@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Con 3/21/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on F&F 3/21/20
>VPCoS Short on F&F 3/21/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 3/20/20
>America1stActionChair LindaMac on WTNHNews8 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: Social Distancing 3/20/20
>CDCVideo: How does Corona-chan spread? 3/20/20
>USDAVideo: To the heroes in the US food supply chain, we salute you 3/20/20
>USSSVideo: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other 3/20/20
>StateDeptVideo: SoS Pompeo on Disinfo&Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: FLotUS Melania on Corona-chan 3/20/20
>WHVideo: AgSec Perdue "Plenty of food, assholes!" 3/20/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Hey what do we do with this one?

Niggers are so weird


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So Italy was fucked before China?

Let it die. Has no prev, didn't announce, didn't link in the prev thread, OP pic is clearly anti Trump

>cruise lines trying to get gibs
There is even less reason to bail them out than any other industry.
They even evade taxes by not flying a flag from a US port

We aren't, but I wish we were.

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Where is the meme energy? This place is fucking pathetic.



I wish we were desu but sadly medicine is not sanctioned.

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i love it

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Portugal running a american Thread ???


Cruises are gay as fuck but without them I bet many Caribbean countries will suffer because their economy is based on tourism

How dare you question Portubro?

Why even have these threads? The election is fucking over. Dems win with a great depression.


How new are you?

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I'm starting to understand why people talked so much shit about them in the 80s

Presser today is @ 4:30 P.M. ET

Why would this make people vote dem, exactly?

OK Globalist

Fact check: all chinks are soulless bugmen who eat dog dicks, bats, and are commies. I recommend sinking them.

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If you're locked down with a girl, contraception is treason!

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What do you hate most about globalism?

andrew "the nig" gillum

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They can't even go "hey, FDR was a Dem" because Trump will just swipe all of FDR's policies
New Deal? Green Deal? Trump can call it the American Deal. Catchy, huh? Yeah we need to let Brad know so he can get the team working on branding.

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A sandnigger loving Bernigger.

Okay, dumb fuck. Most threads have been from Portubro

Pee in a bottle and send it to the king

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They’ll eat anything if they think it will make their dick bigger

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too late. wtf. back to bed.

It's a bugman lie trying to shift blame on Italy. Italy was getting chinks straight out of Wuhan.

that some faggot is using VPNs just too keep these threads going.

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Woods is a living legend.
How is it that no one has briefed Joe Biden on the fact that petro chemical extraction forms the absolute foundation of everything which relates to modernity?

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>checks for pulse
lol bugs cannot overcome their programming

They will eat anything but the wooden legs of a table. Mostly because you can't be cruel to table legs.

Yeah I know they were. And one of the mayors were encouraging the citizens not to be racist towards the Chinese

> great depression
JEJ, as I said yesterday this is much "worse" than the great depression.
The great depression was a liquidity problem, people gamble and lost the whole economy worth of money so nobody could get loans or give loans. The solution was pretty much just turn the printer on and BRRRR your way out of it.

This crisis, even before Coronachan lockdowns, is a supply chain rupture one. The whole world found out that
> if 300 yellow bat eating chinkniggers dropping dead can paralyse the whole western world.
> then China's government can also do it on purpose whenever they want
All of a sudden shortage in parts made it very apparent that

Take the masks issue: the second things went sour for China one of their first measures was to
That woke the fuck up of many Western countries and a lot of EU countries followed suit, even banning sending masks and other medical equipment to Italy

Now, why do I believe this won't have a too great effect on Trump's reelection chances
1) it happened worldwide. Trump can't possibly be blamed for what happened in Italy and Spain, both countries with socialized healthcare, paid sick leave and many of the things the left is insisting would be needed to save America
2) the fix for the crisis is: limiting the free movement of people and reshoring production WHICH IS EXACTLY THE PLATFORM TRUMP RAN IN THE FIRST PLACE

Interesting times ahead. I for one welcome Coronachan with open arms, any discomfort she may have caused is temporary but the benefits of her visit are civilization changing, and for the better
> pic related

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>How is it that no one has briefed Joe Biden on the fact that petro chemical extraction forms the absolute foundation of everything which relates to modernity?
I have no clue what this means

Report him to the president personally as a Chinese spy

If you hate this thread you can just ignore it

hey wait a minute, the nato generals tell penaton what to do..
so, this is a circle of fuckery, with nancy and adam shit and others in their pay-to-play while we get fucked.

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Yeah that faggot really screwed Italy. But know that it didn't come out of Italy.

You might actually be stupid if you don’t understand that sentence

you are out of your element

>white foot

Daily reminder. Pay attention to how advertisements are personally invasive and harmful. The United States is one of two countries worldwide that allowd big pharma' to advertise their chemical alterations.

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>5 non-kikes
also, shalam, dave

I was inoculated by Chinks 2 weeks into January got symptoms. China lied I coofed

> I have no clue what this means
Plastic is made of oil. Plastic is the cornerstone of modern civilization, along with long distance transportation (also powered by oil), steel and concrete

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that font and color are shit to read.

There is literally nothing wrong with eating bats

Trump’s “reward people for being poor” stimulus bill is going to cost $2 trillion. How’s he going to pay for that? Or does he not care if he bankrupts this country?

Censoring "kike"?

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The fact that they arent incumbent.

You really fucking think that people wont be pissed the government caused a great depression over a virus that isnt deadly?

Well then I'm fucking stupid because that shit made literally no sense.

Bahamians use cruise ships to transport goods back from Florida because they’re still wrecked from Dorian.

Money printer goes BRRRRR

No shit. It's not the Chinese Virus for nothing

>reward people for being poor
I’m out of work because the media caused a panic over a flu strain and I find this very insulting. Kill yourself.

Ahh gotcha

This, but unironically. The people that would take up arms in the face of a government quarantine when clinton was president are now begging for socialism and total government control.

>government caused
No that was the media

> the government
They're going to vote Newson and Cuomo out?

When is the final Coronavirus bill getting unvieled? When are we getting our Trump bucks?

Can the October surprise be making Beijing glow in the dark please mr pres.

>my feeeeelings
Giant Eagle is hiring.

Um, man even I argue with portubro, but damn your straight wack with this. fix it. probably people already /fix you.. hah..

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It's NPR running damage control for Chinka. Even if they started seeing "strange pneumonia cases" there in December, China was covering this up in China since November, meaning it was likely first spread to Italy (and likely other countries, as well) via unwares Chinese tourism or from a product made in China shipped to Italy.

I’m just saying that maybe your message would be more effective if it wasn’t condescending and retarded

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Think of it this way: every advance since the coal-powered industrial age has used petroleum in some way, either in plastic (as Portubro pointed out) or as a fuel. One argument is that petrochemical use is necessary to industrial society as we know it; another is that over-reliance on a single staple, like hydrocarbons, is foolish, and that we should diversify away from petrochemicals into other materials and sources of energy.

Pretty sure it's the same guy who shot up a synagogue after he was done being a tranny's orbiter.

according to Sundance, Cuomo is who will emerge from the convention as their candidate
I have no idea but it sounds comical so I'm down for it

if it came from italy we would have seen the crisis get out of control there first.

Should I buy btc now ?

>2) the fix for the crisis is: limiting the free movement of people and reshoring production WHICH IS EXACTLY THE PLATFORM TRUMP RAN IN THE FIRST PLACE

What about Li Wenliang, the whistleblower doctor?

Oh how it riles up the slaves of Qing when it's called that.

Talk to me with more respect, I’m one of the people that is paying for you’re welfare.

And what’s wrong? You think working at a grocery store is beneath you, so instead you whine about how the government should steal money from the rich and give it to you.

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you make them. stop bitching

Well, have you tried not being poor?

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>being non essential


my fucking deenz tried to escape ya'll
had a bagful on the kitchen table, they toppled over on their own! had to do a can count to make sure none made it out the door. they're in a secure location now.
shit is getting real, food knows it's going to be eaten, stay safe

But WHERE can I get physical at 12? hmm? Corona-NO METAL TRADING-virus.
Only oath breakers diverting URANIUM with diplomatic immunity get to do that right now.

Why the fuck the Becks don't care about the Burisma phone rat line?

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>it was likely first spread to Italy (and likely other countries, as well) via unwares Chinese tourism or from a product made in China shipped to Italy.
More likely through the 300,000 Chinese colonists who live in northern Italy making "made in Italy" luxury goods but using Chinese labor.

I like Kung Flu too.

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I've forgetten things you couldn't even begin to remember, bucko.

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Industrial scale Ag. Fertilizer. Feedstocks for all manner of chemistry, not just plastics, but the modern pharmacopeia, nylon for clothing, rope, fabrics of all kinds. The list goes on and on. The planet literally will not support 10 billion human beings living in mega cities, without fossil extraction (on a food basis alone). Period. Yet idiots keep pushing the idea, Biden is one of them, that the entire process can just be halted, and replaced with... what exactly?

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I think it’s retarded to go apply for a job at a grocery store if if my job is only shut down for two weeks. My first job was at a grocery story by the way. Started as a bag boy and in a year and a half I was front end supervisor. That was back when I was in highscool though.

Dead. Dead because Xi's a niggerfaggot.

Yes it was nice until my job got shut down

People dont know who their fucking governors are you idiot. They only know the president.

> Cuomo is who will emerge from the convention as their candidate
I wouldn't doubt but that's very far fetched. If Biden has a problem convincing progressives Cuomo has one even worse, he can't win even the progressives in his own fucking state
> that redhead chick from Sex and the City tried to primary him and got all of the "AoC democrats" support behind her

If it's not made in USA, it's cheap chinese garbage. Simple as.

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I was talking to a friend’s little girl, and she said she wanted to be President some day. Both of her parents, trump supporters, were standing there, so I asked her, ‘If you were to be the President, what is the first thing you would do?’

She replied, ‘I’d give money to all the poor people.’ ‘Wow - what a worthy goal.’ I told her, ‘You don’t have to wait until you’re President to do that. You can come over to my house and mow, pull weeds, and sweep my sidewalks and driveway, and I’ll pay you $50. Then I’ll take you over to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food or a new house.’

She thought that over for a few seconds ‘cause she’s only 6. And while her Mom glared at me, the little girl looked me straight in the eye and asked, “Why doesn’t the homeless guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?”

And I said, “Welcome to the Democrat Party, sweetheart.”

I know he's dead, sadly. Poor guy got killed by the very thing that he was trying to warn them about.

I used to work at a grocery store. Was a porter. Interesting job. Had a homeless guy shit all over the bathroom and I had to clean it. Imagine the fucking smell.

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You don’t have enough savings to go two weeks? How are you that bad with money?

Hong Kong Fluey is also bretty good. Zoomers won't get it.

Oh, it originated in China. China's shit products and shit people spread it "unknowingly" around the world prior to the CCP admitting that it existed, hence why they're recollecting it being in Italy before it turned into a huge and admitted CRISIS in China. It's a non-sequitur by the bought-off leftist assholes of NPR.

>q-schizo and /x/ copypastas
I don't even think they read them

they want to tank the economy so that they can destroy the middle class leaving just the elite class and a low class

> Industrial scale Ag. Fertilizer
Oh, I always forget that, thanks for reminding me.

> Yes it was nice until my job got shut down
Have you tried getting another job?

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> People dont know who their fucking governors are you idiot.
JEJ, got a heart laugh from me.

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It may or may not still be going. I honestly am not sure, but when in the bunker and in doubt.

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That's a good one.

Did it start in a lab or from bats?

I have enough savings but I’m losing wages because the media caused a panic fuck you theyre my trumpbux and I want them now

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>“Welcome to the Democrat Party, sweetheart.”
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
For her to join the Democrat Party, she'd have to respond something like, "Why don't we get me a boyfriend, even though I'm only six, and have him do all the work, and then go to the grocery store and have my boyfriend give the money to the homeless man who will then proceed to fuck me raw in front of my boyfriend, even though I'm only six?"

reminds me of Joe's poll history for some reason
if there's anything normies will learn from this year it's that they're all fucking lying to you

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she'd have to be 8 to understand logic that complex, come on user

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