Jfg B T F O by big Stef

>SM: "I get it so you would "act as an animal" in the same way a rapist would act as an animal and neither of you would be right or wrong, the rapist would just try to achieve his goal and you would be trying to achieve your goal, you would not be any better [morally] than the rapist you would be acting on the same impulses, right?"
>JFG: Exactly, my moral preferences are subjective
>SM: Ok so... If you saw a man raping a child you would also be no better than the child rapist
>JFG: Same thing for children, the moral problem is still the same
>SM: What about having sex with mentally challenged people?


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If only Napoleon didn't die.

why do these (alt)right-wing cultural e celebs turn out to be even worse degenerates that leftists?

I'm glad Stefan has finally uploaded something interesting.

This has been a rough couple of days for alt right ecelebs. Striker got completely demolished by Destiny in the most embarrassing performance I've seen in a long time and now Jf was made to look like an absolute idiot in front of Stef. Who is next in the chopping block?

Universal morals do not exists.
If those morals existed, then there would be no crime... or niggers.
Stefan and egalitarians are retards that cannot get past their delusions.

Religion exists because morals exist, but low IQ people can not comprehend reality well enough to see why morals are there for a reason.

What ever happened to MAMA JF?
They all suck: JF, MJF and SM.

More like Molymeme destroyed by Quantum Physics and Relativity.
It was over when he said you can't include physics in real life.
Universally preferable behaviour should be universal.

You can see Stephan furiously googling while JF is talking.

you have to admit it was funny hearing STEF destroy JFG with that mentally ill comment. JFG married a literal autistic woman.

>Universal morals do not exists.
>If those morals existed, then there would be no crime... or niggers.
>Stefan and egalitarians are retards that cannot get past their delusions.
How the fuck is the existence of evil proof of the nonexistence of moral standards?

Subjective morality doesn't even mean anything, you lose all sense of the word when you use it like that. Like when people say "it's MY truth", it's just nonsensical. You don't have subjective morality, you just lack morality.

JF was/is funded by Jeffery Epstein. Look it up.




His arguments about UPB is null and void. In China they eat dogs and cats, universally preferred because they've lived through hell and had to adapt to survive by eating everything. They even torture animals before slaughtering them, completely the opposite how we do here. Or how middle east cultures fuck goats and sheep, UPB. Or how SJWs in the west accept degeneracy and multiculturalism. Basically JF was right, it's relative. Moly is an retard. And what happens some of it is heavily contested by the society 50%vs 50%, democracy? What about manufacturing consent and ability to brainwash people into believing something they didn't before, relative af.

Universal morals do not exist.
Even so called "moral people" become amoral or moral relativists very quickly, especially when it comes to their behavior/ morals regarding corporations, governments, etc things they steal from and use as a proxy to steal from others. Most people rationalize their moral relativism, as to why they are really not "bad people" for stealing or lying or whatever they would generally consider mortally wrong in some situations. Females are very good at being amoral creatures, because they can rationalize anything as their entitlement.
BTW, there are lots of high IQ sociopaths.

Religions exist for many reasons you pleb
Christianity exist to equalize the weak
The same couldnt be said of the spartians and their own belief system

>JFG married a literal autistic woman
Autistic women are probably the closest thing to a NAWALT. Most of them lack the feelings driven impassivity see in lower level animals, like niggers.

It's universally preferable behaviour, not prefered, you brainlet. It's impressive how little effort you put into this rebuttal, you probably won't even get the point of this differentiation.

Dont discriminate against this board

seems like you need to have sex.

It's a same thing, lmao. Talking about brainlets.

Post timestamp or fuck off nigger

Your ass being fuckable is the same as it being fucked?

That's the exact same argument post modernists make, and to an extent, they're right in that EVERYTHING is relative. But that's useless information that makes it so everything loses any meaning in comparison to eachother. Our agreed upon goal in society is backed by a morality that, atleast we believe, was given to us by god, to ensure a proper society that allows us to live a good life. Of course since people have taken on a "morality is just subjective" position that agreed upon pact has slowly been dissolved, and the result of that is people such as jf who think watching someone rape his daughter is morally ambiguous.

you're the brainlet lol. you good man?

For something to be universal, then it must be universal (aka seen in everything in that universe of things).
A universal moral would be accepted by everyone, thus would not be broken.
Most people are amoral hypocritical animals, who do what they can get away with doing. They also whine about others doing unto them as they do unto others.

It's universally fucked in his country so to him it's a meaningless distinction, I suppose.

if your daughter is being raped, it is wrong. that is not morally ambiguous.

Autistic women deserve to have a husband to provide for them and care for them just as much as any other woman.

It's not. Learn English.

Females are the garbage of humanity. Females are no better than useless parasitic niggers and thieving lying kikes.

What does Molymeme base his morality on? Is he one of the pseudo-religious jewtubers who isn't actually religious but pays lip service to it like Jordan Peterson?

God is the only this which makes this definitive as it changes this equation by offering the guide book to moral standards. But it's irrelevant to the point. Might as well point out other religions which preach different set of rules which contest each other.

If only Hadrian finished the job.

> A universal moral would be accepted by everyone
> A universal mathematics would be understood by everyone
> A universal physics would be accepted by everyone
Eating paint chips would probably be a better use of your time.

Failing to follow objective morals doesn't mean objective morals don't exist.

What behavior ?
Forgiveness is ressentiment. Men need to be warlike.
Very subjective yes.
I believe we should have public torture for unwanted criminals, not even to punish them but to forge the minds of the people attending, to sharpen their sense of justice and the respect of the authority.

Ive never seen destiny demolish anyone.

If you're bike cuck, it's not morally wrong.
It fundamentally is morally ambiguous.
He dipped his toe in Christianity but his believe in the NAP is stronger than his faith in Jesus and his commandments.

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how are one set of behaviors more preferable than the other?

this is the basic question that moly meme keeps falling over himself not to answer because he knows he can't, so every time JF starts to present an example where the case is contrary moly keeps crying foul and saying it doesn't count.

They're both retards. Stop worshipping ecelebs you can find giving sermons on public transport.

God that J guy's English is worse than my own

It only applies to certain things like rape and murder. UPB applies to rape because the person getting raped doesn't want to get raped by definition. Therefore rape can never be part of UPB. It absolutely can be broken, UPB doesn't imply removing free will. Your criticism is invalid.

Preferable or preferred, same fucking thing. If something is preferable by some group of people, it's preferred by them. Moly should rephrase it into "Stephan's preferred behavior".


Post timestamp nigger

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Me neither. That was the first time.

There is no such thing as "preferable by some group of people".

Yes moral standards must come, or must atleast be believed to come from a higher power. We can then judge that morality and how much of it is based on truth by looking at the results of it's actions. The problem I have with saying morality is subjective is that it implies that the results are inherently neither good nor bad as an overarching truth for any society.

Retard fucker vs Cancer Midwit

duel of the century

i wonder if we could create new wrolds?

Post time stamp. I'm not watch 2 hours of this

There is.

It's like 1h40 or something

the wonderful thing about tiggers is I'm the only one!

When did he get fat?

>demolished by Destiny
Destiny can't even beat his own dick.

>how are one set of behaviors more preferable than the other?

Well if one society kills it's children and the other doesn't, one society lives on and the other doesn't. Is one not preferable?

Yeah, actions have consequences. It depends of the public opinion about those actions though.

this nigger didn't even include a timestamp and expects others to scroll through nearly 2 hours of midwit bullshit to find one retard joke

Striker doesn't prep and gets hot air blown up his ass by sycophants - lazy

Destiny preps and has a team of people researching and feeding him info live during debate

Striker is one of the brightest minds in the alt right. I still can't believe Destiny walked all over him like this. At least he was kind of solid on the JQ but I didn't watch it to the end.

When we say something is "preferable", we mean to say that either it has some quality that causes people to prefer it to something else, or that would cause them to prefer it if they understood that it was there. When you say something like "preferable by a group of people" you collapse both meanings into one, enabling your retarded equivocation between preferable or preferred.

Preferable means it would or should be preferred. Preferable is subjective concept, which means it is not universal. Preferred is pass tense.
Your preferable and my preferable are not the same.
As a business student, I took classes on decision making and preference selection. It is remarkably easy to get someone to switch preferences and change their decisions for products/ behavior depending on how it is framed/ presented.

Being a drunk a drug addict or a sex addict is going to have consequences regardless of public opinion.
Look at the absolute state of western femoids for examples

If those actions that are deemed morally good help society thrive as well as the individuals, then who gives a shit if they approve of them or not, it's irrelevant, they cause good for society anyway. Similar to how if actions were deemed morally bad, but helped society thrive in ways of happiness and fulfilment, it becomes irrelevant of their opinion of if those morals are good or bad.

Imagine if WWII had a different outcome.

We would only discuss how our healthy beautiful and intelligent white youth would reach the stars.

Instead we are talking about the moral implications of child rape.

Are we living in a simulation ?

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>Well if one society kills it's children and the other doesn't, one society lives on and the other doesn't. Is one not preferable?
societies do kill their children (we do it now) but we also want to keep some alive. so keeping children alive isn't universal, nor is it preferable.

Improve your reading comprehension and stop being a lying piece of shit.

I love how the argument has devolved to word definitions.
Also, checked.

Moral standards come from genetics so they are not universal.

A Congolese has not the same conception of White and wrong of a Swede regardless of education.

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But the consequences of that is a lower birthrate, and if kept up, generation after generation, there are no more people. Like by default, keeping children alive shoukd be preferable. Because if killing children becomes more preferable than keeping them alive, there's no more future.

Well, preferable still needs a point of reference. By whom? It's relative. I do believe there are set of highest rules, as I do believe there are moral standards we all wish we were able to adhere to, but environment and circumstances are able to diminish those standards. This is the way of this fallen world according to bible.

>Universal morals do not exists.
Sure there sonny.

There's a reason why we don't apply moral standards to other animals, user. Those that can't grasp moral standards are free from having them.

who gives a fuck what this tard fucking hamboy thinks???

>Failing to follow objective morals
You cannot even get everyone to agree on what an "objective moral" would be. Most people are hypocritical moral relativists. For example, they think stealing from their employer or a large corporation is OK, because they rationalize it. Most people thing stealing from one group and redistributing the wealth stolen is OK, if the government (majority) does it.
Most women see no moral problem with willfully and knowingly killing their unborn child, but if someone else kills the child through accident, then it is manslaughter. One act was intentional (abortion), but the other act was an accident; however, the accident is punished.
Hell, Moly cannot even get people to agree not to hit their children, as being preferable. Some people say it is good for discipline... others say it should be used as a last resort... others say it should never be used.

>moral standards
The objective standard is the law of reciprocity.
The conflict arises because sadomasochists also follow this law.