They cant fucking stop me from going outside

what makes they can stop me and millions of others from walking/driving about freely... this is america they cant stop shit we have guns and we have freedom. A literal flu isnt going to stop me and millions of others.

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Good, go outside and meet as many people as you can OP.

Based and American pilled

This is why the next few weeks will be comedy gold.

>we have guns

Well legally and forcefully yes they can stop you from going outside

Also they have guns too you tosser

this is why the EU is pussies and a bunch of fucking cucks

nigger they can do whatever they want, your constitution is shit and you're a faggot

Internet tough guy detected

I have every piece loaded and ready for martial law tomorrow

I went outside once and it was to defend my mother against any potential predators at Walmart. I was hoping for a fight. She said there were fights. I was ready to bust a head open.

You were never free you dumb fuck. Bred domesticated unconscious cattle.

>we have freedom

Says the golem slave of Israel.

>this is america they cant stop shit we have guns and we have freedom

And they gone Drones, Tanks, Bombers, EXPERIENCED people with guns. But by all means start a second Civil War cause having a party at the beach is SOOO IMPORTANT!

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Remember to lick doorknobs when you go out.

In case you need to blow your brains out i guess

EU cucks and liberal cucks are so easy to fucking spot holy shit. Once they start killing people for going outside its done civil war starts. I am going to walk freely and so will millions of others. only 4 maybe 5 states are even shutting down what the fuck is that even going to do?

You can go outside in nature, retard.
Just don't gather up.
Fucking facebook community group retards make me want to lick a fucking handrail.

>Says the golem slave of Israel.
>has a lord named Rothschild that gets blown by his queen
>has a queen
Doh ho go!

go outside but keep your distance from other people.

i just came back from walking the dog on the nearby square


if you see any faggot with a commie mask rip it off shredder it and spit in his face

Trump was right. This virus is a hoax like climate change

>US military
>experienced people with guns
>not a bunch of LARPing weebs who would say fuck it and stay home to fap to hentai if they had to mass murder us citizens

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you dont own the outside

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See you in hell

You may have guns, but they have more and better guns and are trained to take faggots like you down as quickly and efficiently as possible. While you spray and pray, they'll drop you with a single shot.

>>not a bunch of LARPing weebs who would say fuck it and stay home to fap to hentai if they had to mass murder us citizens

>T. Shadman fanboy

>what makes they can stop me
Take it easy grug

No they can't. But they can and will execute you on sight to the applause of normies. Welcome to the new world. Turn your guns in for bread tickets.

My ass will busting through check points!
Do not let Trump take away out basic human rights!

>what the fuck is that even going to do?
Kill a bunch of your people. I'm rooting for Corona-chan.


Worse then SJWs

Lol the US Military couldn't beat a bunch of 4 foot tall illiterate rice farmers and that was back when the country was still 90% white

>Trump was right. This virus is a hoax
Finally, a supporter admits he said this. All week I've been hearing how Trump was on to stop this pandemic from the start.

Are not two different things.

This isn't 1964 anymore boomer

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Take it easy normiefriend

>we have freedom
Now say 6 million didn't die in the Holocaust at your work place.

God I can't wait for all the fat retarded boomers to go shot by the police or die from coofing. This is going to fucking great

No. Everything they are doing is unconstitutional and if they continue down this path there will be war in the streets.

Only yuropoors would let their government imprison them in their own homes

>implying a zoomer knows what 1964 even means.

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To hunt down traitors and tyrants and slaughter their families.

>Just don't gather up.
Freedom of assembly nigger.

Freedom don't mean shit if your dead. fucko.

Please let this be true. I want an uprising from the citizens so fucking bad at this point. Y'all already let this shit go too far. Where the fuck ARE all the muh freedoms faggots? My county is badly affected by all of this and we and the next county over don't have a single case.

Just like in Vietnam and Afghanistan?

I get it, gramps. Times were tough wouldn't survove blah blah

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I think you mean freedumb

>Busting through checkpoints
Fill Tesla with Tannerite.
Set to autopilot right through the checkpoint at top speed.


Name one country that didn't get btfo by Vietnam, Ill wait.


Called the graveyard of empires for a reason. Soviets couldn't tame it, Democrats couldn't tame it, Not even Taliban can tame it.

Lol the US military hasn't won a war in 75 years

Go outside sure bro, but stay alone, like in a wood.

What is that thing even?

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I'll give you 20 bucks if you can go 20 hours without looking at your smartphone.

In your case I know that's extreme difficulty.

Hard agree hans, we are gonna watch mad max 2 happening irl, its gonna be so fun

I'll take my chances nigger.

looks like a platypus babbeh

Future zombie horde victim.

And you think a civil war in America is winnable by the government? Whoa lad.

>how do I bring the camera up

Good boy, hold still.

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Then it looks like you're out of arguments. Glad we agree that they're a bunch of LARPing weebs.

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They can't stop you. You're AmeriCAN not AmeriCANT.

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> amerimutts actively playing with new and exciting ways to kill each other.
> literally suing states for the right to kill each other in new and exciting ways.
It never ceases to amaze me how completely unaware of how stupid you faggots actually are.

>this is america they cant stop shit we have guns and we have freedom

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>And you think a civil war in America is winnable by the government?

I don't remember the Confederates winning do you?

>Is it too small for her? I mean I don't wanna disappoint my waifu.

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If they fuck with us we shut the power and comms down. It's that fucking simple.

this. the constitution doesn't ho away once a rothschild gets the sniffles.

Its fake.
Cute af tho.

I'm talking about a war between the people and the government.

>Then it looks like you're out of arguments.

Sounds just like Maddow I bet you also think Russia will have something to do with it too.

Also how can I run out of them if you never had a strong one to begin with?

OK Mohammed. Don't forget to prep your bull's BBC

This is long overdue.

>I'm talking about a war between the people and the government.

Something that wont ever happen cause citizens don't even have the balls to stand up to the black dude hitting on their girlfriends, and you expect them to know how to fire a gun against someone who's killed Muslims for a living?

Seriously Grady, get over it, the people LOST.

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A weak argument is better than no argument

they forced us to go to school with niggers. They forced us to support homosexuals. they teach 10 year-olds about anal sex. they encourage the kids to cut their dicks off and become "girls". But, hey. aT lEaSt yOu hAvE tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn.

>Bern Bro Logic


Oh we could have. We just weren’t willing to go ALL OUT. We'll never win another war until we drops the rules of engagement bullshit. Our military might is second to none.

I mean we all know your grandparents we're too busy being "progressive" to notice.

Same with you, Mutt

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>weak boomer logic

us military are brown welfare queens who couldn't stop sandniggers
american citizens outgun them

Fear, that's why they are trying so hard.

Please go out. 'murica-bro. God speed with those blood filled lungs.

Yes yes you have to show us up, go out and start killing cops NOW or you will be cucks just like us

also visit your older relatives first and hug them, maybe breath in their face a couple of times

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Lol that's not remotely true the only reason the US even won WW2 was they had a huge population they had no problem sacrificing them like pawns

You say that, but if this shit keeps up I won't hesitate to start killing traitors in their homes. It actually won't take long for me to get to that point. I've been expecting this for some time. If this shit doesn't go away soon, I'm engaging in open rebellion. I won't think twice. I will never live as a slave.

Soon to be cough guy

>Losing to a boomer.

Even your Asian bug god betrayed sanders.

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The fucking idiocy exposed is at levels thought impossible

I miss James Wickstrom and the Posse Comitatus.

>How ironic, that America will die due to freedom

Found the civie


Lol the US lost Iraq and tied with North Korea, got any excuses for that? This country is a joke

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>You say that, but if this shit keeps up I won't hesitate to start killing traitors in their homes.

That's right give them a bigger reason to say white people are bad and guns need to be banned.

>I will never live as a slave.

Too late for that.

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go outside and die you fat fuck

That weird creature looks tasty as fuck

>Implying these experienced people with guns are on the side of the house, senate or trump. Bitch, give em the slighest reason for a coup to get rid of this system.

Found the collage student. Spring Break! Very important fuck this people killing flu! MY FREEDOM IS NUMBER 1!!

Kek. They won't be saying anything, because their brains will have exited their skulls


This is why this shit is stopped in several countries and yet is getting nothing but worse in the west. People don't have the mental fortitude to do the responsible thing.

Great, then get out burger

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