I'm sick of war with Arabs who are close genetic cousins. The Chinks are genetically distant from us. From a Darwinian perspective winning a war against them would benefit the white race immensely.
How about war?
You cant win a war with poor ass rice farmers lel. Still haven't beat poor homeless goat milkers in the middle east. you think china is a smart move?
Just carpet nuke.
I want chinks to go extinct right now.
yes we can bitch
we killed like 10 times as many Vietnamese as they killed of us
I agree but we can only defeat the bug men with an historic alliance with the Persians
>implying you’d win
we would chink bitch
weak little manlet subhuman
So start a fight. Get off the leash.
Fucking vermin eater.
Please DO go to war with China, I'll get popcorn. The US will finally get its ass handed to it.
RACE WAR!!!!!!
you won't have any popcorn in your concentration camp, Chink bitch
That doesn't mean you win.
It'd be a world war, retard.
yes it does you Mongoloid vermin
you subhuman slant eyed dog eaters were our serfs for hundreds of years
China is literary a fascist dump and I would voulonter to go to war with them instantly if it happened... I literary can comprehend that democracies are letting this totalitarian giant just sitting there. It will repeat history, great war with China will happen, like it had to happen with Germany and Italy because of inhumanity of thoese totalitarian system that strip people of their God-given freedom
Verr funnie user
let me terr you somezing abou China and it's enemy
1. The Dalai Lama is a fiersom terrorist
2. Falun Gong practitioner are also crayjee terrorist who dont beleeve in science so they don need organ anyway
3. We freed Tibetans from evil Dalai Lama and crazy violent Tibetan monk
4. The Uyghers are not in concentration camp! nooo! they are in a free school where they can learn to be good patriot!
5. Our military didnt massacre thousands of unarmed civilians in 1989 Tiananmen Square! They were all crazy CIA spies! It was self defend!
6. We didnt cover up the early spread of bioweap- i mean coronavirus! nooo.. we just didnt want to inconvenience you in the West.
7. The CCP don't steal government and corporate secrets and IP haha don be sirry. It's finder keeper righ?
Wow, someone call Germany and let them know they actually beat the USSR then!
Also Arabs and Jews are techniclly part of the white race and I don't understand why many nationalists hate them, they should be our allies
they did
Having your entire nation dismantled and occupied by your enemy is winning!
so if human life has no value then commit suicide
I guess that's using the word "human" loosely since you are a Mongoloid
Chinese propagandists have been on Twitter and YouTube in full force. I have taken my 20-plus years of trolling on the internet, and I'm finally usibg it for good. I'm standing up to defend our country, I'm standing up to Communism, and I'm going to set the record straight and shut Winnie the Pooh down.
>I'm sick of war with Arabs
So why do you keep electing Israeli shills like your current president?
what did USSR win? they fought for a regime that starved millions of it's own people? Germany became a prosperous and wealthy nation
casualties are more important than the "official" victory
what exactly did the UK "win" in World War 2 except for millions of immigrant invaders?
>From a Darwinian perspective winning a war against them would benefit the white race immensely.
All that ever matters.
>Arabs who are close genetic cousins.
drink poison you filthy sandnigger, you're the cousins of the niggers
actual inbred negroids?
to what?
maybe old iran had a CASE but man thats several syles of dogshit
they are Christcucks just like you mountain jew
Stop worshipping human live please, its pretty cringe
Human live worth is decided by level of individuum skills, not "m-muh human being"
>maybe old iran had a CASE
Lmao, you cumskins have no relation to the ancient Aryans so stop stealing other people history
your real history is savage barbarian Nordcucks shitting in the forest and living in mud huts
this must be your soulless Mongoloid blood speaking
USSR remained sovereign and Germany became your vassal
Arabs are not Negroid
they are Caucasoid
and how were they punished exactly?
in reality Chinks are closer to Cumskins than Arabs are
Arabs are Semitic while Cumskins and Mongoloids are Japhetic
that's completely false
show me your science
Arabs and whites are close relatives whether you like it or not
Stop acting like your weaknesses is your strength, if you wasn't a dog worshipping pussies you'd have no adversaries in the world and no dissidents in your own country.
>I don' understand why many nationalists hate them
Gee I wonder who is encouraging immigration to white countries?! gtfo shill.
where do you get your science from? Your asshole clearly. you just are a nigger worshipping Arab cuckold who likes black penis up his ass
>not caring if you and your family die is a strength
okay subhuman
Not even the Chinese dog eaters could beat them. Vietnamese are unironically good at fighting.
Nuke China! It is the only hope for our survival.
we killed more Vietnamese by far than they killed Americans
the holy books of the 3 Abrahamic religions confirms what i says
Mongoloids and Whitoids are both descendants of Japhet
but genetics proves you wrong
it doesn't say that in the Quran
a Muslim told me that all of the prophets of Islam were white because whites were pure
Immigration is caused by war started by American interventionism... and I don not support large migrations, some immigrants passing through Croatia broke in homes in neibghourhood next to me and they stealing stuff is a real problem, I am just saying they are part of our race, and they could be our allies(if they stay kn their own countries)
the Arab world is literally closer to East Asian than Europe is
if anything Arabs have more East Asian blood than whites do
but Arabs are still closer to whites that to Asians
the Arab world is literally closer to East Asia* than Europe is
Nice try, Abdullah.
>but genetics proves you wrong
science doesn't have all the answers you need to look somewhere else
>it doesn't say that in the Quran
the Hadiths do, and all the Islamic literatures agrees on that Asians (excluding south east asians) and Europeans are both comes from the sons of Japhet
>a Muslim told me that all of the prophets of Islam were white because whites were pure
Lol, no
for example the Prophet described Mosses as a dark skinned men like the Jat people
Chinks haven't won a real war in centuries.They are naturally cowardly and are terrible fighters. The fact that Japan, a significantly smaller country, wiped China's face in shit for years proves that beyond doubt.
yes it does not your fairytale religion
the Quran is just a bullshit book written by a schizo that idiots like you believe in because you're brainwashed from birth
you have no physical proof of anything in the Quran being true
Islam has set the Arab world back thousands of years
you used to be very advanced compared to the rest of the world before you converted to that dog turd you call Islam
>Chinks haven't won a real war in centuries
the invaded the Tibet in the 50's and BTFO poos in the Sino-Poo war back in 1962
>real war
Winning wars against other third world shitheads doesn't exactly count for much.
so what holy book do you believe in? the bible? because it says you cumskins are the cousins of Mongoloids lol
but Pooland have the 4th strongest army in the world not to mention the huge numbers of the army they have due to the large population of Pajeets
even Bongstan the former colonizers of Pooland can't compete with poos now
>implying ANYTHING america ever did benefited the white race
your track record is surprisingly terrible, please don't
science says that you are full of shit. you have no understanding of genetics
if anything you are closer to chinks than us
look at your black hair and eyes
just like chinks
we have light eyes and hair
we are a unique race
Based. Fuck slants.
NVM not so based anymore.