Reddit almost gets redpilled

Lmao whose gonna tell 'em??

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God they are like children

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oy vey hopefully they shut the thread down




yea, its like watching them try to make first steps and keep falling on their diapers

Kek who's gonna get downvoted

This needs to be on page 1. WHOS GOING TO TELL THEM /pol?

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get off reddit faggot, also they had more ovens ready back then :)

Kekekekekek my sides

smashed that upperino button for you mad lad!

edit* wow thanks for the gold kind stranger!!

They'll resort to saying "muh burial pits" and post that picture of the dude from a genocide that actually happened kneeling in front of one saying it's from the HALL OF COST.

Ohhh nooo their pooopchooterinooos are gonnna beee sooo rammmeddd XDXDXDXDXD

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Oh wow thanks for the gold friendo!

Someone should ask them why they are denying the holocaust and why they hate jews.

edit1: thanks for the silver friendo



edit4: wow another golderino and over 5k updoots, you lovely kind strangers have made my day, please remember to socially isolate and if you don't reply to this post your mum will get coronavirus in her sleep tonight

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coronavirus completely disproving the holocaust hoax


you were lied to, you lost a war, and the victors humiliated you, brainwashed you, turned your entire population into self-hating simps

You play Nintendo switch?




Why am I getting a server error for that post? Others seem to be working fine.

This desu.

Holy shit it’s real

Next time we will do it better

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did they remove this? i'm unable to find it to upvote.

It's reddit, you know the answer is always that they removed things

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Somebody tell this poor man.

This thread is actually pretty entertaining, but sadly after reading it and posing a legitimate question, I know the answer won’t be met with reason

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that was quite lowkey though. they're extremely sensitive.

1940 to 1945, 5 years
6,000,000/5 = 1,200,000
1,200,00/25 = 48,000

So we can break a second here. It would take 48,000 high capacity MODERN crematoriums working an 8 hour shift to burn 6 million rodents.

>but those Germans really hated rrodents, user, they would work 24 hours a day!

Okay 48,000/3 = 16,000

So 16,000 MODERN crematoriums working 24 hours a day to burn 6 million rodents.

And there were, what is the official total number? 48? So either the Germans had some super high tech crematoriums somewhere else that were never found, never listed in any records.

Or the Kikes are lying.

I don't even care. History is a guidebook of what to do and what not to do, of lessons learned, usually through continuous fuckups. But I know who my enemy is today and I know my history.

When the veil is lifted, when it all falls apart and the normies demand we put it back together there won't be any Soviet army over the east to save them this time, no Yankee's landing at Normandy, their British allies are reduced to nothing and everywhere else either hates them or is 100% indifferent because they are insectile bugpeople incapable of human empathy

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Read some of the comments. They are claiming the Nazi's crematoriums did not have to adhere to environmental or emission standards that we have today so were designed and operated differently. I even saw the tried and true line of "they put multiple bodies in one oven." My fucking sides.

You’re such a faggot

Get in here
Irish French user

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If i had a reddit account i would upvote
Post the reactions


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literally no one claims that they cremated six milliom Jews
If you want people to take your arguments seriously, then stop fighting strawmen with primary school maths

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No one ,leave these cuck fucks uneducated

>literally no one claims that they cremated six milliom Jews
show me the bodies

bump this is too damn good

>how long to burn a severely emaciated human

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My grandfather died in the holocaust too.
He was drunk-on-duty and fell out of a guard tower in Auschwitz.

Here you go /r/worldnews/comments/fl5lpq/coronavirus_italian_army_called_in_to_carry_away/fl6uyu2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

>the Nazi's crematoriums did not have to adhere to environmental or emission standards that we have today so were designed and operated differently
The coal problem, get them onto that. How much coal for 1 body? Now multiply it by 6 million..... now do the math on the mass of coal required.
Where is all the coal?

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reminder that jew blood burns like gasoline

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How do you edit posts on Yas Forums?!

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you need Yas Forums gold


I'm not arguing with you about the holocaust
I'm telling you not to argue like a retard

you forgot to show me the bodies

Tell them what? That after all these decades you guys still don't understand that modern cremation isn't the same process used in WW2?

He can't. Not just because they don't exist, but the place they claim the bodies are buried was covered in concrete making any investigation including ground penetrating radar impossible.

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Please spare me

My granddad died in the holocaust too.
Some faggot german landed on him after falling out a guard tower.

Jews burn faster than Humans.
Didn't you get the memo?
>Tribe of the synagogue of satan
>whose father is the devil
>Jews burn faster their blood is like gasoline

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The modern cremation process is not the same as for example in animal waste disposal and is heavily regulated through law and ethics (no mixing of ashes, no open flames on body complete burn etc.) if italy would use the same processes and incinerators as used in animal waste disposale they could easily burn all the people, for example the a modern incinerator the size of a usual crematory oven can easily burn 250kg of pig in an hour

>making any investigation including ground penetrating radar impossible.
gpr penetrates concrete. i would know, i was a combat engineer in iraq and afghanistan and the gpr on our husky penetrated roads and concrete.

>fat women
Nigga they were all skin and bones because there wasn't any food. Ain't no fat woman to grill.

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lmao you're diasabled
I literally said I'm not arguing with you
Dumb yellow fever engrish teacher

That IS what they’re arguing though. If they can’t assume all the bodies were burned then where are all the bodies? There would be millions of them

you forgot to show me the bodies again

oy vey

>show me the bodies
Impossible with no fault of the jews....

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Makes sense honestly.

He said about 5 bodies in an 8-10 shift. So 15 per day if you're running 3 shifts. That's 400,000 operation days/machine. 80,000 annually over a 5 year period meaning that they would need about 220 machines running every hour of every day during that period.

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They shot many as well. Factor that in before talking about incinerating them or your argument falls apart.

>jew back tracks

Dude stop. It's over. You lost. The Jews have been exposed by everyone as the filthy, money hungry lying pieces of shit they are. Within 100 years the hatred of Jews will be so great, you'll get the real holocaust you've been begging for.


Reddit, more like interacial homosexual meth and scat orgy am I right.

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you fucking retard, check your math
how many days are in a year dumbass?


okay, then make that argument, dont do dumb-dumb maths to "btfo" an argument that no-one even made
literal brain damage

Plebbit traitors on pol, it's your time. Make the post.

Okay, dipshit. Half my numbers then. 3 million. Half it again at 1.5. You are still at 4,000 crematoriums.

Maybe the krauts had those new Chinese high capacity 1200. You are still over a thousand.

Now cry for me, Schlomo, cry like the little rodent you are. Even the Chinese are saying it would take 15 years to cremate that many bodies.

Oh, and the "krauts burned Jewish bodies" was the explanation given by the Soviets for the lack of massive graves 6 million deaths would entail.

The only brainlet here is you.

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you forgot to show me the bodies again

I can confirm this, my grandfather had to carry the corpse away from the base of the guard tower.

you niggers are pathetic
I didnt even make an argument that the holocaust happened
I just said that the primary school maths "argument" is retarded

Reddit NPCs are already masters of the fine art of doublethink

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reminder that if the Jews win all these sick fantasies will be turned on you as they torture humanity by the millions

>actually arguing with deniers thinking they're talking in good faith
It's either 12 year olds thinking they're epic trolls or literal retards. Why waste your time?

the jew fears the samurai

It’s well accounted that Jews were taken from their homes, put on trains, taken to concentration camps, removed from trains, gassed, and then burned. That’s what happened according to (((them))). The only ones that starved would have been the ones doing labor and even if those weren’t all young men, it certainly wouldn’t have been the majority of 6 million. So no, they weren’t burning skeletal Jews predominantly

Congratulations user, you've been promoted to head of salt mining operations.

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Blood catches fire?

From another reddit thread

"This means that the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp alone, operating for 365 days a year at 6000 people per day, would be able to cremate 365*6000 = 2.19 million individuals in a single year, or 6 million individuals in 6M/6K = 1000 days (2.7 years).

While other camps had crematoria, it's important to note that:

Many bodies of holocaust victims were disposed of by burning in open-air pits, or just plain buried, and practices varied greatly from camp to camp and over the course of the war

Many victims' bodies were dug up and cremeted only after they had been buried, in an effort to hide what had happened in the camps

The 6 million figure doesn't capture all the non-Jewish victims of the holocaust who may or may not also have been cremated"

No u

Fuck you