Other urls found in this thread:
do not engage roasties
do not help or assist roasties in any way shape or form
do not even acknowledge roasties
>anyone else feeling lonely?
> don't DM me please
Someone pretend to be a rich dude and start fucking with these women.
>do not PM me please
those poor simps LMAO
>I wish I had a boyfriend...
>Please no men contact me, creeps
how can she be lonely? their are hundreds of hot interested single girls in my area.
>I'm lonely and wish I had a boyfriend
>please don't PM me
Translation: I was just attention-whoring, I didn't mean it.
My autismo makes me not like being around people I will finally rise up
How do I invest in Xanax?
The entire sexual marketplace has turned upside down.
>post pics wearing gas mask and slavsquatting next to 4-month food supply on hinge and tinder
>3 matches last night alone
>never had any luck with either app before
NOooooooo they can’t tell me to stop riding the cock carousel!!! I NEED attention!!!!
welcome to my darkness CUNT!
lmao why do women feel entitled to a relationship?
Translation: I want Chad Thundercock to appear out of nowhere and romance me for the queen I am!
Yeah I noticed this lately women are becoming very thirsty and wanting a man. It is because fear triggers the natural instinct to submit to men in women, its an evolutionary adaption. They always knew deep down that they are weak and that only men can protect them from the horror of reality. We created a little walled garden for them for the last couple hundred years and they forget about the world that existed outside, but the walls are coming down because its getting stormy outside and we no longer want to repair them for the spoiled brats.
See you in hell meatwhores
in times of panic all liberal delusions crumble, women seek a capable penis to protect them and people at large gravitate toward strong leaders with confidence. all the bad media coverage, all the hysteria, and trumps approval rating keeps going up? not a coincidence. nature.
don't fall for it
women are vain, greedy opportunists who will move on once the economy improves
>don't DM me please
into the trash she goes
Official thread theme:
>Roasties BTFO. Lone women during the apocalypse will be shot on sight as a hazard to public health and presumptive spies.
>3 update
Don't help women ever its a trick
Im somewhat glad none have contacted me in fear. Few fatties sure but other than that no. This is a good thing if you ask me. The collapse hasnt even started with. Bros before hoes. I got family and friends I must protect first. I stand by my brothers in arms, and my grandmother and mother deserve my protection before a whore that never cared about me.
This is also true. When it’s over, suddenly she is going to realize her phone needs updating, and Starbucks is back open, and OMG I can travellllll again...”sorry user but this isnt working for me lol”
Lmao based
A cool wine aunt will have earned a gnarled & gruesome snatch so prolapsed that her drooping leathered labia appear as the glistening russet colored heads of turtles or like the strange proboscis of an eyeless subterranean mammal adapted to gulping silt or high-sand ratio marsh mud in either its search for tiny arthopod-derived calories or else burrowing some sort of nesting cavern to rest its cock-weary scabbard flapped face. A cool wine aunt has been dicked-down & dermatologically pulverized open by long prying motions from lengthy & pharmaceutically enhanced erections, slickly & snappily pistoning in & out of her roastie snapper the same as her dong-beaten brapper, their veiny & thick tumescences disappearing into the given aunt with the cadence born of great cardio-pulmonary conditioning, slap, slap, slap, pummeling cunt & cloaca with great steady vigors. Simultaneous penetrations, public perversions, emictions & eliminations upon the sweaty faces of paying clients, the cool wine aunt acquires knowledge of high & low slut stuff, cruising correctional facilities public parking lots for incarcerated males receptive to receiving the rippling petals of her gaping beef flower as a welcome-back-to-society gift, or, failing that, then descending into chemsex-fueled benders of nut butter-aided beastiality, emptying kennels of yet-tainted pup, using then hurling the not long ago unclean creatures tumbling tail over snout over the sides of bridges, overpasses, there relinquishing to nature the canine abominations that had scandalously tasted the aunt's vaginal victuals, lapping & schlopping the high calorie treat all the while the writhing cool wine aunt's brapper & snapper are each firing their climactic flatus like tolling bells, urging the pup on, loosing stools at climax as every women aches to do during their deepest orgasmic blisses, no skittish boyfriends to curtail their pleasure, the pup even gobbles up their kegel-launched logs & goes back to riveting clit work
because they can.
any woman above a 4 can ALWAYS get a bf or get laid.
>Do not PM me please.
shoo shoo, worthless betas!
time to fuck
>i'm so lonely i just want to be with someone
>*loads of man start messaging her wanting to get along*
>what a bunch of creeps, get lost losers
>*Do not PM me please.*
Always remember what (((they))) have taken from us
the amount of truth in that pic... wew lad
perfectly stated
this post wins the rare and coveted Based Bolsonaro
That's a great idea HH
Fuck yeah dude. On the other hand, I have a wife who knows very well how I provide for and protect this family. And if I ever go out of town, she can barely sleep - every creak and wind gust scares her because she knows how vulnerable and alone she is.
Women CAN be shown their true position, and they learn to love it. I think we should all take a step back and let them figure it out.
Pic related.
Check'd and heil'd.
She means "no simps so pathetic as to try to fuck a woman over reddit DMs message me please".
OP, stay strong, you fucking faggot
Also based
Wow from “fuck all men” to “I want a boyfriend.” Corona Chan is brutal to roasties.
Nothing is quite as strange as getting a text from a desperate ex from like 15 years ago acknowledging that they fucked up and then asking if I’m ok. It’s all so unreal, fren.
I don’t think anyone will kill them self, but it kinda sucks to not be in a relationship rn :/
checked and confirmed based dating advice
be sure to wear protecc
>do no pm me please
how the fuck are you guys so redpilled?
160 IQ right here, also chek'd
>I cant go out to bars and lunch with my girlfriends, omg that cures my depression what now???
The absolute self centered state of women
Are you asking that ironically and rhetorically?
this is a high IQ thread
this reads like a Cormac McCarthy paragraph lol
People are still using hookup apps in all of this, all we need is juuust one of those fuckbois to develop the wuhan flu and we can wipe out the roastie population in a matter of weeks.
What did you reply?
What a surprise, women only act like they currently do because we lived so many decades in peace and safety. When shit hits the fan it goes back to the natural order where they feel the strong need to have a male partner to protect them and make them feel safe.
This virus really solves all the issues doesnt it
asking it literally
>im so lonely
>reach out to people for virtual support
>dont PM me
>spending time with my friends makes me happy and not feel depressed
sure its a little vapid but fuck man why hate on people for having fun with their friends
>converting under the gallows
simp suicide en mass 9 months from now screencap this YOU WILL RAISE TYRONES BABY
Just blow her off and tell her thanks for asking and to stay safe. I did that myself and it felt good. Keeps you nice while uncaring at the same time. Fuck you bitches you mocked me for prepping before, family FIRST. I stand by my family and brothers before a woman that discarded me in the past.
>dong beaten brapper
You're gonna be the first to get targetted by roving bands of raiders in 3 weeks. Smart move, they'll probably fuck your ass good.
Thanks for the translation fatass.
had to read again
simply exquisite
>Do not PM me please
ahahahahaha thirtsy simps conclusively BTFO.
true. we are still hunter/gatherer cavemen. 300 years of industrial socialisation hasn't undone that in us.
in times of tendie scarcity all of mommie's delusions crumble, vagoos seek a capable bemis to shit post for them and faggots at large gravitate toward strong big dicked chads with confidence. all the bad porn hub coverage, all the roach turkposts, and 4th dimensional chess keeps habbening? not a coincidence. nature. Fugg!
We're gonna start seeing really, really quickly how many of these broads are faking it for attention and how many actually end up going psycho/following through.
I could say a lot. But the simplest answer is all women from 14 to 104 are all mentally the same age and you can see through all the bullshit by taking your personal feelings out of the equation when you're having a problem. Collective autism is powerful stuff.
Anyone else the noticed MIGA faggots and British/Canadian flag Pajeets are increasingly posting sceenshots from reddit and pushing for endorsement of reddit posts again? It seems like these shitstains feel they have dragged down Yas Forums far enough with their endless twitter post faggotry.
Yas Forums forever BTFO, even as the last man on Earth LMAO.
snus bro snus
I know you irl.
Depressed people don’t go out and socialize
t. Haven’t “socialized” in at least three years
Imagine being stuck inside with a wine roast while this is going on.
The shrill fighting she would start over trivial bullshit....The critique of your choices when almost all of her choices in life have been worse than yours...
I would much rather be single during all this. Makes me feel like mad max or something if things start to actually go sideways. (I doubt it but still)
I'm completely over even the idea of having a gf. I have twice in the past and they were both just a drain on my time and money at the end of the day. I plan on being totally celibate until I hopefully meet a woman who has the same major goals as me of having a traditional family life. Having a woman around just for sex only is stupid.
Good man
Based and red pilled.
yeah because he posted his address
Because being alone is better than being stuck with someone who’s abusive and hates you because you weren’t born with a penis.
Make sure to fuck them at their place so they don't know the address of your stash bro.
Suck it up simp
Because a lot of men have to endure multi-year stretches of crushing loneliness and being rejected by your peers
This bitch can't handle a week or two, hope she fucking kills herself, what a pussy faggot
>tfw gf is 3 states away rn with her parents instead of in my house
feels comfy lad
Women only talk about being depressed so they can get asspats.
two x chromosomes? more like three x chromosomes.
Heil to the Heil. Two 88s in a row.
>Second Coming Confirmed
This sums them up. Fuck roasties.
I got one of those, except she was outright seeking a father for a child. She wasn't even being sly about it - and she wound up getting artificial insemination.
I'm happy to see she's a mother now though. I hope she finds meaning in that role. Although single motherhood isn't good for either party really. I didn't even respond to her and I felt bad that she'd reached such depths.
even better
I'm sharing your pleasure vicariously
nothing fucks a woman up like silence, best medicine
> Strong independent wamen*
* In none crisis time periods. In periods of crisis, can revert to needing a man.
There is nothing else I enjoy more than watching women regret their decision to stay single. Before this pandemic hit she was a strong independent woman who kept rejecting dozens of men that wanted a relationship with her but now she realizes she should have had a boyfriend all along.
Shit man, I'm stealing this idea
LOL, this is an absolute fantasy. All of the women who care about having a protector already have one, like Any woman who is venting about being single on reddit is either an absolute fucking beast, or she's just waiting for a text back from 1 or 2 guys she already fucked before 'rona shut everything down.
"I wish I had a boyfriend during corona" really means "I wish a guy I have a crush on wifed me up sooner", not "golly gee, I will stop attention whoring and settle down". Most women always know if they want a boyfriend or not, they just get mad when a certain boy doesn't make a move on them.
Because people who are truly depressed don’t cure it by partying and clubbing it away: shes not depressed, her roastie lifestyle has been upended and has no other hobbies or outlets. She is realizing where her worth lies.
It's not fair! Facebook memes told me that ALCOHOLISM could replace the love of a family! Reeee!
>Burn the coal
>Pay the toll
Or just pump and dump her for the price of a can of Great Value® Luncheon Meat
Your man thought you were a trap?
So so true. I’ve witnessed this first hand. A few moments of silence and they implode..start hitting up random guys and start turbowhoring. Why is that?
imagine, in a year you can go out and just prove to all the women how strong you are by just having survived
silver lining to all this: western women the world over realize they need men
Imagine trusting a woman that much... you know she is cheating AS WE SPEAK
You can still be independent while wanting a relationship you know.
4 degrees Fahrenheit
Yeah, she’s just wanting attention by being “damaged” with bs victim shit. Fuck they are terrible people.
> I'm happy to see she's a mother now
Women make these retarded decisions because of people like you lying to them and pretending it's ok.
Maybe because the gas mask hides your ugly mutt face?