Brit/pol/ - America first edition

>Coronavirus: Teenage girls arrested after 'abusing Chinese people wearing face masks in racially-motivated attack'

>Co-op donates £1.5m of food to hunger charity FareShare

>West London woman who changed her name to 'Tinkerbell' refused passport

>Britain's Tempest Sixth-Generation Fighter Could Blow Away The F-35

>The everyday household item that saw firefighters rush to bin lorry fire in Cambourne

>Train station fire caused by burning wheelie bins that were dragged into empty building

Attached: 2D2F9C85-5B21-4359-94A8-7879B9606E59.jpg (2048x1365, 454.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

The reason why the USA is the smartest and best at everything is because we are a combination of all the best things in the world.

More freedom, better quality of life, and more family oriented than Europeans, despite not even being 250 years old.

As a result, we work hard, don't have sex before marriage, and we get down and dirty building things in our garages.

As the saying goes: all social movements begin in Europe, and technological movements begin in America



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nuke china

Attached: geoduck.webm (400x400, 1.26M)

>Muh CVG
>Muh panic hoarding
>Muh riots coming

Attached: Nu-Britpol.jpg (1339x716, 235.25K)

paracetamol in stock in wavertree home bargains if you need any.
get it while you can.

Attached: Photo0469.jpg (1536x2048, 521.4K)

Xth for



nice faggot post, you stupid nigger

I will just leave this here....
the true origins of corona-chan

Supreme leader Boris curing corona colourised ,2020

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how's north korea doing?

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pros don't outweigh the cons

you need a tetanus shot to enter Liverpool

Popped into the local town yesterday morning to try and do a bit of shopping for my mum and her friend. It was pretty quiet and most non-food shops were closed. Two nail bars staffed by east asians were open and doing business though.

>will someone please look into reports that 67% of deaths so far are male and that the kill rate is 4 times higher for europeans.
What reports?
I could see it being true because age distribution but there's no evidence of only white people being effected, especially how bad it's been in Iran and a few black boomers in America have it

I could murder a Chinese.


Give up your last freedoms citizen.
Do not leave your house citizen.
Take this vaccine citizen.

0.004% of the population infected.

Shill are flooding the board to stop “disinformation”

Cornova real or not the law changes are indefinite.

Who let a yank do a the thread?

Harrowing, really
At least make it about England you rude bastid

Attached: Alnwick.jpg (2000x1627, 1.25M)

lol some sta;le pasta
>Be me
>Canadian white male
>my doctor is Indian
>my nurse is Jamaican
>my boss is Spanish
>my car is German
>by favourite anime is Japanese
>my president is a typical dumb white American and republican male
>my shop clerk is Turkish
>my favourite food is Thai
>my favourite genre of music is Korean (kpop)
>my favourite coffee at Starbucks is Mexican
>my favourite beer is Cambodian
>my favourite politics is Russian (Marxism Leninism)
>my favourite tobacco is Cuban
>my favourite man on pornhub is Nigerian
>my favourite female on pornhub is Norwegian
>my avocado is Congolese
>my toast (bread) is French
>my favourite economic union is Belgian (EU)
>my wife is Colombian-Korean Mix
>her son is half Muslim
>our adopted kids are Chinese
>my favourite language Danish
>my favourite clothing is Italian
>my favourite nation is Sweden

Remember when leader of the free world America did this? Bye bye US superpower

>China Expands Medical Aid to Africa With First Ethiopia Shipment

Most high street nail bars are money laundering operations t. knower

" applied for a job at tescoos at 7pm, hired by 10pm" -some nigger on the news somewhere

Recipes for grass soup coming soon

I wonder if the vaccine will be mandatory. Because there is no fucking way I'm going to let them inject some shit into my veins and I will go to prison for it

why would you say that ye tit

First time I've heard about this "coronavirus" thing. How bad is it?

>COVID-19 Shatters The Facade Of European 'Union'

>caring about someone else's opinion
Are you a poof lad?

>need a tetanus shot to enter Liverpool
They should have quarantined that shit hole 40 in 1970s by building a wall around it.
>Fun fact : Liverpool has the largest chink population outside of London.

Lol lad you went out like again

it's just a flu we all need to get over
'appy days

>Are you a poof lad?
Are you looking for some action lad?

Saw a chink earler getting some stick for being a chink. I stood up for him then gave him a big hug and tearfully explained not everyone blames the poor chinese for this.

Now me and my whole family are coofing, but at least im not racist. Feels good man.

A socialist staple food!

> Tempest
> real
Pick one. F-35,is flying now, can help you now. Tempest is literally still on paper, 10 - 20 years from being fully operational.


Why are so many english dying?

Why are so few celts dying?

Is this proof the Saxon is weaker?

What's life like in rural places like this?

Attached: BB11wkUk.jpg (799x449, 39K)

Paki Sadiq telling people to stop mixing in London.

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slow internet

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Sadiq Khan banning half-castes. Mayor for life.

Nice if you dont mind picking wool off your bellend.

Fair. Live in a town outside London and the internet's been shit over the last 3 weeks as it is. Is this happening to you?

what is that she's eating?

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I don't know where to stand on Mark, on the one hand he's one of the few credible ethno nationalists left.

On the other hand he still hasn't learnt how to maintain better optics, he's still that ignorant kid that starred in Young, Nazi, and Proud
What with having a girlfriend who was covered in swastikas and closing his keynote speech for Patriotic Alternative by quoting the 14 words.

Your average brit will have never met a jew, let alone be aware of their subversion and manipulations, so stuff like the above just gives them fuel in their propaganda machine

The fuck is up with that cunts eyes? Gets worse every time i see him, look like some cunts given him a pair of shiners


Attached: chinesebugeaters.webm (404x720, 1012.64K)

America is not a nation, it is an economic zone.

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She cute

Look at Boris. Both of them haven't slept for a week.

English car? do you own a Morgan or a Robin Reliant?

Chinese have feelings too - I suspect they could be hurt easily.

Chinese don't cause any troubles here - so let's keep it this way.

Chinese appear to be meek - that might encourage some dumb idiots to hurt them.

Yes, some of their culinary traditions are strange and disgusting to us - last time I was in Chinese food market (long time ago) young girl in front of me ordered live toad and they killed it (KEK, where were you? Why do you let this happen?).

They boil dogs alive in China - I understand your empathy - but they are not boiling YOU. Yet.

So, my advice - don't poke the Dragon. If you have to poke something - you can always poke Putin and the Bear he is riding.

everyone's internet is going squiffy atm, will be like this for a while desu

is it North East Asians in general who do sadistic shit to their POW's or was it just the Japs?


i'll elbow you in the fucking neck

How do you set up a VPN to get around the great firewall?

Just asking in case I want to visit China some day.