U.S. created covid19
Israel stole it and sold it to China
China lab screwed up and it got released
The whole world is paying the price for US warmongering, jew thievery, and chink stupidity.
It is not complicated, Covid19 is a bioweapon
Other urls found in this thread:
First of all bio-weapons have existed since world war 2, when america took all of unit 731's research notes, even before that, so why would they choose to do it now instead of the past 60+ years?
It's a MAGA/MIGA operation (same thing).
Wins the trade war.
Interest rates are 0%
Market crash (correction) and bail out with NO BLAME.
Pay off plebs not to complain.
Iranian leaders die.
OR chinese will put anything into their mouths and call it food, hence their country is the cradle of emergent disease and something like this was inevitable because commie gooks live like gutter rats with clothes on.
Why would Israel steal from an ally?
bong are you actually pushing the batflu bullahit here
Hardly a bioweapon given it has piss poor lethality exclusively to those with underlying conditions.
No where near the same level as something like Ebola. All that is special about it is its high infectivity.
Surely OP will post a credible source for this theory.
>China lab screwed up and it got released
>Screwed it up
>Didnt release it on purpose
>US warmongering, jew thievery, and chink stupidity.
the holy trinity
>The whole world is paying the price for US warmongering, jew thievery, and chink stupidity.
beautiful, have a gold star
But, muh greatest (((ally))) would never do that. Don’t you remember the Lavon Affair and USS Liberty?
It was never meant to be released, just designed for mass contamination and not lethality. Creating a virus with a high infectious rate is the first step. Second step once that is perfected is to make it lethal. Seems like they got the infectious part going in the right direction.
nothing was stolen
the CIAids did this to China
If corona does have a unique mechanism in that victims struggle to build a resistance after recovery AND causes permanent lung fibrosis then it’s a permanent nightmare country’s will have to deal with for years to come
>Hardly a bioweapon given it has piss poor lethality exclusively to those with underlying conditions.
it kills people with pensions and those placing weight on the healthcare system. it will save trillions of dollars if they all die, or half of them.
What rock have you been hiding under the last 8 weeks?
Covid 19 is a weak pile of dogshit
That could be a problem. If the immune system fails to build up an immunity like with the noravirus then this virus will be staying with us for a long time.
Will continue to be a threat against people with underlying conditions, bit like natural selection.
Corona-chan isn't though
Your mom's pussy is a bio weapon
we all knew it was man made back in january
but it needs proofs that its a "weapon" for the specific purposes. im starting to think that it is really a weapon afterall
Cool conspiracy theory
where the fuck do you all find your schizo theories about a super mutating killer virus wihtout immunity. There are already millions of asymptomatic carriers and they have nothing.
>U.S. created covid19
it was created by Dr Anthony Fauci but the patents are owned by a British bioweapons lab
There is nothing "scizo" about what I said. It is basic biology, the reason the noravirus persists in the world is because the immune system fails to build up an adequate immunity coupled with the virus mutating meaning antibodies won't work anymore.
There are already reports that people aren't building up an immunity meaning reinfection could be a possibility, like the noravirus.
What that means is the virus could persist in your body making you infectious (a carrier) but not suffering from any symptoms. Again this is still early days so these reports could be wrong.
>we all knew it was man made back in january
>but it needs proofs that its a "weapon" for the specific purposes.
just linked the patent from 2018 registered by a British bio weapons research facility
so there is your proofs
The more likely situation is this is solely Chinas fault.
hard to build up an immunity when people are generally unhealthy for various reasons including radioactive and petrochemical contamination
somehow I don't think it's enough to match the Spanish influenza, you guys need to go spray a lot of Dimethyl sulfoxide everywhere to make sure
clearly OP is a Yas Forums vet. hits all the check marks.
believing antpeople can be creative enough to engineer it themselves, no fren.
How much are chink shills getting paid to blame America? Of course the chink shills will post CCP propaganda that started with the CCP itself.
Which scenario is more likely? The Wuhan virus, SARS-CoV-2, which replicates similarly to HIV, was leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has published multiple papers about splicing HIV and SARS together, or it was an American bioweapon attack? Gee, you know, all the civil unrest in mainland China and Hong Kong sure got memory holed once people were welded into their homes
Gee, I wonder if the whole world is freaking out if they knew something we didn't? How do you think the entire global community would react if it came out that the Wuhan virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was documenting their process making a similar virus?
Or, hear me out, this is entirely China’s fault and you’re a faggot.
go head and log off me chang ya fucking dog cunt
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Fuck China and fuck chinks
I hate to fuck up your LARP, but do you have any proof of this?
not acknowledging that is 100% israel's fault for stealing it and selling it to china. if you don't realize that jews are to blame for stealing it in the first place, kys.
do you have any proof its not?
and quoting the BS 1 in 1.5 Quintilian odds that it jumped bats to pangos to humans isn't proof
Not a bioweapon but a media, economic weapon. Manipulate power hungry politicians and media with a hoax virus with vaguely flu like symptoms during the flu season.
Get WHO cronies to declare pandemic based on shit evidence.
Get Idotalians to declare all flu victims to be Corona victim.
Give Democrats the crisis that they've longed for to force Trump from office.
Real 4D chess from Xi. Their last ditch effort to remove their most formidable foe from office. Long game Xi.
>China lab screwed up and it got released
I somehow doubt this, the release was intentional in my eyes. Then the west allowed this virus to spread, even the low IQ cashier at CITGO gas station said to shut down all flights back in Jan, early Feb when this all started.
Financial system being reset.
Turnkey Tyranny is here.
It's all the things the elitist class have wanted.
why the fuck do Yas Forumsniggers dont realise this virus is the beginning of the NWO and complete jew globohomo world they talked about in past every fucking day? why get ass blown thinking "blaming" rothschilds is the same as blaming usa? newfaggots? shills? retarded zoomers?
every shit on this image is factual, all in public. summary map of coronavirus
ok chink.
Your subhuman day of reckoning is coming soon.
ok wumao
>thinks high lethality is desirable in trade wars
Jesus Christ, why are bongs so fucking stupid?
I don’t believe you
This is the most plausible explanation
really looks like this
>project avalon: anglo saxon mission predicted coronavirus 10 years ago
>dr paul cottrell YT channel
>bioinformatic analysis showed 100% match with envelope protein of bat sars like coronavirus which is impossible to occur naturally by virus itself
archive dot ph/zyYYY#
>many other questions for its oddities and characteristics for its use as a weapon
chemrxiv dot org/articles/Homology_Models_of_Wuhan_Coronavirus_3CLpro_Protease/11637294/1
biorxiv dot org/content/10.1101/2020.01.30.927871v2
jvi.asm dot org/content/94/5/e02015-19
medrxiv dot org/content/10.1101/2020.02.12.20022418v1
archive dot ph/RB2Gl
>33 a's at the end of genome sequence
29761 acagtgaaca atgctaggga gagctgccta tatggaagag ccctaatgtg taaaattaat
29821 tttagtagtg ctatccccat gtgattttaa tagcttctta ggagaatgac aaaaaaaaaa
29881 aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaa aaa
das rite. ellen degenerate wuz wearing dat shit. although its not 33 of a's but you get the point besides every strange thing she's been posting after some time around this month. something's up user.
>The whole world is paying the price for US warmongering, jew thievery, and chink stupidity.
With the EU crying racism while doing nothing about it. Yeah, sounds about right.
>event 201 pandemic exercise highlight, 2019 november
>coronavirus, 2015, by the pirbright institute (funded by bill &melinda gates foundation)
archive dot ph/XRIir
archive dot ph/Bjp7o
>jewish harvard university professor, charlies lieber, "arrested" for apparently smugglying biological materials into china in january
archive dot ph/tdXtw
who made this virus has only a little significance for us. It's the purpose that everyone should be aware of.
enjoy your chips guys, it is inevitable and will happen. ID2020
I watched loads of avalon interviews and Bill Ryan always seemed like a genuine guy
Its the sun, there are still no sunspots, and the papers on that predict viruses fall from space east over the Himalayas (wuhan-ish)
Tldr: its either nature or aliens bro.
What part of try it and ill tear your balls off are you not getting bill?