A month from now, Italy will be seen as a Dreamland, in comparison to USA

When you flip on the TV News, and they're mentioning that Covid-19 cases are flatlining in China, and that "China has things under control"... and not to worry because we're going to flat-line cases here in the United States soon.... there is something they're not telling you on the TV News

In China, they shut down cities, they take large dump trucks and dump piles of debris in the roadway to block travel to make it impossible to drive by, in China they have monitors walking around neighborhoods making sure nobody is leaving the huge apartment building towers they live in... the reason there is a "bell curve" is that governments usually respond to a problem and cause the bell curve to be formed when government action creates a decline in cases...

There is NOT 1 road shut down in the United States right now, instead we shut down barbershops that might usually have 5 people inside them - but the major grocery stores are Open and 100's of people are walking in to them daily, grocery stores will soon be the most dangerous places to be in as they'll be one of the few places Open and everyone is crowded in the grocery stores, airports are still wide Open in the USA which is mind-boggling as TSA Agents are already getting sick..... April will be bad, but the month of May will be 10-times worse... we haven't seen anything in the USA yet... we're on track to outpace Italy in a week or so.... this government response is far worse than Katrina and 9/11 combined...

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The US isn't trying to stop the virus. They are just trying to keep it from spreading too quickly and overrunning hospitals. China did not stop the virus either. it's only a matter of time before another outbreak happens in China.

>Implying the the outbreak stopped in china

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Please stop shilling for them Chang.

what i'm saying is even if they did, it's going to come back.

>The US isn't trying to stop the virus.

It's mind-boggling to see that US Airports are all still open, TSA Agents are already getting sick, the US Airports shut have been shut down 6-weeks ago...

Any Pandemic book will usually print on Page 1, that the first step is to shut down public transportation: Airports, Buses....

I'm still operating under the belief that the CDC is setting Trump up for a major failure... things are going to be far worse in the NYC Metro than Italy...

So is all that malarkey about them welding people's doors shut true also?

It can't be stopped until a vaccine or a cure is found. All that can be done is limit the damage that it does. If you shut everything down like China did, that is only going to temporarily get rid of it.

>we're on track to outpace Italy in a week or so.... this government response is far worse than Katrina and 9/11 combined...

you've outpaced italy days ago, not in total numbers but the trajectory is far beyond what they ever had. good luck.

no retard, what china did IS slowing it down until the cure is made, they didn't stop shit. all the draconian measures they implemented are just to flatten muh curve. what your country is doing is a suicide.

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I have a 4wd so a little dirt on the road won't stop anyone in rural America. You Europoors and chinks need to get on our level.

and in 2 weeks some nigger is going to spray you down with an UZI and he'll have a 4WD

>muh 4wd
>muh guns
Yet you cucks never use them

Niggers are dumb as fuck and most just carry old rusty .38s. Only in Hollywood are niggers armed with full autos. I, on the other hand, have a comfy farm to retreat to with a safe full of guns and a few thousand rounds of ammo.

>Rusty old .38s
The most common nigger gun is a 22

I sure hope so

I thought diversity was our strength though?

Actually the OP is not talking about stopping the virus either, but rather suppression of damages rather than mere mitigation. US damage control is going to hit you back hard because of muh freedoms

>spray you down with an UZI

I didnt know HI Point made a 22


Grocery stores are safe provided you go with full protective equipment. The fact that barbers are closed already you hints what to do. It is up to individuals to take proper measures.

the pcc that hipoint makes is pretty fucking rugged.with a few mods its pretty nice. never touched their handguns

I work in utilities in Washington. We have been issued travel passes by the military. Yesterday, the governor said that if people continue to gather in public and travel, then the voluntary quarantine will start to be enforced. I guarantee people are not going to listen. So, the next step is military inntervention.

You’re a sociopath that just wants to see death and destruction.
Go fuck yourself

For a couple of months, you could see the empty city of Wuhan on livecams
>China turns the tide
>Makes a few videos of autists taking off masks and fails to cut the video before they put them back
>No more Hubei and Wuhan cases
>They lift the lockdown
>Live camera no more
Ain't that convinient

dude are you even an actual US citizen?
how do you not know what guns them nigs even using

I cant complain about a Hi Point, I have one of their carbines in 40 SW and probably going to pick up a 10mm once all the panic is over. Only because I can use the same set of reloading dies for both and, well, 10mm

Every evidence room in a big city is filled with Hi Points and Jimenez pistols.

>Only because I can use the same set of reloading dies for both and, well, 10mm
whats your setup? i mostly only shoot easily found rounds. every press ive looked at was pricey, but im not looking to buy junk.

id love to hop on the 10mm train

He's right though. It was an effective measure regardless of who did it
Rake yourself

And you’re a cunt tourist curious about all the hubbabubba
Of course we want death and destruction you dipshit. Something like this to break up the agonizing, dreadful monologue we live each day is a breath of fresh air.

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I use a Lee Auto Breech lock, Hornady dies.I tumble in walnut and some nu finish to clean the cases. Ill go through and deprime with a universal decapper and then size the case in one process with a carbide die. Just go by the manual for powder charges with a Hornady powder drop and flare the mouth a little. Seat the bullet and check it in a case gauge. I started reloading after sandy hook and usually will do a run of 1000 rounds at a time when Im in the mood to reload.

Thanks Mr Clean. How's your brother, The Jolly Green Giant?

Monotony* not monologue

I’m afraid not well. The doctors have put him in quarantined hospice. CoronaChan, I’m afraid.

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Won't stop my jeep

You don't "lock down" a civilized country. You just don't. Because if you do, after a while riots will be uncontrollable and what follows will be far scarier than a flu-like virus ever will. China's population is made of ants and even there they had to deal with massive riots that could only be stopped with inhumane measures. That shit won't fly in the west.

Yep. Its gonna be way worse here. Look at these retards. How is this a "lockdown"?

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>You don't "lock down" a civilized country. You just don't. Because if you do, after a while riots will be uncontrollable and what follows will be far scarier than a flu-like virus ever will.

There will NO riots, as long as you keep the Cable TV and Internet operating... convert the US Postal Trucks from delivering junk-mail to instead dropping off boxes of cereal and rice and Bottled Water at the end of a person's driveway daily.

The Air Travel and Interstates should have been SHUT DOWN a month ago.... the USA is on pace to be 10-times worse than Italy, Americans are fatter and in worse shape than Italians, our population is 6-times larger than Italy's population... Italy will be a dreamland compared to what the USA will look like in the month of May/June

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I know the U.S. have a massive obese/NEET/basement dwellers problem but there are still millions of relatively healthy individuals who NEED fresh air and even the faintest illusion of freedom to function. People literally go insane if forced if their basic freedoms are stripped away for too long after being used to a relatively free life. It takes something like a mom giving up and taking her kid outside to play because he's been crying for weeks (understandably so) to start a chain-reaction that can spiral out of control.

Exactly, our ''''''''''''''''''''lockdown'''''''''''''''''''' is gonna fail so hard.

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Cool story bro

>not sure if mainstream gun manufacturer makes weapon chambered in most popular pistol cartridge on earth.
Ask me how I know you're from reddit.

>There will NO riots, as long as you keep the Cable TV and Internet operating
>He doesn't remember Ferguson
You're apparently so sheltered you don't understand how niggers work, kid.

it is too late burgerbro, the damage is done, all we can do is watch the hospital chaos

i'm sure toilet paper will protect us

Three weeks ago
>US is six days behind Italy

Two weeks ago
>US is two weeks behind Italy

>US is a month behind Italy

It’s like eastern front during WW2, all the Wehrmacht victories are happening closer and close to Berlin.

Meh, in China they also fuck chickens and eat bats. Who am I to judge?

Good luck with that in the us. Some dude in his McTruck will see that as challenge

Go back to China fag

It is back Wuhan is locked down again.

The cities and suburbs will get hit hard, but rural areas will make out okay, especially in flyover states.

Bold of you to assume any real red blooded American doesn’t have a truck that can get over that or a gun to shoot the man trying to stop him

Every farm in america has heavy equipment that could easily move all that dirt in 30 seconds lol

Fuck you ching chong. It's all so obvious.
China's days are numbered, within 15 years you'll be remember the good ol' days when the world bought everything from you and before everyone knew you can't be trusted.
You guys fucked yourself totally with this thing. And here you are gloating.

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The US has had the virus longer than italy by 2 weeks and we just now started to mass test people and catch up on the backlog. The trajectory is skewed because of this.

Rednecks would plow or drive over that dirt shit in their trucks in like 5 seconds.

Well I'm tired of my inner monologue as well, user