so lately I have been reading about the gret can you population starve if you live in an ISLAND?'why not Fish like normal people do? and thinking these genes were pass on to the americans...says alot
Wtf is wrong with ireland??
It was a bri'ish genocide against the irish.
They had quotas to give to the state and shit.
The Irish don't fish, they farm
Ireland exported food. Ships with food aid from USA were turned back by the British navy.
You realize this was the same everywhere right?
I mean Spain's education isn't so shit they don't know about how shitty life was for the citizens?
i can see that with the crops but with fish? you can survive just eating sea weat ffs
they tried to fish using potatoes
4 years no stocks of food people got sick men died and left to find new work as the farms went down there was no one left to fish at high amounts potato was the back bone
its not about education... its about surviving
Welsh, English and Scots did all the fishing, Irish just farmed potatoes and got drunk.
They had to work a landlords farm then work on a quarter of an acre of farmland that they rented to support their family user. You grow Potatoes cause of efficiency.
so lately I have been reading about the gret famine...
tfw op makes a freudian slip
It was all about the potato. It was sacred to the Irish. They just ate potatoes and forgot how to fish.
Then all the potatoes died in a plague.
The Irish were like dependent children of the potato.
And the British got too scared to help because of the potato plague so shut their doors. The rest is history.
Things are a bit different now. I mean the Irish could order potatoes from Amazon, for example. Fish too.
> Potato blight also hitting parts of England (and rest of Europe) at same time
> British government had relieved dozens of famines there leading up to this one
> Finally the big one hit and a mixture of exasperation, struggling capacity to respond, gleeful opportunism, lack of fishing skills = mass death
yeah makes me wonder why people who get stranded on desert islands just dont try fishing
user they ate potatoes for efficiency due to lack of land for self farming and for cheapness. You'd know that if you read a book once in a while.
the irish only farmed potatoes, so no crop diversity.
the irish split land up among the descendants when the owner died, meaning farms became smaller over time, and less productive.
Imagine being punked and genocided by the brits, they are complete faggots.
I have read and know that the potato was everything to the Irish and therefore sacred. But for the reasons you condescendingly stated.
We fucked the brits up easily and created the most powerful country on the face of earth.
The British took everything and let them starve.
God dammit you truly are the Americans of Europe but with worse food.
>the gret famine.
It's not our fault they only ate potatoes.
>user they ate potatoes for efficiency due to lack of land for self farming and for cheapnes
The Irish were pushed off the good land which was used to produce meat and grain for export to England.
That left them struggling to survive on small scraps of poor land. Potatoes was the only crop that could produce (barely) enough to live.
Canada is a bunch of fags and we will soon take your country also.
Keep reading about the Irish.
They keep talking about being subjugated by the English, but when the English turned up they were unbelievably backward.
They’re on a par with Romanian gypsies.
But of course this was all the British’s fault despite them helping during the potato famine as well
>buy hundred thousand pounds of maize to feed Irish
>retards can’t even crush kernels because they don’t have the better mills that the English invented
>British continue to send food after period of free markets proved unsuccessful
>British pump in millions over the years to improve Irish infrastructure so they aren’t so helpless next time
>waste these gifts by spending hundreds of years resuming beating their wives, getting drunk and killing each other over denominations of Christianity
>It's not our fault they only ate potatoes.
actually it is, as i explained in my more detailed post. (Irish roots here, hate the UK).
Please do. I want to live in an actual country.
>too scared to help and the rest is history
If you mean that they mandated continuing food exports, blocked aid from entering the country, forced people to build roads to nowhere just for a daily bowl of gruel and patrolled the coasts with warships in a coordinated attempt to genocide the Irish then yes I guess you could say that.
so a nigger
It’s the same with the Scots before the Union. The English effortlessly conquered them time and time again because they were backward in comparison
We do eat too much junk food, I will concede to that. I wish Chuck E. Cheese was over here though.
We're all Europeans now.
>If you mean that they mandated continuing food exports
The British did the same thing in India and allowed millions to starve to death while food exports continued.
They called it 'economics'.
We will send those faggots in Quebec back to france though first, after they surrender on day one.
Muslims showing how much better they are:
At a time when Ireland was enduring the terribleloss of a milliondead and the mass exodus of a million more during theGreat Hunger, the story goes that the Ottoman Sultan, Khaleefah Abdul-Majid I, declared his intention to send £10,000 to aid Ireland's farmers. However, Queen Victoria intervened and requested that the Sultan send only £1,000 because she had sent only £2,000 herself.
So theSultansent only the £1,000, but he also secretly sent five ships full of food. The English courts attempted to block the ships, but the food arrived in Drogheda harbor and was left there by Ottoman sailors. That £10,000 that the Sultan pledged to the Irish would be worth approximately £800,000 ($1.7m) today."
>so a nigger
beats being a filthy Anglo.
No I mean the potato famine was not wanted over here and the cries for help from Ireland was ignored instead of risk it.
In desperation an exodus from Ireland occurred and the Irish emigrated to other countries, like North America for example.
Sounds pretty based to me desu. Just make sure to kick out the spanish from the fishing lanes and actually do something with the east coast. Also just shoot the native hatchet gangs.
It is economics. Bigger countries still leave populations in poverty for their own benefit. Everyone cries about it but they would do the same if they could ever get to a position of power. Such is peasantry
We're all mortal.
The british are so weak, look at those crooked yellow toothed bastards, they are a bunch of fucking queers. How could anyone be scared of them?
easy coming from a filthy paki
They were colonized by the British and forced into servitude and trade restrictions, and all the wheat was shipped overseas and they had to pay high rents to absentee British landlords.
All of this collapsed when the potato blight happened.
Oh how benevolent. Ireland surely would not have been used as an easy access point to invade England after this enormous bribe. Definitely not
The Spanish can also fuck off back to their shithole, 3rd world countries have no claim on our soon to be Canadian 51st state.
Ironically, the Turks helped the Irish during the famine. Also black slaves and native Americans sent money to the Irish.
>Hate these people, goy
Enemy of my enemy is not my friend
irish slaves actually worth less than blacks. They did the more dangerous stuff. You can see it in the IQ. They are like 15 points lower than rest of britain
>It is economics. Bigger countries still leave populations in poverty for their own benefit
well no, not really. it was imperialism. India didnt export any food to Britain before the British arrived and took the place over.
nor would the Irish have been in the precarious position they were in had the English not stolen all the good land.
Sure they did, because everyone knows the American negroes tip well and really open up their wallets for charity.
user don't make it a singular state otherwise you wind up with a second California.
I wish. Most problems in the world come from Bongs. An invasion would be justified.
>Ironically, the Turks helped the Irish during the famine. Also black slaves and native Americans sent money to the Irish.
the more i learn about British history the more i understand that the British are the bad guys and invariably make things worse.
You aren't getting more than 2 senators, fuck that shit. 1 state and kick all the French and Ontario faggots out.
They weren't allowed to fish
What problems? Amazing technological advances and many countries left with great infrastructure after we let them go solo?
Catholics were literally banned from owning land within five miles of the sea and when the Spanish were supposed to come and help a century or two earlier they got scared away because of a little storm you massive flaming faggot
Fuck off crooked yellow toothed bastard. You English are faggot, our bitches now.
>What problems? Amazing technological advances and many countries left with great infrastructure after we let them go solo?
the British intentionally fucked up the countries that became independent, drawing stupid borders that guaranteed wars and the like.
>Fuck off crooked yellow toothed bastard. You English are faggot, our bitches now.
i'm only like one eighth Irish but i hate the English and reject my English heritage.
Holy shit based bong
Something to do with their potato famine, don't know the details, and don't care because they are pro-EU cucks.
You are even worse than the other English faggots.
This. Basically the same as the Holodomor. British stole food, prevented local population from getting more food. They wanted people to die.
No it fucking wasn't, retard.
The government just didn't do as much relief as it should have, mostly because micks are dumb fucking Papist traitors.
>You are even worse than the other English faggots.
I'm not English.
>This. Basically the same as the Holodomor. British stole food, prevented local population from getting more food. They wanted people to die.
they called it 'surplus population'.
it's because england had so many jews infiltrated into their gene pool early on
What do you mean "we?"
Did your ancestors involve themselves in any way in the War of Independence? Mine did.
If you're a Mick, I sincerely doubt that yours did.
In India during the British caused famine they set up workhouses for the victims and intentionally made conditions there so terrible that people wouldnt go to them unless they were on the verge of death.
obviously most people just died shortly after arriving in one.
that's the kind of people the British are. and they tell us stories about 'evil Nazis'.
Ireland doesnt have a lot of trees. Boats are made of wood. What's the point of this thread?
The Irish like to conform to stereotypes.
So the stereotype appeared that they only ate potatoes and that became a self fueling thing.
In England we were begging them to diversify their food supplies or else something bad might bappen but nooooo they knew better.
At the end of the day, they paid the price for being fussy eaters. If they could afford to emigrate, they could afford to eat at a modest restaurant.
>What's the point of this thread?
Mocking the Irish.
You need to understand that the Potato Famine was due to inequality, not any absolute shortage of food. Poor people's spuds died, and they were not allowed to, for instance, move into town or take food from productive farms. There were huge public order problems, and the cops basically forced the starving together, back to their villages and the like, to starve. Blaming the British is disingenuous - most Irish people regarded themselves as British at the time, Irish nationalism wasn't even really a thing until they started shooting the revolutionaries after the failed 1916 rising - the famine was something that we did to each other, and we need to admit that.