren’t betting on any one thing.

Oh and Trump is a very competent liar. He is incompetent as president, and any idiot can see this with how the economy is crashing around us and Trump takes ZERO accountability for the present state.

Did you know Obama's team walked Trumps teat through a pandemic exercise before he left? Trump has fired all people who were involved because he is an incompetent boob who cannot take advice from anyone lower then his family. Our first response came from a fucking facebook group.

attacking my supposed motivation - here, a personality cult - doesn't do anything to address my argument. in fact I never engaged in personality worship so even the association is meaningless.
keep being scared of people accessing information and finding out they've been lied to. your script is more pathetic than ever today. there is nothing persuasive begging for me to address it.

>ching ching chong
>ching chong
>ching ching cheeeeeee
>ching chang chong!

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Gentlemen.. gentlemen the enemy is not each other but the very leaders were are talking about lets eat the rich shall we?

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Hey buddy... Bernie is fucked, you lose pussy

Shit the fuck up you inbred nigger

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You haven't said a fucking thing you like about Trump's response while I am dishing out mad facts about his failures. Say something and we can talk about that then.

>fired people
you don't know what the NSC is, nigger.
you don't know who the ebola response coordinators on the NSC were, nigger.
you don't know about their reassignment to USAID, nigger.
you don't know anything at all. you parrot nonsense. none of you showed up with an effective script this morning.

Considering the possibility of biowarfare, and the discussion of national guard deployment it’s actually not surprising or unexpected.

Fuck no, we shouldn’t trust trump, but the media reporting on him is even less credible now. Random shitposters on pol did a better job.

not interested in expanding the scope of discussion at the moment. follow some backlinks and try this time (you won't).

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>Haha money printer go BRRRRRR
Haha protein printer go BRRRRRR

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What the fuck is wrong with you morons who think Trump controls the whole government?

There are thousands of people working on this right now, it has very little to do with Trump himself.

Seriously kill yourself OP. I hope you get the Chinese Virus so your low IQ genes get eliminated.

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And half of the retards on Yas Forums

>Random shitposters on pol did a better job.
Of what? Trump was told this would be a pandemic in January, he called it a hoax. FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK! This is the shit you think is acceptable? You think there is any kind of failure like this from any president in US history EVER! We have gone to wars, fought disses, Terrorism. And this is the fastest collapse of the economy ever and you think this is normal and fine? Jesus fuckng christ you are dumb. Yes I am seething at the amount of stupidity people have for following this man and having such blind faith in failure after failure.

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Nice argument fag when you do not have a single defence.

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>joe biden
if joe gets or has this disease he will die

perhaps he should stop talking everyday and let people die.
They obviously can't go 2 seconds without panic and running to the store for toilet paper. The USA is getting its come-upins right now.

Is the cdc run by jews? Serious question

You're deranged. You're deluded. You're crying.


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He called it the flu and not a pandemic that would destroy our economy. He did call it a hoax.


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We had intelligence in January that said China was lyine the WHO did not have. Trump knew and did nothing. We should have shared this with the fucking world and stopped this.

I mean he called it a Democrat hoax. He's that retarded
