Why does Yas Forums hate boomers? Most of the boomers I know are super fucking based...

Why does Yas Forums hate boomers? Most of the boomers I know are super fucking based, millennials are the one pushing this gay transgender and blacked shit.

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They got divorced and stopped going to Church, which is the root of later generations' degeneracy.

Because they raised the degenerate tranny youth and completely ruined their financial system selling them them and their children into slavery

>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.

Good question I’ve wondered the same thing

I don't hate boomers. Only fags hate boomers, it's not their fault they got to live through the best times in America

God I wish she was doing that on my face

most boomers are fanatic antiracists brainwashed by TV and MSM in general.

what the fuck was his problem?


She's got her tits out and pissing on the floor in public, Israel flag

Imagine the smell

u a janny tranny? its close enough, go fuck yourself faggot

I believe the French call this, La Based

Theyre too old to do dick, let em be

Kill yourselves schizophrenic degens

its because losers cant take any responsibility for anything at all, if its not boomers its jews and if its not jews its the fucken whether, bad genes, stubbed my toe yesterday,
mindset of losers and i hate i even come here

Not a single bbc post yet?

>Is cOfFeE gOoD fOr YoU?

Because their group is so narcissistic and childish that all their decisions are based on what they can take for themselves, no matter the cost to anyone else. Look at the national debt since 1995, look at the tax relief they gave themselves, look at the bailouts they give themselves, look at the laws they pass to allow for investment properties to let them pay less taxes.... all at the cost of the next generation.
Do some fucking research, user.

It's a joke faggot

lol the whole west ist completely fucked u are are defending them kys

>millennials are the one pushing this gay transgender and blacked shit

That's why OP. Millennials hate boomers because boomers are the last thing standing between them and the socialist hell they want to create.

If you want to see the difference between millennials and boomers, look at what video games were like when they were being made by boomers/genx (90's, 2000s) and what they're like now.

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we are not responsible for who they elected these last decades. It was their choice

It's a D&C the Jews started pushing in the last few years. Go back 10 years and no one was whining about boomers. They're the whitest group in western nations and they're the most resistant to globalism.

Fuck off retard


>He has to use a memeflag because Israeli nigger doesn't know how to use a VPN lol

did he not worry about getting pee on his pants and shoes

just try shit and see what happens punk

t. boomer

ps get off my lawn

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My parents say "they are people like you and me" to which I say no they are not. Fuck off op this belongs in /bant/

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This. I was actually really surprised when this shit reached here. Suddenly half of Yas Forums started blaming everything on muh "boomers", instead of the kikes. Makes you really think.

My parents are literally the fucking opposite, they are mega based

Must be nice. Good for you user

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I'm not a boomer, and you don't own your lawn nigger, you rent it.

>9 posts by this ID

Okay faggot

Based Grandpa

sure it is degenerate

Newfag confirmed

Yas Forums was shilled relentlessly when they noticed Yas Forums was a center of resistance to globalism shortly after gamergate. And then the election cranked that up even higher. They followed the original population of this site to its new home and attacked, blaming the Philippines site for a shooting, blaming the German site for a shooting, and blaming the US site for a shooting, all within about 2 years. The current population here is less aware of the Jews and don't always recognize the poison they spread.

>millennials are the one pushing this gay transgender and blacked shit.
And guess who raised them?

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Hmmmm..... I'm thinking........ Based.

Also they imported a bunch of turks arabs and niggers while they got to enjoy growing up in a functioning homogeneous society.

>And guess who raised them?
Television and dikes.
It was fought against. Christians resisting, and even attacking, those responsible was a common thing in the '50s-'80s.

Calm down vee

Humans tend to be extremely arrogant and have to have an easy scapegoat.
The average Boomer has no idea how bad politicians have made the world for late Gen X, Millennials and Zoomers.

I've been gone for quite awhile. Yas Forums is barely even a shadow of its former self. The boomer hate thing has gotten pretty insidious, especially now. What it really is is trying to trick kids into hating their own grandparents.

most of the boomers I know are communist retards so fuck them


A cuntwhore with ther tits out in public urinating in a public space while being filmed for money. Whats not wrong with it?

Boomers had the most comfy lives in the history of the world, which makes their opinions during hard times ability meaningless. Unfortunately they are also the largest voting bloc so their stupid idealism is put into policy.

They also have gamed the pension system so that they will make more money in retirement than anyone working today.

53% of mothers that raise transgenders have Borderline Personality Disorder.

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>muh based and redpilled zoomies

Most people are just fuckin with you with the gay and blacked shit, I don't think thats a generational thing.

Jews and Stormfags do the blacked shit the most because they think its going to make people hate niggers as much as they do

If there was a drunken half naked man pissing in the middle of a public walkway...would you give them positive reinforcement or negative reinforcement?
Which do you think is better for society?

Everyone on /pol is a boomer. They are all larping.


Clothesline him into his own puddle of piss.

Zoomers against Boomers
Women against Men
Liberals against Conservatives
Christians against Muslims
Blacks against Whites
Communists against Fascists

Same shit different millennium

Because boomers are the ones that let the globalist agenda pick up steam. The 1960s was a fucking disaster.

boomer remover! boomer remover! boomer remover!

if i find you op i will coof on you in minecraft!

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Isn't that a lefty thing? Kinda gay, Boomer Doomer would be better, and rhymes better. Still pretty corny however you say it tho

>ruined their financial system selling them them and their children into slavery

I like to talk with boomers. My boomer family is way better than the generations below them.

no it's a zoomer thing, boomers are the worst generation of all time.

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