The Russian military will start sending medical help to Italy from Sunday to help it to battle the new coronavirus...

The Russian military will start sending medical help to Italy from Sunday to help it to battle the new coronavirus after receiving an order from President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Putin spoke to Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte on Saturday, the Kremlin said, adding that the Russian leader had offered his support and help in the form of mobile disinfection vehicles and specialists to aid the worst hit Italian regions.

Italy recorded a jump in deaths from the coronavirus of almost 800 on Saturday, taking the toll in the world’s hardest-hit country to almost 5,000.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that military transport planes would deliver eight mobile brigades of military medics, special disinfection vehicles and other medical equipment to Italy from Sunday.

Russia will also send about 100 military specialists in virology and epidemics, the Interfax news agency cited the defense ministry as saying.

Russia itself has reported 306 cases of the virus, most of them in Moscow, and one coronavirus-related death.

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Pootin is trying to sow discord amongst EU members by presenting itself as a savior. EU is perfectly capable of handling this on its own and Italians, if they weren't backstabbing turncoats, should turn down this so called help, which only aims at furthering Russian influence.


Keep seething on, butthurt belter, your impotent rage is cute

thanks russia, i'm already learning the language for the eventual take over

Who cares?

>EU is perfectly capable of handling this on its own and Italians

Sure buddy....

>military transport planes would deliver eight mobile brigades of military medics, special disinfection vehicles and other medical equipment to Italy from Sunday.
>Russia will also send about 100 military specialists in virology and epidemics
Based. The medics are especially needed since we have a shortage. Thanks
>huur duur why do you accept their help
If UE was helping us we wouldn't need their help. Since you haven't even lifted a finger, we'll gladly accept their help, faggot. Evidently Russian influence is more beneficial than UE influence for us

First China now Russia.

The new superpower bloc?

Lol you don't seem to understand how incompetent the Italians are. EU as you know it is dead, meme flag. Nothing you can do about it. Simple as.

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The EU has failed on every level.
From Germany refusing to hand out the common emergency supplies over incompetence on quickly establishing border closures to now constantly pushing anti-US and anti-Russian propaganda.

Frankly fuck the EU, I hope it ends in another World War with Germany, France and England getting glassed.

All for a hoax by bill gates.

your shithole will become our fema dump

Russian Money and now Russian medics also belong to Europe it is only natural

the proper reply to this type of comment is this


kek nice shitpost hace a (you)

I can't wait to see Russian tanks in Brussels

Attached: euromutt.jpg (583x640, 70.41K)

Thank You.
Die in a fire.

Probably yes. And it's looking good because instead of dealing with a problem EU continues to bend it's cuckolding line.
Why wouldn't he help? It presents him in a good light, many of our top politicians have relatives and real estate in Italy, and Italy is in Europe so it's not that far from us. It's a win move from every angle.

>wants to see tanks in brussels
>family dies of corona instead
all those flavors

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this. either you have a strong state with small leadership (1-7 people) or it will always be slow to tackle big emergencies like this one.

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Gotta protect russian owned real estate before Italy descends into chaos and looting.

What’s the word in the motherland anyway. Ppl finally going to start vacationing in Crimea?

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You should care, because things like these lay foundations to the Thrid Roman Empire/Empire of All Slavs

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Eбyчий пыня лyчшe бы pacпopядилcя нa тeppитopии paхи ввecти пoлный кapaнтин. У нac yжe 9 cлyчaeв тoлькo oфициaльнo выявлeнo, a ceгoдня yжe внyтpи гopoдa пepвый cлyчaй зaфикcиpoвaн. Этo пиздa. Ecли pacтaщaт пo вceмy peгиoнy, гдe мeдицинa нa ypoвнe aфpикaнcких eбeнeй, тo нaм нe выжить. Зaтo вceмy миpy блядь пoмoгaeм, кoтopый нac ни вo чтo нe cтaвит.

>adding that the Russian leader had offered his support and help in the form of mobile disinfection vehicles and specialists to aid the worst hit Italian regions.
>Russia will also send about 100 military specialists in virology and epidemics,
You are there to learn too, so Russia fare better when you guys are hit.

It's anyway a good thing, but it's not all altruism when both parties benefit.

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This is bait, but there are people out there that actually reason like this

i dont buy it

---> 2ch/po/

>Based. The medics are especially needed since we have a shortage. Thanks
You get that they are there to learn as well?

Russia is just a few weeks behind the rest of the West, but is following the same strategy, so having people that have seen it with their own eyes is a good thing.

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Thank you, Russia!

>I hope it ends in another World War with Germany, France and England getting glassed.
Why not help to make sure that it end in closed borders?

We have had SARS, MERS, and now Coronachan (SARS2) thanks to Globohomo, so we need closed borders so MERS2 or SARS3 don't happen.

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You could have been a good white man, and translated that.

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Thats actualy the good way to do it, use italian experience to better handle it in Russia while helping.

Then why didn't the EU help us but some random sheik from Abu Dhabi did? 11 tons of equipment. Equipment which we were once able to produce, before the EU destroyed our institutions and pharmaceutical base.

Fuck you.

I know Putin isn't doing this out of good heart, but who cares, thank you Russia, I always liked you.
Fuck the EU.

>some random sheik from Abu Dhabi did?

EU bureaucrats are all globalist, they see EU as a first step to world government.
Thats why they dont care if they destroy europe itself.

Strategically they are the better partner for all of us in the coming years. Just remember, they always have a plan, those sneeky breeky fellas ... keep smiling but keep a bit of distance. They respect strength.

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Italy defecting again

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The plan is the same. He told this to you publicly 13 years ago.

Severe grammatical errors and poorfag slang, but to summarise:
Mad since Putin have yet to quarantine whole country. Already 9 cases and that’s only official info. First case in the city without mentioning which one. If it spreads regionally the medicine on the level of African nations, we’ll all die. Instead we choose to help the whole world which carries zero benefit for the Russians.

Tbh seems like a very sad example of western funded propaganda for Russian speakers on youtube Aka pootin bad cos he’s not a bitch, heavily corrupt and a ruthless tyrant.

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Well, what a compelling argument
Wtf I like Putin now

Last news is we joined coronavirus side now. Ah fuck you!

Yep, they are doing way more than EU would do for us

What's wrong with pushing anti-US propaganda? Makes a nice change for europe

The EU commission is a nest of jewish globalists. The only thing they are capable of is destroying our countries and sucking out our money.

>steal and hoard every medical equipment for the german master race
>refuse to help anyone in their "union"
>get assmad when people instead of just dying accept help from the so called "enemy" making you look like the nazi that you are
germany never fucking changes uh?

Any kind of "help" is nothing more than a political maneuver. Not that sabotaging is better. It's everyone for themselves.

There is a saying in my country, never trust a Turk, Russian, American, British, French or Chinese even if he brings presents. Especially Russian and Chinese.

Doesen't like dio-patria-famiglia
Likes patria-famiglia
See what happened there
Even leftties can spot the kike

this poster glows in the dark

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based putin

absolutely based

Carry on calling Russia evil and China good

I tought Italy was in NATO and EU??

Shut up EU buffoon, we will leave the Bruxelles Circus after the Pandemic, thanks based Putin.

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You did nothing to help them and now you're complaining that they accept help from your political adversary.
You are aware that this will only cement the attitude towards EU in Italy and eventually all EU members?

We won't leave it if we don't impeach our politicians first. All of them need to go.

Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes

but applied to them instead

Kinda cute how all the larpers here pretend that they hate the EU.

The US would do the same except it’s so poor $1000 is a life-changing amount of money to the vast majority of its population. That’s a 25% increase to the average gross income.

Imagine liking the EU

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It's nice to have one block with one set of known standards to deal with, instead of many hundred different ones.