What was life like before 9/11?

What was life like before 9/11?

>t. 2000 zoomer

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Based as fuck. I want to go back.

9/11 marked the end of the 90s and America as a whole. It’s like the facade vanished and everything became serious.

More carefree with significantly less national (((debt)))

It was much better.

Nothing really changed due to 9/11. All the things that you get told only started after 9/11 were already going on. Widespread internet spying, for example.

They took away a bunch of our rights that we never got back and increased the police state, kinda like what's going on now.

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People's biggest fear was having to work a steady, comfy office job with their own personal cubicle.

We didnt have to deal with you, faggot

>playing in a lily white affordable small town until dark. Toys were slingshots, sega, BB guns, skateboards and BMX
>wandering aimlessly and trusting neighbours and locals
>no social medial bullshit or kids with cell phones
>abundant jobs that didn’t need a Ph.D
>diversity was just starting to rear it’s ugly head, SJWs were non existent
>unified and proud as a nation except for whiny Quebec ( surprise)
>you called your buddies on the landline or just walked over and to hang out
>hot summer days at camp crushing on Tiffany and Melissa.
>chads were revered and masculinity was based. Just look at the movies.
>ridiculous but playful fashion.
>porn was a stack of playboys in Chads room you had to sneak into
>success, cleanliness and wealth were admired.

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same as it was after
9/11 is a myth, nothing happened on that day. they put that shit in history books\documentaries after the US launched a bunch of wars

it was fucking good i miss the old days
>t. 1999 millenial

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What's 9/11 ? Nothing really relevant in the history books on it.

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Can I tell you about another myth that’s caused nothing but trouble?

>What was life like before 9/11?
it was nice, you wouldn't understand. you were born into shithole and can't possible comprehend what it was like before 9\11. it's like explaining to a nigger what it's like to be white. he wouldn't understand.

>kikes attempting to rewrite history

The world was a lot quieter, the air was fresher, people were happier and more care free. Racism wasn't really a thing, people were making careers out of ecojobs and shit.

Imagine a US event on the scale of the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist.

yea sure

I was a kid. I played outside and made forts. That's about it.

Your great grandmother wasn’t burnt alive, she was actually fucked to death willingly.

Lmaoo based

It was like before the pandemic
This is where then 911 btw

>What was life like before 9/11?

Fucking awesome.

>cheeze tv YEAAHHOOO dun dun dun DUN dun dund CHEEZE TV YEEHHOO

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Boring and dull. Stupid graphics in games. No HD videos, shitty fashion, spikey hair with a ton of gel. You zoomers would throw up from cringe

none of that stuff happened to her actually

Niggers were a rare and a whole lot less of immigrants.
You also could walk outside at night without having to wory.
Altough the immigration had already started in the 80's by boomer polititians. It wasn't nearly as bad.
I could be one of the last generations of natives with our cities accent.
It's pretty depressing.

Black people and white people really, really fucking hated each other after oj got off. Then habib did 9/11, and for about 10 years black folk and white folk said "yo dog, we cool"

>playing in a lily white affordable small town until dark. Toys were slingshots, sega, BB guns, skateboards and BMX
>wandering aimlessly and trusting neighbours and locals
spot on.
>chads were revered
yea by normies, and normies were the norm back then. which sucked, but also, it gave meaning to being an outcast loser punk skater.

A lot better than the shit after it.

They would throw up from being punched in the stomach for being faggots.

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Better in every way. Better TV,better music, better fast food, better looking women, fags knew their place, trannys hardly existed, blacks weren't as uppity, half as many spics and chinks. More civil rights, more privacy, no social media worth mentioning. Art Bell still on the radio.
internet was like the Wild West for computer nerds, not flooded with phone posting normalfags. Vidya was still being aimed at computer nerds, ie smarter people A woman with three tattoos was considered to be a freak, big tittys were universally loved, renaissance age of the big tiddy goth gf. Better drugs, other than marijuana which is crazy good now.
t. GenXoid

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It was a time before the scorpion stung the frog. It was a time of happy illusions.

>diversity was just starting to rear it’s ugly head, SJWs were non existent
mmmmm memories

I’m 43 years old. Honestly, it was pretty much the same shit.

I made a cardboard sniper rifle with a cheap laser pointer taped to it....for 3rd grade show and tell. Goldeneye had just come out.

Parents didn't care.
Young female teacher didn't care.
There was no reason to.

I was 6 years old when 9/11 happened, but life really started changing when the internet exploded (intended bad pun) I'd wish I had been born at least by 1990 or late 80's.
Social media has practically made good morals nonexistent with the trade off being more entertainment.

You were allowed in the cockpit of the plane to have a chat with the pilots

what was life like before corona-chan?

Take you back…

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It was a more innocent time.

comfy as fuck
t. born in 1994

And all that fine canadian programming

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Fuck I wish we could go back

I'd forgotten about this. It was a more innocent time.

Zoomers think I'm taking the piss when I tell them.

I remember that. they would call little kids up to the cockpit after the flights to take a look at all the gadgets and talk to the pilots

Why the fuck would modern kids want to look at an altimeter when they have smart phones?

I was 10 in 2000. The internet was nothing like we know it now - no social media, 4ch, or video streaming. Many people still didn't have computers, and got by fine (mostly old folks). Box-Stores like Wal-Mart hadn't totally killed local retail yet, and if you wanted to do shopping you'd either go to the mall (it was totally packed with people, and there were specialty shops for all kinds of stuff), downtown, or order stuff from a catalog. Getting catalogs was like online shopping is today.
Back then we'd usually just go outside after school and do random stuff, or i'd play 90s era computer games at a friends house. Think Doom, Theme Hospital, and Roller Coaster Tycoon and the like. Computers were much more clunky, would crash daily, took 10 minutes to boot up, and making them work was as much the challenge as using them
People in general were much more optimistic for the future and you didn't see the nonsense like SJW culture or people getting offended because you said something some YT influencer decided was offensive that day. It was a nice time.
Smartphones wouldn't exist en masse until 2008ish

>before 9/11
People believed the government and the tv news. The tech industry was on our side; even back then Google’s company motto was “don’t be evil.”

Also they would hand out little pin on pilot wings to kids.

I was born in 1993

Just early enough to see the old world strangled out of existence and replaced with the pile of shit we have today.

To all jews lurking in this thread, thank you for destroying our civilisation and replacing it with absolute garbage. You guys have a real knack for wrecking civilisations.

waayyy better fast food

>Google’s company motto was “don’t be evil.”

I’m pretty sure that was an inside joke among its Jewish founders. They never actually intended to keep it. Remember, 9/11 and mass surveillance were planned decades in advance

yeah being into guns was a completely normal thing for childhood boys. im not sure you could do that nowadays

oohh shit thats right

It's was less shit. Also tv was better.

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This photo is from an SCE office after the Whittier Narrows Earthquake

Fries so much better fried in animal fat... mmmm. the good old burger days

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Depends where you lived. 911 didn't affect Finland at all. Mutts were butthurt but that's it.

We used to have snowball wars at school at recess before throwing snowballs was banned in the late 90s

Normal people didn't have cell phones or internet. Only drug dealers (and wannabe drug dealers/wiggers) had pagers/beepers and wall street bankers had cell phones. Only Nerds had computers, most kids had console video games, only the really nerdy kids played games on PC. You could get on an airplane without getting your anal virginity took by government agents. They didn't have to act like granny and the 2 year old are working for terrorists because they don't want to appear to be profiling. The world wasn't completely retarded.

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It was nice user. I feel so sorry for these zoomers as this is the only America they've seen. I just barely remember the before times but they were very relaxed, people were cool with other people believing different shit or being a different political party. Everybody just kind of got along.

Of course almost the entire country was blind to the niggers violence and the kikes thieving so I prefer this time personally.