Get in here fags some fucking dumb nigger in congress is proposing some new tyrannical shit in the midst of this fucking virus

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Boo boo. Guns are mine now

fuck you commie janny

bump, this needs attention badly

Maybe you should post the bill idiot.


To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and prevention initiatives.

January 30, 2020
Mr. Johnson of Georgia (for himself, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Quigley, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Morelle, Ms. DeLauro, Mrs. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York, Mr. Keating, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Moulton, Ms. Pressley, Mrs. Trahan, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Mr. Neal, Ms. Clark of Massachusetts, and Mr. Pascrell) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned

To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and prevention initiatives.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

(a) Short Title.—This Act may be cited as the “Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020”.

on it

send help ayyliums

>post this thread
>Don't actually post the bill
Do not create threads anymore. Let an adult do it. You are too fucking low IQ to handle real situations and real communication.

Let someone else make the thread without it being a discontinuous mess you fucking plebian faggot. Delete this thread. You are welcome to start again.

I would rather fucking link it but the mods are faggots


(a) In General.—Chapter 44 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

Ҥ 932. License to own firearms and ammunition

“(a) In General.—Except otherwise provided in this section, it shall be unlawful for any individual who is not licensed under this section to knowingly purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition.

“(b) Eligibility.—An individual shall be eligible to receive a license under this section if the individual—

“(1) has attained 21 years of age; and

“(2) has completed training in firearms safety, including—

“(A) a written test, to demonstrate knowledge of applicable firearms laws;

“(B) hands-on testing, including firing testing, to demonstrate safe use of a firearm;

“(C) as part of the process for applying for such a license—

“(i) has submitted to a background investigation and criminal history check of the individual, including a background check using the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, to ensure the individual is not prohibited from possessing a firearm under subsection (g) or (n) of section 922; and

“(ii) has submitted a photograph of the individual;

“(D) has not been determined by a court, in accordance with subsection (c)(5), to be unsuitable to be issued a Federal firearm owner's license; and

“(E) is not otherwise prohibited by Federal, State, Tribal, or local law from possessing a firearm.

Do you seriously not have the .gov link yet? What the fuck is fucking wrong with you fucking idiot?! Now we're going to have two threads split on a very important topic. You fucking shill piece of shit.

>congress is proposing some new tyrannical shit in the midst of this fucking virus
surely, we can VOTE our way out of this
just don't use any bad optics
dress appropriately
be sure to celebrate our based black gun owners!

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Post the link you fucking mong

“(c) Establishment Of Federal Firearm Owner's License.—

“(1) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General shall issue a Federal firearm owner's license to any individual who is eligible under subsection (b).

“(2) ISSUANCE OF LICENSE OR NOTICE OF DENIAL.—Not later than 40 days after the date on which an individual submits an application for a Federal firearm owner's license under this section, the Attorney General shall—

“(A) determine whether the individual is eligible to possess a license under this section; and

“(B) based on the determination under subparagraph (A)—

“(i) issue a Federal firearm owner's license to the individual; or

“(ii) provide written notice to the individual of—

“(I) the determination that the individual is ineligible to possess such a license based on the requirements described in subsection (b), which shall include an explanation for the determination; or

“(II) a petition filed under paragraph (5).

“(3) EXPIRATION.—A Federal firearm owner's license issued under this section shall expire on the date that is 10 years after the date on which the license was issued.


“(A) IN GENERAL.—A Federal firearm owner's license issued under this section may be renewed at the end of the 10-year period described in paragraph (3).

“(B) REQUIREMENTS.—The process for renewal of a Federal firearm owner's license under subparagraph (A) shall include—

“(i) an up-to-date background investigation and criminal history check of the individual; and

“(ii) a recent photograph of the individual.

give me a good fucking reason why I would shill for this shit
I would have the link but I can't fucking do it because "spam"

What the FUCK are you talking about you fucking nigger.

If you don't know how to link on Yas Forums you shouldn't be starting fucking important threads. END YOURSELF.

Text: congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5717/text

“(D) FACTORS TO DETERMINE UNSUITABILITY.—Not later than 15 days after the date on which a hearing is conducted under subparagraph (C), the court shall find that an individual is unsuitable to possess a Federal firearm owner's license if, based on a preponderance of the evidence, there exists—

“(i) reliable, articulable, and credible information that the individual has exhibited or engaged in behavior to suggest the individual could potentially create a risk to public safety; or

“(ii) other existing factors that suggest that the individual could potentially create a risk to public safety.

The Federal bullshit was a matter of time but the above is too subjective. Jewish ACLU won't help 2A people fight that IF it passes but NRA should. Tantamount to "may issue" bullshit that always gets thrown out in DC or NY regarding licensing.

Republicans in the senate will not do anything with it, even if it passes the house.

>give me a good fucking reason why I would shill for this shit
>I would have the link but I can't fucking do it because "spam"

You are not SHILLing for it you fucking asshole you are ruining the communication about it with your fucking trash thread.

bless you so much user, fuck these jewish filters and fuck mods and jannies

You're a faggot op and I already own my firearm and ammo. kys so you'll stop posting on my board.

stop complaining and contact your goddamn rep or senator, spread the word

you too
just do something for fucks sake I dont want to be labeled a fucking criminal because some nigger in congress says so

>be a shill
>ID is literally PayMe


> doesn't post link
> pastes numerous walls of text
> legal reddit spaced
> no one will fucking read


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>contact your goddamn rep or senator
we need our based ____ party to be in power

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I was fucking panicking when I saw this shit
I made it in a hurry

>I made it in a hurry

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stop spazzing dog, democrats do that shit all the time.

Isn't Hank Johnson that stupid congressional nigger who said Guam was going to capsize because of too many people on it?

If you care, link to something and make a decent OP.

“(E) A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.

I'm guessing this faggot was one of Bloomberg's recent goons?

>no greentext
>no link
shit thread

Its not going to pass

>Its not going to pass
They'll keep proposing it until it does because faggots like OP will never do anything more than make threads and "vote"

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The law says purchase or possess. It's not grandfathering in anyone.
Anyway, what's so bad about a gun license? Seems equivalent to a driver's license to me. Definitely should be state level and this is a sneaky bullshit time to do it. But we already have background checks, firearm sales records, drivers licenses, and if you have a cell phone, the govt already has all your pii.
Honest question. No shill.

False equivalency, driving is not a Right

>Anyway, what's so bad about a gun license?

They'll make it cost $1,000+ and make eligibility subjective.

Anyone on Social Security would likely not be approved for instance as they could be deemed threats. Enter Sluggish Schizophrenia and abuse of psychiatry.


>They'll keep proposing it until it does

This. Find a Nat'l Forest, go for a canoe trip, and lose your guns. Better than getting shot in your sleep like Mr. Maryland.

Actually your spastic retardedness is this threads biggest problem. (OP) is a faggot and you are too. Die. Take his topic and link and make the perfect fucking thread elsewhere.

>Anyway, what's so bad about a gun license?
You being a citizen under the Constitution is your license, you low IQ faggot. Period. End of Story. The Government agreed to the Constitution, if they want to break the pact with the Citizenry then that's on them for the consequences. This is completely unconstitutional and the fact it is even allowed to percolate during these times speaks volumes about those pushing it.

Too late. This is why we bought half a billion guns.

Nah, fuck you. You don't require defense.


Shall not be infringed
And you dont think blue states will infringe further?

Hah not to mention in the last 2 months there has been more gun sales than in the last 2 years. People figured out that in times there is a need for self defense.

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Bless them for doing so
If there's a silver lining it's that people will not give up their shit


Let thread die.
Build a correct thread.
You will be amazed a the response and how you feel about contributing.

The only bits I realy have issue with here

>>“(ii) has submitted a photograph of the individual;

>>“(D) has not been determined by a court, in accordance with subsection (c)(5), to be unsuitable to be issued a Federal firearm owner's license; and

>>“(E) is not otherwise prohibited by Federal, State, Tribal, or local law from possessing a firearm.

And we need to role the firearms safety training into the high school curriculum. Everyone in the us having had gun safety as part of their basic education should be a must and will do more to protect people then this bill in total.



>have to go to summer school because you can't field strip your weapon system in 30 seconds
sounds based, fuck art class let's plink steel

Any attempt to hinder the American people’s access to guns should be seen as an act of war declared against the American people. We have no problem coming together and self isolating, but come after our right to protect ourselves and the nation you instantly become an enemy.

Okay shill, shut up.

Your fingers broken? Jesus, you shills are reaching had for something to criticize. He gave you the number. And posted the contents. You obvious shill.

the people pushing this bill have names and addresses

He’s not wrong namefag, stop derailing this shitemade thread even more you dullard

>posted the contents
>doesn’t post important excerpts
>link posts to shit up thread even more
>admits to making the thread under duress

>can’t handle criticism not directed at you
> overly happy to use “shill”

>faggots like OP will never do anything more than make threads and "vote"
actually no, americans are pissed off enough to start killing politicians and their families in their sleep now.

eye for an eye

I want to see it happen in my lifetime.

It's like the periodic table of asshole states


It's a Bill of RIGHTS>
Not a Bill for Permits(if approved).

Ever wonder why you cant get a girlfriend? Because of this shit. You lash out at people just trying to share info. You criticize everything without contributing anything. And you are paid to be a foggat.

Go out on a joh, and start to lose weight, then maybe you will get a better attitude and girls wont find you so repulsive.

This bill wont pass though, and if it does, boog is on. So it's fine either way. Whatever. Its past the point of voting being the answer.


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stupid faggot

unless your blog posts relate to the thread topic I’m going to disregard your emotional ramblings.

Bumping for niggers

Sounds like they just want to create racist barriers to gun ownership. Only white slaveowners will be able to afford the license.

California here. Someone shoot this motherfucker. I would but my ammo license is mysteriously delayed again for several months.