So is this actually true then?
The outbreak is a cover to arrest the pedophile elites?
So is this actually true then?
The outbreak is a cover to arrest the pedophile elites?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's a plan by the mighty Xi to put an end to the evil elites
Imagine being this mentally gone.
>Just call them mental and schzos,that will stop them!
kill yourself sooner then later
Dude adrenochrome is a Q larp conspiracy roflmao
>cover to arrest pedo elites
youre giving humanity too much credit.
its just another case of tainted Chinese goods gone to market.
Where did you took that pic from MapleSyrupBreath?
That's from a vaping company retard. Making vape juice
Do you want to vape my dick? I can make vape juice as well, it's called Paternal Milk
what if the larp is a larp shilling as a larp?
Depending on who you ask, the coronavirus is either
A) a cover for the Deep State to intiate project zyphr and mass arrest patriots and political dissidents who oppose the ZOG
B) a cover for Trump and the allies to mass arrest the Zionist pedo-elite (pic related) at their most vulnerable before they can escape to their hideouts
This. It's so stupid
They're all pedophiles and cannibals.
>white: check
>(((white))): check
Xi was the unsung hero
C) Just another flu that gets hyped
D) Some serious bio weapon out of control
E) The official Story
It's all confusing, but that lunatic celebs raging speaks for B
he wasn't jewish.
facts don't care about your feelings.
Im starting to believe it more and more (mostly due to those wierd ass videos on twitter) but honestly, "nothing ever happens" applies untill proof of the contrary.
Syntetized adrenochrome is bullshit drug. Just make you sick 'cuz reasons. But we don't know how is adrenochrome extracted from living human surrenal gland 'cuz reasons.
So it may be a skizo a theory or a true theory rn.
Btw, i read some skizo saying
-adrenoCHROME but it doesn't have chrome in it.
Faggots. If you wanna be a good larp you have to know that the CHROME suffix stands for COLOR in greek (infact adrenocrhome is epinephrine oxidation that cause to color it pink). Just saying.
There is like 4 possibilities
COVID-19 was incubated in a Chinese bitch because she ate a contaminated bat soup and the contagion went out of control.
COVID-19 is a bio weapon made by the Chinese to destabilise the world economy in order to gain more power.
COVID-19 is a bio weapon made by the Americans and released in China to destabilise the world economy in order to gain more power.
COVID-19 was made by Donald Trump to expose and kill pedo vampires working for Hollywood who sucks the brain juice from innocent children in order to gain super powers so they can control your mind and they make you buy more toilet paper.
does anyone else actually not want this to be true?
>COVID-19 is a bio weapon made by the Americans
I think you mean our (((greatest ally))) in the Middle East.
Pathetic, SJWs are less insufferable
You wanna suck a fart out of my ass? I bet you do. Fag.
At the very least I'm willing to believe he's in on it, if the cover up story is true that means the US managed to get someone in that Chinese Soros owned lab to spike the Adrenochrome supply and make the virus less potent without the elite finding out
I don't see them doing that without China giving the green light for it and actively working with them to keep it under wraps
Jews do drink newborn baby blood, but that's probably as far as it goes for most of them.
For some reason I'm sensing that this blood shit is overall more popular with politicians than the entertainment industry.
Logistically speaking B kind has to be the default here, right? A seems like something being used to scare people from posting more since Google, Twitter, and FB censorship is off.
Reminder that if this doesn't turn out to be true then you schizo Q cunts are going to have your shit pushed in until you fuck off back to your rebbit containment board.
I hate this world.
Only boomer retards believe B.
If they let us write the story of a south park episode it will be the greatest episode ever made
Why not both? Old World Order vs New World Order?
>Logistically speaking B kind has to be the default here, right?
If you are mentally deficient, have been paying no attention to what the trump admin has been doing and you get your political crystal ball news from a schizo numerology tripfag on an anonymous message board, yes.
pretty fucked i kno
God damn it, every day it just gets more Deus Ex-y, but still no skullguns.
>B kind has to be the default here, right?
Let's hope so.
Will you all collectively fuck off when nothing happens on April 10th
Is this real? Further info is avaible? I'll autistic search.
It is this
This. Destroy both.
Hillary Clinton abducting Haitians children to harvest their pineal glands to gain weight and strength to fight Donald Trump in a street fight full of Corona infected zombies
It can be pretty fucked up sometimes.
All makes sense now, heh?
I don't get this tinfoil hat bs. It's easily mass-produced and you can literally order it in bulk from countless chemical suppliers worldwide.
Congratulations. You've just won the award for the most idiotic post of the week.
>is the biggest jew cocksucker ever to sit in office who gives Israel anything they ask and marries his daughter off to the tribe more likely to round up Jews and gas them or to suppress unruly goyim
Tough choice. Q has addled your brain boomer.
>So is this actually true then?
you can only hope
Ageing is mostly cause by radicals (H• bastards) produced by, you know, living. Metabolism working, and if you don't produce the right enzymes to counterattack radicals they make you age bad (I could explain better but this is not /sci/). Plus there are other reasons still in the shadows to official sciencefags like DNA shit.
Now, young blood boost your brain by what this article says, so who take young blood is a barbarian because you don't need blood, you need what that blood is carrying. Look further.
it's shizonigger nonsense
Nigger you can buy adrenochrome in your local drug store