If the media wasn't beetling about it 24/7 you wouldn't even know it was happening. Everyone who died was already on a verge of death anyway. This is a completely manufactured "pandemic". Literally NOTHING is happening. So stupid. Get a grip!
If the media wasn't beetling about it 24/7 you wouldn't even know it was happening...
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Das rite
I want to have sex with a gook foid
god i bet she's just thinking about black dick
Can you even imagine the rate of spread if people weren't being told to chill the fuck out?
Checked and based.
It's funny how it was fake news for the last 4 years and now suddenly everyone trusts the media.
Its true. I wish we were still going for the smart herd immunity approach before retards forced the government to over-react
>Everyone who died was already on a verge of death anyway
I wish this were true. My actually fucking retarded neighbours had a house party last night.
This is not a nothingburger hospitals are at breaking point. "it's just the flu bro" is a lie spread by retards like you and my dumbfuck neighbours.
My brother is a doctor, I trust his opinion not the MSM and he says it's so much worse than the media is making it out to be. You can gamble with your life if you think it's worth it.
Media said this was a nothingburger for the first 2 months or more
fuck off denier
white dick**
Ftfy. No ones wants shitdick
Why don't you go out and get infected then? it's just a nothingburger bro! it's not like it causes irreversible damage to your lungs and neurology, indiscriminately of age!
>boomers suddenly go extinct
>social security fixed
>housing and real estate fixed
>political system fixed because no more retard votes
yeah that sounds terrible
>>political system fixed because no more retard votes
you mean leftist liberal teenage cucks vote in islamic brown hyperqueer overlords worldwide? sounds great
ok boomer
God I hope you faggots that think this is fake catch it
>Ah yes, let's FAKE a pandemic that makes us lose billions of dollars!
The absolute state of copefags
>86% of covid cases unreported
>6-14% of oldfucks die
>.2% of younger people
>14% of these mortality rates based on unreported cases
>numbers are a joke
I think the government literally thinks we are a bunch of motherfucking retards. These numbers are public, there's benign medications available that treat it, and we are shutting everything down and hiding inside like paranoid schizophrenics.
This is literally a power grab by the elites and a globalist Zionist experiment.
the ones on top are NOT losing from this, they will gain long term significantly
She’s cute but most chinks have shit breath.
How do you know the numbers if they’re unreported, you dumbfuck
>I think the government literally thinks we are a bunch of motherfucking retards.
majority of people are
and apparently you're retarded, acting like i pulled this number out of my ass
I kind of have to agree.
Nobody I know is sick, nobody I know has died.
Everyone is being told not to go out or "socialize" but I see people on the streets all the time, talking to each other, no masks...
I live in a small rural community, though.
I'm wondering if maybe these sanctions should have been limited to the large population centers...I don't know how things are going in those places.
>This is a completely manufactured "pandemic"
That’s what pisses me off. It’s literally not gonna affect me or anybody I know but just because it’s a risk to the weak I’ve lost my job and am now stuck at home for a unknown period of time with almost everything closed and no sports to watch. Hope it blows over sooner than later. Bongs when do you think things will return to normal?
Sorry to break it to you, but almost all boomers live through it.
And what's the point of "fixing" SS if the only way you can "fix" it is to kill off all those eligible for it, who have paid into it their entire lives?
When you're eligible, will you off yourself, to help "fix" it?
All you're doing is turning it into another fed income tax to give to the Jew bankers.
That’s pretty hateful to say user. You better freak out and start being scared or else you’re not gonna get your government approved rations next week.
It's really strange, I haven't seen any sick people, the only evidence I've seen that any of this is real is the empty shelves at wal-mart. At the same time I also find it hard to believe they would go this far if they didn't need to. Which makes me think it's either much more serious then they are letting you see, or they are trying to test population control techniques. It's pretty scary either way. Out of my control though, just have to try to survive whatever happens.
They are exploiting the virus to make an economic crisis, same Jew BS, steal more wealth, gain more control.
-import millions of shitskins to replace dead boomers
-social security collapses from said overload of shitskins
-chinks buy all cheap real estate, creating new spike in prices
-shitskins all vote for leftist trash parties
Fixed it for ya
>tfw just bought some Corona Extra and 2 other 12 packs
not a bad beer honestly it was one of my first and it's a beer I enjoy to drink while just fucking around in Vidya
It's almost like they want us to have fear so someone can take advantage of the situation in the future.
They're taking advantage right now. They're inflating our money to shit and pouring 90% of it straight to companies
Where do you live? If you lived in New York you'd have 4 dead family members already.
That's the bias everybody has. They think if they can't see it in front of them right this second then it doesn't exist.
Ever been in a traffic jam? The traffic is backed up so damn far, as far as you can see. You know how slow you're moving. Eventually you get to the front and you can see the accident that caused it. But do you believe that there was no accident right up until the very last second? Or do you assume there must be an accident up ahead every time you find yourself in a traffic jam?
Fuck off chang
some of you guys are really drinking the koolaid
You say it like normies are the ones shutting down the world for just THE FLU
It wasn’t my fucking decision you idiot, how can I just think this is nothing when my entire state is shutdown and the world might as well be ending
I’m concerned on survival, not from the virus but from everything else
This shit just started, once supplies start running out and food runs low you’ll have looters, chaos and everything else
>If you lived in New York you'd have 4 dead family members already.
What are you talking about? There's only been 322 deaths in the entire U.S. Yes I know, exponential, not enough hospital beds, etc. You should be much more concerned about the fact that millions are going to lose their jobs because of this reaction. The consequences of that are going to far outweigh whatever death toll this virus was likely to rack up. Unless like I said everything is a lie and this is actually some kind of alien super aids that kills instantly.
Agree 100%
We're crashing the UK economy and fucking the life chances for 2 generations in order to save 50,000 cunts who'll be dead in 2 years anyway
> I wish this was true
It true for 99% of all cases you fucking retarded bong.
>b-but muh economy
You are fucking retard, 10x more people will die in the US than in Italy, the hospitals will be overfilled, that's for sure. Right now it might not look bad but when they run out of capacity in crematoriums you will regret it. America is already fucked.
That's right, you're correct.
Go out. Shake hand. Touch your face. Lick everyone you see, then come back and hug and kiss your conservative family.
If you don't understand how the economy affects standard of living and how standard of living affects public health, then you don't have anything useful to say. You are guzzling down the social media hype because you have nothing better to do.
>Trusting Bloomberg
You fucking retarded kike.
I literally been going out all damn week. Monday through Friday was spent driving around going to grocery stores cause the damn retarded minions bought everything at the big stores so I’ve had to go to smaller stores looking for my groceries for the week. Today I’m going out to buy a new cellphone. Yesterday I went to chipotle, there is a good majority of people not buying this bat virus shit and going about their day like nothing. Just the damn minions freaking out cause the media tells them to. Oh and I didn’t catch shit.
Literally no one anywhere near me is sick went on a jog yesterday and everyone is out exercising. Even normies know it is fake and gay. Why are you so gay?
Yeah, it's just bullshit fake news invented by the Deep State to hurt Trump's reelection chances. Make sure to tell that to your parents and grandparents when you visit them.
That's right, it's all bullshit. Dumb NPC leftists scared by the fake news media. Keep driving around, keep eating out. Don't be frightened. Go to social clubs. Go hunting. Visit your Trump-voting parents in their retirement home. You're a real American, and nothing will ever hurt you. USA USA USA!
You got it Goldberg, whatever gay ass plans you’re people have for everyone will not come to be cause no one is buying this shit and the longer it goes the more apparent it becomes it’s a big nothing burger.
>Yesterday I went to chipotle,
Now there’s a man with no fear. Chipotle is a veritable virus incubator.
It is a long incubation period. You are already infected.
The world economy was already going to crash in 2020; coronavirus panic is the plausible cover-up.
Peter Schiff in 2018, predicting for 2020: youtube.com
Harry Dent predicting for 2020 in 2015: (timestamps 39:02 and 53:42) youtube.com
Ron Paul in 2018, predicting for 2020: "A 50% correction will spark depression-like conditions that may be ‘worse than 1929’"
Mike Maloney in 2014 (timestamp 10:25, "Before the end of this decade")
>My brother is a doctor, I trust his opinion not the MSM and he says it's so much worse than the media is making it out to be.
Bull. Shit.
I’ve had the thought that maybe I had it and didn’t even know. Which leads me to believe the symptoms are mild, I travel often and was out of the country at the beginning of March around Chinese tourists, didn’t catch shit or if I did, it didn’t require me to go to the doctor.
I wish everybody would stop comsuming corona... they making it expensive and harder for me to find
LMAO no it's not, medical doctor is not a rare job you stupid cunt.
jesus christ, what I would give for her to spit corona-chan into my mouth
user when the media is on it thats when it finally IS happening. if the normies cant watch it on tv it is not happening.