/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2394 - CHINESE VIRUS EDITIONS

► Detected: 312,346 (+3,619) ► Died: 13,217 (+62)

~~~ Remaining to surpass H1N1: 5283 deaths ~~~

Virus hits Africa, Nigerians killed by chloroquine poisoning

Italy closes most factories, tightens lockdown even more

Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

Colombia to enter total lockdown, 49 million people

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Testicular damage

983,006 infected in Wuhan alone

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

US prepares for 4.8 million hospitalizations

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

UK expects up to 100,000 deaths

Denmark under lockdown, 5 million people


05:14: First death and 52 new cases in Colombia.
04:30: 53 new cases in Russia.
03:31: 109 new cases in Germany.
03:06: 585 new cases and 25 new deaths in New York state, United States.
02:54: 168 new cases and 3 new deaths in California, United States.
02:52: 67 new cases in Victoria, Australia.
02:48: 97 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 13,195
lol, still only 13,195.
How many days has it been stuck at 13,195? Four days? Five days?

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Look. Listen. I know why you choose to hold your little, ahem, "group therapy sessions" on video chat. I know why you're afraid to go out in public. The Batflu. See, the Batflu has shown the world your true colors, unfortunately. Italy? That's just the beginning. And as for the WHO's so called plan? Batflu has no jurisdiction. It’ll find them and make them cough. I know the immunocompromised when I see them and...

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>"please, shelter in place for 2 weeks"
>no one shelters in place
>keeps spreading
God damn it, humanity!

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Why won't they die already!

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imagine taking advice from an american, an american who doesn't read books

Assuming this even happened, the nigs probably ate it by the handful

so what the gary bot just reposts the current death count as the same for the past 5 days with the same copy pasta?

i dont understand

Whens the second impact?

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Fuck niggers
Fuck kikes
Fuck muslims
Fuck "europeans"
Fuck chinks of course
And most importantly, fuck America

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Right now.


This J vlogging girl has respiratory illness and is on antibiotics with coughing, she claims the medicine is not working. Now she proceeds to go outside on a tour in Tokyo stations, bars, cafes etc. without mask!

what is wrong with foreigners? why can't you stay inside? especially if you are suspected to have some kind of illness!


Well, at the very least all this shit might have finally made me quit smoking. Then again, I was never afraid of lung cancer killing me, so why should I give a shit about corona-chan taking me out? I guess I always figured death was still a decade away if I kept at it, rather than potentially next week.

Shops are reducing hours now and limiting the amount of shopping people can do. No more buying more than 2 bags of rice for example. I won't be surprised if they start asking to search bags, which would ruin my plans of shopping at one supermarket then walking to the other one just down the road. Restaurants and casinos have limits on the amount of people they can serve, plus customers have to sign a registry just in case they need to be traced/contacted over an infection spread. They're trying to talk people out of taking any domestic flights now. All people over 70 are advised to self isolate.
People are no longer looking at me like I'm a conspiracy nut if I try to talk about Corona-chan now. Surprisingly, even seeds are starting to go out of stock, thought that would be a few weeks away yet.
And the weird part is, after following this since mid January, I'm beginning to think that not much will happen. I guess I'm just getting burnt out and sick of it all while everyone else is only just beginning to freak out. Thanks for reading my blog, remember to upvote and subscribe to my onlyfans.

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Does anyone have the tweet mentioning that Muslims make a disproportionate number of cases in London?

Already happening in S.Korea
China soon

That's not a bot, that's Gary
You have to go back, faggot

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reminder not to respond to shills at this point
they activated in force yesterday again after a brief lull probably to get some talking points

In about 3-6 hours watch Europe news

Based and checked, give us hell corona-chan!

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>implying you'll convince burgers to give away their FREEDUMBS

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god corona chan is hot.. *coof coof*

Fugg you niggy

Wtf makes Japan so immune to corona-chan?

go on...

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>failing to notice that he is replying to a bot that posts this in every thread

Rare dog breeds, BTFO

wouldn't surprise me

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So from what I'm seeing they just...let your body fight off the virus...

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>Six patients were asymptomatic, 22 had upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and eight had lower respiratory tract infection symptoms.
>Twenty cases were treated in this study and showed a significant reduction of the viral
carriage at D6-post inclusion compared to controls, and much lower average carrying duration than reported of untreated patients in the literature. Azithromycin added to
hydroxychloroquine was significantly more efficient for virus elimination.
Doomers on suicide watch

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>nation of neets

Link the full report faggot it says 2 men not prescribed they bought it off black market and fucking overdosed now mass media and shill are going to spread it to try to stop trump from undermining the mass depopulation

Is your country preparing to impeach your government for this disaster and why the fuck aren't you doing it if not?

wtf bros, why did DRUMPF kill those poor Africans?

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>go to bed
>wake up
>check /cvg/
>cases go up by 10k

And we're just getting started.

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Japan has 3 times more deaths than Austria while having 1/3 of infections
Some immunity lmao

That's Gary. One of /cvg/ celebrities

same here in a flemish region where only the turkish community is disproportionately hit, they’re retarded though and keep having meet ups

nah they inject you with nanobots that kill the virus and make the host more powerful than before

were already on 5th impact

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ngl that Chinese dress is so fucking hot why isn't it more widespread?

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very bad here

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im wondering if i caught corona in california the last week of december, is there a test that can tell you if you already had it? started wtih super bad sore throat in my tonsils area, it felt like they were cut up, sore throat moved to lower throat, got a bit better then got worse, then started getting fatigue and body aches and coughing but never had runny nose or post nasal drip like i normally do when i catch a cold. felt like shit for while, then started having heavy chest and couldnt sleep lying down because short of breath. minor wet wheezing from bronchitis, then lots of deep chest hacking. shit sucked it took me like a month to feel back to normal

Doomers cannot comprehend how they larped for weeks & will now have to kill themselves to prove deaths will occur.

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"Oy vey! The goyim know. Time to run!"

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Chinese Batsoup Virus

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by my reckoning waves should be about 3-6 months apart, with the distribution centered around 4-ish
should be ramping up again in China iow, unless it has struck already

Yes, I too am upset at those foreigners, fellow Japanese.

They must have never gotten the bad strain, they will though if they host olympics...bound to be some nigger that wants a gold chain coughing all over the place.

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Remember burgers: Peelosi, Jewmer and the other commie ghouls just tried to ram taxpayer-funded abortion in the relief bill proposed by Trump. Amendment was rejected in the House and bill adopted (quite good seeing commies have the majority) going to Senate

Remind this to the next shill asking where is his money. Also remember if some of these commie ghouls will win in 2020 because you're unhappy with your 401k, they'll have a police state at ready all geared up to fuck you in all holes.

muslims make up a disproportionate number of the people who live in london so thats not really an informative stat

Nobody cares, you're not on reddit

>WHAAAAAAA, it's not over 10,000 hours in Paint

Has anyone done an RNAseq gene expression study on what happens to the victims' lungs after infection? I'd be OK if it were just lab mice as well.


Pic very much related.

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>2 people died last night from the flu! Better shut down every country!!!!!!!
God modern society is so fucking gay and retarded

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At 20.00 every good goy gouts to their window and claps for 10 minutes to sat thank you to our leaders.
Then there are no masks, or beds, or anything, but it doesn't matter.

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You didn't get the characteristic fever symptom.

They also harden in response to physical trauma

>waaaaah i have no arguments

I know someone from US where the only thing that they gave him was Tylenol. He's out now and recovering at home. That's it.

>Trump responsible for mass murder of niggers and low IQ subhumans.
How is this a bad thing

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They'll sing a different tune in a couple of months when being forced inside their homes will start causing mental breakdowns everywhere.

You already killed 13k people Chang
Also it will be hilarious to watch secondary deaths rise not from the virus but from the snake oil you're peddling

Good news is the Chinese Virus is now in Africa at least.

smelling other men farts must be addictive

Liquidation of assets

Just got off the phone with my mom and stepdad, spoke about the virus.

Stepdad just said he's getting sick of this virus and that it's a nigger problem, then said goodbyes.

Not reporting the cases so they can have their olympics. What's the point even if no one will come anyway.

>ramping back up
Are you dumb enough to think it ever stopped?

im not sure, i felt like i might have had a slight fever bcause i felt some chills on day 1 or 2, i cant remember now. unfortunately i never had a thermoemeter so couldnt check. if i had a fever it must have been low because i didnt get sweating or anything

You want a bunch of newfags wasting space by responding to Gary?

For what? What are you expecting to be up or downregulated? It would require a biopsy, which isn't trivial, especially for someone recovering from illness.

You just cannot accept the treatment is there & the beer flu is already defeated. But by all means, go out & find an infected person & make sure to add to the numbers before we all laugh at you retards

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Simple bedrest

Yesterday Japanese user claimed there were children playing outside and their hospitals weren't full

You already predicted hundreds of thousands dead by now. But 2 more weeks amirite?


>Jet rescue
>rich people getting Trauma Team'd


Tangina niyan. Nakakatakot.

From what I read from different sources, yes. The healthcare system is crumbling so unless you have difficulty breathing and need to be placed in an emergency room, you're on your own at home with some medicine. They mostly even refuse to test.

LMAO, South Africa and West US in it to win it!

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AUD is sinking against all though

>no arguments to address the statement

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Impeach Trump for his handling of the Covid-19.

it never stops of course, it's just firmware, molecular machinery ticking away
but if you zoom out to the level of the entire population you can see waves of infection propagating, like light rain striking the surface of a pool

Safe haven, US has a big military that can enforce the value of its currency.


pretty much

What medicine? They just gave someone I know Tylenol to scrape off the pain.

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