On 60min Australia tonight an Italian Doctor at the hospital said the ventilators aren't actually making people survive, they're put onto ventilator and eventually die anyway, they just keep you alive for longer.
Its over: ICU Ventilators don't work
they put the poor old bastards on ventilators, sedate them and wait for them to die
I'm scared
>oxygen isn't magic
woah, thanks for the thread
Good, now surrender your rights goy
Uh, its not just a mask on your face, these ventilators go down your throat into your lungs and stomach and breathe for you.
Yikes, imagine how fucking weird that must feel. I had a feeding tube into my stomach once and it was one of the worst things I've experienced.
Define "dont work"
If you're extending someones life, that gives you a longer treatment window where you can try different treatment strategies to cure the patient. Its unrealistic and unscientific to expect a ventilator to cure the infection, but if it gives you more time to try different medications then its a success.
>Face down
Are you at least sedated?
Hurts like a motherfucker when being taken out. You will usually be out of it when its in though.
The people are drowning to death on bodily fluids while being hooked up to the ventilator and the build up keeps getting worse and worse once its starts and eventually kills you, ventilator or no ventilator.
The whole German low death rate has nothing to do with ICU or medical care. There is no medical care to stop your lungs from drowning you with Coronavirus, once your lungs become infected and overwhelmed, its over.
It's one of the most fake videos I've ever seen. I actually had to laugh watching it. Those 'patients' look like props.
what's going on in germany?
People are hooked up to machines and then... wait. No fatalities, no recoveries.
Are they turning off the lights so that these people can sleep at night? Humans, like all animals, are highly light susceptible. Even a little bit of light can keep their adrenaline up, and keep them from sleeping.
Well, it's not entirely true. You're right in that there's not much we can do at the moment if you need a ventilator. However, if you require intubation and a ventliator and you don't get one currently you will die 100% of the time. With a ventilator that drops to around a 50% chance of dying.
Just giving your body more time to handle the infection is enough sometimes.
The other thing of note is that these people aren't dying of the pnemonia per-se. The illness puts stress on their entire bodies, and if they have other comorbidity then the whole house of cards starts coming down.
If you're healthy and you get bad covid19 case you have a >99% chance of living. However, even a single comorbidity combined with advanced age brings you into the single percents.
Here's a shocking statistic: NO ONE UNDER THE AGE OF 30 HAS DIED IN ITALY. The average age of the deceased is 81.
you're an idiot.
So vegetables? Coma with no recovery?
Ok freak
They are being kept in coma.
Just like the viewer
She said nobody has recovered at her hospital, they've died while attached to the ventilator.
Not that I disagree, but that doesnt refute my central point. Given theyve had preliminary success with the anti-malarians + macrolides, id rather have a 5 day window to treat grandma than 2-3 days without the ventilator
Are you a chinese shill or just an edgy faglord from Yas Forums?
This one I got it from /gif/ but never circulated in italy
You are put to sleep when they hook you up to a ventilator because it's really terrible
Neither. The whole of the civilised world is being shut down. And you accept a shitty video with a couple of 'critically ill' bodies as sufficient reason?
>they just keep you alive for longer.
I mean, you have more chances to overcome it if you live longer
Did you not read?
She said the ventilators haven't saved anyone at her hospital who have coronavirus yet, theyve all died.
Does that not tell you something?
No. Europeans are legitimately retarded.
that doesn't change the overall observed statistics
>“It first struck me how different it was when I saw my first coronavirus patient go bad. I was like, Holy shit, this is not the flu. Watching this relatively young guy, gasping for air, pink frothy secretions coming out of his tube and out of his mouth. The ventilator should have been doing the work of breathing but he was still gasping for air, moving his mouth, moving his body, struggling. We had to restrain him. With all the coronavirus patients, we’ve had to restrain them. They really hyperventilate, really struggle to breathe. When you’re in that mindstate of struggling to breathe and delirious with fever, you don’t know when someone is trying to help you, so you’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you, but you are drowning.
>“When someone has an infection, I’m used to seeing the normal colors you’d associate with it: greens and yellows. The coronavirus patients with ARDS have been having a lot of secretions that are actually pink because they’re filled with blood cells that are leaking into their airways. They are essentially drowning in their own blood and fluids because their lungs are so full. So we’re constantly having to suction out the secretions every time we go into their rooms.”
Wait, if you have a tube in, can you cough?
zyklon B
It might hurt.
okay that's one person's experience in one of the most aged populations in europe
There's a lot more than this shitty video.
Last friday I was stuck behind a medical convoy on the freeway. They were redistributing covid patients because the hospital in Uden was full.
There are interviews with doctors in such hospitals were they asking us to please take the government measures seriously and stop fucking around. In a few days we have nowhere to put you if you require help.
I know nothing can convince tinfoilhatters except time. Just know that when your loved ones become ill, you are to blame for their suffering.
Lack of ICU is not a problem. If one needs ICU - one will be dead (85%) - ICU or no ICU. Sad. What kind of air they pump? Is it true it causes fungus infection? Can they try to add nebulized ionic silver to ventilator air mix ?
it would be extremely painful
100% of people will frantically try to rip the breathing tube out, not just cv patients. You have no control over it.
the virus is not made to kill as many people as posisble it is intended to cripple the countries
and to be a vague guess about who released it with intent
nobody can bear a real hot war today
Not really. They call it "bucking the tube."
>they keep you alive for longer
>they don't work
are you retarded? The machine does exactly what it is supposed to do: keep you from dying.
What did you expect? That pumping oxigen into your lungs cures you?
>t.somebody clueless
ARDS does have a fatality rate of 30-40 percent with excellent ICU care (here in Germany). I don’t know, how good the Italian ICUs are, but if the hospital say they don’t have anybody who survived, either their patients were very old with massive amounts of serious preconditions or they are doing something wrong. Here in Germany you have to stay 3-7 days mechanically ventilated, the median is 4 days, if you develop the ARDS complication as a result of the SARS-Cov-2 infection. Of course they won’t leave the hospital any time soon. They will stay another two weeks on the MCU and the normal station after they left the ICU. And probably need lung therapy afterwards.
I've already seen this vid. It looks staged as fuck.
shit, might be better to opt for a tracheotomy
"It first struck me how different it was when I saw my first coronavirus patient go bad. I was like, Holy shit, this is not the flu. Watching this relatively young guy, gasping for air, pink frothy secretions coming out of his tube and out of his mouth. The ventilator should have been doing the work of breathing but he was still gasping for air, moving his mouth, moving his body, struggling. We had to restrain him. With all the coronavirus patients, we’ve had to restrain them. They really hyperventilate, really struggle to breathe. When you’re in that mindstate of struggling to breathe and delirious with fever, you don’t know when someone is trying to help you, so you’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you, but you are drowning."
flu fags btfo.
Thank heavens for (((propublica))). What would we do without them?
Often they don't ventilate people with corona because it makes people that come into the room more susceptible to the disease.
Either they aren't sedating them like they should or the more likely they're larping.
The idea is that intubation will keep you alive through lung failure long enough for your immune system to regain control and fight off the bacterial pneumonia the virus makes you susceptible to by fucking up your immune system.
If your immune system simply never can recover, all the intubation does is delay your death.
Lol people rarely survive at the point these people are being ventilated. This is not unusual. ARDS (Amongst other things) is almost a death sentence anyway. If you’re over 65 here you won’t even get a look in at ICU
Yeah, so you're literally suffocating the guy while pushing his lungs in and out. Seems like it would be better to just increase oxygen flow around the patient and let his own lungs work.
And that's the problem. If your lungs are lined with nothing but fucked up white mucus you're never gonna get air.
I guess the ventilators offer "releif" (or the illusion of it). If our PM doesn't give us a lockdown soon I'm gonna be pissed.
Yeah true however, what you see is alveoli failing to inflate because they’re full of fluid and dead lung tissue. It’s a rather harsh virus but if you are under 65 with no comorbidities you will almost never get to this point
Who knew that ventilators can't stop your lungs from filling up with flexseal.
So why are we wasting ventilators/ICUs on these people then?
Yep this. In fact worldwide stats show a ~99.2% survival rate for those under 40 I believe. Could have the age wrong.
100% of patients with competent doctors are kept sedated through most of the process until they die or vitals improve.
People who are young. He is talking about 40 or 50 year olds and he says minor precondition. In the US being obese is likely considered a minor precondition. Emerging influenza A viruses can be way worse than this. This guy has no clue he is talking about the seasonal flu. But sure some young people will also become seriously ill, it’s much less likely, but statistically it happens. If the numbers are big enough you will start seeing it. If you are below 55 or 50 your chances of surging ARDS are much higher than the 30 to 40 percent; I previously mentioned. Because this for all age groups.
Everyone that replied to you is digging their heels in because they're scared. The "recovered" myth that China has made up us a lie.
The body can choose which lung sacks in which order to inflate, isn't that generally correct? You can cough from the top of your chest, the bottom, or all of it at once?
This suggests a possible process the body naturally has available to empty fluids.
If all you're doing is pushing the lungs in and out, and this process exists, you're fighting the body. Unless you're in the lungs vacuuming these fluids at all hours, you are effectively suffocating them?
THats a respiratory therapist, not a doctor. And “struggling” is caused by hypercarboxia when sedated but not given paralytics. Again this is not unusual. It’s a scare piece to try and get people to self isolate, not a bad idea to self isolate - but I fucking hate scare pieces
I want off this ride
Our governments are convince this will all just blow over by September and we can start sucking Chinese dick again. Meanwhile my wife's business has just collapsed into the toilet, our boarder had her contracts cancelled and is coughing up a lung and a dirty leftist pig to begin with and I can't afford to cover both their rents and I work in a supermarket where literally none of the safety precautions apply because fat bogans need to bring their 50 kids to the shop along with their grandparents to buy all the toilet paper and tonic water possible, and our internal safety team tell us drinking hot tea kills the virus and now half the staff will get paid more to be on the dole than show up and be coofed on by chinks.
Upside - my wife is finally starting to see the light on getting out of these multi-cult hell holes and going to the country
i always love when doctors admit they have no fucking clue about what they are doing, because they are fake scientists.
reminder that medicine is for drone Normies who want to feel scientific and all doctors are technicians, not even engineers and even less scientists.
Look at those big beautiful eyes just giggling at you
Tends to be lower lungs that have issues with inflation deflation. This is why they prone you when intubated with this because it aids in expiration
>cue Ron Paul
Reeeee. I turn 39 in June. I'm never gonna make it. Unless I'm immune because the weird cold I caught from the Chinese guys at work was actually it.
Retard. She was talking about her wing of hospital where they put old boomers on ventilators. In same video they talk about guy in 20s successfully recovering in same hospital.
Just turned 39 myself and my reeeing will never end now
>Not injecting oxygen directly into your blood
Couple of issues.
1. By the time you need to be put on a ventilator you will already have ARDS. That's where the alveoli begin to fill with blood instead of air from the capillaries attached.
2. Having to force air under pressure into someones lungs because their lungs cannot function otherwise will in and of itself cause lung damage.
If the symptoms are treated early Hidroxychloroquine + Azithromycin then you have a far greater chance.
>down your throat into your lungs and stomach and breathe for you.
you need to huff some more gas, dipshit
>ventilators also routinely don't work for elderly people with influenza, pneumonia, copd, colds, etc
>it's a big deal that they don't work for elderly people with covid
Trump is right, the media is subversive and the literal enemy of the people
39 year old here. I had Influenza B last year. It was very unpleasant. If I had been able to take two weeks off work when it onset I would have been fine.
Also a few years ago I had a bad cold. Usually I'm not a big coofer. The weird thing about this one was that after the cold went away, I still had a super charged mega coof. Worse still - it lasted for 8 months. Every time I had a shower the steam would cause a coughing fit. When I would laugh - coughing fit. When I smelled something strong, coughing fit.
My wife eventually forced me to see a GP and he said I probably had some shit called "walking pneumonia". That was about it.
Ive had my stomach pumped for three days and it was worse than back surgery. wanted to die.
>single comorbidity
>single percents
as in single digits chance of living? or mortality rate? my mom takes blood pressure medicine and is 60 but has very good lungs, never had pneumonia never smoked, exercises etc.
you're so sick at that point, and usually sedated that you don't realize the tube is there. they sedate you as or before they put it in, and when they go to take it out, you're coming out of sedation and they turn the machine down to see how well you're breathing on your own.
you don't really feel it coming out, as it slides right out and you're still groggy from sedation. at least I didn't feel it coming out. I had open heart surgery. the wierd thing was the two drainage tubes they had in my chest. when they slid those out, it looked like it wsa never going to end, and I could feel it sliding through my chest cavity inside. that was freaky.
>self isolate, not a bad idea to self isolate - but I fucking hate scare pieces
I mostly agree. It’s much more likely, if you are under 50 and driving a motorbike to end up on ICU because of that. If you are under 35, it’s already more like being struck by a lightning out of nowhere, if you don’t have serious preconditions. But still our populations are old and many of them aren’t healthy. So this is still a pretty big deal.
Someone is seething that they got rejected from med school
Honestly, ive thought about this with smokers too, is there a way to wash out the lungs like a little water spray vacuum combo, and focus on small spot in the lungs and just move around day by day.
fucking chinks... how long have you been having this shit??
Also one of the chinks who I suspect gave me the cold landed back from China in late February and has been MIA for almost two weeks now with a cold. Bet he gave me the sly corona. Genuinely was a weird cold I had. But who knows.