Pennsylvania: /p-a-g General Thread #2

Report in Panons and Stay Safe

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PA Info:

Kennywood sucks now.

I was devastated when I found out.

Sucked for me after Holly user broke my heart
at Kennywood.

PA Dept of Revenue announces tax filing extension...


Fire, Police, and EMS for your Area in PA

For Infotainment during the "lockdowns"

Maybe hear your neighbor getting arrested...

Monroe county here

fuck those dirty new yorkers coming here to their weekend homes and spreading that shit and buying up all the tp

I live in the Hudson Valley of New York. Stop coming here for supplies, you North Eastern Pennsylvanians are parasitic demons.

The only way this is fucking me is by keeping me unemployed. Left my old job earlier in the year before the this chink stink flu started and was in the news. Been searching for something better since. Can't collect unemployment. I was about to start something new and this hits and the company I was supposed to start with has been silent about my start date.

PA Stats

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We had to shut down because new york cockroaches can't stay in their infected shithole. Hope they know Pennsylvania is armed and ready to kill the hoards. And fuck Tom Wolf

Bumping and Beaver County standing by.

Self employed in lackawanna county, no unemployment for me
Wife is caretaker for her mother so that's a bit of money coming in
We can hang in there a couple months.
The (((bankers))) will own half of small business after this with Tom Wolf's 4% recovery loans

This! NJ (as shitty as it is already) and PA being shut down is to curb the NY hordes fleeing to PA and NJ

Those loans should be .5% at the most. People think 4% isn't usury.

So if shit REALLY goes down and the stores are empty of stuff that really matters, we'll be fine right? What with how much farmland there is around here.

It depends on where you're at. In Cumberland County for example, most of the farmland has been turned into housing or warehousing. There's still some farms here, but they're few and far between now.

Westmoreland reporting in. At work today.

fyi nearly every non-mountain acre of forest in PA has been cleared at one point or another for farming. it really wouldn't take a huge effort to farm more again.

Probably best to grow a beard and make a new
Amish friend...

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How will they ever recover?

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user has seen stumps on Mt Davis that
could make you weep...

The old growth forests must have been AMAZING!

Bucks county fag here. Getting ready to go to work at Sherwin William's. Hopefully for the last time. We are open to general contractors and turning down boomer home owners that just want to paint the livingroom. Fucking idiots. Even contractors are admitting they are just picking up paint for there own house...fuck my company.

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Yup. Every random old stone wall you see when out hiking is where a farm used to be.

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Enforcement doesn't start till tomorrow so yea

There's still plenty of pockets of land that aren't used up, but you can't ignore the suburban sprawl and warehouses that have built up over the past 30 years in this state. It's been massive.

Told UPS guy to stay safe.
He said, "Yeah, no thanks to the Company"

Are the Unions of any help, anymore?

Easton reporting
Still essential as medical personal but hoping to get a couple beers in after shift

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old growth is certainly beautiful, but it is not industrious. Every single "fairy clearing" you see is where a collier used to make charcoal.

I live in Easton. I know all about the sprawl. Luckily there are still lots of farmers that have not sold yet. Best milk/yogurt I have ever had is from just north of Forks.

Where you at fellow Easton fag

I posted the bridge pics last night. South of the lehigh.

Ordered a maverick 88 last week for my birthday with my tax return and now the shops are closed up indefinitely. Sad times. At least I can neet for the next three weeks. Very happy I work in a corporate setting with literally no work.

go here for that yogurt btw.

pizza delivery

wolf is a worthless piece of shit that deserves to hang, i pray everyone he loves gets corona virus and dies, fuck wolf

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Based Easton-bro. City was pretty busy yesterday and there was even a flea market in the public market parking lot.

Nice bro, I’m literally a stones throw from the free bridge

Go to 507 outfitters, they are only helping Easton locals, rejecting all non locals and even checking licenses for Easton as their residence

"The best rural pie stand in Pennsylvania"

Where is it?

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Gun stores aren’t closing, they placed an injunction in the court
Besides as my seller said to me “i supply the police in Easton, whose going to shut me down? My customers?”

Thats the scary part, it’s literally too late to buy a gun now for whatever is coming our way. Rumor on the street is a full shelter in place order tomorrow.

I’ve heard rumors the PA guard was activated, but couldn’t find anything else to it.

Village Farmer and Bakery in Delaware Water Gap.

I have actually never been in there. How are the prices?

Wrong, there's a gun store in Pittsburgh open today.

Why does Montco have more cases than Philly? Is Philly just not testing people?

user misses Hockey.

No offense Flyers fans.

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Readingfag here, if shit pops off the hordes will rise up and cross the river, then I'll run out of ammo and die here in the suburbs in 25 minutes

Last weekend I passed a convoy, probably 20 vehicles on 81 around Wilkes Barre

Bought a mossberg 30/30 yesterday for less than msrp

Penguins master race here

Was just telling my friend at work about that place
Legit best deal in PA: 2.99 for a hot dog and slice of pie

Washington Co reporting. Beer cant be kept in stock and ammo prices are nominal. The welfare-ites here and in Fayette & Greene are concerned they wont get checks if it gets too bad, so we still have humor.

>when one of your employees tries to destroy the whole company so he can go home early
local man crushed by multimillion dollar business, more at 11

I’m in the exact same boat just protected by the mountain instead of the river. Planning to outfox them in the woods if it comes to that. Stay safe man.

Central reporting, all normal here, minor shortages of cat food, eggs, and...for some goddam reason...TP.
We're ok here, already have a surplus built up.
Bars and restaurants only doing delivery, perhaps to spread the virus more thoroughly through the delivery guys? Don't know.
No cases anywhere near Billtown, but it's moving closer, from the east.

People still socializing, not worried.

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I hope they blow the bridges honestly. There will be a fucking Puerto Rican vs. Dominican race war in the first hour and I don't wanna get caught in the crossfire

Thx anons, hope to make it there after this 'flu'
blows over.

Big selection of Pies? wid or widout Cheese?

user LIKES longhorn cheese on the Apple Pie.

Bucks county here. Thinking of spraying every package I buy from the grocery store with Lysol before I bring it inside.

I can't imagine living in PA (filthadelphia the exception, of course) and not owning a gun already...or a slew of them.
With thousands of rounds of ammo.

Everyone I know, LITERALLY everyone, has at least one gun.
Why did it take you so long, bro?

Gun shop by me was all PRs Friday eve. That was kind of worrying...
my only hopes are infighting like you said and fear of getting infected will keep the effects in the city fairly contained. Wish I had a drone right now to fly over there to see what its like bc fuck driving thru there.

They're all open around here, legal or not, I don't know & don't care.

..because it's tasty and ... mouthfeel

never EVER thought user would like pineapple on Pizza, but it works...somehow.

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This state is packed to the bring with shitty Leftists everywhere you look. Doylestown tried to pass Philadelphia style gun control not too long ago. Thankfully that got stopped, but they want to try it again. Even places like Solebury are just filled with old Boomers who lean hard Left and support gun control.


MAIL TOO user!

Wife and Girlfriend, Possibly.

Mohawk Valley. Watch your fucking tone about those godly men. I will soon be joining them in PA by the end of the year.

That's weird. All the boomers I know around here despise any form of gun control, and they would rather get rid of what we already have.
They're activist too, for the most part, they join gun clubs, hold gun raffles, do political shit in groups.
I wish everyone did that.

Industry is big gay, user. Take the Tedpill.