For all of you COVID-19 Deniers out there I want you to know that my wife if a certified Rn and she has been dealing with patients around the clock having to choose which ones get to live or die and have to watch the ones suffocate because they don't have enough medical resourses. I want you to look at those Italians in the eyes dying on the street and tell them this is all a hoax or a Jew conspiracy. Go ahead, oh that's right, you are a useless NEET who has never had to deal with hardship in his life.
For all of you COVID-19 Deniers out there I want you to know that my wife if a certified Rn and she has been dealing...
>my wife is certified rn
sure she is
>look italians in the eyes and tell them its a hoax
they went and hugged all the chinkies and did nothing to stop it.
I'm not a denier.....just pointing out that the overwhelming majority of those dying from this (people over the age of 80) would be dying if the caught the flu, got pneumonia, etc.
Media acting like this is the plague. Is it?
>my wife
sounds hot
your wife is a certified real nigga?
Your wife is a true hero. Thank her for her service for me user.
Do you guys live in a fucking basement? Do you see that economy is fucking gone?
No one is saying its a hoax, we are saying the gooks did it
how many cases you got in Georgia right now?
They want to limit these old fucks dying, but they were too late and should have responded by barring entry from chinkland and cancelled carnaval events. And now we're fucked because this obvious bio-weapon is fucking us over, there's of course also the talk about the S and L-strain stuff going around which makes this sketchy as fuck.
your wife just flew over my house
>inb4 live in a hut
yes. because of the rn (real nigga) media
>Do you guys live in a fucking basement? Do you see that economy is fucking gone?
its gone because of the ludicrously extreme measures that have been taken.
pathetic larp, faggot
You sound like a bitch.
It's a nothingburger meme that kills old people
NEETS have no first hand experience of this mysterious entity you mention “economy”. Is that a new Sushi? An App for an IPhone?
That's a big fucking age range, though. I wonder in who's interests it is to use a sample spread like that... it couldn't be those towards the older end of the scale, could it?
“It’s no worse than the flu, bro!” TAMIFLU.
That's fake news
wait for it...
Low effort glowpost.
It's all fake news.
Actual doctor here. Here's my take on the Wuhan Corona virus.
From what I've read, particularly from the Lancet article, it appears to be capable of correlated loop chains, long-term dichroitic inhibition and innate caspase structures. Its von-Wille pathophysiological agents sub-units exhibit non-toxic repair dysgenesis utilizing phospholipid functional kinase. This is in line with novel medial dismustase and active catalytic time-course but surprisingly its non-androgenic caspase traffic seems similar to short-term wild-type proliferation though if it's capable of ectopic negative transcriptome and can endure equal unilateral stress, it's not unusual.
Why does your wife have a 5 o clock shadow?
I'm actually glad that the massive panic and overreaction to a fucking memeflu with pathetic lethality incidentally caused an economic and lifestyle happening through the work of dumbass normie faggots and absolute retard Yas Forums shills and preppers. Absolutely based. However you should still be the first ones that get culled by the disease or a rope, cause the world doesn't need your stupidity.
It kills sickly old people. It's nearly a hoax
Op is a fag. Sage if you're going to post in this shit thread
post time, date and a picture of your cock for laughs and proof.
Yas Forums has never been shilled this hard. Fuck jews. Everybody already knew that Wuflu is totally fake and gay.
>actual doctor here
>pic of man in scrubs
>I want you to look at those Italians in the eyes dying on the street
how many?
You think someone would do that? Just get on the internet and lie about their profession? That's not how this works. Trust me, I'm an astronaut.
The problem isn't how lethal the virus with treatment, but the fact that it requires hospitalization in a substantial number of cases to avoid death. If it's allowed to spread rapidly then hospitals will be overwhelmed and supplies will run out, causing a massive spike in deaths caused not only by the virus, but other diseases that are unable to be treated in time. That's why it's necessary to take drastic measures to limit and slow the spread.
It will come back once everybody goes back to work.
speak for yourself faggot
No you’re racist.
I am a PA and have not seen one single case of covid-19 at any of the hospitals in my city.
This. Phoneposting but I've been posting caps of my filters.
Literally 50+ Corona posts mimimun for two months straight now.
NOOOOOOOOOOO this is might almost be as bad as the flu eventually one day!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh imagine the horror!!!!!
No proof your wife is an rn? Alright let me get my larp song.
It's a beautiful day to be a Larp,
A beautiful day to be a Larp,
Would you believe thats my wife is a RN? Could you believe?
It's a beautiful day to be Larp,
A Larper day for a beauty,
Would you believe me? Could you believe me?
I've always wanted to have aswife thats an RN
I've always wanted to fuck a RN
So let's Larp on this beautiful day,
Since we're together, we might as well say,
Would you believe me? Could you believe me?
Won't you believe my wife is a RN?
Won't you please, won't you please,
Please won' t you believe my wife is a RN
its mossad you shill
>1 post by this ID
Come on guys if you're going to reply at least sage it...
>my wife if a certified Rn
What a coincidence. My dad works for Nintendo.
Fuck off Jew we're not taking your digital RFID chip of the beast.
>quick shut down the global economy
>oh my god, the economy is gone
>word salad
you read like
it's just a chinese bio weapon
The Jews engineered the virus with the Chinese, the Chinese think they'll be fellow Jews of the East and not slaves to the global Jew in the NWO
why does a British bio weapons lab own all the patents on a Chinese bio weapon?
That's not a safe question.
Have you had it? Ever breathe in during a forest fire?
COVID 19 denier = Holocaust denier
>she has been dealing with patients around the clock having to choose which ones get to live or die and have to watch the ones suffocate
now you should watch how she suffocates on my cock , so your both even
Nonsensical bullshit larper.
Assuming China is not lying this is fucking literally nothing. 3k cases? WTF that is nothing.
Going for a walk right now. Choke on it faggot.
Blackpill: that's the reason we're all locked down, break a leg and we die. Back in the forest.
imagine being mad at what diabetic Amerimutts who are one cheeseburger away from having their brain terminally clogged with cholesterol say
Dr Anthony Fauci engineered this virus
link to his wikileaks correspondence with Hillary Clinton
Virus and susceptibility will come back too, already sweating next Feb
"1 post by this ID"
stop falling for bait. Emotional arguments belong on reddit
nothing is safe, define safe if I have blue level already?
15~20% of cases require hospitalization, not enough resources to save everyone, that's why it's scary.
>Muh economicinos!
>Muh scarcitynos!
>How will we get over the problem that is unequal distributions of goodinos?!?
>it's real, guys!
>source: some words on a screen
still don't know anyone IRL who has/had it
still don't know anyone IRL who knows anyone who has/had it
still just a mental illness spread by media consumption
Only 10 cases where i live.
Get fucked degenerates, you should have moved to the countryside.
Doesn't his name mean "fuck me" in Portuguese
>because they don't have enough medical resourses
That's your problem, not corona in and of itself.
>Georgian flag
>shill thread
yeah very similar to deepstate prick Peter Strzok, Peter Stroke = dick stroke = jerk off
hilarious shit, not as funny as Peter Buttplug tho
Corona = Crown = England
Show us her tits
to all the guys who say "not enough resource to save everyone"
fuck you and your stupid fucking stupid brain that cant remember shit
i remember
also guess what countries got sprayed everyday with lethal "tear" gas that causes irreversible, deadly lung damage for 18 months straight, right before the coronahoax ?
all of them
but u already dont remember about france's yellow vests, hong kong protests and all those things
cuz u fcking STUPID
Based mistress of death waifu.
Not one fucking vid of Italians dying in the streets or even from ICU. I saw one vid of about a dozen people in ICU all wearing bubble helmets and the journalist was head to toe in tyvek and dr he was interviewing didn’t even have eye protection on. And coincidentally? The fucks at the DOJ are now quietly asking to detain people without a trial. I’m not saying there is no chink flu, but this being used to pass laws just like 9/11 was used to pass the patriot act, a 300 page bill that oddly was ready to go days after 9/11. This “crisis” is being used to enact Draconian laws to eliminate state enemies. And that means you, anons. Mark my words, this place will disappear in the coming months and so will you if you’ve posted inflammatory shit. Fuck the TP and rice. Prepare to see your freedoms eradicated.
Bit redundant aren't we?
Found the faggot gook that eats wild animals.