How to make them pay for it ??

how to make them pay for it ??

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They must pay in nukes dropped on your homeland India

You don't. China is as fucked as it cant get.

The wallstreet money flowing into the party member's pockets is completely dependant on keeping the world buying cheap stuff made in China.
This in turn is the only thing keeping the red dynasty, called the CCP, alive.
But now the money has dried up.
The red emperor and his eunuchs have nothing but the deepest disdain for the lower casts. They don't care the least for dead slave workers.
So, next the CCP cronies will try to force the slaves back into the factories, without payment or food. At gunpoint if needed.
But it will not help them. The peasants are afraid, they are starving and will cut off their heads.
China is looking at another 100 years of warlords and destruction.
Any ambitions the CCP had for world domination are as dead as the bat in their soup.

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don't buy things made in China

Great point.
No more slave worker for building the new wakandis in Africa. You chimpz will go back to the drawing board, I mean, mud huts.

It amermutt scum not i indian. India China conflict is just feiendly banter

>pretty much this

They are. Their clock was ticking. Now that there is a global travel/import/distribution shutdown, they are put in an unstable position. 90% of their income is from overseas.

Not a good point. Many things are made in China and only made in China for economic reasons.

We have to ban all trade with China first to make domestic industries competetive again.

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I am exaggerating a bit, of course.
But right now things are not very stable at all in China. The peasants are afraid, confused and they are starving.
The next step will be either a palace revolution or maybe a coup d'état involving the PLA.
Maybe there will be an attempt at reform. Maybe the CCP can hold on under new leadership and will try their "glasnost and perestroika".
But recent history shows that systems that are as big and as dysfunctional as the CCP are everything but stable in times of crisis.
If things go really bad China will crash harder than the USSR did.

On the (not so) plus side: chinese guns, tanks and nukes will be sold dirt cheap on the black market.

>pic related
14mio mobile phone users in China just disappeared

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There is no ban needed. The chinese factores are crippled for many months.
And wallstreet is out of the picture, too. So no more (((investment money))) for China.

nuclear fire

more on the missing phones in China

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How do we make the United states pay for releasing the corona virus upon the world?

>one coof has been placed in your account, Wang
spend it on bribes to your local official or we will put you into the organ harvesting camps!

Nuclear fire that cannot be quenched for a thousand years.

They are already paying for it with all the investment retraction and their image damage. But the eternal justice can only be achieved through nuclear Holocaust

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0.50 cents have been deposited in your bank account, John Smith.

find which individuals from the Chinese government and the virologists that were involved and fucking murder them
then create a world wide coalition force to oppose and ultimately completely destroy China should they refuse to pay reparations to all countries affected by the virus

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We must destroy the united states with nukes for what they have done.
The blood of tens of thousands of innocent is on Trump's hands!

Show previous moths and years subscribers. Makes it more better and sheeit.

coronavirus came from israel blame mossad not china

If everyone buys 1/5 less things that are "Made In China" ChiCom scum are fucking doomed in a years time

it'll never happen though.

onion faggots need their macbook airs

Thotwhores need their industrial supply kit of makeup and a brand new iphone every year

Boomers need a robot slave because vacuuming is too hard

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What makes you think I have a direct line into China Mobile's accounting?

pay for the CIA-19 virus? It comes from fort knox

>as dead as the bat in their soup

I don't think it was dead...

Nice try Chang.
0.98 yuans have been added to your bank account.

Once this is over, constant acts of plausibly deniable warfare. Every Chinese ship that touches open water will be met with empty old cargo vessels that we just couldn't figure out how to stop from crashing. Amplify this times a million, non-stop until they either fold or launch nukes.

>make them pay
Just stop consooming their cheap shit. It breaks anyway.

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it came from china you chink

Nice vpn, Ishmahel.

You don't know how much i wish this is true :(

Imagine there's no China,
It's easy, if you try
No more sick man of Asia
Above us, only clean skies

Get raped Chang. Jews are a parasites. This is a virus caused by you apes eating bats.

Easy: pretty much every FOB outside China is connected to the CCP.

Move production of raw materials and components to India, Russia and Africa. Isolate China economically and politically. They will self-destruct in short order.

I won't buy anything chink anymore. Won't ever go to a Chinese-owned bar, no sushi restaurants, nothing

Steal their chink girls away.

Seriously, put white man sperm in their gene pool all the way and remove chink blood. Chink boys will be mad but they can't do anything as they are by DNA design physically inferior.

That way when chink DNA mixes with white DNA, it adds a bit of empathy DNA which humans are supposed to have and chinks don't. You can turn a subhuman (chink) into a nigger with this conversion.

hehe le epic trawlz!!1 xD
you're boring bro take a bath with your toaster

If Brazil causes an issue like this, how do you Pay for it? There is a reason no one "sues" or "nukes" over shit like this as it sets a very dangerous precedent without end.

good goy, your jewish master must be very proud of you. it started in china but israel make it you fucking amerimutt goy

You would have to factor that the Chinese weren't allowed to work (make money) to pay their phone bills too. But I'm thinking there will be something to this.

I am just connecting the dots, user.
It is just as hard to guess what is going on inside China now as it was during the late 80s inside the USSR.

brazil is OK because they kill themselves like dumb niggers. they cause a lot of problems but solve it internally, same with pure african niggers, unlike some stupid ass chinks.

also i hope corona virus kill a couple of million mutts fuck usrael

I just wish for the entire thing to collapse.

>a bit of empathy DNA
why is utterly retarded broscience always linked to racist drivel?

China has proven themselves to literally be worse than terrorists. Even 9/11 didn’t cause anywhere near this damage. We have to nuke.

A fresh bat was deposited in your soup bowl. Ching Chong

look, a retarded chink trying to fool everyone into believing he has human thoughts. nice try, youre a virus in human form. how does it feel chink? oh wait you cant feel you only live.


Lol seething zipperhead

We should have been getting out resources from Africa for God damn decades now.

There's a profound irony in that the West, in trying not to offend its own blacks, is allowing Africa to be taken over by the Chinese. American and European blacks should WANT to conquer Africa with that in mind, but God only knows they are oblivious about Chinks.

How is it that your country is filled with 6 million venomous animals but your greatest fear is being racist?

It is happening don't worry, their shitty healthcare is going to surprise us

Free wives for neets

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I know user. Nobody claims that all of them are dead.
And nobody claims that these numbers are reliable or anywere near complete.
But these numbers fit very well with the rates of hospitalisation and death we see in other places.

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Confirmed. Italy deserves what is happening

When you see an Australian flag saying something gay, there's a 99% chance it's a chink. Look at a globe if you want to know why..

She cute, whos that

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Econonically isolate them. They collapse without a market for their cheap insectoid shit.

Show flag inbred jew.

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Yeah yeah jews everywhere schizo

Beat the shit out of your local chinks
Also, beat the shit of your local Jews

Relocate foreign investment and manufacturing. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean the kikes in the West will bring it back to their host nation, they’ll just move it to some other third world shithole.

>Steal their chink girls

Fine, but you seem to suggest the chinks should keep the white-asian mutts? that isn't a good idea, that gives some clever half-Aryans over to them, when they should come to us.

As the Führer said, subhuman populations can thrive if lead by mixed Aryans.

Normies in the West don’t have that kind of discipline.

We isolate them from the world and starve them out.

Start by quarantinging them from the internet.

They never paied for Cultural Revolution, Tiananmen square, Uygur, etc...
They are already prepared for genociding hundreds of millions.


what's that?

We should genocide them in return, Japanon.

Doesn’t really work the other way round tbf

Good attempt tho