Russia and Italia are friends!

9 planes packed with doctors and equipment leading from Moscow to Rome to help our italian brothers and sisters in these dark times!
Im so hoping that italy and russia will be friends now. I love italy, love its story and it hurts me seeing what is happening right now.
You have all my support italybros!

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I would make you my personal blondelashes19 ruskie, don't forget that.

God Bless Mother Russia


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>Russia forced to send 9 planes when a single Ukrainian plane easily could have carried everything
how the mighty have fallen

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based Russians

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künstliches Konstrukt

>Oleg Konstantinowitsch Antonow (russisch Oлeг Кoнcтaнтинoвич Aнтoнoв, wiss. Transliteration Oleg Konstantinovič Antonov; * 25. Januarjul./ 7. Februar 1906greg. in Troizi bei Moskau; † 4. April 1984 in Kiew) war ein sowjetischer Flugzeugkonstrukteur.

Just don't forget to take care of the pope while you at it, about time to end the great-schism

>Hans is butthurt because now everybody thinks that german cucks are shitfaces after germany tried to sue people that 3d printed important valves that saves many lives
chill out hans. nobody cares

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Depends, did they send 9 IL-76's or something else?

Italy Yes! China fucks us in the ass and Russia in our mouth. Yes!

Implying 9 planes doesn’t sound way better than 1 plane for PR purposes which this is all about. Stay plebing faggot.

9 IL-76

>Implying 1 AN-225 can carry as much as 9 IL-76's

>Russia in our mouth
russia is literally just giving you helping hand. Per favore Massimo non te arrabia :(

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Thanks bro *smooch smooch*

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>Implying 9 planes doesn’t sound way better than 1 plane for PR purposes which this is all about
The message sent is that while the EU couldn't/wouldn't help one of its own, Russia sent NINE planes full of assistance.

Very sloppy, EU. Very sloppy.

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Fucking losers!

Russia gives away all their shit, then bends over and takes IMF dick in all holes.

Fucking losers!


Bunga bunga times with vlad now?

Those are flying hospitals I think.
Has the bear left it's cave?

Nothing is free we're gonna get raped after this. We're finished.

Those are what Russians would have if they had not chimped out

CCP propaganda

in these dark times you can see who your friends are. god bless

>simping for italy
pochemo dmitri, ti dolbaeb?

Fuck off back to Amerimuttland, Hernandez

Chimped out?

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no ti prego Massimo. io voglio amici con te :)

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I just can't believe the EU just sit by and do nothing and just blame USA for it.

Any kind of "help" is nothing more than a political maneuver. Not that sabotaging is better. It's everyone for themselves.

Next you Russians will demand Italy hand out citizenship to all their non-Italian residents and then enforce birthrates to go up, multiplying all the migrants within Italy and turning it into an honorary Russia.

the EU loans you'd be undoubtedly forced to take after the crisis will rape you economically
tfw minus interest for us means that we can get lended money and get some on top

kek based russian speaking italian with roman accent (the best italian dialect)

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>>Russia forced to send 9 planes when a single Ukrainian plane easily could have carried everything

they arent 9 times as big, fucknugget.

arent you supposed to feel cool because now you are alone at your island, Nigel? :)

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EU is bunch of incompetent bureaucrats high on lobby and blackmail.

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>with doctors and equipment
LOL it's all bugged with spying equipment and russian malware

Uncle Putin saves, when aunt Merkel fails

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jejejejejejee :D me piace prova parlare italiano. me parla intaliano un pocino

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>neolib doomposting
Yeah no get fucked kike, the sooner we get into the sinorussian sphere the better

and the """doctors""" are all FSB spies

They should help Iran too

>eurocuck is angry because now EU looks like a dick because Russia was the first one who helped Italy even if Italy technically is a part of europe
fuck off

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Truth is, Germany is totally fucked too atm. So are the other member states.

there are no Ukrainian planes, ukrop.
Its soviet.

I'm Italian and stuck here because of the virus, you filthy Russian. Keep your sinology by proxy away from Europe and die like the irresponsible snow niggers you've always been, you're making yourselves nothing more than a resource bridge for China to invade Europe.

My cat likes to drink water from the sink.

>nooooooo you can't seek alternative allies to the EU!
Hello pidiota

Russia doesn't help anyone it's just a convenient opportunity for them to penetrate Italian infrastructure and steal state secrets

you are loosing faggot. Your pseudo country is joke and beyond incompetent. How pathetic can you be that you are forced to accept help from your only enemy. Better take in those muslim, nigger migrants.

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I don't have anything against Russia. At the moment i hate china and our incompetent government. But we have to be honest the help we get isn't free, we don't have a choice, that's true, I don't argue against that. Let's hope they'd treat us better than Europe did.

I want to see how effective those nbc protection units are. I hope they deploy those aerosol machines ASAP.

im pretty sure you are not

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9 planes filled with vodka and slav squatters wearing dust masks

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Truth is, the EU is all talk. The solidarity is just talk. Italy was fucked way before Germany, Spain, or France. All they do was talk. China came and send assistance and help to Italy. EU fags chipped out and say they won’t help anyone who’s not a member of the EU. Serbia, who about to be a member get ignored and they have to beg the chinks for some help. EU is gonna pull Soviet 2.0 on us and chinks and Russia would fill the power vacuum


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I'm sure that I am. As sure as I am that you're just another untrustworthy Russian who with a savior complex to compensate for your inferiority complex.

This is true, too.

Why are we not helping?
Italy has a pro-EU government, even though no EU Country helps Italy.
>This will be the downfall of the EU

Remember Krim? Those were just russian tourists.

WW3 confirmed

Smettila! abbrachia me massimo. e che cazzo

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Nah its just biological warfare units and medics this time, no need to worry.

>cowardly nazies start to spawn in order to say something autistic
We can repeat what de did before Hanz :)

you're so lucky to live in a country with no need of medical personnel / supply, what's your secret leaf?

All jokes aside this is really nice. Remember who helped the meatballs in their darkest hour

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the bromance between Putin and Berlusconi has always been hilarious

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Shouldn't shopped Italy's holding Russia dick.

Should've shopped Italy's holding Russia dick.

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Cпacибo pyccкиe бpaтья!

Don't act like this isn't anything more than Russia attempting to trample others for the sake of Russian interests.

You're a plague on this Earth just like the Americans, Chinese, Jews and their migrants.

And use English here or shut the fuck up.

This is good. Shows how aboslutely worthless the EU is when it actually matters. Europe needs deeper and better relations with Russia. We are brothers. Fuck Jews who want to devide us and weaken both Europe and Russia. Anti-EU parties need to use examples like this to grow anti-EU sentiment. Of course this is political. And I thank Russia for it. And no I haven't forgotten the shot down plane and Dutch deaths. But there is no point arguing about shit like that when we consider eachother as 'enemies' or adversaries.

Sicily remembers, Ivan (russian mariners were first responders in 1908 earthquake / tsunami that leveled Messina)

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va bene, proxy Nigel

DESU, EU sent aid equipment to China when they were struggling against virus.

ti prego Massimo... :(

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Alot of bunga bunga was going on in the backgrounds

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You and the dutches don't want EU to unlock MES money, hope it strikes hard there too, no offense and nothing personal spurdo

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The shit posting Aussie makes a grand appearance

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diaspora kokol?

checking these big numbers