/pawmg/ - Pedowood Adrenochrome Withdrawal Mania #7
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inb4 the faggot american tries to say this video is a raid on Oprah when it's from 2012
so are there any good celebrities that arent apart of the cult? if there are they should come forward and rat out the pedos.
Reminder that Trump is gonna slay all the demons, including the ones in space
>So here’s what we have and someone please correct me or add whatever I may have missed:
>>hanks gives GG speech and accents two different numbers- 3 and 11
>>On 3-11-20 (approx two months after the GG Awards), Hanks announces that he’s in Australia (a country that does not extradite criminals), saying that he has covid19
>>Hanks shares a cryptic message about being in recovery with his wife who he’s now played ) games of gin rummy with and she’s beating him by 201 points. Miraculously, Hanks took a corona typewriter with him to Australia, with seemingly no foresight that he was actually about to contract the virus
>>in the past two days, both Ellen and Spade put out very strange and cryptic videos, both of which are reaching out to Hanks directly, requesting information about his well being
>>Hanks may or may not be in Australia
>>Hanks may or may not really have covid19
>>Hanks may or may not be in custody
>>it’s well known that hanks has been accused of being a very sick person in the last year and after the allegations came out, he obtained dual citizenship in Greece (another country that also does not extradite criminals)
>If anyone could fill in the Madonna pieces, maybe we can start to see the bigger picture
Shilling hard today...
What’s the concern, concernfag?
REMEMBER EVERYONE!!! Adrenochrome is is legal, and cheap, and available to all. Especially during this trying time. Just go look it up and order it online! Use it as you will, but be safe! Idk what you use it for.
how is that shilling?
>>ellen's twitter vid has a hoodie with a creepy face on it and AAAAAAA down the sleeves
>>creepy face and AAAA art is madonna's talentless painter ex-bf from right before she was "discovered" who was taken in by the art gallery scene (gay torture S&M sex drugs etc party scene)
>>ellen clearly trying to communicate to madonna
>>madonna spergs out with "we're all out of pasta so let's eat fuckin fried fish" video in response
>ellen stuff:
>>ellen is sending coded messages
piece puzzle is a church from Devils & Angels a tom hanks movie (aka a message for hanks)
>>talks about the puzzle pieces being flipped (ratting them out) and wears a creepy cemetary shirt while talking about not being able to find one piece of the 4000 piece puzzle and how if that one puzzle piece is missing (hanks) the whole thing is ruined
>>talks about finishing what she starts and repeatedly saying do it do it do it
>>bails on puzzle before even attempting it
>>assembles a LEGO guggenheim set (art museum, art stuff = pedo trafficking shit)
>>attempts ONE piece and bails on it, while giving message about "do it do it" and wearing a shirt that says STAFF on it (message for her underlings?)
>>both her and spade are sperging out trying to get tom hanks to contact them
>>spade talking about needing hanks in a plastic cage (law enforcement they have compromised?)
>>theory is they're worried tom hanks may be in protective custody and considering flipping on them for a plea deal and they need to hear from him that everything's okay and are warning him not to flip or the whole puzzle is fucked and they all go down. they can't tell if he's in custody that's on their side and is choosing not to communicate, or if he's in legitimate custody and can't communicate
See What’s with you guys?
You use it to talk to Yaldoboath.
inb4 some other dumb shill says that ellen degeneres' silhouette reflected off the glass window is some kind of military/fed helmet
watch the fucking source video from where the screengrab is from:
someone tried to pass this off as an Oprah raid? could they have picked a less obscure clip. I mean really. ive seen that video so many times on youtube throughout the years.
Good work user i don't know anything to connect to Madonna but i enjoy the insight keep it up!
but your adrenochrome isnt the real adrenochrome, its not made from scared baby brains therefor the chemical is completely different!
never heard of it till now but David Blane probably would have. Madonna uses cypher key shit so they probably have a bunch of ways to communicate. 4 of hearts gets referenced a ton by both ellen and blane. do 5 of hearts and 5 of spades mean Kevin Hart and David Spade? not sure. Ace of Spades is apparently bad. Are they signaling something? Confirming or asking eachother for status updates on people? Ellen can’t stop shaking the whole time
i already tried nig, this one doesn't get me high
fresh natural source only
is my time up btw? am i gonna hang? seem so
>Following threads you don’t believe
>throwing shade but not disputing the thread general
Ohhhh, idk...
oh yeah the secret ingredient, screaming baby souls lmao. The morons who make these things never cease to amaze me
I wonder when it was listed on their sites.
just take a larger dosage faggot, itll do something eventually
>screaming baby souls
that's exactly it
I think in 2017 or 18
Looks like the kek frog
>anything to connect to Madonna
watch for part 2 if user can grab it from the previous thread. Ellen wore a hoodie with madonnas ex bf’s art on it to signal to Madonna and Madonna had her sperg out about no more pasta and demanding fried fish (false flag?)
To quote an user in the previous bread
>Consider this her 5 x 5 Public Storage unit -- the way she does -- and the whole thing makes sudden clear, UGLY sense.
I may not be a smart man jannies, but I know what schizophrenia is
Trump is a pervert who sleeps with children. Reminder, he has been pictured with Epstein and is in his black book.
Refute this, qtards and MAGATS.
Good catch, user. Don't need debunked evidence.
>Australia (a country that does not extradite criminals)
care to elaborate?
yea still no
i hate goyim
but more than anything i hate myself
please hang me soon
Your attempt at dissuasion is telling
Tick Tock
must be paranoid skizophrenia alongside some kind of autism that makes them psyop themselves
Shill slider.
also Ellen is wearing what might be a RAINFOREST sweater or RUN FOREST but either way it’s clearly a signal to hanks even if it’s just RAINFOREST cleverly folded. not to mention the puzzle etc someone plz copy from previous thread I’m phonefagging on low batt
Refute what I said, magat.
if you take enough youll find peace, im sure of it
but thats a fact that trump was in with epstein?
isnt this information important for the whole picture here?
The sweater read RAINFOREST
Tick Tock Schizos
Today is the day
Only 17hrs and 45 mins until your little schizo larp is disproven once and for all
what the fuck is this and why was ellen wearing it
Schizo is is schizo does
Because the video is fake faggot
>we're all gonna die soon, and there's no sequel
>aw come on, this is the last one
Did he know? Did everyone in the room know?
>he has been pictured with Epstein
well fuck, I guess I'm guilty of every crime committed by every person I ever took my picture with
He literally explained in his post.
wow you are really shilling hard
trying your hardest to make a mockery out of everything already pointed out
you pedo's are going down & you can't do anything to stop it
I like pictures
>Schumer is a puppet of muh Russia
what do you think i am? normal goyim?
why do you think i'm afraid to die so much? it's straight to lower astral realm once i leave this material luxury
there's no peace for me, life or after life
i'm seriously fucked nigga
Did you see Madonna twitter. Did you see Madam X album. Didn't you see them wearing a Corona in in Tel Aviv 19?
my friends, the attention span of the avg american.
yes the last thread was full of retards making false claims
if the retarded schizos could slow themselves down before they post garbage it would save me the work
see ID: irjFR6rP as a prime example
Who’s this bloody tard?
The arrests are coming today right?
God is going to win in the end thats obvious, i believe in and on the lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, i have faith in/on him. the question is, do you too? remember, the enemy wants only your destruction
If Trump is dirty, i hope he goes down to. All Pedos and any who help them deserve the rope.
You guys are coming out of the woodwork today in these threads. why?
Are we getting [[warmer]]
hes in the fkin black book
Tom Hanks son
Black. Book. Retard.
He was listed as flying in the Lolita Express several times. How about that?
shhh let the schizos have their fun, no need to ruin it :)
Have you ever wondered why the coronavirus was started? Why plagues happen every 100 years seemingly on the dot?
He knew, and the overwhelmingly positive response by the general public must have been music to the ears of those ready to bring justice to these fucks.
How would you know that
notice the ring?
Prime example
There's been no mention of that occurring on todays date
again, nice attempt to shill
Q is real, you are freaking out & desperately shilling
>less obscure
Nice Freudian slip there unobscuring that lie you're telling
He knew. He made a Tweet while back saying "10 weeks ago" in reference to it.
I know a lot of things user.
they should not be allowed on the internet, their tard wranglers arent doing their job
>believing in an afterlife
why? theres nothing after you die. dont worry about death buy worry about how to avoid dying being uncomfortable desu
Man you can stop losing your mind.
Why would you assume you'd be cast that high.
>not completely wiped
okay guy, even your own fearful delusions are vain
What’s the backstory on that photo? Is there one?
so a guy who tries to blackmail rich people wrote down a rich persons number, stunning
if you are anyone of importance, you are in there
untrue, he got a free ride on a plane once, and not to the island
you shills are working teams tonight, funny
Got cold feet with this user ....
They also spam photoshopped Ellen twatter pics and never link the original visual clips with it
Nufags and boomers too lazy to research, so they schizo mode instead
half the shit being spammed in ever thread is forced memes with obvious shoops
this bread has become a nufag and boomer containment chamber
>a leaf supporting trump
actually thinking that works here. well the day Yas Forums rekt hollyjew is upon us, lads
Why wont you idiots get over this?
Some fucking idiot tries to say that video is one of Oprah's houses, I disprove it, and all you fucking shills say that I am the liar.
>so a guy who tries to blackmail rich people wrote down a rich persons number, stunning
now those are some quality mental gymnastics to defend your narrative
lucky to the NPC but sadly i am not one
straight to hell on the after life it is for me
i'm desperate
maybe i should make a twitter video
Is Julian Assange safe yet?
Holy fuck you guys STILL can't meme! It's been 4 fucking years! Oh well; what little there is, is far too late.
The epitome of 80s abstract expressionism. Those things can sell for millions and he was a homeless heroin junkie nigger btw.
"shilling" when people call you out on your bullshit, easy way out. next time use a bullet.
Very specific time frame. Also, no other Anons knew that it was on market.
>another memeflag shill
thats not a meme....
Wonder how many times Tom swapped him to pedos. Kinda like Spielberg and that sad porn mulatto daughter of his
Yeah go ahead, would really allow us to see if you're like naked hammer man crazy or just normal yellow crazy
okay, at this point i cant tell if you are trolling or not
what have you done to make you go straight to the afterlife torture chambers?
An infographic/meme abomination. Excuse me for not being more exact.
earning your shekels tonight eh
have a (You), buy something nice for your boyfriend
i rape and torture children to jack up their adrenaline then i kill them to harvest their pineal gland to get high from the adrenochrome
>larps with nazi memeflag
>lefty meme
jesus you are fried leaflet.
>muh memeflagzzzz
so what? i just hate trump. and so does everyone else on Yas Forums because he's a dirty crooked zionist elite billionaire like the rest!
To be perfectly honest, most anons here take the schizo posts at face value and are not intelligent enough to do efficient research for 10 minutes to find information they need.
My guess is the topic of this thread brought him here for a reason....
Why can't they be funny? What's wrong with them?
Once, and Epstein’s prosecutors or maybe it was the victim’s defense said Trump was the only one to voluntarily talk to them. And how the fuck do you think he found out what sick bastards they are? He probably was invited to join them. Explain Clinton and his 27 visits.
>everyone I don't agree with is a shill.
He's at least half a dozen times.
"I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002
It's a pathetic attempt at one; based on obfuscating the truth. Next you'll tell me about that one time Trump flew TO Florida with Epstein's brother and how that's equivalent to flying TO Lolita Island more than two dozen times, at least nine ditching secret service.
fuck thats scary shit they are absolutely unhinged. Shit was right they are practically squirming. This was well worth the wait.
Why do you think we can always call your kind out? We've been posting here for 10+ years, what don't you get?
Pretty sure Trumo flew on the lolita express but got off in New York
*national socialist
dumb mutt.
describe what you do in detail, im curious. from start to finish please
he should have stayed in his containment cube, truth and science is being talked here
last (You)
you bore me, maybe you are actually german
show flag schlomo
If the USA government wanted these people they wouldn't care that these governments don't extradite. They'd black bag them
haha i like a good schizo thread every here and there too, but usually their jumps in logic are at least 0.1% plausible, this one is just out right lying.
Funny, that sounds exactly like the plot of the newest Stephan King movie. Funnier than that, he hates Trumps guts which seems to be a common denominator with the pervert elite.
sorry to tell you this but migapedes haven't been here for 10 plus years. they only came when r/the_donald has arrived.
this LARP backfire i should lurk more and LARP better in the future
anyway, God Wins!
>orange man bad
Provide realistic opponent, but don’t sabotage him again.