Daily Reminder...Chinks fucked the world up and continue to evade responsibility

Daily Reminder...Chinks fucked the world up and continue to evade responsibility.
I hope they all die.

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Ok US government poster

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Kill yourself, chink.

China will pay. The end of the ccp is in sight.

Believe your government, zombie.

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>"they fucked the world up and nobody cares!"
they used to say that about us. I guess China really is the new global power

Go back to your country

He is right tho

>actually we didnt release our virus due to incompetence and covered it up like so many times before
>we believe China was so competent to steal it from our incompetent military bases and bioweapon labs
>we believe China was so competent to smuggle our pandemic virus through our incompetent border controlls out of our country
>we believe China was so competent it didnt release it in our country first
>we believe China because its so incompetent accidentally released it later in China
>then we travelbanned China because Trump so smart much foresight very baste and redpilled
>thats why American healthcare is so incompetent and our virus is spreading so aggressively in America
>asking questions about sudden shutdowns of American bioweapon labs due to incompetence not further detailed for "national security reasons" right before the Corona crisis is just whataboutism, deflection and avoiding responsibility
>this proofs unequestionably its all the fault of Chinas incompetence

This is unrionically the MIGA nigger hypothesis.

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nope.....us bio weapon

You ugly, downs syndrome looking mother fucking dog eaters really are pathetic. Judgement WILL come for all you dishonorable bastards. You WILL all die. ...and when you do...I will throw a party to celebrate.

You two realize this makes you useful idiots, right?
I am still convinced this was a bioweapon intended to weaken the eastern economy and populace. It has served in both distracting the masses and demonizing China's image. Trump making a deliberate effort in associating this virus to China via the "Chinese Virus" meme only backs this further. Even if this isn't a weapon, the implications are still clear. You are playing in to the interests of (((them))), and you are none the wiser. Typical of lousy Goyim, huh?
Here's the thing. Nobody especially cares for China but the Chinese. The image they have been painted in within the United States, however, is akin to propaganda. We only have what we are presented, and cognitive dissonance covers the rest. Don't forget why you are here.

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Fuck off rat eater

covid-19'id a US bioweapon.
mossad agents stole it and israel sold it to china for shekels.
china fucked up and released it because it is china after all.
we are at this point now.

>we believe China was so competent to steal it from our incompetent military bases and bioweapon labs
Getting caught stealing from Canada and bribing a filthy jew at Harvard isn't exactly skillful.

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>we believe China because its so incompetent accidentally released it later in China
Pretty much.
>The latest outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in China, with eight confirmed or suspected cases so far and hundreds quarantined, involves two researchers who were working with the virus in a Beijing research lab, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday (April 26).

“We suspect two people, a 26-year-old female postgraduate student and a 31-year-old male postdoc, were both infected, apparently in two separate incidents,” Bob Dietz, WHO spokesman in Beijing, told The Scientist.

The woman was admitted to hospital on April 4, but the man apparently became infected independently 2 weeks later, being hospitalized on April 17. Both worked at the Chinese Institute of Virology in Beijing, part of China's Center for Disease Control.


Happens all the time with the Chinese.

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Keep shilling hard, Chaim. We all know the virus was made in the USA by your cousins working at Ft. Detrick.



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Examine how stupid the propaganda line is that the jews and their white trash parrots are pushing:
>China is sophisticated enough to produce a bioweapon.
>China is so incompetent, they released the bioweapon on themselves.
China as incompetent = a forced meme wrapped in cope. They already beat the west in gene editing and 5g.

Sink the Chink.
Their economy must be completely uprooted. People as incompetant as chinks have no business in the high tech and bio labs. Boycott all goods made in China, forever! Chinks are retarded goblins.

>China isn't sophisticated enough to produce a bioweapon
>China already beat the west in gene editing and 5g
Do you even hear yourself you retarded piece of shit insectoid?

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>China beat the West in 5G
>China pulled ahead of the west in gene editing.
Which of these two statements are you claiming is inaccurate?

i wouldnt be so sure. there are pics of a jew spy in wuhan in october. pretty suspishus.

Dude give it a rest

Not one fucking vid of Italians dying in the streets or even from ICU. I saw one vid of about a dozen people in ICU all wearing bubble helmets and the journalist was head to toe in tyvek and dr he was interviewing didn’t even have eye protection on. And coincidentally? The fucks at the DOJ are now quietly asking to detain people without a trial. I’m not saying there is no chink flu, but this being used to pass laws just like 9/11 was used to pass the patriot act, a 300 page bill that oddly was ready to go days after 9/11. This “crisis” is being used to enact Draconian laws to eliminate state enemies. And that means you, anons. Mark my words, this place will disappear in the coming months and so will you if you’ve posted inflammatory shit. Fuck the TP and rice. Prepare to see your freedoms eradicated......


you're retarded therefore I will humour you.
>It has served in both distracting the masses and demonizing China's image.
and thousands of vids of blowtorching dogs and smashing them on the pavement hasn't, right?
and chinks buying up real estate and resources in other countries with CCP funds hasn't, right?
and luring manufacturing over to their side hasn't right?
Look pal, I can tell that you're stupid as fuck, so I'll tell you straight up that if anything the "jews" aka big manufacturing corporations are on China's side. They enjoy the freedom that people in China get. Which is no freedom. If China falls it hurts the Jew.
>Nobody especially cares for China but the Chinese
because they have to be brainwashed and afraid of their government, and threatened with low social credit so they can't buy food and starve to death.


Trump was all like: china china china china wtf.. Now this happens. China bad. Fucking npc

Daily remind CIA glowniggers shilling the Chinese virus hard on here but rlly it was the Americans that brought it to Wuhan

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Says the guy using a Chinese computer sitting on a Chinese chair typing on a Chinese keyboard

You're a retard confirmed.
I was merely pointing out how stupid and hypocritical you sound when you claim that
>>China isn't sophisticated enough to produce a bioweapon
yet at the same time
>>China already beat the west in gene editing and 5g
Now if you want proof on how incompetant and careless chinks are, I suggest bestgore dot com.
Now scram, chink sympathizer.

this kike

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Yeah, fuck the yellow niggers up. Bomb Beijing now. They deserve it for ruining my lifestyle.

Spy team or scientists?

>we live in a society where stinky chinky' will be treated like rail-road niggers again
thank you shanghai shivers

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shut up idiot. I'm sitting on the edge of my bed. If I could buy an american keyboard I would, but all our traitorous manufacturers moved to china.

wrong Wong Bong

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CCP needs to be taken down. They are evil and untrustworthy.

Your bed was made in China faggot.
Also your excuse is lousy


both;researchers, and students who accepted money from china in exchange for research,access to pathogens, and chinese students/researchers to be trained by these corrupted institutions with high-level access.

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Modern day propaganda = memes
user = goebbels

Fuck chinks. That is all.

All countries finance students.

Communist China still doesn't understand the severity of what they have done. They have created millions of angry white men out of work with no bread and circuses. It's going to be a bloodbath.

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The Chinese have now become an existential threat to whites just like the jews. If they don't close down their bioweapon labs. We need to do it for them.

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Nah its gonna be a memeflag exodus

really these china hate thread stinks to glow nigger

>b-b-but muh doggos!
Lmao what a triggered leaf

You fucked up big time chink. If I was you I'd go back to China and dig the biggest hole to hide in.

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Cope Zhang

>All countries finance students.
This isn't true;China doesn't accept;and give out scholarships to American students to be apart of their virology/bio-related programs for the very reason that they know what they do can be done to them. China doesn't have news stories of "American steals Chinese secrets, only BSL-4 in country eggsdee XD";Isreal also doesn't seem to have this problem since you know;they don't let non-jews with jew lineage live there. This only seems to be a problem for first-world countries who have open borders, and a lack of travel restrictions.

In good American fashion, could we sue for liabilities and losses due to their blatant disregard for the health and well being off other countries?

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Reminder that if you side with China you side with evil commie organ harvester and slavers
Reminder that if you think jews are not powerful influencer of China, you are retarded
Reminder that the CCP was literally created by jews
Reminder that if you take the side of China you are one of the "invisible" enemies that will be put into FEMA camps like the parasitic commie scum you are.

Also my bed was not made in China, it's a wooden frame.

Silence commie scum, your days are numbered. China will never be forgiven for this atrocity.

Lmao leaf is so triggered
I'm just stating the facts nigger
If you really hate china this much, the mind control is working.

Stop making stuff up
Its not about siding with ccp
Shilling of this magnitude should never be allowed. This is pure warmongering.
Go bow down to drumpf

Yes;every nation who understands that they got cucked by China, and isn't a fucking simp under pay-roll is going to obliterate China;Russia, and US which are the only countries who actually matter in the grand-scheme of things are not fond of our Shanghai Shiver friends. Every time a CCP faggot want's to talk big REMEMBER
we have
>most gold
>share 90% of nuclear arsenal on earth between US, and Russia(both pissed at the stinky chinky)
>strongest navy
>largest military budget spending
>ownership of over 50% of all guns owned in the world
remember chinks literally have no idea what they've gotten themselves into, and LITERAL ccp officials/figures/spokesmen whether apart of the pay-roll, or not are about to get absolutely btfo on a magnitude never before seen;ww2 will look like child's play when US, and Russia start completely cucking them of their market, and agreeing upon returning to gold. Reminder Russia,Italy,France, and Germany(some of the most important western countries in the EU own more gold than china, but not more than the US). They would have to follow us to the return of the gold standard, and it would be to fatally deliver a blow to China, and annex Canada(they officially no longer have gold)
>Canada's Gold Reserves was reported at 0.000 USD mn in Feb 2020. This stayed constant from the previous number of 0.000 USD mn for Jan 2020

Or wait no stop bowing down to drumpf

>b-but ChiNa WiLL nEVer bE fOrgIveN fOr tHis aTRociTy
cope harder faggot, Canada will keep good relations with China like the good cock sucker it is.

Reminder the white race is dying suck my black cock

You seem to be mad, Nick Chen

Yea, because forget everything else they do. I really needed to wait for them to unleash another pandemic upon the world to see that they are evil scum.
Idiot. They have deserved my hate for longer than I have been alive.

This Chinese Bat Virus sucks. I need to be getting laid right now.

>Its not about siding with ccp
It clearly is. Fuck off with your black/white fallacies, brainlet.

Reminder niggers die everyday, killed by other niggers. Reminder, niggers would be in mud huts without the White race.


Reminder that a chink posted thisfor sleepy divide and conquer tactics.