Corona in Japan

Streets are still full of people. What is their government hiding?

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the correct live cam

> people running
> literally anime

I still can't find a single fat person. wtf Japan.

Hikkikomori lifestyle is why, also only a fes cities in japan are heavily populated

Ethno-states look so much better then this mutt shithole we have in America

I love Lala so much

you couldn't post a cute japanese girl tho?

>What are they hiding?
Welp, from the look of that picture they are hiding a benis.

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you are comparing the most disciplined people in the world to the rest of the world?

they know what they are doing

They're all wearing "useless" masks.

True but that's actually a bad thing for japs. Their percentage of diabeetus cases are higher than USA. Their genes don't allow fat storage, which enables diabeetus

It's literally just a flu.

Japan wagecucks almost as hard as china. If you dont die working, you're basically a failure. In japan, women dont value big money as much as they value their husbands wanting to kill themselves for working 12 hours a day and the men consider themselves shameful failures if they dont work overtime on their unpaid overtime and if they dont pass out from overworking.

Basically, the government cucked them into being slaves and now they do it or they'll hate themselves to death, even if it means dying from the newest deadly chinese aids

My genes either. Is there a name for that?


Yeah it's called 'Tiny Manchild Syndrome' all the asian guys get it, they have to stay tiny

Actually yeah, its called the yerro gene. You have to go back though, chang.

government is not hiding anything, it just does not care. if you look at the stats soberly you would be asking why the rest of the world cares? lopsided economic excuse for failure. corona is boring now truly.

This is what convinced me of the serious early on. Not the hospitals, body bags or cremations. The fact that china sent its people home from work for months, the place that has suicide nets outside of factories. Only undeniable threat of total economic collapse even if they censored and concealed the virus could warrant that.

I’ve seen plenty of fat Asians, pajeetbro.

You fucking retard, I’m not asking about a comparable disorder, I’m asking for the common condition. The original comment attributed the condition to the ~entire population. It’s a common gene expression thing, and I want to read up on it because it can effect any race.

t. Full blooded white dude. Strong and able bodied, with a bmi of like 4%.

They are probably under reporting, they don't want to have the Olympics canceled. Everyone acting business as usual here, aside from public schools starting spring break early and hygiene efforts being ramped up.

Japs are a subgroup of asians

>Strong and able bodied, with a bmi of like 4%
nice larp, you prolly look like some weird humanoid with a protruding ribcage ching chong

Roll for: low level Fukushima radiation poisoning in the general pop is inhibiting virus retention.

>you look weird. t.pajeet

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Because its literally just a flu, and we got btfo by our boomer governments

post eyes chang

So you can fap into your dung pile? No.

bat soup for breakfast?

What a low effort troll you are. I guess you’re not one of those hard working pajeets. You are an embarrassment to your entire race, and that’s not easy to do since your entire race are street shitters.

May the many arms of vishnu repeatedly slap your parents for conceiving you.

Can you teach me to activate my diabetes, oh wisest of poos?

I can imagine why youre so angry, being a little weak chinksect must be really hard

why would you want to do that?

Fun fact, the Japanese have obly tested 10,000 people and are considering letting kids back to school due to the low number of Japanese infected.
[[honking intensifies]]

>Streets are still full of people. What is their government hiding?
The chance to die is smaller than normal flu its just spread faster.

By that logic we would need to quarentine everyone that gets normal flu, when they get the normal flu.

The Corona fears the Samurai

KEK I love poo-on-slope Internet violence.

>What is their government hiding?
Masks have been in fashion during cold and flu season for 20-30 years already in japan, as well as free hand sanitiser everywhere. They're not testing a ton of people because "We don't have a silver bullet cure so it's mostly pointless" as they already enact heavy measures against disease spread every year because japs are susceptible to the common cold and flu.
A lot of business are most certainly shut down during this time though so just looking at city cameras isn't enough to get the full picture.

they are hiding the fact that olympics would be a terrible idea this year
other than that, i don't know their numbers and total lockdown should be weeks, not years

Oh yeah, they also have far more hospital beds per person than most other countries so they have capacity unlike the west and their shitass healthcare.

but do you enjoy it as much as I enjoy europeans rejecting your whiteness?

Shouldn't Japan be dying en masse by now? Shouldn't the dead be spilling out of the hospitals?

Hmm... really makes me think.

Japan has a high amount of elderly people, you would think it would be them shitting their pants about this “pandemic” but no , you know why? Cause it’s a nothing burga

literally all sport stopped for months and these fags still think that shit is happening

Right during hanami season as well! We’re so fucked

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Catona Chan is gonna banzai this fucking country so hard. I guess it'll solve the pension problem.

I heard that the cure for that is drinking cow piss.

Japan is full of fatties.

You guys did invent no brakes.

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it's actually illegal to be fat in Japan

nips really want their boomers removed huh

They want the coronavirus to expand for killing all the WW2 survivors and boomers

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straight from the vagoo

They do have fat storage but only a little bit. The problem is their fat is visceral which is really bad. Westerners also get visceral fat but it's only a little bit most of it goes over the muscles. Some people can store ridiculous amounts and never get diabetes because none of it is around the organs so they look fat but are actually really healthy. But Asians can also digest starch 2x better than Westerners.

They have a country with a decent healthcare system and a competent leader, unlike ours that’s run by a fat orange retard.

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Yup. Poland. Japan. Even Korea. Unfortunately it's too late because America was built with foreign labour and you also already had Indians. Japan was always Japanese.

1.) japan's hospitals are way higher quality and capacity than any country in the west so they can afford much much higher spike of critical cases before collapsing
2.) wearing a mask was very common there way before corona
3.) they are testing and isolating very aggressively, more than korea even
it might as well be different planet compared to north america

They probably think they already had a good life and raised healthy Japanese children with no race mixing. They've done their job now they can retire. Their ancestors are smiling on them, can you say the same mutt?

True, it's the deposit on the pancreas that causes diabetes.


What’s your source on the starch comment?

that's real?
But i never trust the field of statistics. Is use in many fields bot not even statistics "professional" know what they are doing. Just look how many statistics are done wrong or are just fake out around the world.
Beside country's stated love to use it to paint something that's not true and so on. Created by the commies but basically any politician in the world would use fake statistics to calm down the public nowadays.
I bet that we would need to use other means to identify the number of real deaths around the world. Besides, Japan has a lot of old people as far as I know.

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Stop overreacting Hans.
Ze japz know this Bratwurst has no susage.
It's a nothing burger killing mostly old people that would die anyway soon.

pubmed, there's an article about how they have enzymes that are ~twice as efficient at breaking down starch. Don't have a link sorry.