@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Con 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 3/20/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on WTNHNews8 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: Social Distancing 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: How does Corona-chan spread? 3/20/20
>USDAVideo: To the heroes in the US food supply chain, we salute you 3/20/20
>USSSVideo: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other 3/20/20
>StateDeptVideo: SoS Pompeo on Disinfo&Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania on Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: AgSec Perdue "Plenty of food, assholes!" 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-22 Coronavirus hits Mexican cartels and leads to shortages of meth and fentanyl as chemicals can’t be so[...].png (647x960, 598.84K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21 As Hospitals Prepare for COVID-19, Life-Saving Trans Surgeries Are Delayed.png (818x1187, 1.11M)

guys i just sneezed. am i gonna make it?

Attached: 1562882044992.jpg (480x454, 73.12K)

Italy making shit up.
Super glad we shut down the world economy for this

Attached: ETrHLTNWkAct85y.jpg (1125x759, 109K)

MAGA! Flandre is very MAGA!
Sink the chinks and send spics to Hell.

Attached: 1464204382241.gif (290x163, 3.8M)

>Winnie d’achoo

Coofers don't sneeze because they have dry coughs.

Same here. First case in Portugal "died of Coronavirus" but he was in the hospital in the first place for Cancer, Diabetes and a Heart Condition and just so happen to be positive for ChinkFlu when he died.

Not sure how many of you need to hear this, but maybe don't beat the shit out of your 3 year old during the lockdowns.

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I dare you to contradict Molyneux UPB. Go ahead if you think you're smart enough, drumpfy.

Bakelite is superior to Plastic
Change my mind.

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Italy proving once again they're not white or a real Nation.

Dem Congressman in critical condition due to unrelated pneumonia

Attached: 03-22 08_27_22.png (1022x821, 98.83K)


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Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-22 , 12_42_28.png (761x445, 72.98K)

When the Chinese Virus has run its course, I say we leave our borders in their current state, and finish The Wall.

>let me tell you about the current social atmosphere regarding the state you live in
t. literal moor that just a few days ago didn't know the difference between Teddy Roosevelt and FDR

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Good thing three major cities just made that a temporary non crime you can't be arrested for.

>If I say I saw it on Fox News, then they'll believe what ever I say

Bakelite is also plastic. Just an old one.

Lombardy region with the CCP shill Mayor of FLorence & the mass influx of chink migrant from 2003 has 3k deaths of the 4800 deaths in Italy. As you say, an economy shut down due to a small region that has manufactured something out of chink propaganda..

Thank you based coronachan



Attached: The Diplodocus' spirit has been stirred by the presence of a transexual.png (1280x848, 2.36M)

> Bakelite
> superior to plastic
Bakelite is a kind of plastic. It's made of phenol, which is made of petroleum or coal.

More like stress from home schooling.

God, I hate children.

So what I have been saying the whole time is accurate then.
>heart attack/stroke/whatever patient rolled in
>fuck off we're full
>lives long enough to contract CV from the hospital dripping with the stuff
>dies from their real problem
>+1 CV death

This is a strange random issue to pop up here, but under the circumstances, I have no choice but to agree. I have bakelite coffee mugs and a bakelite telephone and their great.

finally some justice, having parents locked up with their little spoiled sunshine shits

She can Learn to Code.

Attached: Screenshot_20200321-204340_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 684.89K)

so maybe its just allergies

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>Thoughts and prayers
You sure he isn't a republican?

Shut the fuck up.

lmao police have stopped enforcing any rules outside of the curfew and stopping murders. Just rob a store and dont pay the rent and protect your apparetment with a shotgunniggu

I don't like democrats.
I like HUMANS though.
He should mega dose C.

Attached: Baby Cummings.jpg (800x442, 345.32K)

This is America. Be productive or be homeless.

>induced by a rib fracture
>caused by a runnign accident
This runnign thing sounds dangerous.

I've been sneezing practically every day for years. Now coofs, coofs scare me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Galaxy Express 999 - 06 [480p].mkv_snapshot_04.52_[2020.03.03_13.10.42].jpg (640x480, 50.04K)

Grocery stores are hiring anyone with a pulse right now. Do something, ANYTHING you lazy fuck!

Why are the news pushing hard for the military to be mobilize

How's the curve looking for the US?

>Gutting a dude like a turkey
>Essential healthcare

She should shoot the landlord.

Why do you think they shouldn't? Leave the media out of it.

I hate the Trump bashing just as much as you, but we're 3 months into this and this 70+ year old man doesn't know how a vaccine works.
"But the same vaccine could not work. You take a solid flu vaccine - you don't think that would have an impact or much of an impact on corona?"
Transscript is under the video, just ctrl f "solid"

The Leftists want Martial Law so that they can have something to really complain about and RESIST.

Ted K.'s manifesto talks about their need for abuse.

You're going to do this in every thread huh?
The virus isn't going to kill people

Attached: Screenshot_20200321-204332_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 814.01K)

Millions of people on Earth already run and it's spreading fast.

Attached: CORONA-VIRUS.jpg (501x671, 61.97K)

I don't care about your schizophrenic twitter screencaps, nigger.

agree 100%

Lol. What a bad troll

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Have to hand it to the Chinks & NWO, the experiment worked perfectly. An exercise in how easily to control whole countries, even superpowers. But wait, overplaying their hand when the evidence is clear this was all manufactured & could have been stopped at anytime leaves them vulnerable to retaliations from those that have the power to take action. Will the world sit back & take this BS lying down? Probably, as it is simply easier to carry on as before (and yet things have changed).

Democrats aren't human. Especially niggers.
I'm not racist. I'm speciesist. Fite me.

Well I have about 30 rolls of TP, 2 boxes of food and 10 gallons of water in my basement. When is the world going to end so I can enjoy my stash?

Why do you think the military shouldn't be protecting stores and unoccupied buildings? Please tell me, kike retard.


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I know you don't.
You care about the memevirus.
Probably because you're a prepper. But it could also be because you have AIdS

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My grandma's 1950's Lucite Trivits Disagree. and she helped make a boom of these trivits in the 60's underground crafts,

Plastic is for floating in the Ocean garbage patch, LUCITE and BAKELITE are Jewlery and kitchenwear

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The world isn't ending because of a beer virus.

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what just waiting to die?

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dumb panic cunt. there is not a sheriff or a judge in the country that would enforce an eviction notice

You're an off-topic spammer.

I also want them to be abused

>Grocery stores are hiring anyone with a pulse right now.

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-22 , 13_50_31.png (686x742, 884.47K)

Italy also has a yearly death rate of 1%, the US has a yearly death rate of 0.8%

Its approaching a vertical asymptote
In other words

No material comfort is a legally guaranteed right. Not food, not clothing, and not shelter. You want nice things? You have to be able to pay for them. You have to work for them. That's the way the world works.

Fuck off with your bleeding heart bullshit.

Off topic?
All day every day the topic is the virus.
There's no culture war to fight because the virus killed it.
There's no primaries.
The virus killed those too.
Just go back to Corona chan general you enormous retard

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Blimpf will give us his update later today

>This is America, be a slave to the jews or be homeless

Then you would give them what they want.

For a fictional example, ask /tg/ why Khorne will never fight Slaanesh directly.

Answer this question subhuman retard: Why do you think the military shouldn't be protecting stores and stopping people from holing up in unoccupied buildings?

About 1/5th of these people will NEED a ventilator to survive. Once we run out of ventilators people gon die.

k-k-keep us posted!

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> Why do you think the military shouldn't be protecting stores and stopping people from holing up in unoccupied buildings?
Because that's the role of civilian law enforcement?

Saw Hillary dreaming of getting back into power again... CAME IN POSTING SHOTSKIS, SAID SHE WAS GOING TO TRY TO SMUGGLE HERSELF INTO OFFICE AGAIN VIA JOE'S TICKET.... SHE REALLY WANTS TO GET BACK ON THE SPOTLIGHT....YOUR KNOW, "officially"... Thing is, she's already gone enough damage. There should be enforced laws about politicians being in the United States Government while also being on a terrorist watch list for eternity.

Attached: SHOTSKIS.webm (720x404, 360.15K)

It's Twitter so it's probably a lie for attention.

Because that's Venezuela-tier tyranny?

Don't worry. We are good. Plenty of beds.

Attached: Screenshot_20200321-205950_Chrome.jpg (1080x2280, 626.11K)

CDC themself say, a vent is a death sentence usually.
Avoid it by not gettin lungs full of H20.


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>Just go back to Corona chan general you enormous retard
Take your own advice because the virus is all you're posting about.
With Twitter shit at that, maybe just go back to Twitter instead.

Sink the chinks and the Italians idgaf

consider pic related for a start.
then realize age, obesity, and all those other things aren't the difference between a 1% and 10% fatality rate, not having an overwhelmed healthcare services is what makes the difference.

Attached: Map-of-HIV-Prevalance-in-Africa.png (600x631, 106.24K)

>cops without protective equipment for CBRN defense should be doing a job they're not equipped for
Kindly eat a stick of lit fucking dynamite you foreign piece of shit.

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Why is it tyrannical to stop people from breaking into office buildings, homes, ransacking stores?

Stupidity causes more deaths than the Chinese Virus ever will.


why doesnt your map have south sudan on it?

Damn near everything does including golf, and fishing.

Is trump going to bailout his business? Should he?

> cops without protective equipment for CBRN
Wut? Civilian law enforcement get access to such equipment user, even in peacetime.

Attached: hazmat unit.jpg (1023x716, 191.32K)

Why will his businesses need bailouts? Who's demanding payments?

>>needing a vent
needing to die.

CDC them self say a vent is basically a death sentence..

Attached: file.png (615x317, 63.13K)

Yep, and it's still not enough to get the death rate above 1%

Well the cops aren't doing anything right now and they literally don't have crime to solve because pic related. So they can do it.
Military isn't necessary

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Nigger, even ICE has N95 masks for deporting illegals.

Lol what? How is it tyranny to enforce the law?

>one hazmat unit can lock down an entire city
No, seriously, you have reached the end of your mental limitations. This is bigger than 9/11. Please walk into the path of a fucking truck.

Using your army against your own people is the part that's generally considered tyrannical. That's why we have nice things like posse comitatus and the second and third amendments. Soldiers exist to kill foreigners, law enforcement for checking domestic problems.

Fuck you, nigger.

The hotel industry has requested 150 billion. Trump himself has said his business will be impacted.

Conflict of interest and there will be lawsuits when we get back to normal but I don't care if he does

>People who die with Corona virus are counted as death by Corona virus
Well if they would have survived otherwise without Corona that doesn't seem nonsensical even with pre-existing conditions

The National Guard exists to pacify unlawful assemblies.

Who's asking for payments and why can't they be stopped?

This is like watching another country fall apart. Its so crazy that virtually nothing has changed for me.

Sorry about your mental disorder.
Make sure when you finally hang yourself that the noose is tied correctly.
Don't want you ending up in a hospital.
Since they're empty since no one is dying of the virus your insufferable ass will be there alone bothering the nursing staff.

Italy's population is also much older than ours and has a slower birth rate, like Japan. Aging population and no replacement. That's why America will be just fine. Quit panicking.


The virus is a nothingburger user, it can't even kill white people

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So...If they make a vaccine are we forced to take it? I ain't taking that shit.

Is Fouchysama based or not?

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When is the Corona presser today?

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so if i stab a man in a wheelchair i didn't kill him? he can't defend himself so the chair basically killed him
i like it

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I have it. It started as a dry cough for a few weeks, barely noticeable. Yesterday I had a very mild sense of unease, vertigo, and a little bit of a sense of labored or heavy breathing. I've never had Asthma but that's what they are comparing it to. I am laying in bed right now and I feel totally fine. Will probably go out fishing all day and enjoy my time ofd before I go back to work in a couple of weeks. My job doesn't end unless the world does so I'm enjoying my coronacation and hoping that the feds don't go full police state on us. Never let a crisis go to waste as they say, and they certainly haven't.

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Tuck Chodd knows he has more boomers than usual tuning in to (((Meet the Press))) this morning

Probably, guarantee all children will be forced to before being allowed back in schools.

With double autism, you'll be twice as powerful.

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Hotels have been forced by their Governors to close.

Based Italy disproving the Holocaust

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He's a Hilary supporter and close friend, you decide.

It's scheduled for 4:30 P.M. ET, but you may as well make it you'll be up a little later than usual, hans

I really believe this now, this whole ordeal is so fucking unnecessary.

I'm not panicking, just pointing out facts as to why the spaghetti spillers have more problems, left wing policies also driving the problems there along with Europe including the UK

>>I ain't taking that
Now there's two of us.

Attached: s1.jpg (1600x1541, 228.82K)

Capitalism made us the greatest country with the highest standard of living in the world. So fuck off. Pay for shit or go live in a cardboard box under a bridge. I don't give a fuck about your Jewish conspiracy shit.

This whole thing is gonna force everyone to take flu shots. Terrifying.

Makes sense. Must be why he tried to tank the economy with the Fauci Lockdown.

>Who's asking for payments
>Why can't they be stopped
They've got their puppet in the white house

Attached: kike.jpg (605x418, 63.31K)

That was too brainlet user. If a Cancer patient with 3 months to live die in the end of those 3 months and happen to be tested positive for Coronavirus did he die of Coronavirus?


Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-15 , 17_35_39.png (1758x901, 2M)

People are gonna die anyway. That's what people do.

user, I know you haven't forgotten the lesson about Ifunny watermarks. And how did you catch the Niggerlung?

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>so you'll be up a little later than usual, hans
That's just 10 PM here in euroland and I'm currently living the NEET lifestyle anyway.

>muh birthrates
Fuck off, shekeler

but what if they had 9 months to live and died with 3 months left what killed them then?

Boomer pls leave

I have
- Dry cough
- Fever
- headache
- nausea
- sinus troubles
- shortness of breath
- soar throat

Feel like I've been hit by a truck

>God, I hate children

More like you just suck as a human being.


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He doesn’t actually have it, I would bet toilet paper on it.


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If he caught the flu would he be deemed as dying of the flu or would it be his immune system that was shot & could not fight off something that would otherwise be fairly easy to fight off?

>soar throat

> what killed them then?
In the particular case of that headline they made the distinction of "deaths with a proven causality connection to COVID-19" meaning they are already counting the particular case you put forward.

The thing is: they are also counting "old geezer die of heart failure and happens to be positiive for Coronavirus"




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Yeah that's not surprising.
We do that shit here with other illnesses.
Spain has a thousand deaths. Wonder if that's even close.