Based germany

based germany

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Alsatian frog from Colmar here. We are the fucking epicenter of Coronavirus in France, pretty scared ngl.

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Wait they're helping France but Italy got the finger?

its because the city in germany is 4km next to the border with frances epicenter outbreak.

And we have very good hospitals in this city.

Any friends/family of yours infected?
How's the non-white situation, too?

I imagine transporting patients on border regions is much less of a hassle than getting them from an italian hospital to an airport, land in germany and then getting them into a hospital

>Any friends/family of yours infected?
No but I do worry about my parents, don't want them to catch this shit. What about you?
>How's the non-white situation, too?
I don't go outside so I can't witness anything but it seems like it's doing fine rn, Colmar is a pretty calm city but Mulhouse is a well known shithole infested by shitskins so I wonder how it's going on there.

2 people is "SOME"

They take in frogs but block the export of medical equipment to Switzerland? Screw you Germany, i hope the virus mutates and fucks you all up.

So Germany is operating in Eastern France?

shoo shoo limey nothing to see here

Ban chinks. You must do this too germanbro

Why the Fuck are we helping the Erbfeind ?

because Germans hate Italy.
They created the EU in order to stop our insudtrial growth which threatened their grip on Europe.

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wouldnt be the first time

Good to hear, as long as nothing happens to them.
Northen France; I do groceries for them, but my boomer dad give absolutely no fuck, he's full "it's just a flu COME ON".

Keep safe.

>helps france
>refuses to help italy
yeah, i will not shed a tear of remorse when the empires slaughter you sick fucks. we will start nailing YOU to the church doors whilst we jam your 95 theses up your asses

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>Wait they're helping France but Italy got the finger?

Thanks user, take care.
see faggot


yeah, nice explanation. i look forward to both your demises. europe will be liberated under the tri-empires.

Eat shit Muhammed.

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white brit polski. imagine trying to cope at the levels of extremity you are reaching for. remember we are majority white nation. unlike neo-africa aka france. kys. a nation ran by a manlet. you people are pathetic

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I heard they have camps all over the country where they can concentrate these, plus dispose of any bodies.

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we share a border, they don't share border with Italy.

so unions are only about joint responsibility when distributing shitskins and nigs, but not when there is a deadly crisis? got it

Imagine basing your view of a country on the ramblings of sensationalist tabloids, lol. Pathetic

actually, yes the E.U don't deal with medical stuff, it's a states affair.

Ahaha so it begins

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Well help italy user dont worry know we will

you can pay in gold for your mediacal equipement you scammed from us in ww2

It's over guys, Corona's spread is already slowing down, we got less infected than yesterday.
a Nothingburger

That's a great move from Germany, but it won't save UE (which may be a good thing btw).

oh no krauts r gonna build new ovens

because france surrendered in ww2 while mussolini played a clown


No one is helping Italy, only China did so far.

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>Irrational hatred for Germans

i will. check this out when you have time. its long, but i figured out the solution. this is just scratching the surface, but you can see the foundations forming

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nope. fully justified. pick up a history book, you dumb shit. this is 100s of years worth of justification

We're in this together

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>pick up a history book
I too like to dabble in the fictional stories of WWII

ww2 is just a fraction. ottoman sympathisers get the rope, just the same as kike created protestants

>So Germany is operating in Western Germany?

100% perfidious

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Fuck you, you Catholics always jump to defend the Chosen Ones.


say what you like. people with intelligence know exactly what you are. wont be long til the three empires cleanse you

nope. we hate them. any "catholic" who says otherwise is not a catholic

the state of your cognitive attribute my dear mutt

Sure sure. My grandmother is the biggest Catholic there is like house literally full of religious iconography and any time I bring up the (((problem))) she gets hostile and says I wasn't raised a "Nazi".

Oh be quiet, go prep for Jamal's anus shit smearing session.

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we are simply helping germans that are occupying elsaß-lothringen for us.

Thats what you get for folding early.

You have no empire.

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i struggle to believe any american is in touch with catholic beliefs. sorry. your nation is as old as protestantism lol. kys

> you dare to help france so i hope you all die a horrible death

wtf is wrong with you brown eyed subhumans??


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is it how the mutts are seeing themself ?

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yeah maybe because medniggers are traitor scumbags and useless as fuck? no idea tho

wrong. keep kidding yourself though. we just shit on your trade bloc and ruptured your power. you are so fucked its unbelievable your leaders allowed you to walk this path over making small concessions to us. this is the thing with you people, you never know when to listen. you choose to ignore, then you pay the price. its almost sad. you think you have built an empire, but you have made a union of nations who will devour you.

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should have granted help to italy when it was requested

No honor, no loyalty.

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Italian tanks were shit tier. Their torpedo bombers were on point though.

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