Some facts which are non-debatable:
The only country who has properly tested everyone from the start, and hence the only country with an accurate death rate is Korea - the rate is 1.1%. Even that is probably exaggerated because they haven't tested the whole population,
Consider that the moment that there are no more spare beds, you cannot possibly compare this to the flu or cold - because you are not comparing like for like. Italy is a perfect example of a country which started testing too late, has never tested close to everyone having it, ICU capacity quickly filled (in some parts), and hence whatever death rates come out of it are irrelevant.
Ok, but every year there are many people getting the flu and cold, and ICUs never get this full you say, surely this proves this virus is worse? WRONG
In Italy, over 99% of the people dying are ones with pre-existing conditions, and there's a huge overlap with older people.
What do you notice about this demographic? They are the same people who take the ANNUAL FLU SHOT which prevents them from getting most common strains going around!
The situations seems bad ONLY BECAUSE these at-risk demographics haven't received a shot for covid-19, otherwise it's a massive nothing-burger !
Why is this relevant? Well before we had flu shots, we never used to shut down economies did we? No we didn't!
Are there more effective stategies to dealing with this other than shutting everything down? Of course there are! Isolating all at-risk people, and having government workers bring them supplies in bio-suits (or even the army).
What is being done now is a MASSIVE over-reaction, much of it not based on any data or studies done on the virus, but rather by politicians SCARED of being not re-elected!
Look at Taiwan, S. Korea, Japan, Singapore. None of them have closed anything, and they are dealing with this just fine - EVEN without a vaccine!
This will bring on a massive world-wide depression causing countless suicides - NOT WORTH IT