What would it happen if people found out you had casual sex with a 15 year old in your country?

What would it happen if people found out you had casual sex with a 15 year old in your country?

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They would congratulate me

Prison then I’d be raped

They'd find OP and call him a faggot

That's what I actually wanted to say

>"You lucky fuck"
Age of consent is 15 here

15 will get you 20

Well if both of us would have agreed to have it, no one will give a shit.

Nothing, because it happened and people knew
t. 22 at the time

I'd basically be crucified.

If shes 15, I'm 20

I would be feeling guilty that I had accidental sex, and I would apologize to the girl.


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What does age of consent even mean?
If the age of consent is 16, can a 40 year old guy fuck a 16 year old or something?

Depends on your own age.

Depends on what people. I'm Hispanic so no one in my family or friends would give a shit AND I'm a child of the 90s and everyone was having sex so our views are even more lax.

If extended (read as: "white") family got wind of it for whatever reason they would probably try to shun me or try to be upset and disappointed but who gives a fuck about extended family

If she agrees to it, yes but you are not allowed to fuck your neighbours or students.

Home country?
Nothing. Aoc is 14.

They would be jealous

Gents, it seems that one of the shitskin invaders has learned how to use a computer

Neighbors? that's new to me. Why neighbors? I get if they're students and you're a teacher because you have control over them. But I don't get what makes a neighbor special. In your country, how many caravans away do you have to be in order to not count as a neighbor?

It depends on your age. An 18-25 year old won't get that much flak. If you are twice the age you'll get reprimanded but won't get jailed unless the girl claims rape. If you get the girl pregnant then be prepared to marry her and take note there is no divorce in the Philippines.

Mutts: Going to jail for 18 years
Everyone else: Probably have sex with her again.

Depends if charges are pressed or not.

Well, that's how it is in my country. I guess it's because they assume you knew this 15 years old girl since she was a child so it would be kinda wrong.

Call me a filthy casul and tell me to have hardcore sex with her next time.

the ABSOLUTE state of coping americans

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damn this makes me wanna get into painting

High fives

yes goyimz, it iz le very bad to reprodue beautiful white baby with a beautiful 15 yo saint virgin loving mother

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>"Only we are allowed to do it, goy"

Its ok if youre the same age.

>eww, what a juvie hunter
I like how nobody really cares that this is a crime here.

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I thought it was the English protestants

>implying this isn't yfw

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It was protestants, but only in reaction to dumb catholics that couldn't get out of arranged marriages with children.

she cute OP insta ?

DA here.
If you're white you'd get prison for 5 years and register as a sex offender.
If you're muslim or illegal from mexico nothing.

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>arranged marriages with children.

What's wrong with that?

>apologize to the girl.

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They would think it's unusual but be ok with it, Ottawa canada

Oh I see...

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>They would congratulate me

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why would anything like that go public?

Old men near their death bed ended up fucking children in a desperate attempt to breed. The children had torn privates as a result.

The law was literally a physical thing. They gave no fucks about the kid's mentality.

prime milk cannons.....

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The secret is not to tell anyone

They would ask if I made sure I used a rubber, those young hoes carry some nasty shit.


>They gave no fucks about the kid's mentality.


Then I would go and have sex with a 14 year old

They wouldn't believe it because
>having sex

I agree that it's created nothing but problems, but then again you don't want child rape slaves in cages.

Oh who am I kidding, you probably do you lewd kraut.

What if they live 2 houses down?

depends on what her parents will do


When I was 20 I fucked a handful of 16 and 17 year olds. In nj the age of consent is 16 but there is a maximum age difference of four years so a 40 year old can't fuck a 16 year old, but a 20 year old can. My step brother at the time was 2 years younger than me, a highschool senior so yeah I got to fuck a bunch of 18 year old hotties and a handful even younger.

What would people say? Well it wasn't 15 year olds but damn close and I was within the law, people thought I was the man.

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Jail time. Unless I was a celebrity at which point everyone would just blow it off.