/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2397 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 317,822 (+9,095) ► Died: 13,704 (+549)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 4796 deaths ~~~

Virus hits Africa, Nigerians killed by chloroquine poisoning

Jordan under lockdown, 9 million people

38 year old civil guard dies in Spain, no previous conditions

57 year old Manhattan lawyer dies after saying he was improving

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

Type-A blood more likely to catch virus than type-O

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

Survivors will be immunocompromised

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

HIV-like mutation made it 1000 times more infectious than SARS

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

New York under lockdown, 19 million people

Sweden stops testing "to protect other patients"

US hospitals: no tests, CDC: tests only for travel cases

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity


05:14: First death and 52 new cases in Colombia.
04:30: 53 new cases in Russia.
03:31: 109 new cases in Germany.
03:06: 585 new cases and 25 new deaths in New York state, United States.
02:54: 168 new cases and 3 new deaths in California, United States.
02:52: 67 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
02:48: 97 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.


Attached: CVG.png (399x351, 195.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based Argentinobro OP

>Dead: 13,548
lol, still only 13,548.
How many days has it been stuck at 13,548? Four days? Five days?

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nothing. burger.

Nothingburger, schizos.
Take your meds. Go to sleep.

Now that we know this is a nothingburger, when will you retards apologise and admit you were wrong?

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I’m excited for futures open today.

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why does New york have +700 cases every damn hour yet my state goes up about 2 a day...with still ZERO deaths?

>good and nice people will die from this

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> sunday
> feel sick
> not sure if corona or hangover

Attached: 1530107548279.gif (528x555, 815.5K)

>Economy in the shitter
>Marital law unrolled everywhere
>i-it's just a flu bro going around
I don't know what you think is a nothing burger but this is a something burger

exponential growth

He just keeps baking

>more posts than infected

>evil shitheads will die too

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Is anyone else enjoying the increased racism Corona-chan has brought about to normalfags?

Attached: chinese baby food 2.webm (368x480, 1.83M)

This is Yahweh's wrath for the faggotry that spread on earth. China tried to re-write sacred texts and is being punished for unforgiveable sins.

Pray to be spared.

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Attached: Resident Evil 3 Remake jill eggs planting.webm (800x456, 1.13M)

>jagoffs, shitcunts, assnozzles, dickwads, jerkfaces, and cockmonglers will die from this

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my state had someone infected before new york...

>>Marital law unrolled everywhere
That's not true. I'm still single.

>this is a something burger

Ptg said it was a faggot little nothing burger and a big nothing burger with extra nothing

so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand

So a kind user posted this image when I asked what could be used for disinfecting large areas.

Problem is, online sites say this does NOT work. Their other product, "RELY+ON™ VIRKON" works, but I can only find suuuper expensive packets/packages online....

Anyone knows any alternatives that I could spray?

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go night night Gary

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NYC is packed like deenz
One coof and like 6m people gets infected


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>everyone will die

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344 dead in spain

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>/ptg/ said it's fake so it must be true
You do know that /ptg/ is the reddit containmet thread tright?

>fatalities as high as the 10s of millions within the next 6 weeks
fucking chinks

in nyc's case it's fecal-oral from all the ass gass

Quack quack quack quack, went the duck.
But the chicken still said fock.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck, fuck off
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck, fuck off
Fuck fuck fuck fuck, fuck fuck, fuck off


I've been looking for number of tested on some countries' ministry of health pages to no success.
Later found this: ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-testing-source-data

Compairing it to the confirmed cases shows that a lot of countries aren't even trying..

lads. why isnt it vanishing as quickly as it arrived?

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Not gonna lie, former corona-chan supporter here. It's fucking hilarious watching her R0 crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let her get her hands on our vibrant urban centers

ok...well where I live is probably at least 25% asian exchange students with 2 of the larger hospitals on the east coast...something aint adding up

They try to revive the plague. THAT was really effective against Europeans.

The worst part is the retards who want to open everything back up now.

>10s of millions

Not enough. Even reversing the Earth population growth is not enough. We need a sudden 80% drop in Earth population to clean this shithole up.

How this nothingburger taste now Garry?

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Dominic 'old Coot Culler' Cummings

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Hows that vaccine coming on boys? Any day now right?


Attached: bmgs.png (960x944, 646.79K)

Me too... I warned so many people on Feb 20th too.

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UV i would guess.
I think at this point we are managing viral loads not preventing infection.

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Nice bait
Not what Yeshua looked like, it Semite propaganda.

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What a fucking faggot.

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Please fuck off.

get the fuck out

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Are we there yet? When is the messiah coming?

yea I mostly want to disinfect like our warehouse, the garageway, that sort of thing. also would be nice to spray in car / objects I guess.

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Do you know how many rats they’d need to infect.

climate change is probably going to happen even if everyone disappeared right now

She has to beat The Plague first.

>only 10s of millions
Yep, chinese quality.

Yes. Clever girl made it publicly ok to hate chinks

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any second now

Irish user here,

Hope all my frens are staying safe!

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>degenerates, politicians,celebs too
Look at the bright side of life user.
Embrace Day of the COOF

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Why is every European flag on this board a complete fucking retard?

russian army is ready to fly to help Italy

These things are not humans.

> says the murritard poster

japan numbers dont make fucking sense,bros
why are they lying??
theres no way the world is going to be ok for the olympics by june

NYC is huge, densely populated, and full of international travelers. Not sure why you're surprised they're getting hit hard before other places.

> I warned so many people on Feb 20th too

I'm hungry now, good thing I stockpiled frozen patties!

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Something something blind hen something something