Imagine having your hair match the color of your piss

>imagine having your hair match the color of your piss
>imagine having skin as white and pink as a slaughterhouse pig
>imagine having red eyes in photos and looking like a god damned freak


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Don't you have some oranges to sell sanchez?

Can you not?

Cope. You hate us cause you ain't us.

>imagine your skin color matching your shit

Stay mad chang

Dark hair, pale skin and blue or green eyes is the true master race

seething brownshit immigrant. white people are living rent free in your head, Paco


>imagine da pussy wet wen u slam

Lmao, meanwhile this board seethes hate and anger towards brown people everyday. Kill yourself before your leaders do

Sign petition. Ban subhuman ccp scum.

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It's more than just skin deep, we can immediately see differences between different races by other means, look at the white Western world (developed by whites) and compare that to Africa (developed by blacks) and the Middle East (developed by shitskins)

Racial differences couldn't be any more apparent from every angle.

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Why yes, I do post in mutt threads, how could you tell?

you have to go back, shitskins are subhumans and belong in their brown shitholes

Welcome back Chang! Where's your BLACKED thread?

Blonde hair and blue eyes is for girls
it makes makes men look weak and feminine
so does light white skin
the perfect european couple is a med man and a nordic woman

>If your thread is not specifically about politics, then it does not belong on Yas Forums.

Those colours are starting to run...

Imagine having skin as black as your worthless soul.

Post your feet jew.

Ok boomer

Imagine being a nigger

>>imagine having red eyes in photos and looking like a god damned freak
i have that and my eyes are almost black. i doubt that has to do with eye color

Imagine developing immunity to bioweapon nigger. Just imagine.

you are not white, Paco

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you're as bad as a leaf, mutt

Imagine having the same skin color as shit? ewww


Kek, good cope, nigger! - didnt affect me much though.

I feel quite sad for you, you are ugly inside as well as outside, so you take it out on others. : (

imagine having your hair, your eyes, your skin, your lips look like your shit

uggy wuggy

light skin and light eyes make superior faces that can transmit information in lower light conditions and longer distances

Imagine having white racist dna in your genes bc your great granmother got raped by a fat white racist slave owner n now you're a fat black racist cunt

If I had a chance to choose how I look, I wouldnt want to look like a pale bloodless vampiric whitewalker ghoul

you meant Chadius, not Paco
meds are more european than nords
keep coping

I don’t have clear hair. You need to drink more water.

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Adapted for winter.
Global winter is coming!
Enjoy looking for KFC beneath 50 meters of snow while we chill in our caves.

>>imagine having red eyes in photos and looking like a god damned freak
Pretty sure brown eyes can do this too. It's the light from the flash bouncing off the red fleshy retina behind the pupil

>imagine copeposting this hard

Rarity is the driver of value. Deal with it.

yes blue eyes has improved night vision because of the lack of melanin
however, blonde hair and blue eyes have weak protection against UV rays

Imagine having a job

Go back to El Salvador you fucking monkey

Seethe subhuman

Imagine looking this good

>Imagine having skin that matches the colour of your shit.
>imagine having a skin, eye, and hair colour that's exactly the same as every other wog.
>Arabs (and all other sandniggers)
>many Southeast Asians
>most Jews
Almost all have black hair, brown eyes, and shitskin

>regardless, keep coping faggot. You are always going to be a filthy wog, you will never be white. Sage

if you hate white people please stay far away from us

This. Epecially important as social clues. You can read someones intentions far better by facial muscles when their skin is lighter, which makes subversive deeds far harder, as you can't control every muscle in your face. Same for the colour of your eyes. You can't even see the expansion of the iris in dark eyes, making them hide evil intentions far easier. This means that ingroup trust in whites is the highest in all humans, as suspicious behaviour gets eliminating quickly.

Having a light complexion is a genetic sign of being a better human by breeding over millenia. You need to be light haired, North atlantids or North Pontids have the same facial benefits.

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whites are considered the most beautiful all around the world. keep crying fag.

cope harder
you'll never be white. thank the gods

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>meds are more european than nords
I'm not the one coping with hair and skin the color of literal shit. cringe


*No need to be light haired

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>>imagine having red eyes in photos and looking like a god damned freak
but that happened to us dark eyes chads too

>imagine having your skin, hair, and eyes all being the same color as your shit
>imagine looking like a fucking ape
>imagine coming on Yas Forums to say white people look ugly when you're a nigger

Yeah, I know, right, and we're still considered the most beautiful by the world.

Saphire gemstones gleaming under golden hair and skin as fair as snow.

Also, Germanics kill it in the strongman world.
So fucking good.

Europeans are literally the Mr Bean of ethnicities

what a weak and nonsensical argument
your eyes are the color of a blue waffle
fuck you snow nigger

Fuck up waspjew talking shit again.. Bet you have tan skin with a big nose

Who makes these threads? Can you post a pic of you? no offense i'm just wondering...


>Imagine having an IQ below 70
>Imagine having the skin color of shit
>Imagine the only thing that you got going for you is your dick
>Imagine when you find out thst your dick isnt that big actually
Changs on suicide watch

seethe moar, I love your envious brown tears

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You cant call yourself chadius, when you are a 170 cm med midget.

it's obvious a mutt drew this.
