The single wahmen are bored and need some loving
Now's your time incels
>need twice the food
>no opsec because roasties and they phones
>possible disease vector
no thanks, I'm good.
She needs some bbc
Sleep in the beds you make, uhhhh, I mean crust up with vaginal discharge and the cum of 50 men you rejected.
>1,500+ replies
>8,700+ updoots
>on a post about wanting a BF and being lonely because quarantine
I wish I didn't know or love anyone
I dropped all of my online dating accounts. Was about to meet up with a woman who's a school counselor but kids are little germ magnets. No way she's not going to be a walking infestation.
bitches just want a man to leech off to. nothing unusual. it's in their nature to seek a man who will protect and provide for them. when the crisis is over they will get back on cock carousel.
Because it’s a problem many people can relate to and a feeling many people can relate to so they upvote it since you know it’s relatable.
mutts law
Women will prostitute themselves out, They aren't feeling lonely, they know shit is about to hit the fan and know they might be unprepared. They are trying to find white knights to give them supplies under the pretense of wanting a relationship.
No they won’t and society won’t come to a point of a literal collapse.
How about you finally admit that being a virgin in your late twenties makes you feel worthless and this is the place where all your type of folk can pretend that their voice matters.
I was talking to my brother in law this morning. He said that my sister and niece are starting to get spooked. They're trying to hide it, but he can tell. Women are going to start losing their shit this week. They're going to see the money drying up. They're going to see the walls closing in. They're going to get more and more desperate to feel protected but they have neutered as many men as they can. Expect entertaining chimpouts from niggers and women as this thing progresses, starting this week.
And rome never came to the point of collapse, you aren't smarter than anyone here, Mr oracle.
They're called roasties you stupid faggot.
>mfw nothing has even changed in my life
How are normies going to cope, lmao.
They would still rather be alone than be with an old washed up guy like me, and I can live with that.
Well I hope it won’t collapse at least and anyone who actually hopes for a collapse is sick in the head.
I’m no simp but I would give supplies up for a fat brraaappper on my face jus sayin
Heh heh.....heh.... amiright guys? G-gguys.....heh....uhhhhh.... hello?
Cunnie makes you weak obviously. Married fags can't turn off their self preservation instincts at a moments notice because they have mouths to feed and protect. Chads tremble at the sight of the virgin no fear.
Shut up, it won’t collapse.
They'll go back right to hypergamy in overdrive the minute the pandemic is declared over. Don't allow them to take advantage of you so they can leech of your resources.
Just watch and learn, greenhorns.
We learn from history of what to expect, we are experiencing things that happened in rome right before it collapse.
>Rome has economic troubles of overspending, constant wars, big gap between rich and the poor, reliance on slave labor to produce mass goods.
>overexpansion of the military
>government corruption and divided political parties
>christianity which brought the decline of traditional values
Sound familiar?
I fucking hate women.
Source: bro trust me.
The absolute state of (you) right now. It's crashing down before your very eyes! Yep! Literally a burger with no meat or condiments! You got it!
Stopped chasing a girl solely because at some point Id have to invite her over and I don't need her thinking it's ok to live off my supplies or know where to find them.
CORONACHAN has further solidified my grip on my woman. I taught her to love guns, laid out my prep plan for this three months ago, and we are now enjoying wearing respirators out in public, and coming home to fuck on top of our pile of weapons, ammunition, toilet paper, water, frozen meat, and canned goods.
>mfw the chicken coop is going up in a couple days, hens a couple after that, and she is obsessed with sucking my dick even more than she used to be
Aside from my girl is now working from home, it’s business as usual. She goes to the bedroom to watch her programs and I unwind and stay in the living room and play PS4. Nothing has changed.
>I-It won't collapse
We haven't even begun yet retard. Say that again in another say 3-5 weeks when the nigger population rises to chimp out.
We just print money and Jews run everything
>I'm lying on the internet
We know.
Oh I even forgot some extra points
>roman legion couldn't recruit enough soldiers
>religious tolerance was introduced and legalized by christians
Well that sounds just like what is happening in the usa
Incremental suppression will be first experienced by niggers.
I'm stuck cooped up with my wife and I think she's going stir crazy, she's being such a bitch these past few days. It ain't all it's cracked up to be.
There’s fewer wars than ever, yes I come inequality is increasing. No there isn’t really an over expansion of the military. Government corruption isn’t worse than ever it’s actually getting better but yeah we’re starting to get a lot of populism which is worrying me and yes traditional values this time Christian are declining. However I don’t really see a collapse coming from all of this desu. And even if there was a collapse the people here would probably be the first to die lol.
Shut up, stop wishing for a collapse.
You’re going to realize how silly you sound when you look back at you literally thinking there will be a collapse.
We have AI and drones for that nonsense
try harder you worthless brain damaged retard
It's gonna colapse josey
>hehe you didn't benis a woman you don't matter
Most of that is because it would have required me to stop posting so much on Yas Forums though, but in any case I'm not sure that fucking a chick once would significantly change my career or academic value.
>You’re going to realize how silly you sound when you look back at you literally thinking there will be a collapse.
Cool. Can you perhaps share this message with the people spamming the board with corona nonsense?
They just want a boyfriend to drop their emotional baggage off.
Typical women:
>good times: I'm a strong independent woman. Where my Chad at?
>hard times: I still have some used up holes left. Isn't there some beta provider out there for me?
>How about you finally admit that being a virgin in your late twenties makes you feel worthless
You're a bitter fucking loser to want to make people in a bad situation feel worse. Just logically speaking, nigger
omfg I dont want to even see the comments on there flooded with guys trying their hardest, only to still end up in the ZONE
As soon as this shit is over they forget about this again don't worry. Women are soulless creatures.
>”lol sure incel, you’re as pathetic as I am”
Maybe try not being such a faggot i. Your day to day interactions and you too can have the enjoyable life I have now
Thirsty betas
I'm going to die a virgin and you can't stop me.
No! Now is our time to fight the Chinese propagandists on the internet! All these years of trolling on the internet will finally pay off! Do your part, fight the fake news, destroy Winnie the Pooh!
No it isn’t.
I’m trying to, but people love to panic for some reason.
Where should I met these women? Dating apps?
I'm a good looking, ottermode, essential business employed 26 year old virgin with no social skills, and I just hit a breaking point where I feel lonely as fuck. I had a dream about the pandemic wherein it was more zombie infection like. I rescued a married coworker and we fled together. Just that.
I thought I was happy alone, I've never even tried dating, but I was on the verge of crying. And now everything is fucking locked down. What do?
No fat chicks.
You only say that because you haven't done it
Yup josey, collapse of civ then the collapse of your anus
Some people like post I replied before are living in delusions so they need to snap out of it. The pill is always bitter
Have you seen the videos of people all singing on balconies and shit? Normies cant even sit at home for a few days without going crazy.
> Now having a girlfriend is not just emotional death, but literal death death.
Hard pass, Sweetheart.
Its amazing how push comes to shove and everyone starts crying for that traditional shit and stability.
Globalist fucks never had a chance.
As long as the power, water, and internet work, I'm all set for blissful solitude and cooming several times a day without interruption. Last thing I need is someone else nagging me about her needs.
yeah all I want is some dumb bitch who's gonna eat my food, use up all my toilet paper and drive me crazy with her yammering
I don’t think that even the Spanish flu made society collapse and I don’t like how you seem to know my name. And no I won’t become a literal prostitute though for some reason you seem to want me to.
>and this is the place where all your type of folk can pretend that their voice matters
Apparently their voice does matter because it got your panties all in a bunch.
In previous crisis the roasties would seek men for protection and resources. Now the government will trigger hyperinflation just to give everyone UBI
Tinderfag here. I got a ridiculous amount of matches yesterday. More than ever in a single day. Women must be really bored.
What's the problem, there are many people named Ramirez on earth too and we don't keep them out.
>have sex with roastie
>she regrets it or gets mad at you for something and gets you charged with rape
>25 years in prison during a pandemic
You have to suicidal to have sex with a wahmen in 2020
Der Ewige detected
I wish I wasn't in a relationship right now, gf quarantined with her parents because they have preexisting conditions that put them at risk so she's taking care of them till this is over and I don't get to fuck anything, fuck you kung flu
Ok, virgin
>She needs some bbc
No see that's the issue right now.
They don't want that. Even coal burners don't want a nigger around ALL the time holy shit, that's even dangerous, and they don't want some filthy promiscuous nig coming over all the time either infecting them.
Suddenly they want a " real " boyfriend. You know someone you can actually talk to and spend time with and fuck. Wow.
Novel concept.
How about no
Duuuude, set up a date, and ask them to being a roll of TP, and then leave with it. The fact you just walked away will infuriate them because you didnt put them on a pedestal and they will give you any hole to feel validated...
The Spanish flu contributed to the state of the world that caused the rise of Hitler. This is the end of an era
Some simp mentioned it in the nono square threads
My long time gf and I broke up yesterday before the lockdown
I went through her phone when she was asleep and found she had been cheating for about 3 years with multiple blokes
I now have double the supplies and took all her masks
Don't fall for the roasties faggots
yeup. got my lady on board for this habbening. She's grateful, halfdrunk all day, and wanting to drain my balls more than ever after finding out I was right.
mine was doing the same all day, wanting more attention than I wanted to give, "Hey babe, I gotta focus on this project...will you load a bowl for me and find some updates on corona while I finish up? I'll make dinner afterward"
>set-up vr
find a bunch of projects. Have her help you clean your guns
just checked and after abandoning tinder i want from 16 matched to 1
i feel like i should be upset but im guessing the 16 matches were all uggos anyway lmao
Me and my gf are banging night and day. Playing loads of poker online with my friends. Love this shit.
Haha why?
The park that I like to take walks in is now filled with loud ugly women and their shitty little kids because school is closed.
I fucking hate it.
>The Spanish flu contributed to the state of the world that caused the rise of Hitler. This is the end of an era
> 2nd amendment suddenly flies with liberals who line up around the building to buy
> Globalism in serious question
Could be.
Better to be a virgin than in prison for “rape”.
The Spanish flu didn’t make Hitler get elected and world war 1 was why Hitler got elected and no this won’t be the end of any era no matter how much you want society to collapse it won’t.
Here’s another one on the darker side of the absolute state of women and step dad tinder bf’s.
Having to be home with the kids bcoz schools closed or likely they are flooding daycares and misbehaving or driving mom’s wine and cat lady bff nuts.
>and found she had been cheating for about 3 years with multiple blokes
Jesus dude you need to go get tested. For STDs forget the plague and if you have one? Sue her fucking ass.
Exactly this will be the straw that breaks globalism's back
Uh hello, based department?
This. It's all just validation
Lol it’s been what a week or so? Some people cant be by themselves for more than 5 minutes without falling apart. Pathetic
>>hehe you didn't benis a woman you don't matter
uh he didn't say that though, learn to read.
fuck them normies play games if you want to meet someone decent
>waaah waaah relationship i need a relationship im so lonely and defenseless waaah please protect me men
When SHTF, all she will get for her efforts is a nice healthy dose of rape.
yeah really try 7 years fuck retard normies
>Exactly this will be the straw that breaks globalism's back
Well I didn't save nothing from it but there was a thread that we all laughed at talking about how the college professors are now worried about having their classes online because then the alt right could read it. And spread it around.
Men are responsible for most domestic violence dickwit
who said it has to be the germans? itallians are quarantined and sticking together trough the hard times getting patriotic feels, sprinkle in a few infected migrants and watch the magic happen
>imagine having reading comprehension this bad
Cope, globalism is dead
Rome never collapsed, it just decline, there was no mad max
Yeah I know cunt
Feel filthy as
But I have come out on top now after accidentally leaking the screenshots to her family and I may have accidentally put them on her facebook and changed her password so it's all in the open
I'm just happy with the extra masks desu
My whole building is bursting of noise the bored normies make. Shut the fuck up.
>women realizing that this why you don't emasculate the men in your life for short term gains and useless power trips.
Holy Fuck.
That you user for allowing me to see just another nugget that this happening has provided.
We should honestly capitalize on this, I see a psy-OP aimed at single post-wall feminist roasties and young women who have yet to ruin themselves with college, in the works.
Can't wait to put those Marxists heads on pikes
these things are not mutually exclusive.
you just think they are because it's safer if you can project the one that doesn't hurt you.
Lmao she just got gifted free supplies for a year from incels who collapsed as soon as she posted. Now she doesn't even need a bf.
Same thing happened to me when i was 25. I used tinder at the time. Dated 2 girls, one of them for 4 months. Never dated again after we broke up. Its just not worth it. The trade off is just terrible, they bring nothing to the table.
But yeah, try tinder. If you give money to the app it will be a lot easier to get matches
Sorry but I don’t think anything big will happen from this. If you aren’t old you won’t die from it anyways from what I’ve heard.
English isn’t my first language and I don’t have a reading comprehension. And no globalism is not dead and if it was poor people are the ones who should worry the most.
The single women are always bored and looking for some action. For fuck sake. The problem with the global pandemic is that they can't find any.
>it just decline
Well I'm enjoying the decline in (((culture))).
At least that.
Nobody out spreading STDs, being raunch.
I mean one girl had to lick a toilet seat on an airplane because her raunch meter was filled up with nowhere else to raunch.
I like this.
I bet after the spring showers everything looks clean. Be like 1955 again.