I think COVID-19 is no worse than the common flu - HEAR ME OUT

Some facts which are non-debatable:
The only country who has properly tested everyone from the start, and hence the only country with an accurate death rate is Korea - the rate is 1.1%. Even that is probably exaggerated because they haven't tested the whole population,

Consider that the moment that there are no more spare beds, you cannot possibly compare this to the flu or cold - because you are not comparing like for like. Italy is a perfect example of a country which started testing too late, has never tested close to everyone having it, ICU capacity quickly filled (in some parts), and hence whatever death rates come out of it are irrelevant.

Ok, but every year there are many people getting the flu and cold, and ICUs never get this full you say, surely this proves this virus is worse? WRONG

In Italy, over 99% of the people dying are ones with pre-existing conditions, and there's a huge overlap with older people.

What do you notice about this demographic? They are the same people who take the ANNUAL FLU SHOT which prevents them from getting most common strains going around!

The situations seems bad ONLY BECAUSE these at-risk demographics haven't received a shot for covid-19, otherwise it's a massive nothing-burger !

Why is this relevant? Well before we had flu shots, we never used to shut down economies did we? No we didn't!

Are there more effective stategies to dealing with this other than shutting everything down? Of course there are! Isolating all at-risk people, and having government workers bring them supplies in bio-suits (or even the army).

What is being done now is a MASSIVE over-reaction, much of it not based on any data or studies done on the virus, but rather by politicians SCARED of being not re-elected!

Look at Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore. None of them have closed anything, and they are dealing with this just fine - EVEN without a vaccine!

This will bring on a massive world-wide depression causing countless suicides - NOT WORTH IT

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if this is unmitigated it will kill 100-1000x the amount of people the flu kills annually. kys OP

Part 2

You may hear that the death rate for flu/cold is 0.1 - 0.3%. How accurate is it?

Actually, if you were to measure it in the same way as coronavirus - ie. CONFIRMED CASES vs DEATHS, the rate would be 10% - TEN FUCKING PERCENT.

So how do they come up with 0.1% ? They... wait for it... GUESS, PULL THAT NUMBER OUT OF THIN AIR, because they realise most people never get tested for it, or even go see a doctor - so it's impossible to register most cases.

It's purely a guesstimate, it's NOT Based on ANY hard data!

What we DO know is that for all patients being admitted and tested for the common flu, 10% of them DIE.

I am not trying to claim that the death rate for the flu is 10%, it obviously is much lower, but my point is that we are not comparing apples to apples here, everything about covid-19 is being MASSIVELY exaggerated!

Oh look, this one 8 year old who obviously had pre-existing chronic illnesses died, let's shut down all schools despite the fact that there's ZERO evidence that children can even infect others !

It can be easily mitigated by lockdown on all at-risk people, while everyone else goes on about life.

japan closed all their schools
cancelled a bunch of public shit
but yeah, not entire cities

A Medical Worker Describes Terrifying Lung Failure From COVID-19 — Even in His Young Patients

“Reading about it in the news, I knew it was going to be bad, but we deal with the flu every year so I was thinking: Well, it’s probably not that much worse than the flu. But seeing patients with COVID-19 completely changed my perspective, and it’s a lot more frightening.”

"I have patients in their early 40s and, yeah, I was kind of shocked. I’m seeing people who look relatively healthy with a minimal health history, and they are completely wiped out, like they’ve been hit by a truck. This is knocking out what should be perfectly fit, healthy people. Patients will be on minimal support, on a little bit of oxygen, and then all of a sudden, they go into complete respiratory arrest, shut down and can’t breathe at all.”

"It first struck me how different it was when I saw my first coronavirus patient go bad. I was like, Holy shit, this is not the flu. Watching this relatively young guy, gasping for air, pink frothy secretions coming out of his tube and out of his mouth. The ventilator should have been doing the work of breathing but he was still gasping for air, moving his mouth, moving his body, struggling. We had to restrain him. With all the coronavirus patients, we’ve had to restrain them. They really hyperventilate, really struggle to breathe. When you’re in that mindstate of struggling to breathe and delirious with fever, you don’t know when someone is trying to help you, so you’ll try to rip the breathing tube out because you feel it is choking you, but you are drowning."



You, Sir, are a lying faggot.

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But how do we know they didn't have pre-existing conditions? Maybe they were smokers?

>It can be easily mitigated by lockdown on all at-risk people, while everyone else goes on about life.

that's not a terrible idea, but that includes anyone with diabetes, copd, etc. that's like half of fucking americans.

Βased and truthpilled. This is the goverment testing how much power they can uphold and how willing are the populations to give up freedoms in the name of safety. And everyone was willing to give freedoms up for something less harmful than the flu, so we are all fucked.

This disease is a hoax. 80-90% of cases so mild they go unreported.

This is a fraud of such epic proportions it's obnoxiously absurd.

Peter Hitchens has argued today that the coronavirus death-rate "could be as low as 0.05 per cent," and that we are surrendering our ancient liberties for nothing.


More coronavirus dissenters:

Ron Paul: The coronavirus hoax


Dr Wolfgang Wodarg: Stunning insights into the Corona-panic


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Ok, so let's just get everyone sick and get it over with.

Hospitals are completely fucked with less and less staff available every week because they also get sick. Now let's pretend that you get run over by some retard and it's pretty serious. Let's say they magic a bed out of thin air for your dumb ass and a free OR. Now you're either going under knife of a surgeon who's either pulling like triple duty, and is likely also sick, or some inexperienced moron pulled from med school because that's how few people they have. Would you be fine with that?

Corona virus isn't that scary, it's the knock-on effects that are worrying.

Part 3, forgot to post this - essentially backs up the theory

Younger people - high (but not complete) correlation of no pre-existing conditions have death rates generally equivalent to flu

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Lock up everyone retired, or over age of 50, and the hospitals will be empty in 2 weeks, retard

Do you have a source for that, apart from your ass? (assuming you can actually reach it)

Markets and big money see through bullshit. It clearly isnt.

Only because governments are shutting everything down - prior to that, markets barely reacted

Markets falling is NOT caused by the virus or it's spread, it's caused by GOVERNMENT ACTION

No it wouldn’t, you hapooning faggot

>Do you have a source for that, apart from your ass? (assuming you can actually reach it)

Half the people in the world will get coronavirus. if it kills 1% of them then 35 million people will die. mortality rate skyrockets when people can't get ventilators, which is what is happening in italy and what will soon happen in the usa.

Low IQs like you trying to out-think people with actual education is why this is going to be such a mess. Wash your hands, sit down, and shut the fuck up.

A fucking leaf

great counter-argument faggot

>Half the people in the world will get coronavirus
Again, what's your source for that

Yeah who knows? Maybe those guys don't wear a scarf when it gets chilly? Maybe they had a cleft lip when they were born? So many preexisting conditions...

were is italy?

Most people don't need ventilators though.

>Again, what's your source for that

WHO, CDC. do your own research retard this shit is common knowledge at this point. it's in like 1000 articles.

checked and truthpilled

1 in 5 need hospitalization. Of those hospitalizations 25% need ventilators. Come on man this has been common knowledge for weeks at this point, try to keep up.

>19 in 20 of confirmed cases doesnt qualify as most

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>common knowledge

How does it feel to be so against the grain, so unimportant, completely ignored? Because who gives a SHIT what you think, the worlds' people and economy are going down the path they choose and nothing you say is going to stop it.

You have to think we generally deploy measures against the flu.

Vaccines, medicines.

We really have nothing for the coronavirus that we use consistently, its all experimental right now.

I bet if the flu was completely unchecked, it would kill more too.

>no immunity to this strain
That alone is enough to doubt that it's just a flu. And there's ample evidence beyond that.

Musk is supposedly going to donate a bunch stop fear mongering and settle down, this is common knowledge man

Get it through your thick skull. If it even got remotely close to the level of flu, it would fuck our shit up boi. There is more to this virus that is not being told. Fucking get it together lad. THIS IS THE HAPPENING.

too level-headed for Yas Forums fuck off

So you mean... concentration camps? KYS

Watch Dr Wolfgang Wodarg's video: "Please examine what he is saying more carefully: NOBODY is immune to ANY of the 100+ cold viruses (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses and many others known and unknown) and influenza viruses that sweep around the globe every year, except possibly to the exact strain that got you in a previous year that your immune system successfully made antibodies for (since it didn't kill you). This is why all these viruses are constantly mutating slightly - so that they can get around the antibodies our bodies made to their parents and get us all over again. As to vaccines: the vaccine make their best guess: of the of the known varieties of influenza, which 2 or 3 are the most likely to get around a lot next year and are most severe. They're playing roulette so that they can sell us something that might or might not protect us - no guarantee. The vaccine manufacturers themselves don't pretend it protects you from getting any flu, just the few varieties they made it for. Tons of people who get flu shots also get "the flu" - so either they came down with a different strain, or the vaccine didn't work to get your antibodies up and running (which does happen). It would be more accurate to say someone got " A" flu instead of "THE" flu. And it will take months at least to make a vaccine against any NEW flu strain that turns up - that's serious and contagious enough to bother."

An additional point. Flu vaccines are often considered to be ineffective; many even say they do more harm than good by weakening the immune system.

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splained it fo the dumbfucks

Like you do sometimes grandpa?

>politicians SCARED of being not re-elected!
Well they're failing miserably because there will be a storm of impeachments everywhere after this.

>In Italy, over 99% of the people dying are ones with pre-existing conditions, and there's a huge overlap with older people.

These are the ones that die FIRST. The young take longer to die. Much of the young that die will drop dead or could have survived if ICUs were available but they are filled with boomers.

A second Great Depression was already going to happen this year. Before, the politicians would have had no excuse, but now they can point to the coronavirus and say "We were only trying to protect the public by shutting down the economy, and the shut-down is what caused the collapse."

Lol, hahaha!


You are correct, This study is Italian Influenza data from 2013-2017. Italy has had unusually high Flu mortality rates for years, and have been trying to curve this for a couple of years now with no success.

Compare past years to this years, and you will see how years without COVID have higher fatalities and cases than we are seeing.

Attached: italyflu.png (925x563, 45.57K)

You make a good point about overreaction, the current shutdown is already collapsing the economy and making normies go insane. It's unsustainable, people are becoming unemployed and will not be able to pay bills. On the other hand, forget the mortality rate, it is the hospitalization rate of corona (pic related) that is dangerous. It would overwhelm the healthcare system if allowed to spread uncontrollably.

There's probably some kind of middle solution, like you said, but our leaders are retarded and incompetent and will likely end up causing disaster throughout the West and Third World. Meanwhile, China and Asia emerge from this relatively unscathed. We're fucked. On the bright side, this crisis will probably strengthen nationalism, as liberal delusion can only survive in a time of affluence.

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Finally, the truth on Yas Forums


And nobody buys their crap because their failure was twofold: first they didn't immediately shut down all contacts with China when the spread could still be contained, now they're punishing us with lockdowns when it's pointless, as herd immunity is the only thing that can mitigate the inevitable second wave. Whether you're a happeningfag or a nothingburgerfag, their measures are inadequate. They have literally nobody on their side and they'll have to face the wrath of their citizens once the economic collapse hits us.

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>Communist WHO nigger says 80%~90% cases doesn't develope any symptons
Yet those communist doesnt count those to calculate the hospitalization rate.
I believe this is a communist hoax, just look a the countries with higher death ratio, most with lefties goverments, we know that italy is inflating those number with those who die from other chronical disseases

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>Look at Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore. None of them have closed anything, and they are dealing with this just fine - EVEN without a vaccine!
that is just not true, all of these countries have been testing and isolating on a massive scale for weeks now, they shut down at least schools/restaurants/gatherings above x people depending on the specific country AND have hospital bed capacities far exceeding the US.
you'll see in a week.

None of those measures were critical to their success. The one thing they have in common, and that no west country is using, ia distribution of masks to EVERYONE. Italy has announced that they'll start handing them out NEXT WEEK, too late as usual.

Finally one thread where Yas Forums discusses what is really going on here.
One fact that is hardly ever mentioned: During the flu seasons 2016/17 in Italy 25.000 Italians died (same demographic) with 980 on one day alone at the peak.
This is a hysteria induced by the elite who are cooperating with China on this to suppress Populists and to have cover for crashing the economic system and replacing it with something different, so they can blame the flu for it.
I can't believe that they are doing this and everyone is falling for it, but well, better than doing it with WW3, which thanks to nukes is off the table.

And make yourselves ready anons, they are right now in the process of implementing the Chinese totalitarianism all over Europe, this will definitely come.
They have lost control of the populace and this is the only way they hope they'll be able to get a grip on the situation.

>Italy is inflating the death count

Shut up chinky Ching Chang.

The European service for tracking deaths in all EU countries cannot bear out any statistical changes and they do weekly updates.
In fact deaths are slightly lower this year compared to the previous.
And they don't even need to fake deaths, they just need to relabel them.
Germany doesn't and therefore they have less than 50 corona dead on 25.000 infections, Italy does and they have 5.000 on 50.000 infections.
By the way, the flu kills in the EU every season 300.000 people, since January alone 69.000

user, no matter how much you are attacked for this post, realize this; you are correct, this post will be completely underrated, believe in yourself against the tide sheep. Don’t turn on the goyim, like Jesus said, they know not what they do, because they’re idiots.

Masks dont do miracles like this dude, it alone cant stop the virus

Nailed it.

Having another seasonal flu like disseases that seem that can be contagious in any season is a dissaster, specially in third world countries, in south america when the flu season comes around the hospitals are borderline collapsing.
But i don't believe a quarantine is the solution, imagine if we actually have a 14+ days quarantine, you cant even imagine how many people live day by day here, a lot of people will starve to death, and the ones who wont will be weaker to resist the second wave or even the seasonal flu

Right-wing political parties that oppose to this crap will inevitably rise. I've been considering politics in the past but didn't act as the left-wing, feminist, pro-immigration culture that dominated the west utterly disgusted me. It was a thinly-veiled form of dictatorship and we finally have confirmation of it.
Should a party with actual balls form I might seriously consider giving it my support. Not for myself, but for my kids.
This isn't over yet user, we can never give up.

And your poof that this cases werent related with coronaare? The virus showed up in november, and only became more agressive over the time

Forget Korea and check out the American federal statistics.
When you compare the confirmed cases of Covid-19 and the common flu, the death rates become 3,4% and 10% respectively.
This means that the common flu is 3x deadlier than Covid-19.
The WHO said that the rates are 3,4% and 0,1% but that's a lie based on corona's real confirmed numbers and the flu's guessed estimate.

The death rate is a fucking inflated scam which is being used to help the EU manifest its totalitarian regime.
Fortunately for us, all the leaders in the EU are too incompetent to do it.

Just do cocaine and you'll be fine

Viruses get less deadly over time as they mutate to not kill their hosts and continue to spread.
And the proof, I have no proof where I can present the order of the Italian government to trick on the statistics.
But the difference with Germoney and all other countries is too ridiculous to be legit.
Italy is not Zimbabwe or Pakistan, and the North where the virus hit is the most industrialised an wealthy part of the country.
Look around you what laws they are passing now to increase control. Here in Serbia the parliament was suspended, 3 people decide now everything. Human rights have been suspended.
All over Europe the same shit, 24/7 tracking without judicial oversight is now a reality, using mobile phones and cameras with facial recognition.

It's an airborne virus that stays in the air for a long time. If everyone wears a mask, while not completely stopping it, the rate gies dramatically down. And you don't need a totalitarian state to enforce this, just common sense. Distributing masks to everyone is a wakeup call that, maybe, you should actually wear one. Even if half the population complies it's still good enough to avoid ICU saturation, while not paralyzing the economy and induce mass hysteria.


Thats not how it fucking works mate, virus can both become more deadly or less deadly, mutations,there is already articles saying that a single mutation can make it even more deadly

It's a big masonic play. Chill. Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=VG3WkiL0d_U
It's about covering economic reset, purge, nwo...

Trump's initial reaction that it wasn't a big deal was the correct one but because orange man bad the media made the virus to be more and then torched him for his soft response tow their new fake disaster. Now though EXTREME reaction has become political orthodoxy and nobody who wants to get re-elected will consider the cost of it (or they will be accused of sacrificing lives for money in campaigns). Another 2 weeks of this will be insanely expensive to try and protect a few feeble boomers, and won't even be very effective at slowing the spread.

The problem is that ship has long sailed. SK and USA got corona same day. USA ignored the problem, SK started isolating day one. SK had a preparedness plan, USA did not. SK mass produced test kits, USA still can't meet demand, and only few days ago even started asking factories to make medical equipment. Italy has such high death rates because they didn't prepare. Nowhere in Europe (cept Germany so far it seems) prepare.
On the flip side, in SK all it takes is one asymptomatic person to restart the outbreak.

I'm honestly not far away from being afraid to stand up for the same believes in public that I do right now only anonymously.
I am reasonable so okay, I can ride this out a few weeks and will not fuck with the nation by immediately attacking the measures.
But if these psychotic people, who are already talking about imposing (((social distancing))) for 18 months, 2 years or parts of it permanently try to implement this for longer than a few weeks, I will openly protest this (not using violence of course)
I still have the right to voice my protest, even if they don't like it. Fuck them!

A single mutation in the right place thats it


I meant of course I'm close to not being afraid anymore of voicing my opinions openly.

And they won't.
We have a national quarantine in my country. Got a runny nose? Stay at home. Got a fever? Stay at home. Run of the mill measure in this created crisis.
If however you have all the symptoms, they're reluctant to test you.
Then they shut down leisure businesses to the chagrin of all, allegedly to stop people from mingling.
Instead, everyone's going to the beach, to public parks, wherever, hosting their own parties.
Next comes the prime minister with an exceptionally rare speech designed to make us more scared. It didn't. Business carried on.
Then two days ago we had a speech from our King. A speech that was designed to breed solidarity, compassion, and strength, but was spoken by a man who looked and sounded like he was about to die.
Business as usual.
Today the gouvernment decided enough is enough and sent a public broadcast to every phone in the country advising us to abide by the national health service's guidelines to minimise the spread of Covid-19.
To do that, they used a public emergency system designed to warn us about war, nukes, terrorism, death incarnate. In using that system for their propaganda they've annoyed people, made people distrust that system and guess what: the roads to the beach are closed because there are too many people at the beach.

Everyone's outside. Nobody gives a fuck what the gouvernment says or does, and everything the gouvernment does is met with anger.
They have no chance of coming out of this crisis with their totalitarian regime.
It's freedom or death for all.

>1 in 5 need hospitalization

Any link for this? Directly comparing this year's deaths to last year's deaths is such a no-brainer but nobody is talking about this. Why?

Tell us sigma, confidence intervals for a given week and it becomes clear if the zero hypothesis of a nothing burger holds up or not. STAT-101

One word. Tamiflu.