Conscription is a fucking crime against humanity. Imagine having to do this just because you were born a man...

Conscription is a fucking crime against humanity. Imagine having to do this just because you were born a man. There are no arguments for this, it is simply wrong.

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Why the fuck are those faggots naked?

No worries for you as it’s clear you’re a dickless fag

It makes sense when your population is small and you need to make sure your force is large enough at all times.

Nice to know you weren’t born a man.

It’s the perfect way to defend your country without maintaining a standing army (which inevitably leads to tyranny)

I already did my time, 1 year in 2013-2014. Looking back, it's insane to me that I lost that year of my life.

Why the fuck aren't they wearing clothes?

Are they going to get dressed after they get in contact or before?

c o p e

>1 year
>I did my time
excuse me while I laugh at you


but if you as a civilian don't have a rifle
you also don't have rights

They could have put you into mandatory transgender therapy if they felt like it
it can happen

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> being born a man
> having to do bullshit you don't want to do

Literally western civilization entirely.

>Have gun
>"okay Sven time to go to your mandatory HRT"
>"No I don't think I want to bjork bjork"
>Firefight ensues
>Sven dead

Dead men have no rights. Don't get me wrong I love having my guns but I don't kid myself by thinking that having guns means I'm free.

Whatever faggot

>Why the fuck are those faggots naked?

It was a long fucking time bro. All that time I could have been in uni, imagine how much money I lost because of that. A year's salary. Why the fuck would this be fair? Meanwhile girls my age had to do nothing.

Armed means dead cops

Every single sven they will try to transgeder will take at least 2 dead cops
They don't have that many
this alone prevents such transgression on a larger scale
They can try single cases
there is always a risk
but this minimizes it

Their Coomer fantasy of a prime minister
Some minecraft level shit could happen
in Minecraft !

>be public official
>know sven has a gun
>get order to take sven's gun
>calculate quickly
>fuck off boss, it aint worth it for that salary
now who is going to take his gun?

unironically best time of my life

If you quantify your life by money earned then you're living incorrectly. Mandatory service sucks but at least you experienced something.

Do you know how much that shit weighs? Get it wet and you'll double the weight.

if only....

Which is why mercenaries remove the need for conscription. Countries that didn’t draft males used mercenaries.

Legalise them and it won’t be a problem, plenty of male or female employees willing to work.

>Be public official
>Know sven has guns.
>Get order to take sven's gun
>Decide to just use a bomb drone or literally any kind of military technological marvel the government has access to in order to blow him the fuck out from the safety of my lazyboy with a cold one in my hand.

This isn't the 1800's anymore, also society is too spineless to raise a hand against it's masters anymore so I'm also not counting on anyone coming to help me incase I do end up having my stepdad's trailer park besieged.

what the fuck do you want to do? sit all day on your ass and eat bananas?

Well in Australia you could walk for 30 minutes in the sun and you’d be dry again, I don’t think that’d work in Finland

Imagine what you could do with all the time you spend posting on Yas Forums...

I saw many guys who came in as incels, but learned there basic communication skills, lost weight and got lifetime friends.

Go do civilian service then, military is not for everyone

>Born man
Precisely why we should conscript women too. Egalitarianism at its finest

i want to fuck russian women all day everyday

This is a bad argument. You will experience something else had you not done public service. The fact that it is an 'experience' is not a good reason for making it mandatory.

you are purposely missing my point. ok, forget about the money. instead of making money, I could have been doing ANYTHING else I wanted, instead of being forced to LARP in the army. I could have travelled, exercised, raised a baby, anything. You don't see that as a problem? Majority of men are wasting 10% of their best years in the army (20-30)

You can still be an incel with those things.

I'm not arguing in favor of mandatory service I'm just saying if his only reason for not wanting to do it is because he could have made money wageslaving his life away then he has his priorities fucked up.

for example, start my university 1 year earlier you fuck!

that would be illegal on a smaller scale

and would cause reprecautions on a larger one
The Federal Goverment drone bomging it's own citizen for no reason ?!

This is stupid
and shizo

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Would your solution be to make women also serve? Or have no one serve?

I've nothing else to do right now... Otherwise I wouldn't be here. What is your excuse?

I don't get how it's schizo, I'm not claiming any of it is even realistically going to happen all I'm making is the simple, factual statement that Firearm ownership = freedom is wrong. There will always be someone who is able to take from you no matter how well armed you are.

gammamales unironically think this isnt FUN AS FUCK

that's not the problem. military was easy, the point is that it was useless for me. and only men have to do it.

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that's only if you are on the defensive

As a man you should be ready to be a warrior. Why do you think rome lasted for as long as it did? because all men had dominance and their army was strong. They were strong on the battlefield and in the family unit, The paterfamilias was the leader. Tolerance and allowance of traditional values have made our society weak and unstable, Much like it did in rome when jews and christians started preaching tolerance, and later legalized by those jew faggots constantine and Licinius with the edict of milan preaching tolerance, Which in turn caused rome to collapse.

Its 1 year in Finland? Its 2 years + reservists trainings here. I know it fucking sucks but someone's got to do it if the nation's poor and under threat.

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have women serve. most would probably choose civil service, which would be fine. but having women exempt from this "slave labor" is wrong.

problem with your mindset. It was a year you got to take off from the bullshit wagecuckery and gay propaganda of the "civilian life" and hang out with other men practicing tribal warfare

Offensive/Defensive are both actually irrelevant.

Don't be a fag. Military service does good for you. You sacrifice one year of your life to defend our nation, it's not that much to ask. It's an honor and builds character. Also women are useless in the service so it's a good thing that it's not mandatory for them.

Looking back on your life when you're 70, are you.more likely going to remember your time in the army or working in an office somewhere for a year?

I also did my time, btw, so I feel the pain. No regrets, though, it just depends on how you look at it.

>nihilistic eesti incel comes spewing his bullshit

>tfw stuck in barracks since corona meme started

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휴가 짤렸냐 힘내라

Then just say that, I'm not misrepresenting your argument you are misrepresenting it yourself by not saying what you're actually meaning to say. Your gripe isn't the fact that you "could have made so much money bro lmao" or that it was a waste of time. Granted you may think that, but it's not what you're arguing. Because deep down you realize that military service of some sort is essential for maintaining the sovereignty of a nation. Your actual complaint is that women also don't have to serve. So instead of red herring yourself just say what you're actually thinking you fuck.

You go swimming with your clothes on? -_-

Well yeah the military does not exist for your needs only and thats the history of the world, men look out for the security of the tribe but women should contribute too thats true but not in the military, they are useless in most military roles

>wagecuck fenno-swede keeps whining on 4chins

Nobody will fuck with you if they risk getting shot and ded

If they see you are a cuck and you fear about killing someone
they will fuck with you till you lose it

It's called being passive agressive
but also it's important for them to know you actually physically can do it !

In these kinds of situation psychology is everything.
so the glowis can back off now

>Decide to just use a bomb drone or literally any kind of military technological marvel the government has access to in order to blow him the fuck out from the safety of my lazyboy with a cold one in my hand.
>what is unrest
>what is explaining to ARMED society why are you blowing people's homes up
>what is supply line
>what is drone operator
>what is family of a drone operator
>what is neighbourhood of a drone operator
>what are legal cannons in the 1800s
>where is the free country with legal AA eq?
what are you stupid?

Lol I'd lick his abs, no homo tho. I mean if he looked me in the eyes and told me to do it lower I would, but definitely no homo. I'm not gay or anything but I'd lick his Adonis belt up and down. I'd have to stop there tho, cause I'm into chicks. But if I did feel his chub on my chest I guess I'd feel obligated to grab it and if he got hard I'd feel guilty if I didn't release his tension so I guess I'd start jerking him off while looking him in the eyes. I'm straight af but I'd definitely slam his massive cock into the back of my throat until he shot his load, I guess I'd swallow it all too and keep sucking and licking his hard rod for a second to make sure I got it all, gotta help a bro out, no homo tho.

oh and btw
>>Decide to just use a bomb drone or literally any kind of military technological marvel the government has access to in order to blow him the fuck out from the safety of my lazyboy with a cold one in my hand.
>gun is still out there

>It’s the perfect way to defend your country without maintaining a standing army (which inevitably leads to tyranny)

And bankruptcy.

Honestly, I don't even remember most of the names of the men that were my "friends" in the army. And that was only 6 years ago. After we got home, no one kept contact. They were not real friendships, it only felt like that because we were forced to be together. This is true for the large majority of my IRL friends. I don't think many of them have kept contact with anyone. The memories of the other aspects of service are not that fond either. A lot off waiting around and shooting some mortars. "yay" It's not like an honorable war you would remember in your 70s, it's just pointless LARPing.

I feel you finbro. Same shit here, and the fucking boomer tradcucks keep saying it's good for muh character building while the women just shut up and slut away on social media. Suicidefuel is what it is.

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No, you're stupid because you didn't read my entire post. Society is way too complacent nowadays for armed revolution or unrest towards the government. The glory days of a civilian populace overthrowing their masters are over. This has been observed countless times in recent history especially in the U.S. I just stirs small, reactionary outbursts that inevitably die down. You're being delusional if you're having grandiose visions of the population taking arms while singing Les mis and beheading congressmen all because bubba wouldn't let the ATF take his guns.

>There are no arguments from this

Protecting your land and people from ruskies?

Are you a faggot? I would love to do this, but instead I got to play soldier in a game. Shit and gay

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Go back to pakistan

It's conscription you fucking mutt. They don't make people serve indefinitely

>The mutt word
How did I pinch a nerve for you Ahmed?

Mercenaries are useless and the only instance of them working in the period of select fire small arms has been when they have recently left a professional army.

You only have 25,000 conscripts to defend against Russia, after the year they are now trained as reservists. Your country has 900,000 reservists to defend your country and people because of the conscription training year

Gay homo

Well yeah, actually you are right. I answered too quickly, not thinking about it. I'm don't actually prefer the route of everyone serving their country in some way. In any case, there needs to be equality between men and women. It would be better to abolish conscription altogether.

I just get so pissed of thinking about all the girls in my high school who got to go straight to uni, when boys had to go to army for a wasted year. I would want to see their faces crawling in the mud for fucks sake... But that is not smart.

To keep their clothes dry, why would you cross a body of water with your clothes on, makes no sense

Found the faggot

In many metrics Finland is one of the best countries in the world you should just stfu and be thankful you weren't foeced to be a child soldier or have to actually fight in some 3rd world shithole.
You came home from military service thinking "that was a waste of time" Think of all the men who didn't come home at all. Should a war ever break out in modern times you should feel lucky to live in a country where all the men have at least some idea of what military service is like. Look at all the retarded Western zoomers raised in a high standard of living, sheltered, and addicted to the internet. How well do you think those faggots could defend their home?


Beta uprising is coming soon boyos

That's a valid gripe to have with the system of conscription. Take heart in the fact that if my Jewish masters order me to go and die for Israel the women who live here will get to sit back and whore it up while I die face down in the mud in some third world country. Shit is fucked everywhere.

Resistance is futile. All simulated wargames show Finland has no chance against russia in most scenarios. Of course, no one is allowed to talk about this in the media.

You fucking faggot
This crisis is Made for limp Dicks like You and to come back to what is really importante again

Killing Raiders and protecting your crops and cattle. We mad max now

It's actually a brilliant strategy on the Fins part, once Ivan sees an army of pale naked boys coming out of the swamp He'll run back to Moscow screaming "нeт гoмo, нeт гoмo!"

Ching chong Chang fried wuhang dog ching

The goal is to not defeat Russia. It's to pose enough threat so that casualty outweighs post-victory profits. Nations that take defensive doctrines are always set up like this.

Russia is old news for you guys. They're not an imperialist nation. You should be more worried about subversion than bombs.

I bribed to evade conscription.
I don't know whether Finland is a serious country where bribes are not an option, but 90% countries are not as serious and bribing is an option LOL
It cost me USD 50. Best money spent in my life.
I'm definitely not fit to be in an army LOL.

I think part of the problem was the unit you served in then. I was in reconnaissance, so the memories I have are of doing hard shit and enduring extreme cold/fatigue and it kind of makes you feel good about yourself to have gone through that. Fuck being in artillery or something, though, and just sitting around day after day. If all I did was shoot some mortars, I would've probably hated my service too.

You are not defending the nation by completing a military service. Jussi Halla-aho has defended this nation more than the average conscript.

Say that to Albert Dryden.

Am I the only one looking forward to it? Looks fun desu, even with the midnight bumfucks when you screw up your team exercises.
>muh 2 years gone

I agree men shouldn't be conscripted only because they are men.

Both men and women should be conscripted so that in a time of need they can help their nation

I'm really sorry you had to see this, I assure you that this guy is not representative of the general Finn.

He is right tho

Defending your own country is one thing.
A militia can do it.

Being conscripted and sent off to defend greatest ALLY
is a whole other story

As soon as the war on Iraq happened
NATO had us join them fighting the iraqi
that was the defining moment we got rid of our conscription

By not being an actual american for starters faggot.

rather waste a year with full service than speak russian mate. However i agree that mercenary troops would be way better. Shit needs to be paid. And yes i did my time already and it was miserable. Lost my faith in our defence capabilities :D