First 2 death in Romania
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First 2 death in Romania
Anyone that's happy about the virus only killing the old and the handicaped is a soulless anglo.
>First 2 death
Like why should we care. Compare it to 367 infections your country have.
In Lithuania yestarday we had 67 cases and first death for old woman. She was not even tested. She was suspected to be infected after death, so they tested her after death. And test came back positive. So she was first death from coronavirus. If your country should have 35 deaths to be somewhat surprising. Anything under 5% CFR is no surprise. Italy is about 10% CFR right now.
Mother Nature thinks mercy is overrated. Not my fault.
wait 2 weeks. eheh
Hybrid vigor will save the ROMANI BVLL who will inherit the country
incepe si la noi nebunia. italia o sa para easy mode fata de ce o sa fie aici din cauza inconstientilor. o sa moara pe capete pulimea venita din diaspora, laolalta cu dobitocii de boomeri. stati inside, bagati jocuri si filme, work out, etc.
At least we're gonna get rid of religious fags, since they get communion using the same spoon:
Here comes the interesting part, they don't know how one of the guys who's dead got the virus. I'd say we already have a huge infection rate all over the country with all the immigrants returning. I've been hearing ambulances every 20 minutes yesterday and this morning, but i live near Elias hospital.
Why are they outside the church tho ?
>incepe si la noi nebunia. italia o sa para easy mode fata de ce o sa fie aici din cauza inconstientilor. o sa moara pe capete pulimea venita din diaspora, laolalta cu dobitocii de boomeri. stati inside, bagati jocuri si filme, work out, etc.
Parintii mei au niste vecini care au baruri si chestii d-astea, evident barurile au fost inchise, doar ca in acelasi timp in orasul meu tiganii sunt aproape 50% din populatia, desi erau aproape toti plecati in afara. Evident ca vecinii cu barurile vor bani, iar ciorile venite vor petrecere, asa ca vecinii au invitat zeci de tigani proaspat veniti acasa la ei pentru o suma modica, de sigur. Oricum nu au declarat niciunu ca au venit, am vorbit cu postasul de curand si spunea ca in zona tiganilor aproape in fiecare curte au aparut masini pe care nu le a vazut in viata lui. Mama a sunat la o linie d-asta unde se anunta cei veniti de afara sau alte chestii in legatura cu corona, a venit un echipaj la ai mei acasa si au vorbit cu mama, au zis ca vor merge acolo sa vada cum sta treaba, s-au intors dupa vreo ora jumate (ce au facut la baieramu ala de tigani o ora jumate, nu stiu), au spus ca acolo era o zi de nastere a unui copilas dragut si i au dat amenda mamei si i au citit niste cacaturi de articole, abia astept sa incepem sa murim
they probably thought it was safer than being indoors, but considering they use the same spoon for the wine, idk
Palinka kills coronavirus
>au spus ca acolo era o zi de nastere a unui copilas dragut si i au dat amenda mamei si i au citit niste cacaturi de articole
biserica mamii lor de caschetari. Daca treburile degenearaza o sa rad unul sa ii i-au arma din dotare. Prefer riscul de a fi impuscat decat sa mor ca un fatalu in casa.
Italy or Spain will be nothing compared to our retarded population.
Former chief of police lies about travelling to red country, infects 12 people, health deteriorates, spits on doctors.
Dude lies about coming from italy.
Another she-retard comes from Italy leaves isolation goes to hospital , puts all hospital in quarantine.
We will get rekt sooo damn fast.
Hope they were in Harghita and Covasna
kek just what the country needed, sweeping the communist bosorogi
You're next nigger
I think there's some regulation that only x people can gather indoors, so they stay out
retarded monkeys
2 less shitskins on this white man's continent
numa numa noooo
Cheating the law is the favourite sport of homo balkanoidus
We will retake the Danube from the Ulah squatters.
inapoi pe rodit baieti. acum.
206 cases
2 deaths
we're even romanian bro
>Mama a sunat la o linie d-asta unde se anunta cei veniti de afara
>i au dat amenda mamei
credeai ca politia e de partea ta sau ce?
N-o sa faca nimeni nimic copile
Young, old? Already sick?
>N-o sa faca nimeni nimic
ai inceput sa transpiri. se vede.
Old and already sick. One with terminal lung cancer and the other with kidney failure.
Da transpir prin pula. Deschide repede gura
Would you believe that someone dies every day in every single country out there?
67 - final stage cancer and other shit
74 - wrecked immune system and on dialysis
te joci cu focul. o sa te arzi.
ALERT! MODS! nuke this honeypot thread full of stinky gypsies, NOW OR NEVER.
Go dance off a balcony Mario
Here is the photo of their discovered bodies
Here is the photo of the author of this post
Go hug a chink.
reds in beace romeria
Please tell me they were gypsies
Imagine being a romanigger rapefugee begging in finland
They were Romanians so yes they are gypsies
Remember to use drones to gypsy towns populations to avoid being close to them while taking their temperatures. Bulgaria is doing that.
Stay safe south hungarians and mid romanians.
South romanians not so much
this anything outside Transylvania should die
>imagine posting with a memeflag
Hungarians never used those helmets. Only romaniggers used the cretin helmet
ofera ceva in schimb, in dumnezeii matii de plod shitposter. din cauza tampitilor ca tine luam ban pe range constant. adu ceva util
England please keep the stupid and criminal low-class romanians in your borders okay? We would have a real problem if those people came back, our jails couldn't handle the sudden influx, we would have to start execute them and you pozzers would not allow that.
You posted gypsies , these are actual Romanians
F if it was a gypsy or normal person
if it was some rich romanian, I don't care, you are the worst kind of people in eastern-europe
they look like italians to me. honestly if meds are white than those people are white too
I hope they came from Spain and spread all there tbqh
Show your flag gypsy, we already know it's you.
Stay strong, gypsy friends.
Sa imi iei pula in gura, asta e alternativa. Mars inapoi, roditorule.
He doesn't have to
nah we only bringed it to Ecuador, Peru and such. Argentina goes into Italy's fault.
Romania is getting cases from expats from Italy too.
Morții mătii de bozgor
>dying is the problem
Surviving is the problem, it could cause damage to your lungs, it doesn't matter when your fake id to buy drinks has been made gypo
You too, African
Italy literally built Western Civilization while y'all were trying to impregnate reindeers
you don't have to hope bro. that's what actually happened
>they look like italians to me
is because your IQ is not high enough to recognize or differentiate patterns
First one had terminal cancer and the second one was sick too
Lmao with your bad healthcare system gypsies u will fall easy.
Why? Tbh Romanians are always bastards on here
Bros, you are going so fucking fast, what are you trying to do out die us?
You too, fingolian