G'day lads,

>What's in the $66b second virus stimulus package

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Coronavirus live updates: Federal Government tells Australians to avoid domestic travel, reveals second stimulus package

>New coronavirus lockdown measures are coming into force. This is what they mean for your routine

>NSW, Victoria move to comprehensive shutdown of non-essential services amid coronavirus pandemic

>Western Australia, South Australia to close borders in response to coronavirus pandemic

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Australia is easing superannuation access for those worst-hit by coronavirus. But can we afford it?

>Australians stranded in Peru asked to pay $10,000 for delayed emergency flight home


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Who /suicidal/ here

Aussies are poofs


How come Australia doesnt make cars?

First for Huey's Cooking Adventures

Tell him America doesn’t make iPhones

Cause they're poofs

How do we get rich while under lock down lads?

They make the software and design the hardware.
We do fuck all, software or hardware. If it wasn't for Australia's natural resources we'd be worse off than a 3rd world country.

*how come

Gunna come out and say it, I like a lot of the Chinese-Australians I've met

Too much of a retard to invest their own money so they need a parasitic company to "invest" it for them.


given that rba money printer is going brrrrrr, what are some good trading ideas?

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What a bunch of poofs

Gonna fight some woolies worker tomorrow.
Not letting me buy more than 1 can of beans

Get fucked

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You can just say Chinese m8

Professionally unemployable australian here, looking forward to feeling rich over the next 6+ months
And with literally everything going to be closed before I get my money I'll be rich for the next year and a half, probably be able to quit cigarettes in that time too so I'll be even wealthier
Plus with so many unemployed in the future new start is bound to rise once this is all over

use your 750 corona bux to buy some gold and shieet. then wait for our economy to shit itself and sell the gold. you could make a little profit.
>im probably gonna spend mine on weed

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Mate, this is gonna be fun to watch, don’t check out before the shows over.

Perfect storm brewing desu.

Literally because some chink ate an undercooked bat (probably live)

All the government has to do is clear credit card debt and australia is booming


That isnt very nice

fuck me cunts just bought meself a commodore and now i'm laid off.. how am i meant to pay this off

There is going to be a famine I say going to be but it is really already here.

Invest in optus telstra and such, telecoms or power companies making bank now

Yeah? They're not niggers or arabs

Not quite but I’m definitely fucking /stressed/

Very poofy hands

Just a dollop of butter


Maybe you should take a chill pill m8?

Ram raid a servo

Centrelink is waiving the waiting time

This post proves aussies are just poofy brits

All the dole bludgers and invaders get scomobux but the white, middle class who pay for this shit get shafted. Fuck Australians for being so apathetic to everything.

Spends whole life browsing Yas Forums waiting for happening

Happening happens, gonna check out now

Fuck you mate stay and watch

Bat flu - fake cover story

>has debt

rude pom

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how much do you owe?


>defensive stock

not a bad idea though, thought about buying verizon but we get taxed like 30% on the dividend

thems hands seen a lot of dicks

>credit card debt
Tell me you aren't this retarded

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The waiting time isn't a policy, they are that inefficient at getting anything done

>punish smart people without significant credit card debit and give people with debt several thousands or tens of thousands for free who are bad with debt
Yeah, nah. You made your bed, lie in it.

And so it begins.

Then you're going to get 3 months of backpay, so take all your savings and put it into food, your landlord can't throw you out.

get some rest now wagie you have work in the morning.

Tbf majority of the middle class sit in offices and gossip and do fuck all

Unless you're counting tradies in the middle class, in which case fair call

So many tradies are meth heads that it almost cancels it out though

Dutch Disease could be proffered as an excuse, but really it comes down to Ford and Holden being badly run subsidiaries of badly run parent companies and when the parents pulled the pin, Toyota did too because there wasn't going to be enough volume to sustain their component suppliers. Mitsubishi was the first to go because its parent company was also badly run.

Kiwis are aussies if aussies weren't a bunch of poofs


I welcome the reset, I wasn't able to get a job for over 2 years on newstart, now I get a year of free neeting with double neetbux

>doubling dole
>2 payments that are almost double what PM did with last relief after criticizing those payments
>CC debt is only 27 billion

stop projecting, nigel

>bought meself
>$40k owed

Holy shit what a fucking retard... How do you bogan idiots even manage to survive?

>Just got a job so I get nothing from stimulus package
>Will probably lose job when state eventually shuts down
>Will have to apply for benefits
>Every fucking cunt will be applying at the same time
>Won’t see benefits for fucking months

Just kill me bros

CUB and Lion have put out announcement that they may run out of beer hahah

im comfy with my homebrew kegs

what fucking commodore did you buy user?

Nothing ever happens user, at least not in our country.

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nice try chink

Show me one aussie that is half as based as nigel
Protip you can't

Daily reminder our Chief Death Officer believes herd immunity.

Please do not hurt my feelings any further

A Scommodore.

i was hoping it would help me pick up sluts

Lads I just got a job with the Department of Defense. Do you reckon they would start canceling recent job offers or because it's government I should be ok?

The bureaucratic system of ceno is fucked. you are an idiot if you think they can process this volume of claims within 6 months. The IT system is built on a pile of crap and crashes frequently it has been down a week.

They run key items on outdated fortran code that no-one even understands anymore that crashes constantly.

>Consultant on IT there after seeing the system I said get fucked