Around 6 AM, first one @ 5,3
An hour later, second one @ 5,1

Attached: zg.jpg (1048x655, 810.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who careS? your country is best known for 100 days of sodom

sorry bro, I asked Gaia to begin with the cleansing shockwaves

You can't hide motherfucking asian

Who careS? your country is best known for PAN-PEK

Dutchsince predicted this.

Three actually

= Pathetic

Nothing happened except few ruined facades of Austrian buildings from 18th century. They were way past due with collapse anyway.

Nothingburger as usual.

user ur late, there were two 300+ reply threads already heh

Here is how it looked like when it happened

Attached: 1584863974794m.jpg (576x1024, 51.17K)

Damn, I overslept

I find it odd that the adriatic sea has the same offset angle as most mountain ranges in north america.

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Šta glumite engleze debili?

najbrže buđenje ikad

Attached: 1525889776495.jpg (720x762, 34.4K)

Da nisam već bio budan zbog nesanice bi mislio da mi opet prolaze šleperi pokraj kuće.

We did it on purpose to activate yellowstone. We are tiered of mutt and leaf posters. Time to end it.

Sorry to hear it m8.
Take care.


Serbs planted bombs under Sljeme to activate the earthquake

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best car ever built

Attached: a6f5cee69b6829594b67.jpg (600x399, 50.91K)

this is how a modern car looks like

Attached: c8f84394be95c8461e3f.jpg (600x399, 76.35K)

Poor richfag

Attached: 1584864897648m.jpg (1024x683, 145.03K)

bmw fags btfo

Yugo would be the type of car you find in fallout 1 situation and it would drive after few minor fixes, all because profit was not main priority.

Attached: 1584864935962m.jpg (1024x683, 149.94K)

I heard there are also a lot of earthquakes happening in Turkey aswell, wtf is going on with these earthquakes around the world?

Kikes using H.A.R.P. tryin to samson option yellowstone

>Around 6 AM, first one @ 5,3
>An hour later, second one @ 5,1
I am genuinely curious. how did that damage happened with such low magnitude?
yesterday we had a 5.6 one and nothing happened
>ML 5.621/03 02:49, focal depth 7 km, 11 km NE from Parga

look for impact craters from the fly by asteroids

>Coronavirus & Earthquake
God hates hvartshits

Now yellowstone

We already had a meteorite.

turks btfo.

this is what happens when you still the world cup of us and preventing a England and France final

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The buildings in the image are over 300 years old and can't be replaced because of historic reasons. It's illegal.
Most of the capital's inner core is built that way. I'm not the expert, but I'd assume doing any kind of renovations, modifications and modernization is a nightmare of red tape.

>Cross still standing

Attached: THE CROSS STILL STANDS.jpg (800x458, 43.07K)

If that was asteroid we wouldn't be shitposting right now

Ok we will tell our boats and police to come back from your border asshole

Just saw an earthquake fly past my house

CIA psyop???

I hope this bullshit lie of a statue was broken during the earthquake

Attached: nikola-tesla-statue.jpg (550x733, 104.82K)

Also people inside are old pension ppl with no money to restore the facades. Otherwise it could be made to look nice and old.

>turks btfo

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Memeflag trying to swith topics and provoke, hello Shlomo, makena thread about it, this is about earthquake.

Duck my dick Catholic Serb abomination.

Y'all ever had earthquakes before

earthquakes, famine, virus, death, locusts plagues from eastafrica, via arabia to china and asia.
wars and rumors of wars.

yes, yes, do the wrong thing because somebody did wrong. live after the old law and the lust for murder and lies. Good Goy.

Attached: HeIsaHorse.jpg (853x1024, 99.29K)

The jew fears the man from the future.

Držite se ljudi, bitno da nema mrtvih pa čak ni šteta na zgradama i spomenicima nije prestrašna. Možda sad konačno obnove taj toranj.

John 3:16
"Çünkü Tanrı dünyayı o kadar çok sevdi ki, biricik Oğlu'nu verdi. Öyle ki, O'na iman edenlerin hiçbiri mahvolmasın, hepsi sonsuz yaşama kavuşsun.

Matthew 1:23
"İşte, kız gebe kalıp bir oğul doğuracak; adını İmmanuel koyacaklar." İmmanuel, Tanrı bizimle demektir.

Matthew 16:24
Sonra İsa, öğrencilerine şunları söyledi: "Ardımdan gelmek isteyen kendini inkâr etsin, çarmıhını yüklenip beni izlesin.

John 14:6
İsa, "Yol, gerçek ve yaşam Ben'im" dedi. "Benim aracılığım olmadan Baba'ya kimse gelemez.


Turk afraid we will send more of his cousins that will make cheaper kebab.

Stigla vas kletva zlicovci.

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Good thing people are inside nowadays.
This would be a shitty way to die, getting bricked by some old buildings

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> I wish I was born in Italy, you’re so lucky!

Be in Lombardy.
Thousands of deaths, can’t get out of the house not even for a walk.
Woken up by an earthquake at 6am.

> mfw


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Hvala, dobro da nitko nije pogino, iako bi jedna curica pogla završit u kolicima jer joj je oštećena kičma. Ne znam detalje.

Što se crkve i tornja tiče, ta stvar je pod skelama od kada se ja sjećam.

Kako su meni objasnili Bandić i ekipa tako peru pare pošto dan najma skele košta boga oca.

Ne bi se čudio. Iako sam bio godinama u Zagrebu na fakultetu sam živio asocijalno tako da neznam šta se tu događa, ali zbog posla znam da ima varanja i namještavanja oko javnih natječaja, tako da Bandić i ekipa ne štancaju novce samo tamo nego po cijelom gradu.
Ali opet, takvog namještavanja ima svugdje u svijetu i to je zapravo standard, iako na zapadu malo više to skrivaju tako da neznam šta da tu kažem.

Stop shilling your bullshit religion mate.

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turcine mars odavdje

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nije tako ogoljeno i raspadnuto kao ovde u svakom slucaju

Kako gdje, ovo oko lenucijeve potkove je ljepo uredjeno, ali okolo su fasade ruzne isto ko i i beogradu, slican i stil gradjevina.

Best day of my life!

Nothin' personal

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