Why do these faggots love Chinks

Is it because their Mongoloid shitskin blood?

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Russian and china used to be connected along with several other countries, the land was called Tartary, long story short, china/mongolia killed off the ruskies and ever since then they've been subservient.

because they are chinks themselves?

Only fuckin' degenerates love chinese pricks.. And as you might know the majority of Russians are degenerates.
Unfortunately I live among them so I have to witness it on a daily bases.

We love chinese. Chinese good. They food is tasty.
Death to America, Death to Israel, Curse on the Jews, Victory to Islam.

you like tiny Asian dick up your ass you race traitor

Because the Chinks didn't attempt invasion or regime change thus far?

Russia considers itself conservative and right wing, but it will constantly contradict itself by supporting commie governments such as China because their nature is to do the opposite of what west and Amerisharts do just to spite at them.

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And who should we love, faggot? Your globohomo pozzed country?
Historically we got along with chinks pretty well.
They have real industrial economy and successful role model, unlike your gay service based one.

Because you idiots keep driving them into a corner and your government keeps spreading anti-Russian propaganda

The West: Constantly portrayed as the bad guys, constantly make geopolitical moves against them, take every opportunity to cripple their economy.

>hurr durr why do they ally with the Chinese?

Maybe because we need allies and all european powers sanctioned us

>unlike your gay service based one
We are even worse then the West. At least swedecucks of frogs dont depend on food import.

you have niggers and trannies in your country too you just keep it secret
it's not like niggers don't have rights in Russia they just don't want to go there cause you're too poor to give them gibs

>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.

There a lot of niggers in Moscow.

We are major grain exporter, the only problem with meat.
Anyway, it's not like I'm advocating for this Sovok 2.0.
I'm just saying, that modern China is better than modern USA.

it is about politics you faggot
Putin loves Chink micropenis in his ass

Dude comparing to any western european country we have no niggers relax

Yes. Fuck off wh*toid.

Your food production skyrocketed since 2014

Why should we love amerimuttia?
China is national socialist country which inspires Russians who want to biuld the same. Soon when amendments to Constitution are applied we'll gonna restore Russian claims in Malorossia and Belorussia. After that we will provoke mutts to start WW3 and win ofc. The result will be the establisment of the concept of "ordered world" where only 4-6 empires remain to exist such as Russian Empire covering all Europe and North Asia, Chinese Empire, American Federation covering both North and South, Khaliphate and some others probably. That's the ultimate goal of Russia.

They've been a cock sleeve for the Jews for longer than a century. Chinks are part of the NWO providing the big corps with slave labor, so they need Russian oil and other resources to keep their industry running which slavoid shitskins provide for free and a bonus butt kiss.

Russians are literally chink mutts

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because we're whiter than Chinks

you hate them on a genetic level, the chineses don't

Lmoa. Russia is so pozzed it's practically a child sex resort for the washed up western politicians. Also, muh industrial economy. Imagine wanting to breathe smog and eat pancakes full of lead.

They are multiplying where i live with every month. Yeah, "no niggers". For now. That is how it was in Europe 30 years ago.

Skyrocketed to where? To hell? If i can i buy which was made in Europe of from farmers i know. Food here is completely trash tier. Especially meat products.

russians have a hardon for chinks in the same way americans have a hardon for le based conservative spics

Guess what fags call those chink lovers? Rice queens. Even fags think mongoloids are ugly.

Go suck another migrant bbc creampie out of your daughters poosay nigel

They don't, it's just that Russia is light on options for foreign policy because every other western power is controlled by globalists.

Russia learned the hard way thanks to the Soviet Union what the globalists are really up to. The rest of the eastern bloc should be aware too but they wanted gibs from the EU.

The concept of whiteness isn't principal. Btw, you're mutts, non-whites.

Chinks are based. Now go away anglo plague.

>we're whiter than Chinks

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Your country is the biggest world exporter of degenerate leftist cuck trash. I will side with the chinks over you mutts any day of the week. Fix your own backyard before you complain of others.

Don't try to move goalposts
We were not talking about quality of food
You are a food exporter, not importer
>Food here is completely trash tier. Especially meat products.
Chalk it up to lack of experience, something which is corrected with time
It is never good to depend on others for something as vital as food

>USSR co-founded the UN, World Bank, the IMF and the state of Israel
>low IQ angloshart mutt OD'd on the corn syrup and antibiotics thinks that Russian c**mies aren't globohomo's left arm
Yas Forumstard moment

Russia isn't the Soviet Union you slimy somalian shit-stain, which is exactly my point.

Captain sweden saves the day!

Sir, you have some face on your shit. You need a napkin?

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>Chalk it up to lack of experience, something which is corrected with time
Its not about experience. Its about poorness and corruption. People outside of several big cities are very poor. They cant afford decent food. And gibment wont force business to make food according to regulations because its cheaper for business to bribe gibment officers then change the quality of food.

Nice retorts, cum-guzzling nazbol gang. Is it about time you jerked off to another Dugin video?

Russian Communists hold no power anymore and will be completely extinct in a few decades
Obsession with the settlement of World War 2 is becoming less important when a completely new World Order was established in 1991 and is currently imploding
It would be more productive to ponder what decisions Putin and his Siloviks, Xi and his industrialist minions and American deep state will make then to consider the opinions of the now irrelevant Russian Communists

>eternal mutt cries in pain as he strikes you
I know most burgers have a memory span of a golden fish, but could you take your head out of your ass and remember US actions over last ten years?
>hurr we do not remember being agressive assholes who put their giant noses into every russian affair for decades

Because chinks are a useful tool to destroy anglos
Just like niggers are, so we support them destroying you from inside and outside

The only reason burgers are so anti-China now is because they're so terrified of being taken over as world superpower that they're stockpiling industrial strength nappies to keep their constant sharting under control.

Fact is that China has a significantly higher IQ than western countries and as fucked up as their government is politically, they're still nowhere near as evil as the USA, they actually produce shit and get shit done. I'd much prefer them as hegemon over the US, and anybody who isn't blinded by fear of no longer being no.1 would agree.

Because chinks are better than obese seething mutts.

>We are even worse then the West
>We are
You are, libfaggot shill
We will hang your kind from lampposts

Swede, there's no more pathetic thing in the world then modern Russian commi.
They're complete joke.
Funny, how without kikes they lost all influence.

>After that we will provoke mutts to start WW3 and win ofc
>4-6 empires remain to exist
Not based
Everything outside our borders needs to be cleansed of human life and repopulated by russians with no exceptions

(X) Doubt

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>t. ruled by the Jewish oligarchs who were part of the old nomenclatura

this man gets it.

As opposed to killing each other? Nothing better for neighboring countries to do I guess.

Whole world sanctions Russia and only China is willing to trade with it.

You pretty much push Russia straight into China arms.

There's MAYBE 10 000 000 real Russians still alive. The rest are non-white mutts.

Oligarchs have held no power since 2003
Rosneft is run by a Russian and Gazprom by a Volga German

This. Also blaming others is what usually happens. Just look at burger politics and legalized corruption. Betrayed by their oligarchy. But that's just an outcome of unregulated capitalism.

My eyes are green.

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It's not just chinks... They are going to die out soon enough. They are too retarded and gullible to make it in the world.

>As opposed to killing each other? Nothing better for neighboring countries to do I guess.

You'd know all about that.

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Why are your eyebrows so hairy Brezhnev

Subhumans pidorashkas itt


Let's see on one hand we have:
>The industrious, developing chinese with no history of warfare beyond their borders even at their peak.
>Degrading civilization of self destructing nigger faggot tranny enablers who's son will be turned in to a twink for jewish overlords.


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Hahaha what an absolute slavnigger cope. You low IQ turk rape babies, your mongol rape baby brothers and the Jews are sure a match made in Heaven.

Its time for unity in our ultimate goal of complete universal domination, bratja
Slava rusi

Yes, thank you for reality check. I know.
But these greedy fucks are better then commis, they are just opportunists.
Things might be worse, imagine if we had something like feminist government.

You are delusional. Oligarchs never stopped helding power. Rottenberg, Derypaska, Alikperov and etc. control almost whole our economy and all state tenders.

What do russians really think about chinks?

t. Vietnam, your old ally back in the Cold War

Common interests

I shat in your whore fathers throat

They are soulless asian jews. Vermins of humankind.

We think the same about all non-russians
Filth in need of cleansing from existence

>absolutely cucked German in World War 2

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There are 1.4 billion of them, russian man.

How the fuck are you clean them? Attacking them would be suicide like Germany did to USSR in 1941.


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Russians need to be cleaned first desu.

>Rottenberg, Derypaska, Alikperov
Irrelevant clowns, living wallets of Putin, they dont affect Russian politics in any meaningful way. Siloviki is where the real power is

Nothing. And it's good.
Our diplomacy in Asian direction not made by 5d chess mouthbreathers, so it's based on common sense and purposes.
There's no ressentiments, unlike with Europe.

Why you have Internet here. Arent you still communist?

China is not an Imperialist Thalassocracy, even if thats how your propaganda want to show it.
They are mainly interested in themselfs and are not a threat to the rest of the world unlike the US

What do you mean by nothing exactly?

on one hand we have the bat eating smog goblins who perform post birth abortions and allow child slave labor

on the other hand we have civilized human beings

>They are mainly interested in themselfs and are not a threat to the rest of the world unlike the US
They are LARPing as Qin Shi Huang.

"Only idiots and provokers say that Russia belongs to Russians" (c)
V. V. Putin

whatever you say Chink enabler

They ARE chinks!

not so much now, and you're the biggest golem right now

Controlling supermarkets and sportsball teams =/= controlling the state or even the economy
You economy is still heavily dependent on resource extraction and that is not unter Jewish control, in fact the 2003 conflict between the State and Oligarchs was over this
Pretty sure the Central bank is run by some Tatar chick who's Putins lackey (recent bank purge was carried out by her)
The military which has also been Russia's lynchpin since forever is run by a Half-Russian (Shoigu) and full Russian (Gerasimov)

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lmao deluded mutts are fucking hilarious! I hope your mass obesity doesn't cause you all to die from flying Chink AIDS, I need you retards for something to laugh at during the apocalypse.

we're still around 50% white where as China is virtually 0% white