He is not wrong


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Other urls found in this thread:


Eugene Gu does not have trustworthy eyes.

It started in Mexico.
Never trust a Chink. Nuke China.

The point of contention isn't about the origin of the virus itself but the initial coverup by China that allowed it to spread.

That's because Han people have manners&politeness. Whites don't.

How does a "doctor" have so much time to sit and tweet endlessly

Will someone just shoot him already? Jesus Christ. Chinese Jew.

the difference is that every country eats pigs. Chinka is the only country that eats BATS.

That virus was made in china, it was another cinese virus. Fucking chinks.

Holy shit, Han Chinese have fucking no manners at all. They are literally a bunch of savages running around shitting up pristine communities when they visit anywhere.

Isn't it illegal to claim to be a doctor of medicine who is active if you've been stripped of your license?


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>Analysis of the genetic divergence of the virus in samples from different cases indicated that the virus jumped to humans in 2008, probably after June, and not later than the end of November,[17] likely around September 2008.[18][19] The research also indicated the virus had been latent in pigs for several months prior to the outbreak, suggesting a need to increase agricultural surveillance to prevent future outbreaks.[20] In 2009, U.S. agricultural officials speculated, although emphasizing that there was no way to prove their hypothesis, that "contrary to the popular assumption that the new swine flu pandemic arose on factory farms in Mexico," the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21] However, a subsequent report by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 2016 found that the 2009 H1N1 virus likely originated from pigs in a very small region of central Mexico.[22]
>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
>the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

He got kicked out of residency so angry tweets is his life now

>Implying swine flu was either a new disease or a bioweapon
>Implying this shit isn't both
Idk about the rest of the country but where I am it seems like all the plebs are wise to the chink menace and what they have done.

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It comes from China, let's call a spade a spade.

Fuck these weasel word, and yes H1N1 is also known as Mexican flu or North America flu, it's not a big deal.

It originated in mexico, subhuman.

Does not have eyes, you mean.

Someone needs to break this guy's hands and kneecaps.

Eugene Gu is like basic bitch starter for #resist. What an annoying little fucker he is

I prefer the term The Tom Hanks Disease

Everybody called it the Mexican flu.
What a mong.

No...Eugene is a faggot.

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Swine flu also originated from Chinkia. Corona is not the chink flu it is called chink flu number 3.

Fuck gooks, fuck chinks, fuck mongoloids, fuck slit eyes and yellow monkies.

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Chink flu number 6 actually.

>american pig flu

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He’s right. We shouldn’t call it the Chinese virus. The Slanty Eyed Gook Cocksuckers Bat Eaters Insect Plague is probably a better choice.

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No one cares about this disgusting chinkoid except twatter posting faggots like OP

American breeding pigs, possibly carrying North American swine flu, are frequently exported to Asia, where the flu could have combined with Asian strains. But because of disease quarantines that make it hard to import Asian pigs, experts said, it is unlikely that a pig brought the new strain back West.

Can Twitter ban this subversive chink already?

This, every chink you see walking in the street eats fucking raw rats and snakes and drinks elephant titty milk and crocodile cum. These people are walking disease outlets and fucking savage barbarians.

They’re also whiny and weak as fuck, they’re basically jews but with an IQ of >60 and no trick book to rely on.

Kick these fucking yellow fever chinks out.

Good. I hope we did it. They deserved it.

The dumb faggot lost his residency so all he does is tweet at Donald Trump like an attention seeking, worthless pile of shit.

Stop trying to viral-post your shit here, Dr Fagchink

Chinese origin virus identified 19

Doesn't he have a girlfriend to beat?

Han Chinese, the worlds' original Mutts, conquered by everyone that ever encountered them, are disgusting scum with absolutely no manners. They are literally sub human bug people.

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Dude picked the extreme high end of the estimated fatalities for h1n1, "151,700-575,400 (estimate)"
It had a fatality rate of 0.02% and took almost 2 years to kill that many.

China has lied about their numbers... this virus has killed more people in 3 months in only China.

It began in Mexico

>1.4 billion infected
>575,000 dead

Whats his excuse gunna be in May with 1 million+ dead?

Yes he is. Its from mexico.

>In 2009, U.S. agricultural officials speculated, although emphasizing that there was no way to prove their hypothesis, that "contrary to the popular assumption that the new swine flu pandemic arose on factory farms in Mexico," the virus "most likely emerged in pigs in Asia, but then traveled to North America in a human."[21] However, a subsequent report by researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 2016 found that the 2009 H1N1 virus likely originated from pigs in a very small region of central Mexico.[22]
We can call it the Mexican pig flu. idgaf

Seems like it struck a nerve.

Look at his profile. He's "fighting the Corona virus with telemedicine". That's definitely liberals falling for a fake account.

H1N1 originated in Mexico.

Can this fucking blue checkmark Chink shut the fuck up for one second?

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This guy is one of like 6 lunatics whose primary occupation in life appears to be one of the first people to reply to every one of Trump's tweets.

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Goyim, Israel has a COVID-19 vaccine, only 666 shekels, but today, just for Jew, only 660 shekels! Such a deal!"


Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak


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Bat flu

Attached: chinese queue.webm (202x360, 2.69M)

Your digits confirm your ststement.

>but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]
> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

> but then traveled to North America in a human."[21]

>American breeding pigs, possibly carrying North American swine flu, are frequently exported to Asia, where the flu could have combined with Asian strains. But because of disease quarantines that make it hard to import Asian pigs, experts said, it is unlikely that a pig brought the new strain back West.
Yeah but that doesn't make it an American created disease.They bought them and let them in with their pigs, still a chinese virus.

>He is not wrong.
Weird how you kikes always say that when the retard you are quoting is wrong. It killed 12,500 people, and started in Mexico.

Every flu in America is American pig flu.

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The H1N1 outbreak of 2009 originated in Mexico, but the that's only most recent outbreak of the disease. The first H1N1 outbreak was the Spanish flu, which actually originated in China.

Have these people never heard of a serving spoon?

Chinese shit on the trails at Yosemite and I hope you all die for it.

jesus, leftypol is so fucking retarded

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This faggot is as bad as those krassensteinbergowitz niggers

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>Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 (A/H1N1) is the subtype of influenza A virus that was the most common cause of human influenza (flu) in 2009, and is associated with the 1918 outbreak known as the Spanish flu.

He has no idea what he's talking about, which is not surprising because he's not a doctor.

Fuck the chinks and their chink nigger virus, how about we stop making excuses for these bug people. They are fucking disguisting.

Does that mean he technically isn't a doctor anymore? Even if it doesn't some one should go tell him to remove his MD title because he doesn't deserve it.

Does that mean he technically isn't a doctor anymore? Even if it doesn't some one should go tell him to remove his MD title because he's not a real doctor.

>not passing the blame off onto others
It's the American way

b-but it started in mexico

Being offended over a name.

Swine flu is catchier than american mexican pig flu

I recognize our society in these civilized people and their beautiful regime!

We are all in reeducation/concentration camps together too!

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Isn't this guy some stalking creeper? And why is he larping as a doctor with MD after his name?

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Eugene Gu does not have the right to practice
Twitter needs to either take his blue check or the MD next to his name

I call it the Shanghai Shakes.

It is an actual flu strain at least.

this. chinks eternally btfo. disgusting, disease-ridden bugpeople.

If that's true I legit have no problem calling it that.
Goddamn pussies. SJW shit.
China was anti-sjw last I checked. Ree

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and yes, he is wrong
>Evidence of an influenza-like illness first appeared in February 2009 in a small town called La Gloria in Veracruz, Mex.
>small town called La Gloria in Veracruz, Mex
>Veracruz, Mex



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Chinese bug
Chinese bug
Chinese bug

Fucking chink!

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Kek, Eugene is still at it, is he? Ol Jim must be driving him up the wall.

I hate this one.


MD is just the degree you get for finishing medical school, which he graduated from. He got kicked out of residency but he is still an md

Fuck this “we are all in this together” bullshit. Why is China blocking exports? Why did China nationalize factories owned by American companies? Fuck China, fuck all chink diaspora, kill them all

The 1918 flu started in China.

goddamnit we should have called it American Swine Flu
that would be fucking hilarious
ah well missed opportunities

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> Eurasian pig flu virus

> First described in April 2009, the virus appeared to be a new strain of H1N1, which resulted from a previous triple reassortment of bird, swine, and human flu viruses further combined with a Eurasian pig flu virus,
