... from the rest of Europe?
Look at how low Germany's death rate is.
... from the rest of Europe?
Look at how low Germany's death rate is.
Other urls found in this thread:
germany is probably lying
More mutt genetics.
Different strain of the virus.
Explained over and over not gonna do it again amerimutt
Every country counts different.
In some it counts if you die with not because of corona.
population demographics, way more older people in Italy
Virus propagated a lot in elderly residences because "it was a nothingburger" for weeks and mowed them down
Because we are superior
Most dead people had more than one disease
in Italy and Spain they die because Corona, in Germany they die because the other diseases.
Corona has been manufactured problem that will bring nasty solutions: agenda 2020.
Meds are weak and incompetent
Spain and Italy have large amount of old people, including the retirees from the rest of the europe.
Germany in the other hand has lots of young bulls from the middle east and africa that are immune to the disease.
In every thread Germany death rate thread I will say this
Germany's Deaths/Total Recovered rate is low. But that ALWAYS UNDERESTIMATES the true death rate early in a pandemic. And, sure as shit, we've been watching their Deaths/Total Recovered rate grow every day. I am betting Germany's Deaths/Total Recovered will settle at a little bit higher than South Korea's death rate, which could range between 0.4 and 1.4% with 95% certainty.
Germans have more ventilators
Spain and Italys healthcare system is known for being affordable, but it's not prepared for pandemic. so the hospitalization rate became the new death rate
super aging population and people who generally don't give a shit about anything and do whatever the fuck they want
Both Spain and Italy have "multi generational living" consept. It means that old people live with their children and grand children in the same house. Then there are many old urban areas, where the living style is such that people meet and greet dozens of people per day. It is a recipe for the plague and now they have it, again.
Switzerland is acting as a buffer zone between germany and the lombardy. Say thank you.
Because we are full of old shit
Spain is not testing asymptomatic individuals.
Or maybe German old people are actually not monkey brained and stay indoors.
Everyone who die with a positive test is counted as virus death here, to be fair most are zombie boomers over 80 with multiple conditions which is surprising they made it so far.
you fucking retards people in germany are older
Testing. It has been explained multiple times, even officially. Countries that test more find more infected. Countries at the limit (Italy, Spain) test only critical patients in hospitals.
That gives very different results on infected and the relation to deaths.
Germany prob has 30k-50k infected, Italy has 300k-500k if not more infected. Also, Italy is further in the cycle.
Germany fell into a recession so their government changed the definition of a recession to 3 quarters of negative growth rather than two.
German car companies boasted about their car emissions, it turned out to be bogus.
Now Germany is declaring anyone who has an underlying condition did not die from the Coronavirus to massage their statistics.
Beware the Hun.
>Italy and Spain
Too many mid-day naps and work breaks to properly contain the virus.
> Both Spain and Italy have "multi generational living" concept
So people are locked in their homes with sick elderly family members? Making the Corona spread throughout the family?
Now Makes sense why it is rising even though they are Quarantined
As it has become quite clear that this is indeed a Chinese bio-weapon, what is its purpose? What the fuck do Chinks have against Italians?
>way more older people in Italy
Is this true for Spain, also?
Speak proper English Hans, it's like talking to a nigger ffs
What is agenda 2020?
Yes. This is what is happening and they are helpless to do anything - it is an unsolvable problem. Here in Nordic countries when one turns 18 it is time to move to your own apartment. We don't live with our parents or grandparents. I think the same goes for Germany too, perhaps some of the French people also prefer living like we do.
Italy copied spaghetti from them and now everyone thinks Italy has better food them.
Some old people homes were hit hard because it spread there early during the "it's nothing, goyim" phase. We have to wait and see if the mortality rate stays like that or drops a bit
>As it has become quite clear that this is indeed a Chinese bio-weapon, what is its purpose? What the fuck do Chinks have against Italians
I want to know the same.
It's the power of Nazi eugenics.
Because when you take everyone into account the death rate is somewhere between 1-3%
They're counting every death WITH corona as a death BECAUSE OF corona, never mind over 90% of them are 80+ y.o. with on average FOUR severe conditions such as cardiopathy, cancer, lung disease and HBP.
You'd think this would be a good thing, but this lockdown shitstorm sure isn't going to be of any help in the long run.
If Italy used Germany's system there would be 400 deaths at most so far and the country wouldn't be in panic mode because everyone know something far worse than a virus is on the horizon.
1. more testing
2. much larger capacity of ICU beds
3. mass outbreak didn't go unnoticed and measures were taken relatively quickly (Italy closed its schools when they already had 100+ fatalities, germany did so with just 4 dead)
4. non-sensationalist public broadcaster with long form discussion panels, podcasts with virulogists, daily evening news segment viewership doubled, now being watched by 1/3rd of the population every day. You can discuss neutrality and journalism all you want but private broadcasters like in the US are a fucking shitshow in this crisis.
Germans are cold distant people. Southerns appreciate human contact. It's lovely to live like this and corona-chan loves it too.
>Look at how low Germany's death rate is.
high IQ and disciplined population
you're welcome
>Southerns appreciate human contact
imagine being a faggot who likes being all touchy touchy and kissy kissy. holy fuck
Istead of the lockdown they should’ve nationalized masks and a amuchina factories and delivered to the population at fixed prices.
As soon as infections goes down and lockdown end we will get infected again because most people do ‘t have protections.
I wonder if Salvini or Meloni was PM, you would be in a better situation. Looks like Leftists are not handling it properly
Don't Italy and Spain have a lot of chinese immigrants?
None of this matters, hans. You just test more people, and that's literally the only difference.
in yesterndays update the dude said "we are reporting people who died WITH coronavirus" (right after he said the numbers of death and without noone questioning him) with a pretty provocative tone
Boomers vacation. Italy had the carnival, prime time for boomer tourists. Spain had las fiestas, again, prime time for boomer tourists.
Germany probably has its own work force infected.
There is also no reason whatsoever to lockdown the southern regions, nor was any reason to make those sickening witch hunts against people who fled from the north regions because they knew they were going to be stuck there for months after the lockdown was announced. Almost all the cases are focused in Lombardy and surrounding regions, where population density is high.
Why the fuck am I not allowed to take a walk on the beach in my town when there is absolutely not a single soul there in the winter?
we're also not fucking meds who kiss and hug each other like little faggottini and live with their parents/grandparents until the age of 40
See, we are nice frenchbros.
Now give back Elsaß-Lothringen pls.
you don't get it
walkers and runners will be the scapegoat, the whole govt. is made by lawyers, it's their everyday job
Differences in amount of tests and determined cause of death. At this stage the data is severly lacking.
subhuman genes that prevents them to run a country efficiently
Better leadership by miles.
the guidocalypse
Woke up short of breath and coughed a free times. Am I fucked??
It’s insane I can’t even take my dog or my diabetic parent for a walk.
I get it. I knew there was something fishy when "medical experts" were blaming people for living daily life when they should DAMN WELL KNOW how a virus spread works. It's not something you blame on people, it's something you study using math models like an earthquake. All people who are getting sued for this crap need to band together and defy this BS, at least they need to try. Also no doubt the lockdown will be extended until after 1/5 and there are easter, day after easter and 25/4. 4 days of juicy money for the state.
I think more generations living in the same household might be a factor. If the grandparents live with the rest of the family they get more easily infected by their grandkids who might not have any symptoms. In germany the elderly live on their own, so quarantine is more successful.
>subhuman genes
says the 3rd generation Algerian
this is awesome for south europe actually i really doubt italy wont exit EU after how Germany is behaving, they are literally reciving help from russia but not germany
Virus hit here way earlier than the rest you'll have the same ammount of deaths soon as we are now at the peak, lockdown is not strict enough also. There's no new mutations
An IT user yesterday posted a pic comparing Italy's industrial zones with corona spread and it was an almost perfect match. Anyone got that picture?
>Virus hit here way earlier than the rest you'll have the same ammount of deaths soon
we'll see about that in 1-2 weeks friend
What site is that?
It’s a meme, there are 23 million households for 60 million people.
It’s a meme that hasn’t been true for many generations. At least since the first postwar generation.
German aryans are superior to italian and spanish mutts.
Because Germans are pathological liars. They've been and still are the greatest threat to Europe.
It should have never been reunificated
Old people, smokers, bad diet, terrible life style. This tells me German cars will always outshine any Italian and Spanish ones.
It shouldn't be a meme. Living together with your family should be your goal.
Meds know the importance of a family unlike degenerate german phaggots.
>pathological liars
says the traitor of both world wars lol
The average age of those who pass away from the virus is higher than german or american life expectancy.
>Bad diet, Terrible lifestyle, Smokers
Kill yourself retard, seriously kill yourself and do it fast, choke on your own blood, cut your dick and eat it, jump off the window, stop a bus with your body, kiss a high speed train.. I don't care about the method you choose, but choose one, you got 24 hours from now.
I was not referring to just germany
Suck my fat hairy Mediterranean cock Kraut