Why Lombardy in Northern Italy was hit so hard

I live in Lombardy, so I can tell you that there are 3 main reasons why Lombardy became the epicenter of the epidemic in Europe.
>1. Population density
Lombardy has one of the most dense populations in Europe. Whether they live in big or small cities, practically everyone here lives in tiny flats surrounded by a sea of cement. Sum this with high numbers of immigrants (tons of which are Chinese cheap labor) and the spreading of the virus is ensured.
>2. Pollution
Lombardy is THE most polluted region in Europe. I've lived in Milan for some time and the air there is almost impossible to breathe, which is why people already used to have a huge number of respiratory issues every single year. If you add to this the high humidity of the past January and February, the virus was spreading at the speed of sound.
>3. Average age and birth rates
With a birth rate of 1.3, Italy has the second oldest population in the entire world, after Japan. This is why the virus has such a high mortality rate here: it's not that it is much more dangerous than influenza or a common flu, but the fact that it hits a far higher number of individuals at risk, i.e. old people with pre-existing conditions.

In summary, you cannot avoid the virus for long, in fact it's likely that you already have it. But why do you think there have been no cases among children yet? Because they repel the virus? No, it's because normal healthy individuals will never develop any symptoms whatsoever. Therefore, what you CAN do is staying away from cities and going out in nature as much as possible, so that you can keep your immune system strong by absorbing sunlight and breathing fresh air. Also, do not smoke and do not sit on a chair all day, try to do some movement. Stay healthy bros.

Attached: 1200px-Lombardy_in_Italy.svg.png (1200x1508, 293.9K)

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>it's not that it is much more dangerous than influenza or a common flu

>it's because normal healthy individuals will never develop any symptoms whatsoever
Also no

Good job fishing for (you)s, have one.

5g and vaccinations against meningitis in january

>Also no
Prove it then. Where are all the children hit by Coronavirus? Just because the symptoms are in the lungs instead of the nose, ears or throat doesn't mean the virus is more aggressive.

He can't, he's just a scared faggot

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Why did it have to be the region that shares a huge border with switzerland. Fuck this shit.

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Chinks working in the textile/clothing industry. Lots of famous brands based in Milano want to have that Made in Italy label so they ship in chink workers to Italy.

I'm only going to say this once but NORTHERN ITALY IS FULL OF CHINKS AND SHITSKINS.

Thats where the industry is. To crash the pasta economy you only have to close down one region. Its that fucking easy niggers.

In the US they have to wage war on shale boomers via Russia and Middle East, then close several major cities, and a bunch of other stuff.

Why bother crashing Italy's economy?

Don't a lot of Chinese immigrants live in Lombardy?

Isn't Lombardy a free hunting area for pedos?

Because despite what pol believes they’re not white, have you ever seen Pontida rave parties?
In the white southern italy and the white countries on the other side of the alps both infections and deaths are low meanwhile Lombardy is Iran tier.

White people live there, the usual...

Silk Road

> If you add to this the high humidity of the past January and February, the virus was spreading at the speed of sound.
I just read today that the opposite was true

The American kikes hates white people.

Chinese population was traveling to and from Wuhan while the disease spread there and it could fester in Lombardy for months without anyone noticing.

Because, as I've said before: Italians don't wash their hands and they finger each other's buttholes.


fuck off hippy

Woke stuff, stay safe broseph and don't forget your vitamin c, works great with vitamin d from all the sunlight

Kids in my state already have it
You're just ignoring them there.

Attached: 3 kids 1 bag.webm (368x624, 2.94M)

Hospitals wouldn't be struggling if this was just a flu. No one would have noticed

>I live in x
Timestamp or fake and gay

Is there a joke I'm missing

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There are more Chinese in toscana, between Florence, Prato and Pisa than in Lombardia, and most of the Chinese textile and leather industries are there, yet Toscana has only 2000 Infected.
I think the reason is population density and probably pollution too, as OP said.

Anyway to verify this? Might as well be a LARP at this point.

Everyone is hit same hard. We are just 2-4 weeks behind.

Mobile version?


I was in that region two years ago. Do I have Corona

Dear Mexican flag, Lombardy is dying because she is prisoner of the Siculo-neapolitan ethnostate called 'it*ly'.

Without flushing 100 billion euros per year down the toilet of Sicily and Naples, we could afford to care about the environment, encourage native birthrate and buy some ventilator machines for our hospitals.

God damn 'it*ly'.

Attached: 1padania.jpg (600x417, 21.57K)

who is going to replace all the dead boomers?
shitaly will need many many nigger refuges.

Plus the chinks went home to Wuhan and returned to lombardy

Only southern Italy is white.
Those are the people for the nordicist separatist party of northern Italy at pontida rave parties, black hair brown eyes brown skin just like Iran. Not a single white person among crowds of thousands.
They’ve 2/3 of the infections with 1/6 of the total population.


OP was not a faggot

Weak genes. Southern Italians are the true med BVLLS with Greek heritage.

No that program is meant only for Lombards. White Celtic-germanic elderly people who are dying now will be replaced by further millions of Calogeros and Achmeds.

Siculo-neapolitans are still 97% of the population in their territory. Lombards are already under 50% almost everywhere.

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That wouldn't be BOYLLS, if greek?

if the press hadn't gone nuts would anyone have noticed? The hospitals are stretched becasue of panickers. Proof? look at the dead. this thing does not kill. 99% of those infected recover on their own

1. Epidemic hits Wuhan
2. 5 million people leave city before lockdown
3. "lets go on a holiday to wait it out" they say
4. "hey what about Italy?"
5. "yeah that's a good idea, northern Italy has a massive Chinese population and theres the great lakes and Venice too!"
6. Wuhan people fly en masse to Italy

thanks for the info, Mario. Stay safe

Siculo-neapolitans are genetically half jews. Are Jews the real whites ?
Dream on Calogero.

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Daily flights to wuhan for gamrent andanufacturing industries had a lot to do with it also - it spread widely before ever being suspected

Romans are bulls,they have both


I've been trying to get an idea of how the chinese virus compares to the flu.
What is the normal amount of deaths caused by the flu in italy?
It's impossible to find because google just shows coronavirus-related search results.
I just want to see a simple table of flu deaths per year by country.

I heard the reason italy was hit so hard was mainly due to the large chinese population there because of their ongoing political/economical push towards china.
how true is this?

Italians wipe their asses with their hands. They don't wash their hands. They don't wash their bodies. They sneeze and coof openly. They touch each other constantly because they are whores.

Now the rest of the world has to suffer because they are the ultimate pigs.

>Is there a joke I'm missing

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So basks and sardines are the less chink in europe
and finns the less nignogs in europe?
What if we mix the Sardine with the Perkele? The neolitical gottubermensch will then be børn?

Attached: conte-meme-14.jpg (680x484, 57.52K)

1. >tourism

>t. someone who has never seen a bidet in his life, let alone used it


the absolute state of italian w*men

Attached: le-bimbe-di-conte.jpg (945x619, 88.91K)

/thread suddenly ends.

Bumping your work


It’s an account run by casalino.

I also heard a good point, correct me if i am wrong. I heard that Italians often live in multi-generational homes which were a big issue with spreading this virus.

Maybe two centuries ago.

it's because Chinks though

Yes, and now us Americans are being forced to be imprisoned because the assumption is that we live like those weirdos. Yet I'm not around old people at work and not at home and almost nowhere else as well.

Nice larp. Not in America, We have regulations that say nope to ride sharing body bags.

i would imagine east indians would be hard hit too. The east indians at least that live in canada always buy a big ass house and have like the whole extended families living in the same home.

France has twice our chinese and one time and half our tourists.

>Why Lombardy in Northern Italy was hit so hard
Because we do not wash our hands and kiss and hug too much. also we kept the Chinese prisoners in factories to work as cheap slaves and they infected us

t. average retarded

There aren't even Indians in my entire county. We are in quarantine for PEOPLE WHO DO NOT EVEN LIVE HERE.

I hate to say this, but it’s entirely possible the virus was brought to the region deliberately because it would lead to an artificially high death toll which could then be spun into panic by the media.

I am hoping we go into a full quarantine. Dont see any reason why Canada hasnt gone under full lockdown yet like cali and new york have already done.

Also olive oil.

New York isn't in full lockdown. I am about ready to go get comfy snacks and coffee at the local gas station, and I'm going to my job tomorrow, which involves me driving 20 minutes. I'll probably order takeout tonight too.