G'day lads,

>What's in the $66b second virus stimulus package

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Coronavirus live updates: Federal Government tells Australians to avoid domestic travel, reveals second stimulus package

>New coronavirus lockdown measures are coming into force. This is what they mean for your routine

>NSW, Victoria move to comprehensive shutdown of non-essential services amid coronavirus pandemic

>Western Australia, South Australia to close borders in response to coronavirus pandemic

>Government's $66 billion coronavirus stimulus package seeks to keep businesses afloat and workers employed

>Australia is easing superannuation access for those worst-hit by coronavirus. But can we afford it?

>Australians stranded in Peru asked to pay $10,000 for delayed emergency flight home


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fuck scomo

Threads are popular tonight lads, Sunday night boomerposting after dinner edition

Why do I live on this shithole

Reposting, im so scared bois the jew land lords gonna kick me out.

Okay boys, got sacked last week and i am fucking really confused about this job seeker payment.

I haven't been able to get a straight answer from anyone let alone centrelink but to be eligible for the payment you have to be earning under 1k per fortnight right?

And this is calculated on your own income or lack there of AND your partners (if you have one.)

My misses earns just over 800 gross or about 660 odd after tax per week. Does this make us Ineligible? Ive tried used the calc on centrelinks website and it says im eligible but by there written criteria i am not....

Fuck legit how can she be earning too much, she gets barely 40k a year and were already being fucked up by bills.

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Must be all the new NEETs from last week and today claiming their SCOMOBUX

A dingo ate my placenta


Flatten the curve and all that shit but a lot of people are absolute retards who don't understand basic hygiene and a 2 week propaganda campaign on all forms of media they will inevitably start consuming might be what it takes for them to cough into their fucking elbows.

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Thank you coronachan for keeping the immigrants out. I praise you

First for fuck chinks.

>The legacy of Kev lives on!

Scomo just said on ABC it will be illegal for your landlord to kick you out if you can't pay your rent.

Reply to this post if you lost your job this week

This is Serious, Mum.

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Reminder if you didn't prep your fucked

>clown world, also lol at pollies getting mad at people going to bondi

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second for fuck chinks

Queensland is a big state that doesn't have anywhere near the population or density of Southerners', outside of Brisbane (which is a big town) and the Gold Coast.

Lockdown is probably unnecessary.

Could you just say you got reduced hours?

ATO doesn't see payslip

Could be getting commissions, overtime, allowances as to getting the same pay.

Could claim the super

neet celebration threads lad
after watching faggots pulling their cocks over gubbament jobs and cushy uni positions its time to flex with a double cenno increase and 2 bonuses

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How long is this extra payment per fortnight for neets meant to last for?

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third for fuck chinks

where's the fucking nz general

Who else is comfy with their /SilverStack/?

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You ever actually been to QLD beyond the shit-stain that is Brisbane?

Third for fuck chinks

wtf guys i love scomo now
Nah but for real i actually think he is handling this pretty well. I don’t come here for politics only news and to shitpost, but i think he’s handling it pretty good. He speaks very well and seems to care. I feel for him cause he must be stressed out of his mind.

OK - I have 40k savings in the bank - no property though.

No debt. What the fuck do I do? HELP

suss my post last thread:

I didn't prep.
While people were fighting to buy TP, I didn't prep.
I'm ready to walk into empty shops and buy everything I want while normies are eating pasta and rice


Then lockdown the big cities.


They can't evict without going to court and courts closed for 6 months. Let boomer go bankrupt before you pay a dime. Also there are laws against having a database of "bad renters"

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i'm guessing as of right now 15% unemployment will turn to 50-60% as soon as this new start allowance is doubled. Who minimum wage here already thinking about quitting their job for $550 a week not risking your own and families health, lmao when it doubles the people quitting will be fucking huge, minimum wage jobs to be taken up by international students and curries/asns, RIP WHITE PEOPLE LOL

Seriously what the fuck is it going to take for a full time wagie like me to get some of my super out.

>tfw hiki neet
>tfw get paid double neetbux and life doesn't change a bit

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6 months

lol it's like 500km between cairns and townsville then another almost 400 to mackay

shit is spaced out, we will only get it probably from a trucky

I'm going to buy property in Ipswich

you’re not allowed. Sorry but you have to watch it get BTFO by the economy.
Asylum seekers and foreign visa holders are getting neetbux tho, so thank you for your service and tax dollars

What's for dinner?

Silver is crashing bro

Nations all over the world are banning evictions for reasons that are obvious to everybody on earth except the most stupid of landlords.

If they start pissing and whining, remind them that the *banks* are looking at halting mortgage payments.

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yeah it's fucking stupid, 2 weeks i was like why don't they just let super out then i read the news like oh shit yeah and bs requirements on it

Someone loses 7 hours a week and can get 10k out but full time without leave gets $0 out lol

I reckon he's got re-election in the bag. When there's a crisis like this, people just want a leader. As long as he doesn't completely fuck it up, his popularity will increase. Same with Trump.

Dont spend withdraw all, cash is going to fall fast invest in assets/ gold/ silver

Thanks fren.

Here is another one to stay ahead.

>Learn to fish if you're by the coast or near.
>Obtain a freezer or fridge for your vehicle.
>Get a bow and a few arrows (or make them if you're confident)
>buy a few chickens if you've got the space (for eggs)
>get a goat or lamb (to cut the grass)

>Deer would be a good game to hunt since they're an introduced pest. you're more likely to find them by the roadside and they have tracks they follow religiously.
>wallabies and kangaroos are plentiful, but stick to the aboriginal method and only kill the males if you can (results in more diverse gene pool also + more breeding)

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>I'm going to buy property in Ipswich
Are you actually retarded?

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>minimum wage jobs to be taken up by international students and curries/asns, RIP WHITE PEOPLE LOL

all those curries will be overseas students who will also be eligible for the newstart allowance

The gf

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You can’t.

if you quit its a 2 month waiting period, MINIMUM, most lilkely going to be much higher due to the processing times taking a shit load longer


>t. ex DHS contractor

>Buying property

Hahaha! Yeah good luck with that mortgage and imminent bubble collapse, bud.

He's not doing bad but he should push back more against the doomsayers.
We're killing our economy because 7 boomers on a cruise ship died for fuck's sake

You can't get centerlink if you quit your job recently for exactly this sort of reason.

The daily ride

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people buying tp were the warning sgns user, if you walked past and though "what idiots" it is you who is the idiot

I drive a commodore ute. I'll fit in - don't worry

The bf

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repost from old thread
time to quit uni and part time gig to get on newstart? its gonna give the same pay as my shitty supermarket job.
and what the fuck is gonna happen to inflation after all the handouts. is anyone even talking about this shit?

Sydney has almost double the population of Brisbane. So long as people maintain social distancing it probably isn't necessary

>boomers getting fucked the hardest by corona chan
yep i'm starting to think the chinks are based

Checked, and yeah he is a “wartime president” now. I actually think he’s done pretty good, the cruise ship saga was a cock up but that’s on the state gov (nsw). Federally he has done good and coordinated well with the states.
He’s been calm and kept the peace more or or less I think.
>inb4 lib shill

Seriously bro; gold or palladium, else you can blow me later.

Bitch please, that isn't the reason. The last few governments just despise the poor and working class, and think they should just work the one job for their whole lives.

>social distancing

Nobody follows this shit. People on public transport aren't going to leave 2 rows of seats between one another.

I'm not happy with how he's crashing the economy, but the other guys are worse. Sigh.

>But can we afford it?
Who can afford to swing a shovel 5 days a week to pay these cunts 10% of your earnings so they can sit around on computers taking it away in dribs and drabs everytime you loose your job due to uncertainty. Id rather the people who earnt it, have it. So they can use the money to start up sideline incomes, small businesses and their own investments etc. The only reason they get away with it is bvecause people are too dumb. How a revolt in the streets didnt happen when all the super disappeared years back ill never understand

not on a house lmao

who here /soletrader/

reminder to buy a spare pair of decent boots

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Yep do this, not only for the free coronabux but for your health too. Going to uni or work will increase your risk of exposure to coronachan

UBI would be way better than ceno at this point. So much money wasted on overheads. everyone with a tax file number should get 500$ a week no questions asked

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why though?
I'm not lacking anything. The shops are still fine now that restrictions are enforced.

>I would love to my thumb up her butt, if you get meaning kangaroobro.

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He fucked this up big time, should have closed the borders 2 months ago

Of course, it's inevitable that at least half of all Australians will catch it. What's important now isn't grindlocking everything but lightly applying the breaks and isolating the vulnerable.

thats what im saying dude, australians will quit these low paying jobs and then forced to give citisenship as leverage to the curries/asians to keep those minimum wage jobs going

me, gonna check cenno for gibs update tomorrow

Well...that too.

At least Pauline Hanson is happy the borders closed.

Silver and precious metals typically go insane in economic down turns, silver has dipped and is a buyers market, in my opinion certain people and institutions have dumped a huge amount of paper silver dropping the market, literally every online store is out of Silver, I think it will reach over $30aud/oz soon

This m8.
Time to vote with rope.

Economy is crashing around the world, there's nothing he can do about it.

PM is holding a press conference at 9PM, Canberra time.

Correct. But we're not going to do it with social distancing guidelines, you're going to have to close non essential workplaces.
We can do a shorter lockdown now, or a fucking huge one later.


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This. He tried his best to not BTFO us straight away by locking everything down. It was an impossible predicament

He could have told lefties and normies to fuck off when they kept asking for bondage, i.e. lock downs and shutdowns

Gonna start up a job recruiting centre and give insta- high intensity labour jobs to anyone who applies. Make a deal with ceno so that they direct people to me. When I give them a job they lose job seekers, going to work them to the bone hand digging roads and dams hahaaha

Fuc /neet/s

>They fucked this up big time, should have closed the borders 20 years ago

>gonna check cenno for gibs update

This is the most Australian post I've ever seen.

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Things are finally looking up for the wagie

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AFL got cancelled today, i'm spitting on the next chink I see

What then lmao

So 'non essential services' will be shut down by Tuesday night. I'd presume bottle-o's will be then? But probably the ones attached to a Coles, Aldi or Woolies will still be open..? Anyone know?

>hoarding silver
What does it taste like?
Raw or cooked over a wood fire when the power and gas go off?


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>Retard doesn't understand the concept behind throwing money at the people during a recession.
Did you learn nothing from Kevin Rudd? Were you even alive in '08?

Yes you are eligible for jobsearch, youll get a bonus payment if you get approved too. You also get an immediate payment from the gov if you've lost your job recently. You don't have to apply for it or be on centrelink to claim it, its automatic.

Your landlord faggots can't kick you out now thanks to corona aswell. You'll be right mate

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No way they'll close bottle shops, because you don't want alcoholics going through withdrawal in a healthcare crisis

Dont listen to them. Boomers years ago were paying 17% interest. Its currently 3 something, it is the perfect time to buy a house. To assume this panic is going to last is stupid, our system cant handle this current crisis for any longer than a couple of months. Everything will be back to normal soon

>I reckon he's got re-election in the bag
That depends. He's done a good job so far, however we're only in the first stage. 2nd stage is the recovery, which depends on America as well.

More China though luckily for ScoMo - as China is still going to be in a positive growth rate of 5% as opposed to America's economy contracting.

We'll have to piggyback this one

also where are the gibs for the fucking lower middle class of workers rEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Working 38 hours a week to get 1500 a fort night while doing mind breaking minimum wage work or $1100 to do whatever the fuck u want with free time... hmmm